MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 68 Sixty-eighth Raiders:

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After going offline at 12 o'clock that night, Lu Jianyan was like Cinderella who had lost the magic buff blessing. For nearly a month, she never went online or appeared in front of the prince.

However, this time, the medicine prince did not need to go from house to house to find his favorite princess with crystal shoes, because he knew exactly where his princess had gone.

Lu Jianyan went to a branch in Europe on a business trip and did not take the medicine without a problem. Not because the time was too late, but Lu Jianyan was afraid that he was too busy to take care of the medicine, and forced him to wait at home obediently, so he brought a large ticket such as special assistance, secretary, and the most elite team of lawyers. People, in a private jet, travelled across the sea to Europe to resolve a lawsuit dispute over antitrust.

On the other hand, there is no mandatory requirement that the person in charge must attend in person, and it is also possible to entrust it to the lawyers group, but it is clear that if such a cold case is really not brought to the jury that is biased against the big group Feel good.

In order to win the lawsuit, at the end, Lu Jianyan chose to sit in town.

"Monopoly? I remember that Wu County Lu's energy is the main source? How can energy monopolize?" When Lu Jianyan was packing, she was a visitor's building and was confused.

"It is a lawsuit of Hanoi Lu's." Today Lu's International is the marriage of Erlu and Lu, but the business scope of the two is very different.

Wu Junlu has always been in the energy business. In ancient times, he engaged in winemaking, mining rare minerals, and cooperated with the state as a salt merchant. After modern times, he began to transform and start new energy. Today, the Lu family is already the kind of oligarch capable of sitting at the same negotiating table with the big names in the world. It has close ties with the country and has a unique background.

The business development of inland Hanoi is more complicated. From real estate, to the Internet, to car manufacturing, there are all involved. Anyway, it is what you do to make money. The stalls are very large, so the problems that are unfolding are diverse.

At present, the most troublesome is the suspension vehicle technology jointly developed by Sister Lu and Prince. Wang's black technology tree is lit up one after another, and the phenomenal global sales of suspended mobile phones and holographic cabins are even more eye-catching. But government involvement is a game between nations, and other foreign groups can no longer do things with enthusiasm and can only start from other aspects. The suspension car that has not been on the market but has been shown as a concept car has become the target of criticism.

Just like Wei Xsoft was also an anti-monopoly lawsuit. In the past, only the Lujia and Wangjia mastered the suspended car technology. It has also been advertised on various names. All forces have put pressure together and want to force The two kings of Songlu made appropriate technical exchanges.

But it is clear that the two kings of Lu will not give up this piece of cake that has already reached their mouths.

In fact, this protracted lawsuit has been underway since the concept car was launched. At first, it was a small dispute over property rights. Later, it gradually started to escalate, and all equality and monopolies swarmed up.

At the beginning of the Lujia's auto industry was a direct acquisition of a well-known European high-end brand. Even if it was acquired, it has always been silently a European car. Therefore, the lawsuit eventually reached the EU's Supreme Court.

This lawsuit was actually followed by Sister Lu and her team. After all, Sister Lu was the heir to Hanoi. But at a critical juncture, Sister Lu also had a major project that she had been working on for a few years in China. A person in an important position said that she would resign after resigning. She would go to work for compensation for breach of contract, and no bonuses ... Playing games.

Yes, the reason for his resignation was because his work delayed him from playing games.

When Sister Lu saw the resignation report submitted by the personnel, the whole person was aggressive, sitting on the black boss chair, almost guilty of stomach trouble.

In the end, when Sister Lu calmed down, in order to maintain the stability of the team, she could only let go chicly, and sincerely wished the other party to show their ambitions in the game and achieve their original intention.

The absence of this person should not affect the overall situation, but sometimes, it is just such an inch, just like a butterfly fluttering in a subtropical rainforest in South America, but it may cause a tornado in a certain state in a few weeks. The butterfly effect is so terrible. The entire project team has now been turned over by a series of chain reactions. The deputy leader of the group has not dared to close his eyes for three days. Sister Lu also had a lack of skills, so she asked her brother to close the last month of the lawsuit.

Lu Jianyan naturally agreed, and immediately packed up and flew to Europe. Coupled with the work of Wu Junlu in China, Lu Jianyan is not busy day and night, just like a spinning top. In some cases, he even eats lunch at the same time as work, and he has to work overtime late at night. Basically, he lives and works in the company. He has no time to think about a few games.

Everyone has a different way of living for each person. For some people, the life of the two dimensions is more important than the three dimensions, but for some people-like Lu Jianyan-it is definitely more important.

The second dimension is just entertainment, and the third dimension is a livelihood plan that involves so many mouths of the Lu Group.

Do n’t dare to say how many people Erlu has solved for the country ’s employment pressure, but at least one of the reasons why Lu ’s sisters and brothers worked so hard was the education they received from their parents when they were young: You will not only inherit the family group, There are employees in the group who are relying on you, even the families behind them.

Behind every decision, it is possible to maintain the future and happiness of countless people. Sloppy and never allow mistakes, not once!

This sense of responsibility is very heavy, but it is also the motivation of Lu Jia's sister and brother Gan Zhiru to be willing to move forward.

When Lu Jianyan finally frees up to take care of his game account, it is already golden September. Lu Jianyan flew back from Europe to City B with a good mood of tiredness and winning the lawsuit. At this time the peak of school starts across the country, but the weather was still so hot. As if God forgot to turn off the heater, he was proud and indulgent blowing all day long.

Everyone is upset with their hearts and can only solve their petulant temper in the game.

No, it is no longer a "little" mood, but a violent temper.

Everyone wants to stage the whole martial arts at any time. This is Lu Jianyan's deepest emotion when logging in to the game. The game development team is very irritable, and the players are also very irritable, but there are still so many people online every day, and the more you play, the more addictive it feels. A group of people who are stuck at level 40 can only be killed and killed as if they were pecking each other.

From August 8th, there are now more than 20 days for a few, almost a month. Lu Jianyan couldn't help wondering why the progression was so slow.

Even the first [Thousands of Miles Without Staying] was stuck. To be precise, she is no longer the first. The first is to kill everyone's teeth one day, which is Brother Lu. Only him, the 45th great consummation.

Then, Brother Lu's level never moved, it seemed to be stuck.

But only Lu Jianyan knew that the former king was destined to be stuck at level 45 for some time, because he ... school was over.

When Lu Jianyan got off the plane, it was the younger brother Lu who came to pick him up. After sending Lu Jianyan home, he said by the way that he would take his kiss away. When he learned that he had lived in the house next door, and lived with his daughter who was only three months old, Lu's brother also had a big temper with Lu Jianyan in private. This kid has been such an annoying energy since he was a kid, he has been in a hurry.

——It is really cute to be cute, but it is also really hated to hate it.

"I don't care, you promised me that you would take care of your dear!" Lu Jianhan hugged his gray folded ears, as if his dear had been wronged by Tianda. But at present, his relatives should be more disgusted with him, keep pushing his hind legs in his arms. Lu Jianyan Hao Yan also learned from the assistant lady before, knowing that the rabbit's hind legs represent anger.

To tell the truth, whoever has a big master who is so powerful, isn't angry.

Lu Jianyan meditated in his heart, "He is your brother, you can't kill him", while trying to forgive his silly bubbling brother: "I have been in Europe for twenty days before, you know the check-in of pet flights How much harm can pets cause? "

"What about July? You don't count!"

"Sorry." This is indeed Lu Jianyan's pot. If you agree, you must do it. If you fail to do so, don't agree. The gentleman promises, this is the precious wealth that grandfather Lu taught to a few children when he was alive.

Lu Jian was unkind, and his whole body was full of unhappiness.

"What do you want, I'll buy it for you, okay?" Lu Jianyan was in a loss, naturally not as frightening as he used to scare his brother.

"This is not a question of money or what I want!" Brother Lu still refused to budge.

"So what does this matter? You say, I listen. If it was really my fault, I would definitely apologize." Lu Jianyan wanted to be calm and reason with his brother. He knew that his brother was lame and mad, and it was certainly not just a rabbit or a promise. As a puppet, Lu Jianchan seemed to be missing a string by nature, a string called "Thoughtfulness and Politeness".

"I didn't want you to apologize!" Brother Brother Lu's anxious eyes were all red, and his face, which was so similar to Lu Jianyan, was full of impatience because he didn't express his meaning clearly.

After all, Lu Jianyan was distressed by his younger brother. He could only pull Lu Jianchan ’s hand, wipe the sweat from his forehead a little, and calm his brother ’s heart. Don't worry. I'm listening to anything that upsets you. "

Xiao Tu, who was held in his arms by Lu Jianchan, also calmed down, clinging to the neck of his silly master, fulfilling the responsibility of a pet.

"You don't live at home when you are back. You live with others. You go to school to see that I also take someone else. I came to see you and the other person is there. You still play with others without me, you ..." Brother Lu gave countless examples, and the more he talked about it, the more he was almost drowned by his own saliva, as awkward as a child.

Really a spoiled child who grows up.

"You, you, anyway, I just know that you don't raise relatives, but also because others don't like it ?!"

Brother Lu had sent the big label bia, "You're more serious than light brother" to Lu Jianyan's face. In short, this hidden brother is not particularly obvious. He hates having more people in his brother's mind than him.

The "other people" in Brother Lu's mouth didn't do what he thought, it might just be that there was no cure.

Lu Jianyan suddenly felt that his head was big.

"Anyone else is more important than me, right ?!" His Majesty said, Lu Jiancang ran away with the rabbit. He had already obtained his driver's license, and he was driving fast. He did not wait for Lu Jianyan to chase out. , As soon as it slipped away, there was no shadow.

In some cases, Lu Jianyan always felt that his mother had not given him a brother, but a sensitive girl.

Then, on the way back, Sister Lu regretted it, and secretly sent a secret WeChat to her brother, which was self-examination and apology.

Make people laugh and cry.

This is Lu Mei. She has more temper than anyone else and recognizes her faster than anyone else. Still, when I hate it, I really hate it, and when I am cute, it is really cute.

Brother Lu finally sued Yaoyao at last: [He threatened me! He is not a good person! 】

For a child like Brother Lu who has never grown up, who is good to him is a good person, and who is bad to him is a bad person. He snatched his elder brother again, and was harmless to threaten him. This is undoubtedly the worst villain in the world in Brother Lu's heart. There is no big villain that can be more terrible than insecurity. He hoped that his brother would return to shore soon and see the true face of medicine.

Lu Jianyan: ...

[I let the medicine go to your house to find you home with my parents. Lu Jianyan felt that this had to be explained clearly. If Yao Wushang really wanted to deal with his brother Lu, with his unrequited character, it would not be as simple as reading the works during the second illness. Lu Jianchan knew nothing about the truly terrible side of medicine.

Lu Jianyan felt that the medicine was treated well without any problems.

【you! actually! Stand by his side! ] Brother Lu was angry again.

The two brothers who have been together for a long time, and the brothers who have been together for a long time, finally quarreled three times this night, from face-to-face, to WeChat, and then to their parents and elder sisters.

In the end it was somehow reconciled, there was no reason, just because they were brothers.

Yao Wusang saw the performance of Brother Lu and heard those words that he shouted. From the beginning to the end, he showed no stance. Just stayed so calm, as if he never appeared in this home.

When Lu Jianyan turned around and awakened by accident at night, he found that the existence that made him feel comfortable was not with him.

Yes, cough. Since the last day of testing, Lu Jianyan and Yaowu have moved to live together. The water bed is very large, not to mention two people, five people are all right. But they like to be squeezed in the middle, hugging each other, like holding the last warmth. Sometimes Lu Jianyan feels lonely for no reason. He enjoys this loneliness, but he feels that it is good to have someone to accompany him when the relationship has not been here for a long time.

Every way of life has its meaning, and it is worthy of respect. There is no more noble way of living, which way must be degraded. Being single has the benefits of being single. Finding someone to accompany is fun.

Lu Jianyan got up and went downstairs. In the living room staggered with dark shadows and cold moonlight, he found that the medicine was safe. His white hair was always so conspicuous in the moonlight. Medicine Satisfaction sat on the sofa in such a silent way, eyes blinded, and did not know what he was thinking, but the silhouette was like a work of art.

He had a delicate face, with sharp edges and corners, and his slightly dangling eyes revealed sadness beyond description.

Lu Jianyan and sister Lu had a similar desire to protect, and instantly filled his heart. He stepped forward and hugged the medicine from behind. He didn't ask why he would sit here alone, but just held his cold hand and wanted him to take care of himself.

"I'm not deliberately pretending to be pitiful ..." Yao Wu said innocently.

"I know." Lu Jianyan stroked the medicine-free hand little by little.

"You and your brother are the same family, but I just hate him. I'm sick, I know, I can't control myself." Medicine Wushang spread this well-known thing to everyone. "I'll cause you a lot of trouble. I realized long ago, but I still can't help but want to be close to you. I even want to be with you even knowing that I'm so selfish."

Because really, really like it.

That is Yan Yan, unique Yan Yan.

There are always people who think they have to find a reason for likes and loves, and think that they should be long-lasting and warm-hearted in order to be regarded as true likes and true loves. There is no reason and no justification for things like medicine. No, he also has some grounds, he is sick. Since birth, Malkavian has been a sharp blade hanging on the head of Yaowu. Whether he likes it or hates it, everyone feels that he is only controlled by his illness.

But he is human, he can think, judge, have his own preferences and disgust, why can't he like the love at first sight? Why is the unusual and violent relationship abnormal?

After thinking about the medicine without thinking about it, I still can't understand it. Everyone thinks he is strange, and he thinks everyone is strange.

Like a person, it should be as simple as breathing. Sometimes there is no reason. When you see it, you like it. He didn't know how to define this liking, but only knew to follow instincts, and did not want to leave.

"I'm giving trouble to your brothers, right? But I don't want to give in at all. It's a bit of a whim, but I still have to say, that's what I think. I know I'm giving you trouble It will be troublesome in the future, and I will never give in! Even if you leave, I will find you, even if you no longer live with me, I will move to your next door, your opposite door, I do n’t care It ’s going to fill your world! You do n’t want to kick me out! ”

To be honest, the medicine that is said to be harmless is a bit scary, just like a desperate gambler. He has nothing, so he opens himself up and is not afraid.

Lu Jianyan looked at the medicine without any problems, and the stubborn ones didn't want to look away first.

They saw each other's reflections in each other's eyes, and they saw their entire world. What is the relationship between them? They want to dig into each other, but they are afraid to dig into it. They all feel that they are selfish, they are playing rogue, and they really do not want to let go. In my life, there will probably be only one such shameless experience.

As for the end result of persistence ... who knows, they only know that if they don't persist, there is really nothing.

The closer and closer the two faces were, the closer and closer they were, in the room where the heat was flowing, until the foreheads touched, and the tips of their noses closed. Breathing the familiar atmosphere of the other person, from light to heavy, and thick to light, like a roller coaster.

In the end, Lu Jianyan said, "If it wasn't for your good looks, I would definitely kill you."

But who makes the medicine safe and sound is good.

"I'll have a good talk with Chi Chi," Lu Jianyan whispered quietly after the two returned to bed and embraced each other. "But please change a little, everyone, let's work together, ok?"

"Okay!" The answer to Wushangwu was very happy and satisfied. As if the painful and fragile he was just now, he was just in the mirror, making people wonder if everything just just was a careful machine that he carefully designed again. In fact, even the drug-free patient himself couldn't figure out what he thought at the time.

In short, the result is good, just fine.

Then Lu Jianyan finally returned to the long-distance continent. I have to say that holographic online games are really addictive. Like the second world, or the second life, everything can be restarted, and everything seems to be not messed up again.

Countries have had to promulgate relevant anti-addiction regulations urgently just one month later. Of course, minors are prevented, and adults are no longer among them.

Theoretically, without the children starting school, the number of games should be reduced. But this is the magic and charm of holographic online games, and the number is increasing instead, because children's parents also start playing games. This is destined to become a new trend sweeping across country C and the world. It is like a train that cannot be stopped at the beginning. It vigorously passes the platform, but does not stop for anyone.

Lu Jianyan and the studios that often team up and play games together have also become masters in many populations. For a period of legend, there are always people who want to get close, but no one can really integrate.

After going online, Lu Jianyan found that he had already left his only familiar Taixue, and worshipped under the name of a martial artist named "Zai Wang Xin Zhai" which he had never heard of before, and took off his robe and sleeve The deep suit was changed into an ancient dress that was embroidered with fire cloud patterns and red and white. Both sleeves were tied tightly on the wrists with straps, which was very convenient for fighting. But I wore a red umbrella in Phnom Penh ...

Looking at the task list, Lu Jianyan knew that he was now living in the broken leaves of the Central Plains, the birthplace of the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai.

While waiting for Lu Jianyan to figure out why he was here, the others went online. Lou did not need to go online. He spent almost a day—except for playing with his daughter—in the game. He did n’t know where he ran before, and finally came slowly to ride a dark horse to join the meeting.

Brother Jiang also got his own number, and the progress of the level is not slower than everyone else. He introduced the current situation to Lu Jianyan: "Here is a copy of level 40. It is said that the key to upgrading to level 41 is to find Shixian Li Bai in addition to experience. Li Bai's birthplace There will be clues as to where he is now. "

In this life of Shixian Libai, there are hardly any places where I have lived for a long time, and the one that is alive has moved more than two hundred places. Some cities lived back and forth, while others were tourism. They really traveled through the great mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Combining this history, the game deliberately designed Li Bai, an NPC that has no place to stay, and the whole map scatters around, and set Li Bai as a key character to upgrade.

It's interesting, but it's also very difficult, because Li Taibai in the game loves to run more than the one in history, and faithfully implements "life in motion" into each of his cells. Even if you know where he is, you may not be able to talk to him, because he is likely to leave the next moment.

Lu Jianyan: "..."

How do you play this?

Lu Jianyan, who had no problem with the medicine, suspected that the game team was also a little hard to ride. Because of the rapid upgrade of [Thousands of Miles Without Staying], many people have guessed whether the game team has leaked the key upgrade methods. The game team had to urgently modify the code and released a second set of solutions, which had been stopped for maintenance for one night. As a result, the prepared planB was too difficult, causing the player to struggle to level up, including [Thousands of miles not staying] that seemed to suddenly lose his ability to predict.

The only Lu Jiancang who passed by was also confused, and he couldn't say exactly how he lived.

The game is not easy to change, and can only stand still.