MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 69 Sixty-ninth attack:

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"Jianghu online" This game is a typical five-card card. Players will receive a story mission every five levels. Only after the story mission can you upgrade, otherwise the experience of cutting more monsters is useless. Because "Jianghu Online" raised the difficulty of plot missions, it has recently gained the nickname [Dad] on the game forum. This father has a weird temperament and a lot of trouble. Most of the time, if he wants to get rid of it, he can't just rely on force, but also mind ... or luck.

The younger brother Lu's style of brainless killing when he sees the level of equivalence, when he is in a good mood and yells and yells when he is in a bad mood, is able to pass the plot task, obviously belongs to the latter.

Although Lu Jianyan didn't know when his brother was so lucky, but he knew he was not a type that could rely on luck, so he was like most players, and he honestly analyzed the various game mission tips. Clues, as well as failed attempts posted by players on the forum.

This time, Shixian is really hard to find. The difficulty is at least hell.

First of all, Li Bai's movements in counties and counties on the map are irregular. Even if there is a rule, it should be a very complicated substitution formula, which is difficult to completely crack in a short time;

Secondly, Li Bai's large AI IQ is very high, at least higher than ordinary people, has great mobility, and is rarely fooled;

In the end, Li Bai greatly has the option.

This means that you may not be able to find him, and if you find him, you may run, even if you do n’t run, you may refuse to let you pass the task because you don't look at you.

A plot boss is willful to this extent, and as soon as he is online, players get passionate ... Tucao. When nobody was able to upgrade at first, some even thought that Li Bai was a big bug and couldn't get over it. I seriously suspected that this NPC was played by someone, and I didn't believe that AI could be so difficult.

Later, Brother Lu passed, and everyone couldn't stop talking.

Later, Lu Jianyan returned to China and went online.

Lu Jianyan did not have all the groundwork for the previous, it was easy to get out of the frame, and produced a bold guess-whether the task of over 40 is not necessarily Li Bai.

He is saying that the story mission of 40 is like this: find a certain famous historical figure and get his or her approval, so that we can continue to break through the rivers and lakes.

Undoubtedly, Li Bai fits this condition very well. But there are many other historical celebrities in the game that also meet this condition. In fact, this condition is obviously very broad, as long as the popularity is high, it is OK, just like Li Bai's senior fan brother Du Fu is also very suitable.

Everyone is now pointing to Li Bai in a swarm, just because [kill one day] is like this. But this is actually an example, not the only criterion.

However, without a 100% certainty, Lu Jianyan would not open this mouth at will. He opened the game forum on the virtual screen and tried to search for Du Fu's name.

Sure enough, thinking of "Is it possible that other celebrities can also" is not only Lu Jianyan, but also some players try to walk away from the front of the sword and find other NPCs to try, Du Fu is mostly the first choice. It doesn't make much sense, just referring to Li Bai, subconsciously think of Du Fu. Moreover, Du Fu is from Beijing Zhaozhao Du Family. Generally, if he is fine, he will stay in his hometown Gongyi honestly, especially easy to find, and easy to speak.

However, Du Fu is indeed a man who always loves to hang his male **** Li Bai in his mouth. No matter who looks for him, he will say that he only believes in the vision of Brother Taibai. ?

In short, Du Fu greatly counseled.

Almost all other poets in the Tang Dynasty also had this attitude.

With this past, players have inferred that the difficult Li Bai is the cinnabar mole necessary to pass.

Coincidentally, after Brother Lu passed the level of Li Bai, the broken leaves of Li Bai's birthplace appeared in a 40-level copy, and there was a clue of Li Bai's position at the moment in the customs reward. The players are almost emotional, and think that this is probably the game team has reduced the difficulty, with broken leaves as the goal, one after another.

The result was once again a **** pit.

Because the customs reward such things that rely on luck, the drop rate is very magical. If you are lucky, you can get clues. If you are unlucky, cough, then everything may fall, including the red silk suspected to be worn by Li Bai as a child. Belly pockets, golden locks worn, or something, I really can't think of Li Bai, who had dreamed of taking the sword to the end of the world, also had the experience of cos.

Some people also have a whimsy, tried to use these things to attract Li Bai, but useless. Sometimes Li Bai will be furious after seeing these things. A set of drunken punches will knock you down. If you can fight, you will simply drop the grade. If you doubt your life, you can't question why Shixian will get drunk.

Others have tried to use Li Bai's preferences to attract Li Bai greatly, like the "Yuye Qiongjiang" brewed by life players, and made a name in Li Bai's circle of friends. This is very easy to attract Shixian Da, but the other party often not drunk and drunk left a poem, or drunk and beaten to death and do not recognize you, making people speechless.

Wanting to come, how can a person who can make “anneng break his eyebrows and dig his waist” can be bought by an altar of wine casually, even if he loves to drink.

Lu Jianyan searched around and found that no one has tried another method, this is the only way: "Where does Xie Lingyun live, do you know?"

Just as Du Fu's idol is Li Bai, Li Bai also has his idol—Xie Lingyun, a famous scholar in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Xie Lingyun was born in the Xie Family of Chen Jun, the "Xie Tang Wang Yan" of the old Wang Xie. Not only is he of good origin, but he is also very knowledgeable. In history, he was called "Exposure Books, Works and Poetry", and also created the School of Landscape Poem .

Li Bai has mentioned Xie Lingyun many times in poems. He also loves to wear Xie Gongxi, an idol-like peripheral product. He even hated to be in a dream with him.

Today's rivers and lakes continent is a period of historical celebrity chaos. If the game team did not play this stalk, I would be sorry for such an interesting history.

The medicine nodded and nodded: "I thought about it before."

The idea of ​​Wu Wu Yan and Lu Jianyan is always so tacit.

"But this didn't work out?" Lu Jianyan Yan was very surprised.

There is no one word for the medicine, "It almost succeeded."

The specific process is almost like this:

In order to avoid the confusion of the capitals and historical event lines of various dynasties in the game, when celebrities do not have a particularly significant location plot, they will live in history in their own hometown, like Du Fu. Xie Lingyun is now in his hometown, Huiji Sining.

Yao Wushuang and others deliberately paid for the relationship, and after worshiping, they were able to board Xie Lingyun's door. Unfortunately, Li Bai was not there, and Xie Lingyun also said that he could not invite Li Bai, because it was clear that he did not have Li Bai's contact information.

The strangest thing is that Xie Lingyun mentioned that "the troubles of the young heroes, or the great grandparents can be solved."

Xie Lingyun's great-grandmother is very famous. Although everyone may not know the relationship between them, everyone must have heard of the great-grandmother's name-Shu Sheng Wang Xizhi.

Xie Lingyun's mother, Liu, is the daughter of Meng Jiang, the only queen of Wang Xizhi and his wife. There are several generations apart, but the blood relationship is real. I am very capable of giving birth. Wang Qizhi ’s seven sons and one daughter are all born of Xun and seven sons and one daughter. Imagine what this daughter should be favored, even in the ancient age of patriarch, Wang Mengjiang was in At home, it is also aloof, the parent's pearl, and this palm is the grandmother of Xie Lingyun.

As a result, Xie Da wrote a recommendation letter, and a few people with medicines took this quest prop and went to Wang Yizhi's birthplace, Linyi, Langya. The family where Wang Xi is located is the famous Langya Wang family, the king of Wang Xiezhong.

After visiting the door, Wang Xizhi said nothing, and bluntly stated that he knew what they were doing, and he would not embarrass anyone, as long as everyone wrote a good word.

Then, it was awkward.

The fake foreign devils who grew up abroad, such as Yao Wushang and Wu Yi, will not talk about it. He has no idea how to write with the rotten words on the floor, for fear of being too hot for Shu Sheng's big eyes. A few people in the studio also, cough, how do you say, modern society, they are still technical homes, everyone uses a mobile computer to type, who can write?

Originally, they wanted to shout on the forum or in the world, and hired a good calligraphy player. As a result, Wang Xizhi looked at all of them and shook his head to say that we had no fate.

Yes, it is so decisive, it is such a person with a personality that cannot write well, Shu Sheng said that he disdains playing with it.

Obviously, Wang Jizhi's task is y-i times. After that, it will be over, and if you ca n’t, I will pay you a favor.

Lu Jianyan had practiced calligraphy with his grandparents for a short period of time, but unfortunately he didn't make any sense. This task couldn't bring everyone together.

"Then try it first," the medicine is innocuous. After all, this is their only clue. "Look at the result, you can't stay stuck here forever."

Brother Jiang didn't have much confidence in Lu Jianyan, because in his mind Lu Jianyan was still a primary school student. In the previous summer vacation, the primary school student was unable to go online because of the tuition class. Now he has started school and has time to play games at night and during lunch break. Parental education is also pretty amazing. However, it is better than Lord Lou's irresponsible parents. This child is on the Internet as a whole, and is not 100% training. Do n’t ask why Jiang is so determined, he has already tried it.

-Really anxious for these bosses. BY: Jiangcheng is nonsense everywhere.

But no matter what, everyone still tried it. First go to Hueiji to visit Xie Lingyun, get Xie Da's recommendation letter, and then knock on the door of King Langya's house. As a member of the veteran family, Wang Xizhi's home came unexpectedly.

This time, Lou Jianyan, who did not participate last time, was also written by Lu Jianyan.

"I'm terrible at writing!" Lou Yixi shouted from the soul.

"I know." Lu Jianyan's face was calm, just because she knew it, so she had to take the time to join the written test, because ... there can be a comparison. Just like in a classic movie of Xingye, Shan Qiuxiang turned around alone and gave people the same feeling, but if all the maids turned back together, they would find Qiuxiang just as beautiful and fresh.

Sitting at a few feet short, Wang Bizhi carefully savoured the calligraphy works handed over by the two, and finally asked with a heavy face whether Lou Yi's wrist had been seriously injured.

Lou Yixian: "..." As a book sage, why should you be so poisonous! So angry!

I do n’t know if Lu Jianyan ’s words are really good, or whether the floor setting has played a significant role. In short, Shu Sheng nodded to Lu Jianyan. He doesn't need the other party's words to exceed him, but he needs the other party's words to make him agree. Among the people who have found Wang Xizhi at present, only Lu Jianyan can barely look, but still needs to work hard.

Then, Lu Jianyan upgraded, easily and let everyone stare.

Because Lu Jianyan was the second one to upgrade, he didn't go to "small TV". However, the changes in the leaderboards will not deceive. Below [One Kill One Day], originally a group of people side by side, now it has become Lu Jianyan ’s game ID [Qi Zuzu], followed by a number of 41 , Thorn red eyes.

Soon, in the already opened World Channel, a group of people began to line up to see the sight of Lu Jianyan, asking for luck, asking God to bless, and sharing the skills to capture the recognition of Li Bai's father. Anyway, it's very lively anyway.

There are also local tyrants who are not bad at money, and flew to Lu Jianyan with various books that cost money, and asked for advice.

Lu Jianyan was just as indifferent to the story of Fifth Yi that year, and looked indifferent. He didn't even look at it. He is such a contradiction, sometimes the medicine is soft and irritable, and sometimes the cold is so that Fifth Yi can not see his heart.

However, although Lu Jianyan did not reply to these people, she tried to ask Wang Jizhi for his friends if there are people who can get other people's approval besides him and Li Bai.

Wang Xunzhi nodded, and since he recognized Lu Jianyan, his words have changed, and he is happy to answer for Lu Jianyan.

According to the clues revealed by Wang Xizhi, the people present had a meeting and carefully studied it. It was found that Lu Jianyan's original idea was correct. This recognition by celebrities is indeed not limited to Li Bai, but there are other restrictions. Like celebrities in each dynasty, only one person can recognize it.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was only Li Bai. Other celebrities, such as Du Fu, would express their incomparability with Li Bai, and would also point out clues to Li Bai. The Eastern Jin Dynasty (Southern and Northern Dynasties) was the book sage Wang Xizhi, so Xie Lingyun would point the clue to Wang Xizhi.

In other words, they only need to find a celebrity from another dynasty and try their luck. Maybe the other person is the one who can recognize them. If not, they will point them to the representative of their dynasty.

Wang Xizhi also thoughtfully provided Lu Jianyan with the simplest clear path: "Teachers who taught me calligraphy and enlightenment may know a little or two about their predecessors."

The predecessors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty should be referred to as the Western Jin Dynasty, a very short-lived dynasty in history. The enlightenment teacher of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was Mrs. Wei Wei Shuo, who was from the Western Jin Dynasty, who was born in Anyi, Wei Shi, Shi Cheng Zhong, and one of the four ancient beautiful men Wei Wei was relatives. It is the guardian who "sees to kill guardian".

In short, these historical celebrities are actually a great network of relationships. If you go up three generations, anyone can contact anyone. In-laws, students, colleagues, only you ca n’t think of it. There is no game group that ca n’t be contacted. of.

Each story mission is like a baptism of history and culture.

"So, maybe Mrs. Wei will let us go to Wei Ye?" The idea of ​​Wuyi Wu is always very detached.

"Why is the celebrity in the Western Jin Dynasty Wei Wei?" Fifth Yi did not understand, "Although Wei Zhen is really good-looking, and it is said that the talk is also very powerful, but there are so many famous people in the Western Jin Dynasty, it is impossible for everyone to serve him, right? Hundreds of articles, Wang Xizhi is the only sacred book, what does Wei Wei have? Face? "

"It's not enough to have a face?" Lu Jianyan asked rhetorically. He was a loyal face dog and finally exposed a little or two.

"I know, I know," Lou waited and hopped to catch everyone's attention. Since he had his daughter Chu Chu, he was even more lively. "Will it be Wei Wei pointing to Zhu Lin Seven Sages?"

The most famous literati group in the Wei and Jin period should be the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest.

As a result, a group of people skipped all the intermediate links and went directly to Ji Kang in the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest.

Ji Kang and others lived underneath a bamboo forest in the mountains. There are no specific coordinates, which is a bit difficult to find, but it is not as difficult to find as Li Bai. People were found in about twenty minutes.

In the game, Ji Kang naturally will never die, and he will not let Guangling scattered from now on. However, the game team can't restore the legendary Guangling San, which is passed down in history, so Ji Kang always touches his piano, sits on the floor, poses, but just doesn't play.

Inexplicable, a group of people murmured in their hearts, wouldn't they want to mingle with Kang Kangqin? This is worse than calligraphy. Is it too late to ask Yu Boya, the duoqin, to find a friend in the mountains and rivers?

Obviously it was too late.

Ji Kang also did not intend to fight with a few people, but proposed a new way, Zhu Lin Seven Sages approved more than half of their votes, you can get his approval.

With more people, it was more difficult, and the whole team was almost wiped out, until the sophistry medicine was innocuous and the Fifth Yi escaped, and was successfully upgraded. This caused even more commotion on World Channel.

It ’s still the fifth person to be a man, and he directly spent money to buy a “broadcast”, indicating that they are currently exploring, because the upgrade method is still very difficult, and it is not stable. It will be easier to find the staff when they succeed. After passing the pass method, they will post and share strategies on the forum. Please give them time to try.

Many people who pay attention to the master list know that Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuwen are almost bound. The upgrades are always together. This time, even they are two or two, it seems that there is a problem, and they are willing to wait. And thank them for their kind efforts for their hard work.

This time, Wuyao Wuyi and Fifth Yi came forward and asked other people about Ji Kang's clearance conditions.

Ji Kang also spoke very well to those who were recognized, and expressed similar meaning to Wang Xizhi, and expressed that each celebrity has a different temperament, and some of them will be difficult to obtain (like Li Bai), and some are It will be very simple for certain people (like Wang Xizhi), and the easiest thing is to find someone who is known as the wall guard.

Yep? A group of people froze.

Aren't the Seven Sages and the Guardians of the Bamboo Forest all from the Western Jin Dynasty? Why is there no conflict this time?

In the end, it was the fifth Baidu that I discovered ... The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest were counted as celebrities of the Cao Wei period, not the Western Jin Dynasty.

At the same time, Fifth Yi also found that the celebrities in Wei and Jin had a well-known stinking fault, pursuing the ultimate beautiful appearance. In simple terms, it is all members of the Yan value dog. In this way, if the entire Western Jin Dynasty is more beautiful, it is either Pan An or Wei Wei. Both are possible, and the game team chose Wei Wei.

When the group returned to the prosperous Luoyang City, they had not been on the Tongluo Street before they were watched by many players. Of course, there are also players who don't pay attention to the leaderboards at all and don't know what happened. Generally speaking, everyone pays more attention to themselves.

In fact, it is difficult to get the recognition of Wei Yanmei. As we all know, Wei Yi's health is not good, and the weak clothes are like words tailored for him. Otherwise, the end of his history will not be looked at. The guardian in the game can only rest at home, the number of visitors per day is limited, and no one introduces it, and most people cannot rush to the door.

Lu Jianyan and others still had the introduction of Ji Kang, went to Ji Kang's son Ji Shao's house, and Ji Zhong was used as the middleman, and then they saw the legendary "Jade Beads on the Side, Feeling Worry".

Well, in fact, I didn't see a real person, just a curtain.

Wei Zheng was sick again, and in the imitation Han's house, there were lingering herbs. After being introduced to the Wei family with carved beams and paintings, the guests could only see him under the porch of the courtyard. In fact, he could not see him.

This is probably the careful machine of the game team. They are afraid that the appearance of the guardian simulation simulated by the game may not be enough to meet the beauty of the amazing crowd, so they chose this kind of half-covered to make people not see the true appearance and rely on imagination. Hazy way. Lou Yixian had seen King Lanling before, and it is said that the same, always wearing the mask of evil spirits, will not let people see his true appearance, leaving countless reveries.

Wei Yi is worthy of being the simplest customs clearance person. Without speaking, he has already handed out a stationery, and with a vigorous pen power that is completely different from his beautiful appearance, writes the name of the person who pleases him.

In addition to leisure, all passes, including Lu Jianyan who has been approved, Wuyou Wu and Wuyiyi, can be said to be generous.

Lou leisurely: "..." why? !! tellmewhy? !! What did i do wrong? So out of sight with beauty?

The beauty still did not speak. His mother Wang always felt that his son would be tired if he talked too much. He asked the son-in-law to supervise as much as possible to prevent Wei Yi from speaking, so Wei Yi just pushed out another letterhead with a fiber hand. Straightforward words: ugly.

Well, it seems that beauty is also a dog.

Wei Jie, like Wang Xizhi, does not need the other party to compare him, but at least the other party must conform to his aesthetics. Obviously, deliberately choosing a flat-footed building is not in the aesthetic range of beauty. People in other working groups have more or less adjusted their appearance, and playing games, they will definitely feel good when they see the good-looking, and this idea helped them successfully pass this level.

Therefore, as long as the appearance is acceptable, we can pass the level of Wei Wei, which is really never easier.

Moreover, Wei Yi is not y-i times, as long as you spend a little money to buy one that can only change the appearance of a few hours, you can also pass the Wei Yi level. Don't ask them how they know, Lou Yixian is gritting his teeth and forcing everyone to forget this paragraph, and Fifth Yi is not allowed to write in the post of Raiders!

Fifth Yi used the Spring and Autumn style to replace someone's casual name with Lou, which gave his husband some dignity.

In the middle, [Thousands of Miles Without Staying] also sent a biography to Fifth Yi. Since they had established a deep "money friendship" with [Thousands of Miles Without Staying], [Thousands of Miles Without Staying] has not deleted the first Wuyi's friend.

Fifth Yi did not mind if [thousands of miles did not stay] know the leak of the game team in advance, because in his opinion, how to know is his own ability, he did not care. Therefore, I have maintained a certain connection with [Thousands of Miles Without Staying], and have also traded several strategies before the game has been changed. Now the other party came to ask, and he also generously told the other party about the less stable customs clearance method.

Then continue to write down the strategy.

As soon as the Raiders post was posted, [Thousands of Miles Without Staying] also passed. She did not pass the gate here, but found another celebrity, and sent a biography of Taobao Li, asking whether Fifth Yi would form a team, she got a new intelligence.

Passing the level 45 story mission has a certain degree of correlation with the level 40, level 40 is recognized by a celebrity, level 45 is three celebrities. If they have energy now, they can all try. It was as if Lu Jianyan had participated in Ji Kang in addition to Wang Xizhi's scene, but unfortunately he missed one vote. But here Wei Wei has also been recognized by Wei Wei.

[Thousands of miles not staying] means that they might as well brush a few more, who knows whether the game team will continue to do so after level 45. Moreover, it is also beneficial to obtain the recognition of the NPC, and being able to obtain these intelligence clues is evidence.

After discussing with a few people, Fifth Yi agreed to the application for teaming of "Thousands of Miles".

A chivalrous woman in a purple dress ran over on the only giant bear in the uniform. With a look of brilliance and a brave attitude, he struggled with Lu Jianyan in the degree of indifference in diplomacy, but there was always a sense of violation and incomprehensibility.

Yao Jianyan talked privately Lu Jianyan: [Do you think ...]

Lu Jianyan added the ellipsis: [The first goddess in the full service is a personal demon? 】