MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 6 . Sixth Raiders:

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Downstairs, idle friends have arrived one after another. They are together, some are chatting with friends, some are busy joking with their female partners, or male partners, or male and female partners, Cough, not for men and women, have a good appetite.

Lou Yixian is a bold and careful guy. This time in Lu Jianyan ’s family, Lou Yixian did not invite all the wealthy second generations around him who only knew about eating and waiting for death. Many are The second-generation or technologically up-and-coming people who are really doing things, although these people are more or less greedy for pleasure (otherwise, it is impossible to be friends with friends and family members), but at least they have some economic independence and voice.

Qianglong couldn't beat the ground snake. The network of the two generations represented by Pan Pans for many years was exactly what Lu Jianyan needed most at this time.

The second generation wants to expand their communication channels. The most basic way is to have a party and invite some friends to share their connections. At least as far as Lu Jianyan knows, the most basic friend is this-starting from a banquet hosted by an adult.

"I don't know if you have any connection with the daughter of the king of shipping on the side of mo." The king of shipping has lived from the last century to this century. He legally owned several houses and married his wife before Mo returned, IV In the same room, the level of open competition is no less than that of any palace drama or giants. "The four young ladies are said to be one of the most advantageous competitors."

Lu Jianyan asked Lou Yixian exactly the same as last time, because although Lou Yixian tried to show as much as possible to invite so many people, it is not a big deal, but ... this is really not easy.

Lu Jianyan hopes his friends will know that he already knows what he has done for him and is very grateful.

Lou Dianxian pursed his lips, just like a big domestic cat, very excited, but he showed disdain. He said, "I'm usually free, so I just have to meet friends everywhere. . "

When the two walked down the cold metal stairs, Lou's leisurely close friends raised a glass and deliberately cheered: "Princess Lou finally walked down his castle!"

Then, I saw the "Princess" with a big bald head and a small diamond watch, a tiger leaping for food, jumping off the stairs, and by gravity acceleration, he pressed the big man who had just shouted the most. On the floor. The cocktail in the other's hand spilled to the ground, and the glass residue of the wine glass splashed far away. None of the onlookers dissatisfied, but like a group of college students who had not yet stepped out of the atmosphere of the Brotherhood, they were applauded and cheered, very rhythmic.

When he was busy arguing in the building, Lu Jianyan also met a lot of "friends", and talked about how everyone in the back was curious about how Lou became friends with Lu Jianyan.

"Because others are good." Lu Jianyan always replied tirelessly.

But the listener often puts a smile on it, as if what a funny joke Lu Jianyan said, no matter how serious and serious Lu Jianyan himself is.

Lu Jianyan can only add in his heart, seeing his goodness is your loss.

Then, "Mr. Good" sneaked into Lu Jianyan from behind, but was avoided by Lu Jianyan long ago, and finally escaped! The action of the two of them is like they have been practiced in private many times, and anyone can see the tacit understanding and closeness between them. This time, some people believe that Lu Jianyan, a "representative of other children's children," and "A representative who is satisfied as long as you don't be like that, I am satisfied" are really good friends.

"Looks like you already know the fakes." Lou said leisurely.

"Our name is self-righteous, thank you." The fourth granddaughter of the shipping king said that she was wearing a pink professional women's dress, with a petite head, almost only to the chest muscles, but the momentum of mastering everything is not lost to Lou Yes, even faintly squandered Lou, "unlike some scum, they only obey the bestiality."

Lou Yixian ignored Miss 4's provocation, but explained to Lu Jianyan: "She is just mad at the small fresh meat she looks at, and would rather be taken by me than by her."

Then, a group of people who were just holding the elite of the society smiled, an unspoken smile. The essence of these two generations is actually the same, but some people play obvious points, and some people have to put on a coat, that's all. Although Lu Jianyan couldn't get used to such hidden rules, he was also wise to know that he was not suitable for publishing any "high opinion" at this time. After all, there was no coercion in the content of these people's discussion. What place to beak?

When the party is halfway through, everyone who knows it has basically known each other. Then everyone really enjoyed the party, let go of the "holding", the group magic dances, and yelled and screamed like crazy in fast-paced music.

Let Lu Jianyan really be unable to compliment.

Lou shook his small electric motor leisurely, and did not sweat like money in the middle of the dance floor. He likes this, thinking that his taste is not low, he refuses to argue.

Lu Jianyan watched for a while, then held the dry martini, and sat on the black sofa next to him, waiting for Dr. Chen to hook.

Last time Dr. Chen arrived with Lou Yixian and was introduced to Lu Jianyan early. But this time, Dr. Chen was uncharacteristically late. Although Lu Jianyan wanted to think better, it was as if Dr. Chen was about to give up, but he intuitively told him that Dr. Chen ’s self-sufficient and stubborn task person would not stop there.

"Do you like dry martinis too?" A highly infectious voice, accentuated in the noise with absolute cleanliness. The owner of the voice is like his voice, with a kind and thorough that can easily make people feel good.

Sure enough, I did not give up. Lu Jianyan sighed in her heart.

To tell the truth, Lu Jianyan was quite curious about what route Dr. Chen planned to take this time, after all, Dr. Chen had already tried the routines that he could almost try before.

Seeing Lu Jianyan's silence, Dr. Chen sat by the side of Lu Jianyan by default and made a clinking movement in the air. The pickled olives rolled up and down in the bubbles of the triangular cup with a taste of summer: "Churchill said, Dry Matti Ni is the symbol of a man. But the taste of Europeans and Americans is not suitable for people in country C. Most people think that the gin is too heavy in the wine. They prefer to add sweet absinthe. "

"What they prefer is to imitate the hard and broad implanted in 007." Lu Jianyan said.

"Yes, most people just act in a crowd, and don't care if it tastes good or not." Dr. Chen laughed, every move was a play. Under the dim light, his eyes were lowered and his smile was ambiguous. He knew how to take advantage of his appearance to make people noticeable. Slender legs, fair skin, curled up to the incredible thick eyelashes, if there is a seemingly naive temptation.

Lu Jianyan looked at each other and said, "Coincidentally, I am also one of these lay people."


The first topic was thus talked to Lu Jianyan's unreasonable card.

In fact, Lu Jianyan wasn't counted as intentionally demolishing Taiwan, he was just telling the truth. People don't like smoking or drinking, and they don't really know anything about wine. On various occasions, Lu Jianyan opened his mouth and only came to Martini, because the elegant Mr. Lu unexpectedly liked to watch "The Godfather" and "007".

But no matter if Lu Jianyan intentionally or unintentionally, Dr. Chen was stunned for a while and then smiled and said, "You sit in the most lively crowd like this, but refuse to communicate with people, only to make you look more alone, but not What a good sign. "

"Really?" Lu Jianyan put on a stance and asked the other party to continue.

Dr. Chen put down the wine glass in his hand, with a chic smile that didn't care much when he was stung, and his smile was even so cute. He reached out to Lu Jianyan and approached without any trace: "I haven't introduced myself, I'm dr. Chen, A psychiatrist. Sorry, the occupational prisoner has just arrived. "

"My surname is Lu, a clean habit." Lu Jianyan refused to hold the other's hand. "Sorry, a mental illness is being committed."

"You don't need to be so hostile, Mr. Lu," Dr. Chen looked at Lu Jianyan intently, his black and white eyes were full of "sincerity", "I think you already know who I am. Yes, I am actually employed Mr. Yu Lou. Your friend wants you to see a psychologist, not because he suspects you have a neurosis, he just worry about you. "

In this passage, Dr. Chen also said in the "First Sight" last time that he thought he knew Lu Jianyan's rejection of him very much, and said a lot of cares about the building, so he wanted to steal the concept and let the Lu Jianyan, a friend full of guilt, accepted him as a psychologist.

Lu Jianyan is indeed deceived. After all, the other party is professional, and this empathy is very clever.

After waiting for Lu Jianyan to speak, Dr. Chen wrote a script that was different from the previous one. After introducing the building and waiting quietly behind him, he said immediately: "I can introduce a very professional colleague to you. Although I Mr. Lou agreed to meet, but unfortunately, I don't think I can still be your psychiatrist. "

This is a completely different branch from last time. After getting better at the talk last time, Dr. Chen managed to get Lu Jianyan to agree to the twice-weekly psychological treatment, which gave them enough contact time. This time, Dr. Chen is probably trying to play hard, at least trying to evoke Lu Jianyan's curiosity.


"Oh." Lu Jianyan interpreted an indifferent person to the extreme.

Not curious, not fooled, and refusing routines, everyone has a responsibility.

"This isn't something to be embarrassed." Doctor Chen, who has been a long-time driver, also has a later move. He approached Lu Jianyan without hesitation, trying to make a rub on his legs, but Lu Jianyan skillfully avoided it. Just listen to Dr. Chen continuing, "As a qualified psychiatrist, the last thing I should do is try to analyze the person I like. Yes, I like you, and at first glance, I am a believer I am going to chase you. "

Dr. Chen's straight back was straight enough, his chest arched a graceful arc, and his body was full of a strong but fragile sense of contradiction, which was particularly attractive.

Lu Jianyan was still expressionless, thinking in her heart that it was a straight ball.

... Lu Jianyan said this to Dr. Chen on her last date ...

After carefully preparing everything, Dr. Chen, who considered himself impeccable, confessed to Lu Jianyan again after Lu Jianyan ate the opera cake: "I like you."

Lu Jianyan's answer was eternal "sorry."

Dr. Chen was flustered, but recovered very quickly. He insisted: "Why?" What did he do wrong this time? Obviously he changed everything.

"Because I believe intuition," Lu Jianyan is so guile, he is tired of constantly finding reasons to reject each other, ready to do it once and for all, "Although this sounds ridiculous, but I am a believer in love at first sight, my parents are so confused Everyone in the world has met each other and they are still happy to marry. I personally insist that if you do n’t fall in love with each other at first, then the so-called love relationship is just a habit. "

... back to the party after the retrospective ...

Lu Jianyan looked at Dr. Chen in front of him thoughtfully and did not expect to be able to play like this. This is really a ruthless person who can directly overthrow everything that has been worked hard to build up before.

Unfortunately, I'm sorry, Dr. Chen probably understood it wrong.

Lu Jianyan said again, "I don't feel you at first sight."

As long as Lu Jianyan doesn't feel it, the reason for rejection can be used ten thousand times!

Dr. Chen's expression finally cracked. There was a case where he paid all his net worth to prepare for a beautiful turnaround, but he did not expect the stock to evaporate overnight.

Then Lu Jianyan passed out.

Before fainting, Lu Jianyan faintly heard Dr. Chen questioning his system: "Why didn't he fall in love with me at first sight? I've obviously sprayed the temptation of a mermaid, and that's what I spent for almost all the points! Tell me this thing is already called zu0'b-i device, there is no possibility of failure! "

The electronic sound system seems to answer something, but Lu Jianyan can't hear it anymore. He only knows that Dr. Chen's ability seems to be violent because of overuse.

Finally, there is no need to keep going back, long live!