MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 5 . The fifth time was Raiders:

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Until Hua Deng first went up, Lou Yixian hugged a group of white-skinned and long-legged girls who rang the penthouse of Lu Jianyan. They didn't see anyone but they smelled the wine first.

This is the floor, and the party has not started yet, he has already drunk too much.

As soon as he met, Lou casually gave Lu Jianyan a suffocating hug, exactly the same as last time. With tall figures and strong movements, Lu Jianyan wanted to try to avoid the unknown prophet, but unfortunately failed to keep up with his consciousness and failed miserably.

Lou Yi leisurely used his big ambiguous tongue and spit out his first sentence tonight: "Great, my beauty, you have no disability."

When Lu Jianyan was born with an iceberg face, when he raised his eyebrows to look at people, even if he was thinking "Hahaha, the comic dialogue was so funny", but as long as he didn't laugh, the impression would be capitalized. . Lu Jianyan can grow up so big that he hasn't been killed, of course, because of his high face value. 100% inherited from the mother's exquisiteness, coupled with the dusty cold look, few people would say that they don't like it. He seemed to be born unattainable.

That night Lu Jianyan wore a beige British casual wear, and his golden ratio was even longer. Standing in the light deliberately made ambiguous and confused, revealing such an indescribable forbidden desire, very hooking.

To have a figure, to have a good appearance, is to take the Tang monk's meat on the path, everyone wants to take a sip.

"You have changed a lot." Lu Jianyan repeated the lines she had said, but her face was not really shocked. Because he was already surprised.

Lou Yixian is a three-generation single pass of the Lou family. The whole family seems to have a throne waiting for him to inherit. Such people generally have a body shape when they are young ... How should I say, grandparents brought them up at a glance. Otherwise, he won't have the nickname "Lou Xiaofa". When she grew up, she fled from her flesh and became tall and sturdy. He was handsome and tough, no matter how rotten inside, at least she looked good.

Except, cough, Lou Zhixian's bright and bright head at this moment. It is said that it was his own man who pressed him for shaving. In order to punish him, he bought a limited amount of ultra-runs directly from his mother's venture capital fund.

Mother Lou's original intention was to make the son of the second ancestor more or less independent. Start his own business first, and then move out of the quota of an outstanding young entrepreneur. The paper media network blew a wave to see who would dare to say that her son was not working all day . As a result, Loulou was still more confused than his mother expected. The money had only been available for two days, and he hadn't covered the heat yet, because he was afraid to lose face because of betting with others, and he hurriedly bought a car that he would not buy for him. Limited Super Run.

Fox friends and dog friends around Lou Yixian said, "Niu forced to make a big deal, Louzi."

Lou Da said, "I don't **** you to death today, it's not your Lao Tzu!"

Hey, Lu Jianyan knew this on the phone last time, and bluntly said that your dad only hit you once, showing that he really loves you.

The house-daddy packed up his son, always a set of procedures, scolding, hitting, and finally shaving his son's colorful hair.

Let's put it this way, compared with Lu Jianyan's suspicion of killing Matt's white-haired neighbor, Lou Yixian is more like a super-old funeral aristocracy. It is just that he is not in the style of washing, cutting and blowing in the urban-rural junction, but the wild road of the European and American rap singer Dajin Chain Harem pants, but the same is very spicy.

"Is it conspicuous?" Lou restlessly touched his head full of **. Everyone was like this, and he always cared about what was missing, and thought that others cared as much as he did.

"You don't need a street light until you go out at midnight." Lu Jianyan taunted, and he thought of a name inexplicably—society, your brother.

Although Lou's appearance has changed so much that people doubt what he has gone through all these years, his personality is as usual as 250. Pushing away the beauty on one side, I dragged and landed, and when I saw Yan, I went to the master bedroom of the duplex apartment, closed the door, and resumed a sip of the Northeast grand cymbal: "Brother for a while, eh ~, brother introduce you for a while Silver knows it, the thief is energized. No, don't refuse, it's a serious job. As for the bad character, I don't know, hehe. "

Lou Yixian talked in a mess, but Lu Jianyan knew that Lou Yixian was not fooling around, but he really cared about him. He didn't introduce the target of the appointment, but the psychologist.

In view of the embarrassing things that everyone knew before in city b, no one around Lu Jianyan felt that his mental health was still healthy at this time.

Although Lou Yiyan enjoys leisurely, it is not reliable, but the fear of Lu Jianyan's friend is also from his heart, because Lu Jianyan is different from all wine and meat friends. Of course, for Lu Jianyan, Lou Yiyan is also different. . When Lou Yixian introduced Lu Jianyan, he said that it was easy for him to contact such a psychiatrist, but God knew how much news Lou Xiyan had compared and how many layers of relationships he had behind, so he cut in a line and made an appointment with Lu Jianyan.

"This psychiatrist is so old, it's not that I'm blowing with you, that I have a strong tone, and that I'm professional. He, when he first saw me, said what he was going to say. He will be able to cure you. "Lou Yixian is shorter than Lu Jianyan, but that does not affect him at all, raising his hand to touch Lu Jianyan's head," hair, can't be scared. "

Lu Jianyan blocked Lou's leisurely hands, and his eyes were full of helplessness. He knew Lou Yixian's good intentions, but Lou Yixian's good intentions were like Lou Yixian's movements touching his head at this time, full of slots.

For example, this psychiatrist is Dr. Chen who was crossed.

In the hustle and bustle of the high floor downstairs, the foolish floor thought he had done a beautiful thing, and begged to lie on the land. Move the refrigerator. See Yan's body, he refused to get killed. A lighthearted smile burst on the head like a light bulb, like a child of 180 pounds.

Lu Jianyan took advantage of Dr. Chen's absence and eventually asked Lou Lou that he had no opportunity to ask the last time: "If I don't like the psychologist you introduced, will you be angry with me?"

Lou paused and asked directly: "Why should I be mad at you?"

Lu Jianyan also stunned: "Because I live up to your kindness."

Then Lou just laughed, shaking like a neurosis, he bluntly said, "Are you 484 stupid?"

Lou did not wait for Lu Jianyan to answer, Lou continued, "Good intentions are good intentions on the premise that you are satisfied. If it makes you embarrassed, it is not good intentions, you know?

"Oh, I just want to make you happy."

For Lou Yiyan, if Lu Jianyan doesn't like it, it must be a problem with the other party. How can something in question be used by your friends? Well, the logic is so simple, nothing wrong!

Lu Jianyan didn't know what to say.

Until the big guy like the orangutan rubbed his big bald head and said, "Don't be moved? Let me stay in your house for a few days. If I have seen me recently, I'll have to pump my soles."

Lou Da hasn't been able to get out of his son's past in turning venture capital into super running.

Lu Jianyan: == Even if you have been touched, now you are confused by your mindlessness, and it has disappeared, thank you.

"I'm clueless, so what are you? Unhappy?"

Then, without a head, I looked around the unhappy master bedroom, and said the classic sentence: "Well, why did you set up such a personality-cold-style decoration? Do you spend tens of millions to suffer?"

Not only not touched, but also want to hit people!

Of course, Lu Jianyan considers himself a civilized person and can solve problems with his mouth. He generally does not like to do anything. When you clean up the building, you just need to talk. Coincidentally, because this time backtracking, Lu Jianyan knew an anecdotal information about Lou Yixian in advance, and the kind that can scare everyone out: In the second generation who was present today, apart from him, only Lou Yixian was Great magician.

Magician: ACG culture refers to young single men who have not done any special sports with anyone.

Lou Yixian is just such a magician.

When Lu Jianyan heard about this at first, he must have believed it. Has the esteemed reputation of the family members always been out? You do n’t need to inquire about it. On the entertainment edition of a newspaper or magazine, you can always find him and a certain star or young model. But it's just going upstairs.

I don't know why, when she went to bed with a leisurely person, she blushed. It was not ordinary red. It was the kind of red that seemed to be collected from the whole body's blood. There was no way to move normally. And the closer it gets, the more red, Jane reaches the point of being incredible.

So, don't look at how romantic and unreliable the performance in the past is, he is actually a theorist, and every time he packs a little star, he can only watch it.

Just on the timeline of the previous time, the little star who was kept by Lou Yixian would soon sell the thing that Lou Yixian was a big magician because she wanted to vote for another master. Gun head. For a time, it became the biggest joke in the second-generation circle of city S. Even brother Lu and sister Lu who were far away in city b opened a sympathy phone.

After Lu Jianyan used this ridicule to go to bed late, he could just take the opportunity to remind the floor to stop repeating the same mistakes, which is good.

"Who, who told you this ?!" Lou Yixian's face turned red all of a sudden, stumbling, and even saying something unfavorable.

"Even if I didn't know it before, I'm sure now." Lu Jianyan glanced away at the Loulou and said leisurely. "Looking so big, you won't even lie? Next time, don't remember to be so easy to be a pawn. And, I Now that you know everything, it means that this kind of thing can't be concealed. You better check the people around you. "


Until Lou was embarrassed and wanted to leave, Lu Jianyan was still thinking, how could there be such a magical thing in this world? He was so annoyed by the taskman that he wanted to be asexual. What was the reason for being idle?