MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 24 Twenty-fourth Raiders:

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In the evening, the drug problem came on schedule. Taking advantage of the bright moonlight, the first question that Yao surnamed Douding said was: "Why don't you kiss him?"

Lu Jianyan's honey juice was silent for five seconds before she recovered her mouth and asked, "Who?"

"During that day!" It was natural for Yao Wushang to pretend that he would not affect each other by Lu Jianyan's passing through the day and night. He confidently pushed all the pots to Xiaoyao, saying that he didn't know why he liked Lu Jianyan so much when he was a kid, he just felt that each other was a more suitable partner.

Lu Jianyan was weird, with a slow tone, with a hint of uncertainty: "You ... miss me so much?"

"No!" The duck had a hard mouth.

"You want me to kiss you," after seeing the hidden nature of the medicine, Lu Jianyan has learned to listen to the medicine, "I can take the liberty to ask why? Do you have skin hunger?"

Lu Jianyan didn't have any cures, maybe he might like him.

In fact, it really has nothing to do with love.

"It was forced to be helpless." Yao Wuyan's face was even uglier than Lu Jianyan, and his daring pupil had accumulated an unknown amount of anger, only for the young himself, "If you are not satisfied with him, he will always and I am troubled. "The dissatisfaction of the small drug patient will also affect the large drug patient, even doubling it, so that the large drug patient is always eager for something and feels that he is missing something. It's like the demand for water in the desert. Not that he wants Lu Jianyan to kiss him, but he needs Lu Jianyan to kiss him.

-How can he not like him the most? How could he not kiss him? He has endured so many days! BY: The drug is small.

The medicine was taken before Lu Jianyan spoke, and he added: "Not kiss me now, but kiss him during the day! I owe you personal feelings to satisfy him."

He was mad by himself when he was a kid, and he couldn't be angry with him, because he knew better than anyone that Malkavian's condition could not control himself when it was acting on his mind.

Lu Jianyan Renjun couldn't help but although he still tried his best to keep the face paralyzed person from collapsing, he finally agreed to the request of the pro-medicine.

Lu Jianyan doesn't like touching people, but it's not without exception. For example, he kissed Mom Lu today. In order to comfort his mother, he also kissed his sleeping brother's forehead after returning home.

The small drug patient was on the sidelines, which was probably the fuse.

Then, the two strategic partners who reached the intention of cooperation finally began to discuss the details of cooperation, such as how to return to the normal timeline, and Lu Jianyan's response to whether the tasker's ability was obtained-no.

Lu Jianyan thought about it for a long time and dreamed of those strange abilities at midnight, but in the end he chose to give up. Because from the system that pitted Mr. Li, Lu Jianyan was inspired. There is no lunch in the world, and the process of gaining ability must not be pleasant. Lu Jianyan was afraid that he couldn't afford the price, he was just an ordinary person.

"You're not ordinary anymore, haven't you felt it?" Yaowu smirked and landed to see Yan's innocence.

Lu Jianyan was shocked, but his face didn't move. It seemed that Yao Wushang knew more than he imagined. He even suspected that Yao Wushang possessed more power than he took the initiative to explain: "How? Say?"

"The process of gaining abilities is really unpleasant. Constant coughing is one of them. Our body is repelling these external forces. Only after repeated tossing is enough, and the body adapts, 'illness' can get better." In the original plan, when he was in good health, he went to Lu Jianyan to start cooperation because ... "In my investigation, you had a similar" illness "experience when I was a kid. "

The medicine is safe because Malkavian's condition is special, which masks many of the physical costs that have to be paid because of the ability. Sometimes he couldn't even figure out if the medicine was intact. Whether his illness was weak was because of Malkavian or the price he paid.

"This may just be a coincidence, and it doesn't explain anything." At least Lu Jianyan didn't know what he was capable of.

"We are not returning to the past, but in the process of rewriting fate, everything should return to the original state. Do you understand what I mean? Even me who has the ability is also suppressed, so I His body heals without medicine, and his consciousness can only appear at night when he grows up. Then the question comes, why can you stay awake all the time? "

Because of this problem, the two fell silent together.

Lu Jianyan was also thinking, yeah, if Father An has always existed, then it means that the tasker was not only in his middle school, but he only found out that there are taskers in this world. Coincidentally, the illness that did not originate as a child disappeared abruptly in about the same time.

"In my opinion, your ability is very strong, even stronger than that of Teacher Li + Dr. Chen." Yao Wushang finally stated one of the reasons why he sought Lu Jianyan's cooperation, because he had Mu Qiang in his heart. He not excluded.

However, they should be called Qiangqianglian.

"But I really can't do anything." Lu Jianyan frowned, still insisting that he was a normal person.

"Then wait and see, time will prove everything." Yao Wushen already knows what Lu Jianyan's ability is, but it needs further confirmation.

Lu Jianyan changed the topic: "Would you mind explaining your ability first? How much ability do you have?"

"I have a lot of abilities," this time, Wushang Wuxin finally frankly, "but most of them were not taken by me. They should be inherited from someone who has contacted me. He wants to replace me, I don't want to Replaced by him, so I killed him and accidentally inherited his legacy. "

When Yao Wushang said this, there was no fluctuation in his face or heart. Either he was bitterly suppressed, or he was already numb to the past.

"Because of too much ability to inherit, I have suffered a great crime before and I have not been able to break in. Until the appearance of Dr. Chen, every backtracking of him has shortened the break-in period for me. His [Time backtracking] It didn't work for me either, but saved me a lot of time for suffering. "

"The way you know to get the ability of the tasker is to get it from the tasker who wants to replace you?" Lu Jianyan actually wanted to ask, wouldn't that tasker who was killed by you be killer?

By completely killing other taskers, and no longer need to pay the price of points, it is easy to get more abilities, which is indeed something that can be done by a cool-thin tasker like Teacher Li. And Lu Jianyan's world is a relatively remote desert for the taskman. If the companions who are trapped in this beast are in disability, as long as they are properly covered, it is difficult to find the real reason above. Who would have thought? The killer is not an indigenous metamorphosis, but the ambition of the quester.

The medicine nodded and nodded, but apparently he didn't want to say more about this unpleasant past.

"Before [Time Backtracking], I could only lie on the therapy device and help me breathe through a large ventilator. There was no benefit except that I could not die. Until Dr. Chen's series of [Time Backtracking], The day I met you in the elevator, that was the first time I could go out in a wheelchair and feel the life of a normal person— "

Lu Jianyan said that he thought the accident happened to him because he had delayed too much time in bed after going back in time. When Sister Lu was supposed to be in the car, he was still at home, and the call turned into After the video, it took a longer time before the butterfly effect came to me.

"——By the way, my friend Fifth Yi was with me at the time, not a caregiver. Their family and your company still have cooperation. You should have heard of the 'fifth' family. The surname is still unique. . "

"It's unique to you." Lu Jianyan couldn't help but vomited. He always felt that the body with the fighting power of five dregs was harmless with medicine. His surname was medicine, and the name was pronounced fast. It was the medicine jar. ridicule.

"The bald head next to you is not bad," Yaowu replied. "Not only the last name, but even the name is full of irony."

Lou idle, really busy.

Just when the two were about to start a "come, hurt each other" mouthpiece, their senses stopped this naive behavior in time and returned to the theme. A special story about the drug-free and tasker.

A lot of information can be analyzed from the sentence "He wants to replace me".

"That missioner's ability is to completely replace a person?"

"Almost, my understanding is [swallow], just like painting skin. He can swallow me, get everything for me, and then successfully pretend to be me."

Lu Jianyan gave the opposite result: "[Swallow] You are next, the focus is on [Swallow] other questers and get their ability."

The tasker can traverse into the indigenous people. If it is only to obtain a reasonable identity, there is no need to develop this strange ability.

The medicine is innocent: "Not just to gain strength, I think he enjoys the feeling of devouring everything. If it is just crossing, the original person will have a chance to wake up or become a vegetative when the tasker leaves. If devoured, once the quester leaves, the original owner will have only one dead end. "

Yao Wushang has tried to think about this from the perspective of the tasker. For the tasker, everyone they pass through is like a piece of clothing they pass through, and some people probably do n’t like it. Clothes are worn by others. This is very unreasonable and perverted, but it is indeed a logic that is likely to exist. They robbed others of their clothes, and they were not allowed to wear them back. They did not want others to occupy the "lover" they had already attacked.

"Of course, there is another possibility. Only if he succeeds in swallowing can he pretend to be 100% me to approach you. No other tasker or you can find this flaw after [swallowing]."

Lu Jianyan suddenly felt a chill on her back.

"Just a joke." After the drug-free nature was exposed, he completely let himself go. "I can be sure that I have not been swallowed. I want to eat me, and I am not afraid that he will burst himself!"

The **** at the moment when the medicine was intact was undisguised. Strong malice and negative energy erupted from his body. His hatred of the tasker was deeper than he showed. No one likes being replaced, let alone being used in such a lonely way that almost completely eliminates existence, but no one around can know.

"Then what?" Lu Jianyan held his breath subconsciously, and compared to his experience of being only a Raider, it was far worse.

"Then I killed him, and inherited his legacy." Yaowuyan gave Lu Jianyan a look of "I haven't told you before, why do I want to talk nonsense", he saved the place All kinds of dangers surround each other, and I just want to say the result, "He has a lot of abilities, but not many useful ones. My current favorite is [information perception]. He gets everything about a person by devouring it, and I get something about the other person by touching Everything, like where they are. "

"In simple terms, you can see the character properties panel + mini-map of the tasker."

"Do you also play online games?" Yao Wuren was surprised.

"Why can't I play online games?" Lu Jianyan asked, frowning, this was a very rude question. He is also a modern person. Thank you. He is not a caveman. He lives in a high-tech society and has a normal entertainment life.

Yaowu climbed down the pole: "What do you like to play? Maybe we can team up."

Lu Jianyan: "... ha?"

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