MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 25 The twenty-fifth time was attacked:

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[Back to reality] After the formation of the Front Alliance, the first combat meeting was held that night, and the chairman and deputy chairman attended the meeting. There were a total of 2 participants.

There was a heated discussion on how to deal with Teacher Li.

The vice president of medicine proposed the simplest and ruthless and intuitive way-to kill Teacher Li, get his ability, eliminate the effect of rewriting fate, and return to the normal timeline together.

For short, the s-a person wins treasure, which is really the best way to travel at home and act as a villain.

President Lu had a lot of opinions on this, and put forward a lot of places that he wanted to modify, such as: "We can't expose in front of the system that we already know this, do you understand? Otherwise we will be cleared of memory, I ca n’t promise What will it look like for you and me after it's cleared. But I can guarantee that as long as there is nothing wrong, those systems that are always connected to it will be able to send reports. "

At the speed of the system, before they teamed up to kill Teacher Li, it was enough to report back and forth for five rounds.

The reason why Medicine Innocence was able to secure the missioner's ability in the first place is obviously that the other party tried to block the system when they were planning to do bad things. As a result, the chicken was not eroded and the rice was killed.

Until they have mastered effective methods of shielding systems, they will not be able to imitate what they did before the drug was in place.

"I didn't try to resist this life that can only be laid down as a guide ..." Lu Jianyan said the true feelings. When he felt the most lonely, he even thought of using the influence of Lu family and let it go. Open this secret to the world. He wanted everyone to see the tasker as a scene, like those taskers did.

Lu Jianyan almost did the same. As a result, he now needs a specific trigger point even to recall the true memory of his childhood.

"So you compromised?" There is no harm in medicine. If you dare to say yes, I dare to look down on your meaning hiding behind the words.

"How is it impossible? Never!" The reason why Lu Jianyan would be patient and motivated by the taskman is to try to find a fundamental solution to the problem. Once, Lu Jianyan just wanted to get rid of these questers, but from the past, he had a completely new idea. He must let the questers get out of his world completely!

After all, he was a man who was determined to be a superhero to save the world from an early age!

"Then you have a clue?" Even if the medicine was safe and sounded, his eyes betrayed his appreciation of Lu Jianyan's stubborn fighting spirit. In the end, you will never give up, this is the belief that the whole childhood is safe from medicine!

And without Lu Jianyan's influence on the medicine innocence that year, medicine innocence may not be able to defeat the task person who wants to replace him when he grows up.

"There is a preliminary idea," Lu Jianyan said modestly. "However, I don't think this is the point. We can go back and talk about it slowly."

The medicine is safe and sound: "It means that this action is my probationary period? Can I continue if I pass, but let's take a break when I fail to do this?"

Lu Jianyan touched his lips with one hand and coughed slightly. He was a little embarrassed by the purpose of being so straightforward, but this emotion passed quickly, and he also admitted that the medicine was harmless: "We The cooperation I talked about at the beginning is to return to reality together, and the follow-up is the next one. Okay, sorry, I am a bit arrogant. The fact is that for some reasons, I have a serious crisis of trust. I hope you can understand. This is related to you. My own ability has nothing to do with my personality, it is my own psychological problem. "

Because of the embarrassment with his brother, Lu Jianyan didn't even trust his family so much, he obviously wanted to trust them so much.

The medicine was accepted calmly. When Lu Jianyan thought he would have to pay a lot of words and apologize for this, Wuyaowu said easily, "I understand you."

Lu Jianyan didn't know if Yaoshang Wu really understood, or was talking politely, but he was more guilty because of the joy of Yaoshang Wu, he wanted to show more sincerity, at least in concert Getting rid of the situation today, he cooperates wholeheartedly.

"I also know the news. It is said that there is a dangerous hunter named Killer who is also dedicated to hunting in this world. No one can be found on the other side of the system. This hunting is not ordinary killing, but thorough. Kill, there is no way for the quester to go to the next quest world. I suspect that the quester who originally wanted to replace you is killer, but it may not be, and there may even be a second generation killer that mimics crime. We better pay attention "Lu Jianyan shared the information he knew with Yaowu as much as possible. It was also the last tentative trial of Yaowei.

The medicine was straightforward: "I don't think he should be a threat."

"How do you say?" Lu Jianyan frowned, keenly hitting the core of the question, "are you a killer?"

Originally Lu Jianyan just asked it casually, and did not expect to get a real answer, but he nodded and admitted: "Yes, I should be."

Lu Jianyan: "!!!!!!"

No medicine: ^^

Lu Jianyan: "???"

No medicine: ^^

After each other's expressions changed rapidly for a reincarnation, Lu Jianyan finally said, "... Do you mind explaining what‘ should be ’?”

"The tasker who has the ability to devour should be the first-generation killer. He seduced the taskman into this world, and then the sa people won the treasure. I swallowed him in turn and inherited everything he had, including those capabilities he had previously devoured. If it comes, then I should be the second generation of killer. Of course, I don't rule out that I suspect it was wrong, that the tasker is not killer. "

Medicine without a problem is always so out of common sense, making it difficult for Lu Jianyan to parry. He conceived countless possibilities, but none of them was right after he admitted that there was nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, the medicine seemed to have some momentum, and continued to analyze calmly: "I am about 60% of the possibility of killer, and the other 40% are more dangerous and unscrupulous dangerous elements. Flowing. But even if forty percent of the speculation is true, I still don't think we need to be afraid of him. After all, as you said, killer only kills questers, bad ones. If we meet him, maybe we will return Can he be used against taskers? "

Lu Jianyan is so optimistic that there is no cure for this: "No, his approach sounds brutal."

"How do you know that the killers killed by Killer are not because the killers have killed the people around Killer beforehand? I mean hypothesis." Medicine is born with a natural gift for crime, and the perspective of thinking has always stood firm. On the side of perverts.

Lu Jianyan was unable to persuade the medicine to be harmless, but he was unable to persuade Lu Jianyan.

Lu Jianyan is not the kind of blind sympathy for the weak, no matter whether he is right or wrong, he also has a kind of aggressive animalism in his bones. He advocates tooth for tooth and eye for eye. He just doesn't advocate excessive revenge. It's like the other person just scolded you, and you hacked him to death, which makes no sense. But if the other party killed your relatives and the law could not sanction it, then there is a reason to kill it back. Of course, it is limited to killing the murderer, not angering the murderer's child or something.

"If you have a debt and a debtor, you can't sin more than your family members." Yao Wuyan summarized Lu Jianyan's thoughts in one sentence.

Lu Jianyan looked at the white-haired guy in front of him, and found that he seemed to understand him.

"So, before we don't know the story of the killer with a forty percent probability, we can't judge whether he did right or wrong." Yaowu further quibbled.

The best result is killer who has swallowed the medicine before, if not, look at it.

The two continued the previous topic: "We can't kill Teacher Li directly, because killing Teacher Li also means that the task person will forcibly log out, and the real Teacher Li may become a vegetative."

The medicine did not fall down, and for a long time in a shadow, the white eyelashes like a small fan were unusually conspicuous. When he lifted up again, a light breeze blew from the open window on the balcony, blowing off the heavy atmosphere in the room and waking everyone's minds. Yao Wujin finally accepted Lu Jianyan's opinion: "I still have a solution, but it is more troublesome."

"You said."

"I have the ability to force the tasker to log out. There is also competition between taskers. This ability is specifically used by the tasker to deal with the tasker and directly affects the soul. This method is more automatic than the tasker completes the task and detaches from the original owner The effect is less, I do n’t know the principle, but just compared the data. If the task person is automatically detached, the probability of the original owner becoming a vegetative is 50%, then my ability can reduce this possibility to 100% Thirty percent. "

"Why didn't you just say?" Isn't that great? Lu Jianyan always wanted to get the original owner back, no matter what the original owner was, it was his body, and his life had no reason to give to others.

"But there is a big limitation on this ability. I can only use it when the tasker uses it."

In other words, this is a passive skill.

"We have to set up a set, forcing Teacher Li to have to use the ability." As long as you grasp the fluctuations of the initial moment of the use of Teacher Li's ability, the medicine can be counterattacked.

"Given my special situation at present, this restriction on anti-killing must be limited to the evening." The time for the emergence of major medical problems has been increasing, but it is still inseparable from Jin Wuxi's post-sinking category. During the day, little angel medicine can only dominate the body. In fact, it has always been the initiative of the little medicine patient that is greater, after all, this history belongs to him.

"We just happened to have a reason recently." Lu Jianyan smiled.

The medicine was innocent and he smiled unconsciously.

——The abduction in history. Since Mr. Li wanted to have a kidnapping so much, it was just as he wished. During the abduction, Lu Jianyan's accidental "death", Mr. Li would definitely change his fate again and again.

Of course, this abduction cannot be a real abduction.

Yao Wushuang said lightly: "My parents agreed to a kidnapping exercise."

"Where is your second grandfather?" Lu Jianyan had forgotten to ask before. After all, in his subconscious, these things have already been resolved.

"It has been resolved." The medicine is safe and not **, and he will not ** not deal with it when he knows that there are hidden dangers. He has always advocated that all dangers should be annihilated in the bud. The appearance of the drugstore is still the same as before, but it is tight inside and loose outside, and it has already turned the world upside down. Both Grandpa Elder and Houndstooth Employment Corps have been secretly controlled abroad, and it takes at least ten hours to fly back to Country C to be safe without drugs.

"Anyway, I ca n’t understand the real danger of kidnapping, but I still want to give the plan to people. Since there are rich people and they are acting, why do n’t you start from scratch, you have to hide the danger and lead to the end. When it ’s too late to kill one ’s own talent? ”Yaowu was ruthless.

"Yes, yes, the similar reversal in the TV show of the police bandit always makes me think that it is the result of the author deliberately putting together to create the reversal." Lu Jianyan also immediately followed the idea that the medicine was safe. Especially the kind of undercover police gangster play, except the boss, is simply a reversal in order to reverse. ‘Unexpected, I ’m undercover! ’,‘ Ha ha ha ha ha, silly, me too! ’, The last round of investigation, the members of the organization are either the undercover of the FBI, the undercover of the CIA, and the undercover of the police ... you are awesome, do you want to hold high?

"Arrange your 'death'. Not everyone is around you, and it is unlikely to succeed." Yao Wu added. It's all my own, and the kidnapping incident can naturally be controlled at night.

Everything is ready, just owe ...

Lu Jianyan: "You haven't asked me how I acted."

"Oh, yes, how are you acting? Do you need temporary training?" Yao Wuwei took proper care of his partner.

Lu Jianyan asked back: "In your understanding, how did I deal with the taskman for so many years?"

The medicine is safe: "..." Since there is no problem, then you still ask a ghost!

"I just want to remind you that you must be rigorous." Lu Jianyan said.

"You're just obsessive-compulsive disorder." Yaowu had a sudden sight, because he had obsessive-compulsive disorder himself, and he saw through Lu Jianyan at a glance. If both are sick, don't pretend to be a normal person.

"Ah, you've all discovered this." Lu Jianyan even expressed her perfunctory expressions too lazy, punctuation marks seemed to be full of ridicule.

As for how to take medicine, papa, papa, and mom, this is nothing to do with Lu Jianyan. Just as how medicine was safe did he persuade his parents to doubt the second grandfather, and then found the dog tooth employment team, Lu Jianyan did not show the slightest curiosity. He really lacks the curiosity that normal people should have.

As the pharmacy stepped up preparations, Lu Jianyan's young child's life was still going on step by step.

For example, on the morning of the next day, on the way to the kindergarten with the drug patient, he took the initiative to kiss the drug patient. The little white hair in a pink shirt, the expression on his face turned red over his shirt in minutes, and looked as good as blood jade.

The next day, the drug enthusiasts remained extremely excited, and the normal state of taking medicine was not mentioned, and Lou Xiaopeng, who was still naked, cast a rare good face, and every person Said: "Yan Yan kisses me today!" I can't tell the world, it is best to keep this sentence in everyone's heart.

On O / H, X, Yan Yan kissed me, and I also kissed Yan Yan. I don't care, starting today, we will be married! No, I want to cross my back for a while, but I am bad.jpg.

Lu Jianyan: Suddenly I regret what happened. Is it my illusion? It seems that the medicine is filled with sesame.

When he knew about it at night, Mama Lu and Yao Mama had a sedition. Oh, did they get married? Do you want to put wine? Where to go for a honeymoon? Mom hasn't paid for the change.

Then, the two wives shouted in anger, yelled at each other, and discussed with enthusiasm whether they want a grandson or a granddaughter, or a man and a daughter.

Father Lu: ...

Medicine father: ...

See you one day, is this home crazy? !!


Not to mention the episode, to get back to business.

In order to win the trust of Teacher Li, Lu Jianyan insists on seeing a psychologist every week. The explanation for Lu's mother is to encourage the little partners to have medicine and don't be afraid to see a doctor.

Lu mother's playful eyes followed in a minute: "Yan Yan has returned to protect his wife? Awesome!"

"..." Thank you mother for her unwavering feeling that she is the dominant one in this "emotional relationship"? Right, "We're just friends!"

"Okay, then Yan Yan is also very powerful!" Although mother Lu knew that her son had no psychological problems, she still made some changes in her child's education. My husband has held a few serious parenting seminars for fear that he will distort his children. "You and your patients will become good friends."

Lu Jianyan: "???" What kind of ghost is suffering? Why not call sick directly. To tell the truth, the drug field at night showed the gas field at a certain moment, which often made Lu Jianyan feel that he was sick, and that he had a snake disease.

Really, seriously, medicine is the most serpentine that Lu Jianyan has ever seen, and most taskers can't match it. For no reason, it was an intuition. He went crazy and was afraid of himself.

The medicine is safe: Where have you been? Only one bed in a room, sir?

Soon, the honor of "the most serpentine disease ever seen by Lu Jianyan" was transferred from the serious illness to the sister Lu Jianci.

As mentioned earlier, Lu Jianci's child is four or five years older than Lu Jianyan. At the age of four, she has jumped to sixth grade. After this summer vacation, she will become a glorious middle school student.

What is the most productive in this special student stage of middle school?

Presumably everyone can call that brilliant and dazzling name-the second disease.

It is probably that the Feng Shui of the Lu family has problems. The children, from the sister Lu who does not love nonsense, to Lu Jianyan who is forced to iceberg, to the younger brother Lu who is a heaven and earth, have been or are suffering from the stubborn disease of the second disease. .

There are many types of secondary diseases, and the sources of infection vary. Sister Lu's guide is house dancing.

Yes, house dance. A dance that originated from District 11 and is usually accompanied by ACG-related music. If you find it interesting, you can dance at home.

Others started to dance house dances because they liked the second dimension. Sister Lu was more special. She loved to watch the dance of the house dances, and then began to understand the second dimension culture.

According to Sister Lu growing up, she felt that dancing with her in the room was a good way to decompress. She even made dance videos in **** outfits. Of course, it was the kind of wearing a mask that made it difficult to recognize who she was. Coupled with the early departure of Sister Lu, Jiang Hu left only legends about her net name and was not linked to her actual identity.

Sister Lu has a wide range of hobbies since she was a child. She has learned a lot of high-quality things to cultivate sentiment, and dance is one of them. Coupled with what she must do to achieve the best perfectionism, her dance video styles have been changed, and she has a strong foundation, fully showing the combination of power and beauty, which is very popular on the Internet.

In this era where computers have not been completely replaced by mobile phones, Sister Lu is already the earliest group of seniors in the ACG circle.

Of course, after growing up, these were sealed in a cardboard box by Sister Lu, which was concisely classified as dark history.

Explaining so much is to explain one thing ... Lu Jianyan suddenly remembered that during the period when Sister Lu was most enthusiastic about house dancing, she also landed and saw Yan as a dancer in the video she gave her.

Now Lu Jianyan is facing this invitation to dance.

Sister Lu hasn't talked very much since she was a child. When she was in elementary school, she could only speak a little bit. She usually looked cold and very difficult to contact. Even if you love lo costumes, you also go in the Gothic style, mainly in black and red, embellished with roses, crosses and other elements. It is an alpine route, which coincides with the temperament of sister Lu.

But it makes sense to wear it at home, and it's lace and skirt, it's really against harmony!

Okay, so cute.

Lu Jianyan hasn't seen such a fool's elder sister for many years. He even has the impulse to buy a magic wand for his sister to help her become a monkey monkey shochu (magic girl).

When she grew up, Sister Lu was always firmly bound by the responsibilities of "elder sister + heir". No one forced her to do this, because she felt that she should do it. As a result of high standards and strict requirements, she always felt that she had the obligation to grow up as fast as possible within the scope of her learning, to protect her parents, to protect her brother, and to protect the family.

The younger sister, Lu, has not fully awakened this part of the idea. At least she still retains her hobbies. No matter how ridiculous her interest seems to a layman, Lu Jianyan wants to support her.

The literary point mentioned is that President Lu Jianyan hopes that her sister's childhood can be kept a little longer. Don't grow up so quickly, don't be completely happy.

However, this does not mean that when landing sees Yan, he wants to throw himself out.

In the face of her sister's invitation to dance, Lu Jianyan did not hesitate to choose a refusal. He hung his arms over his chest and crossed them. Compared with a big X, it was impossible. No one would discuss it. No one makes the second mistake in the same place!

Then, Sister Lu showed her insistence that "I just came to ask, if you don't agree, I will do it again tomorrow."

Sister Lu would not use her identity to force her younger brother to do anything, but she would not give up lightly. Well, this is a pretty good statement. What is not so good is that in the character of Sister Lu, there has always been a bit of rigid programming. Just as she thinks that she is the heir, so she must be strong to protect her family. In many things, she is like this. She won't turn back when she finds out, but she insists on a set of principles, saying no two.

Father Lu often self-examines, is there something wrong with his education, or why his eldest daughter and eldest son behave like robots?

On this day, the big drug hit again on time. In the room where Lu Jianyan was slowly becoming empty again, two good patients sat side by side and chatted about Lu Jianyan's trauma. Yes, the medicine has finally evolved from sitting on a hard chair to a soft bed.

As the only five heads with adult memories, there are quite a lot of daily conversations between them. They also urgently need to talk to each other to relieve this kind of pressure that has become smaller overnight.

Chatting and chatting, the two talked about this thing about the house dance video.

The medicine was uncharacteristically abnormal and showed strong concern and support for the matter. He did not even cover it. After eating a small red pill that he carried with him, he directly told Lu Jianyan: "As a partner and partner, I strongly suggest you go, be sure to go. "

"Why?" Lu Jianyan couldn't understand what this had to do with their cooperation.

"Historical butterfly effect." The drug is harmless, and the expression of justice is Ling Ran, as if his starting point is such grandeur and selflessness. "No one knows what will happen if you don't make this video. Our biggest goal at present is Go back as soon as possible. It is better not to change too much.

Lu Jianyan glanced around and was still wearing a green dinosaur pajamas, holding a small white hair with a triangular decorative tail: "You are almost changing the history of your home into a parallel world, how can you say me?"

"I can guarantee that our family will still go abroad to develop in the end." Yaowu's self-confidence comes from his parents' unconditional doting on him, and the only child is so cool.

Lu Jianyan, a multi-child family, could only help but shed light of jealousy.

"It wasn't you who danced. Of course you can say very easily. What did you see in that video ?!" Lu Jianyan simply started to play. He didn't know why he had such a willful thought, presumably because he and Yaowu suffered from the special experience of co-taskers. They are also the only ones in the world who can truly understand each other's existence. Lu Jianyan unconsciously relaxed his alertness to the drug-free medicine, revealing some of his true character.

That video is simply Lu Jianyan's biggest “unbearable look” and “happiness to mention” on the road of maintaining President Lu's burden. How could he miss the opportunity when he had a chance to change? !!

"I know a little." Yaowu said in a serious tone. "It's popularity in a particular group will surprise you."

"... a particular group?" Lu Jianyan frowned. This was an ambiguous statement. Although he didn't want to think in a bad direction, he already thought about it.

"Do you know the dance movements of your sister, but the movements on your hands are actually sign language?" Yaowu further explained.

"Eh?" Lu Jianyan said.

Every action that looks lively and cute is conveying a certain sign language message. It has no particularly profound meaning or great change. It just connects the language movements into a smooth dance movement, which looks beautiful and atmospheric. The content is also very simple and has only one meaning over and over again: I think dancing is a very happy thing, so I want to share it with you, whether it is good-looking or awkward, or whether it is proficient or unfamiliar, or If you can hear the music, as long as you try to keep your smile, dancing will become a very happy thing.

In the video, Lu Xiaoyan wore cute clothes, curly hair, and dancing with her sister acted like a little duck. At first glance, she was a beginner, stumbled, and couldn't keep up with the rhythm. But Lu Xiaoyan jumped hard and hard. Whenever I fell, I would creep up while my sister didn't notice it, while making fun of myself silly, while trying to keep up with every beat.

I don't know if it's just Lu Jianyan. Even if he jumps around anyway, as long as the music sounds, he will be happy.

This is an activity that makes you happy even if you can only stay at home. When you jump up, you are the happiest time.

At first, the video attracted only Sister Lu's fans, and the person who thought that Lu Xiaoyan was cute did not attract much attention. It wasn't until later that a deaf girl accidentally saw and shared the video with a very special mutual help group she was in, which caused an earthquake-like transmission in a group Lu Jianyan and sister Lu never thought of.

From the deaf-mute circle to the disabled circle, the children who fell and laughed and climbed up again and again in the video are like having a weird magical power that makes you unconsciously washed even when the mood is the lowest. Up the mind.

As long as you want to be happy, you can definitely find a happy way.

Few people know who the brothers and sisters in the video are, but this video really made patients in many special groups feel cured.

Sometimes life is like this, and you will never know what kind of impact a small unintentional move can bring. Maybe that thing is stupid in my opinion, but it will be interpreted differently by others.

So in the end, Lu Jianyan took his heart and obeyed history.

Facing the feeling of embarrassment and explosion, Lu Jianyan let this house dance video continue in accordance with the normal development of history. Even if it would become his "black history" again.

Lu Jianyan was also very worried that after knowing these things now, he couldn't show the simplicity and heartfeltness in the video that he once used, but later he realized that ... he thought a lot. Without a talent for dance, there is no talent. No matter how old he is or whether he is reborn, his dancing moves are stupid, and he won't be astonishing because he has become smaller again. Left and right foot intercompetition is the norm, and we have succeeded in not having any action to step on the rhythm.

The only thing Lu Jianyan needs to worry about is whether his smile is bright enough. Fortunately, it has been many days since he was a kid. It is enough for Lu Jianyan to adapt to how young he is.

Another night, when the medicine was in great trouble, Lu Jianyan said something about the video, and mentioned Lu Jianyan a lot.

"Where did you know the existence of this video?" Lu Jianyan had no curiosity, but was always very sensitive to how other people knew about themselves, and wanted to know the source of information.

"I never had a camera in your house anyway."

"I know." Lu Jianyan had already checked himself N times, okay? In this regard, he still has some confidence in his anti-reconnaissance capabilities. After all, he has specifically studied to ensure that he can not be monitored. But this does not affect Lu Jianyan's brain supplement, which can be regarded as a kind of uncontrollable masochism.

Just when Lu Jianyan thought that Lou would not answer leisurely, he himself knew very well that he was indeed in a strong man's trouble, even if it was a partner, such a problem was a bit excessive, and the medicine was compromised.

If you think about it, although the drug is safe, although it seems that the snake is a little sick, in fact, he has never really done anything that made Lu Jianyan embarrassed, and even many things have developed to the end. The compromise must be drug free.

Why on earth? Because Wushangwu actually has a heart that is gentler than his appearance?

"I have to live on a wheelchair, and I have been recommended to watch that video many times by doctors." Of course, the circle of disabilities also includes medicines that require long-term wheelchair-based walking.

"Sorry, before getting the video, there was an agreement, who would not go to the human flesh video. But I did not control, because when I saw you, I felt very familiar, we should know. The facts also proved that we knew each other. "Yao Wuwen's contact and understanding of Lu Jianyan was like a glacier in the Arctic. It suddenly appeared to be only a small piece. In fact, under the sea level, there was a powerful side that could sink even a large ship.

There are more fate between them than they think.

Lu Jianyan opened her eyes in surprise and digested for a while before she realized: "You!"

He had nothing to say, but looked at Lu Jianyan quietly. In fact, he always felt that his eyes were a little scary. For outsiders, of course, he didn't mind scaring and frightening the other person. But if he met Yan, he was reluctant and afraid to see To Lu Jianyan was afraid of him. But he couldn't cover his eyes, so he could only face Lu Jianyan with a calm attitude as possible, hoping to show that he was harmless and not aggressive.

Fortunately, Lu Jianyan understood--

"Do you like my sister ?!" Lu Jianyan was shocked.

——Understand pi!

After seeing himself half scared to death, Lu Jianyan said to her partners with the little heart that has experienced the vicissitudes: "I tell you, my sister already has a fiance, you are out of play, give up. It is not me to lie You, her relationship with her fiance is pretty good, although I think it is a soft rice, but who makes my sister like it. She likes the filigree flower that depends on her, she is responsible for making money to support her family The other person is responsible for the beauty of the flowers, and it is better to filially honour her parents and cook every day for her to go home. "

Yao Wu Sui really didn't know that Sister Lu had been engaged. The Lu family's silence on this matter is either really low-key or it really doesn't agree. Just listening to Lu Jianyan's description of the other party, the latter is more likely if the medicine is safe.

"Why didn't your sister just find a woman to marry?" Yaowuwen made a more feasible suggestion.

"Probably I didn't encounter it." Lu Jianyan said. The global t0ng \ 'x-in \' l-ia: n legalization of marriage has been for many years, and most people have eliminated the narrow view of mate selection before a man and a woman are considered to be in love.

"Don't she just like those conditions?" Yao Wushang was not very understandable.

"Behind all these conditions, a more important emotional foundation is needed." Her sister likes people, not whether the other party can be a diligent and frugal person. Lu Jianyan gave the medicine Wushang one why you look so vulgar in contempt. Don't look at his sister like that, is she very emotional? !!

"Then why does your sister like your prospective brother-in-law?" Yaowu humbly asks for advice, and prays silently by the way, hoping that the preferences of sister Lu's family will not be too similar.

"Because Yan is good." Lu Jianyan did not think. So he said, the prospective brother-in-law is a standard little white face, and her sister is sugermommy.

There is no cure: it is an irrefutable reason for love.

"Rest assured," Yao Wuyan assured Lu Jianyan, "I can never like your sister."

"Why ?!" Lu Jianyan was upset instead. "My sister has already graduated with a master's degree when she should be studying at the university; she will be the heir to Lu Han's board in the future, and she will control the Lu family. You look good, but you also allow Wenwenwu, and you have a sentiment. What's your dissatisfaction with her? Why don't you like him? "

In Lu Yanjie's eyes, except Yan, there is no better woman than his sister. The whole world is not worthy of his sister, but the whole world should like his sister!

"Because I'm pure gay."

"Oh." Lu Jian Yan second understood, this is also an irrefutable reason. Although bisexuality is popular, pure heterosexual ort0ng \ 'x-in \' l-ia: n is not without it. Even Lu Jianyan's asexuality is not so rare.

After waiting for a long time, Yao Wuyan didn't wait for Lu Jianyan to continue to ask, for example, who or what did he like.

However, Lu Jianyan had no curiosity about other people's affairs, and it did not involve him and his family. Why did he care about who and whom were in a bed at night?

In the end, Lu Jianyan suddenly thought, "Would you like to dance with me?"

The drug problem is of course rejected. There is no way to compromise this time. If you want to be shamed, please ask Lu Jianyan to go to shame, he will not be accompanied.

However, the next day, when Lu Jianyan re-invited, Xiaoyao agreed.

If you have a small problem, betray yourself for twenty years. You deserve it. = V =

The big medicine: ... a little traitor!

Please pay a little attention to the teacher ’s friendship to participate in the performance of the salary is very low, it is good quality and cheap, one kiss a week, not only kiss the forehead, but also occasionally kiss the cheek, it is also possible to change him to see Lu Yan, but then the price increase becomes Two kissed.

From his childhood, he showed the crackling sound of the abacus merchant's gifted medicine affliction. From the beginning, he kissed Lu Jianyan, and then Lu Jianyan took the initiative to kiss him. Finally, he gradually evolved into a regular kiss. Although the cycle is longer, it doesn't matter, it will be shortened sooner or later! Like him, Siesta could only sit and read with Yan Yan, and now he can sleep together. This is the power of inertia!

He thinks that he has beaten Lou Xiaochu, kicked Lu Xianjian, and became Lu Jianyan's first ill person. He has been swollen recently.