MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 89

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"He might beat me to death with his fist." Prince Louis was overjoyed, and then the conversation changed, "By the way, brother Vitaro, aren't you going to see Louis XIII? I almost forgot to get down to business. You don't know, Louis XIII was already a dead man with one foot in the coffin. After learning about Major General De Gaulle's victory, he seemed to have returned to the light of day, and he looked like a face today. It's all rosy, I think it's very enviable if a person can die in happiness, Louis XIII has been the king of the Shengluer Kingdom for too long, and it's time to change the dynasty."

"Are you finally going to do it?"

"Well, the old king is not dead, how can the new king take over this weak country? Remember that you and Louis XIII are still old friends, let's meet Louis XIII for the last time, and I also have a lot to say with Louis XIII, no matter what. , is also the one who gave birth to me, to tell you the truth, before my mother was poisoned, I also admired that man, and admired him for leading the Shengluer Kingdom to win one victory after another."

Prince Louis narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to tell whether it was happiness or sadness from the bottom of his eyes, maybe both, after all, there is no contradiction between happiness and sadness.

Stepping out of the room, Prince Louis is ready to be Louis XIV.

Chapter 138 Saving Mercenary Tom

Just as the army led by Grouchy was about to head to the next town, their flanks were suddenly attacked violently, and thunderstorm-like bullets were fired from the high ground on the left, and there were more than ten soldiers in the blink of an eye. He was killed on the spot and more than 30 soldiers were seriously injured.

"Oh," Admiral Grouchy sneered, "the rats in the stinky ditch are finally in a hurry, they are worried about losing supplies, or their families are in the town ahead, afraid that we will start massacres again, so even if we fight Life must also be attacked in this terrain that is not suitable for ambushes."

In Grouchy's opinion, the terrain here is indeed not suitable for ambush warfare. The enemy escaped after being attacked before because the terrain was steep and surrounded by dense jungles as cover. Now, although the enemy is on a high ground, For the well-trained soldiers of the Kingdom of Shengluer, this level of highland is no different from the plain.

"Mouse, you're done."

Admiral Grouchy immediately issued a military order to capture the enemy who launched the raid alive. The surrounding officers and soldiers immediately took action, and the magician cooperated with the infantry to charge towards the location where the bullets were fired.

That enemy is not an unarmed commoner, and the soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom have no worries at all.

"It's better for me to capture them alive," Admiral Grouchy said through gritted teeth. "I'm going to put the rats to death, and then have them reveal where the rest of their companions are hiding. Finally, I'm going to Cut off their limbs, cut off their noses, gouge out their eyes, leave only their ears, and finally throw them into the monster-infested wilderness, and let them listen to the monsters approaching their footsteps..."

However, the enemy does not seem to be jealous. Judging from the density of firepower, there are at least 70 people in the enemy. An officer of the supervising team who attacked the top of the mountain was the first to be shot, and more than a dozen soldiers beside him were also. In just a few seconds, it was beaten into a sieve.

chug chug-

"What kind of weapon is this..."

The bullet firing lasted for nearly half a minute, and the soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom often took more than ten seconds to reload after firing a bullet. Guns exist, but I didn't expect that there are weapons that can continuously provide firepower for nearly half a minute.

However, the weapons on the high ground finally ceased fire, and at this moment, the soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom launched the charge again, and the officers in the black uniforms of the supervising team had already rushed to the position less than ten meters away.

"Okay, the more people who come, the better."

Tom clenched the heavy machine gun of more than 30 kilograms in his hand and started to move away from the town. Although the weight of the weapon will affect the speed, Tom himself is a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms, and there is no excess on his body. The fat of his body, and the hard training on weekdays, it is not a problem to escape with a heavy weapon, and from time to time Tom will fire bullets in the back.

He deliberately didn't kill the chasing soldiers, not because Tom was kind. In this case, kindness was equivalent to self-destruction. The reason why he didn't kill was to wound the soldiers and slow down the pursuit of other soldiers.

"I've seen it, it's that black guy, chase it!"

"My God, just one person can shoot such intensive firepower, that weapon must be a prop left by the gods, take his weapon!!"

The sound of chasing soldiers came from the rear. The magician was already chanting a spell. The magic of the flame system kept blocking Tom's retreat, but it was not difficult for Tom. Although Tom was large, he moved quickly enough.

"Quick, he ran to the south, chase!"

The soldiers who were chasing Tom were gradually chasing away from the town. In their opinion, they were more willing to kill the enemy who caused them great trouble than to kill innocent people.

"Damn, how can you run so fast."

The soldiers who had pursued first were exhausted, and another cavalry unit under General Grouchy was trying to surround Tom from other directions.

After all, the speed of a man can't compare with a horse, and Tom's physical strength is also limited, and he feels that he is in a very dangerous situation.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire was heard again in the distance, and I couldn't help but grit my teeth when I heard the familiar sound of gunfire.

"These idiots..."

It's a pity that the sound of guns and magic can't attract the pursuers. They have already identified Tom and must kill him.

Admiral Grouchy has just issued the latest order - kill the black people and increase the ranks.

So the soldiers went completely crazy, and a steady stream of soldiers rushed towards Tom, and Tom was bound to be captured alive. Even the mercenary squads tried their best to attract the enemy and could not lead the enemy away.

A bullet hit Tom's right shoulder. In fact, after Tom crossed into this world, he originally had the senses and speed to avoid bullets. However, when he heard the gunshots of his mercenary teammates coming to help him, Tom suddenly Some lost his mind, and at that moment, he was hit by a bullet.

Immediately, blood flowed from his shoulders, and because of the pain in his shoulders, he didn't hold the heavy machine gun and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Damn, are you going to explain it here?"

Tom glanced around and found that the soldiers had been led away from their original positions by him. Thinking about it, his own death was enough, so he drew his dagger and tried to make a final resistance.

I just hope that I will not kill those brothers who came to help me in the end. For such a thing, one person is enough.

While smiling bitterly, Tom actually felt a sense of open-mindedness, and the wound didn't seem to be very painful. Just when he was about to fight hard, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"My brother, didn't I say before that you are not allowed to die? Are you trying to break your promise?"

The wolf formed by lightning snapped off a magician's neck in an instant, and Luo Lei immediately slashed to death several soldiers who besieged Tom. A man in a tuxedo wearing a mask appeared behind Tom, and I saw the man He is slender and holds a mithril spear. Lightning condenses at the tip of the spear, emitting a magnificent and dazzling blue-purple light.

"How will you be here…"

The man in the tuxedo with the mask ignored Tom, and the wolves behind him seemed to have been hungry for a long time.

- Feeding time of wolves.

I saw the wolves turn into rays of light and bite at the soldiers. The shadow of the spear was like a deadly dance. In a blink of an eye, the spear tip pierced several throats.

The bullet shot at the mask of the man in the tuxedo, as if they wanted to kill the man, but they obviously underestimated the fighting power of the man in the tuxedo.

A flash of lightning condensed into a protective thunder wall, blocking the bullets. At the same time, the hungry wolves could no longer bear it. The sound of thunder and biting came from the depths of the jungle. The self-aware wolves were enough. hold the enemy.

"Run away, brother. I still need your help in the future, so even for me, you have to give me a good life."

After that, the masked man continued to escape with Tom.

Looking at the black hair, Tom recalled the scene of fighting terrorists in the African battlefield in the past. At that time, he was also injured. In the end, it was the back with black hair that rescued him.

And now, it seems that he owes his life again.

Chapter 139 A small town was spared

- Two hours ago.

"I didn't expect that guy Grushi could really take a shot at civilians..."

Miss Ivy clenched her pale fists and looked very ugly after learning about the atrocities of Grouchy, which made Li Ergou a little surprised.

He lowered his voice and said softly in a voice only Ivy could hear:

"Miss, I remember that when you awakened magic, you used to do something to your parents in an illusion, and even slaughtered civilians for power. According to common sense, you should not do what Admiral Grouchy did. Is it right to feel fear? Because what Grouchy is doing is essentially the same as what you've been through in fantasy."

After thinking for a moment, Miss Ivy asked:

"Li, under what circumstances do you think people can reduce their sins as much as possible while doing evil things?"

Li Ergou thought for a while, and then suddenly realized:

"As long as you let others do things for you, you can reduce your own sins. When there is a distance, there will be no **** scenes, just like a king who sits in the palace and listens to how many soldiers his own soldiers have killed every day. The enemy army, to him, it was just a series of cold numbers, but to the soldiers who stepped on the battlefield in person, every death was so terrifying."

Li Ergou thought of the world before he traveled to another world.

In Bluestar, the president only needs to sit and sign and seal, and soldiers will go to the battlefield. The president may be condemned in his conscience for starting a war for a moment, but because of the distance, he does not have to see the **** scene, so he does not There will be too much guilt.

In the same way, soldiers used swords to kill people. Later, with the development of technology, they switched to killing people with bullets. Finally, technology developed to the point where people can kill countless people with just one button. Humans have more and more advanced weapons, and sometimes they even face each other across the sea. A country can be destroyed. Although **** on earth has been created, as long as no corpses can be seen and no wailing can be heard, the sense of guilt can be alleviated.

That's how the eldest lady is, she can be transformed into a beast of power in that invisible distance, but once she sees it with her own eyes and hears it with her own ears, she will have a conscience.

She murmured:

"In the illusion of my awakening magic, I killed my parents and slaughtered the civilians, but to be precise, I sent someone to kill my parents and the civilians of the country in the illusion, if I saw it with my own eyes If my parents die and I personally kill the civilians of Shengluer Kingdom, I may really go crazy..."

"I see…"

Li Ergou could see that Miss Ivy was not living as badly as she imagined, she was just obsessed with power, but she had not yet lost her conscience.

"Li, I don't want to use my eyes to see Grouchy massacre civilians again. Even if they are civilians of the enemy country, they have the right to live."

"Miss," Li Ergou smiled like a spring breeze, "Since that's the case, I'm going to divert the army of Grouchy, you will lead the army to speed up and rush to the town, and drive the people there to the city, Grouchy. The military order issued is to massacre small towns and villages, and block the city at the same time, as long as they enter the city, they should be safe."

"But how are you going to get out? If you die, then I..." Miss Ivy tried to stop Li Ergou.

"Don't worry, Miss. I'm your attendant, and I can't die before I repay my kindness. And, Miss, my conscience doesn't allow Grushi to kill innocents again. By the way, if Aishwana asks Just say I'll be back soon, don't let Aishwana worry about me."

In this way, Li Ergou acted alone and rescued Tom, who attracted the firepower of Grouchy, while Miss Ivy led the army to speed up and soon arrived in the town one step at a time. The people in the town seemed to have heard of it. She wanted to resist the atrocities of the Royal Army of Shengluer, but under the negotiation of the eldest lady, the town residents who took up arms quickly chose to put down their weapons and moved to the nearby city of Liege under the **** of Miss Ivy's army. .

Although this group of people are residents of the Fars Federation, there are also old people and children among them. It is really hard for Miss Ivy to imagine that someone can attack this group of weak people.

In the jungle in the distance, Miss Ivy heard the sound of gunshots. She clenched her palms and said softly:

"You must come back alive, otherwise..."

"This group of **** is really haunted."

A masked man in a tuxedo killed the three officers of the supervising team with a long spear. The officers of this group of supervising team were all outstanding, but under the exquisite marksmanship, they were not a team at all. Why are the masks? The man's marksmanship is so superb, because he is Li Ergou himself.

However, the two fists were no match for the four hands. More and more soldiers from the Shengluer Kingdom surrounded them. They seemed to recognize that they were big fish. There were also the sound of horse hooves. The sound of the magician chanting spells, fireballs, mudslides, gusts of wind and other magic swept in, and the soldiers came over again. Although there is still a fighting force for the time being, they will be exhausted sooner or later if they continue.

"Run, leave me alone, or you will be surrounded."

Tom covered his wound and said.

"Tom, when have I ever abandoned a partner?"

"But it's not worth it for a **** like me, bro..."

"Whether it's worth it is not what you have to say, but I have the final say."

However, this situation is indeed a bit dangerous. If you don't break through the enemy, there will only be more and more enemies. If you abandon Tom, there is indeed a way to break through, but Li Ergou can't do this behavior of abandoning his partner.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot behind him, and Ami Acha's voice came from behind:

"Big brother Tom, and the hero, run east, hurry up, we have set up a fire net there! There is a pass there, as long as we stick to it, the enemy will not be able to beat it!"

Hearing Ami Acha's voice, Li Ergou nodded:

"Brother, I will cover you."

While escaping, he used a long spear to kill the soldiers who were rushing towards them. Ever since he saw the strength of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, Li Ergou's training became harder and harder every day, for fear of being captured again. Now, he has the strength of level fifty-six, and in a state of high mental tension, it is impossible to be shot by the enemy's bullets.

The wolves turned into lightning led away some of the enemy troops, and the remaining enemies, Li Ergou stabbed them one by one with long spears. Under the martial skills and magic that were like killing gods, the enemy should not rush forward and wait for his teammates to rush. Go up to kill Li Ergou, and then take the opportunity to make up for it, and when they were timid, Li Ergou led Tom out of the tight encirclement.

There is a trail on both sides of the hillside. The combat width of this terrain is very narrow. I have to say that the mercenary team members are indeed very high in combat literacy. They found a very tricky terrain, far exceeding the firepower of contemporary weapons. The first group of soldiers who arrived did not dare to rush forward, and could only watch Li Ergou and Tom flee into the distance.

Chapter 140 Get Due Respect

There was not a trace of blood on the tuxedo, but the members of the mercenary team just saw him fighting bloodily to protect his companions. Under the alternation of divine marksmanship and extremely destructive thunder magic, the mercenaries trusted him. Big Brother Tom was finally rescued, and at the same time successfully led away the soldiers who were going to the town. Judging from the results, everyone was happy.

"Thank you, good man."

The mercenaries bowed to the masked man in the tuxedo with the spear.

However, the man smiled:

"I'm not a hero. It's only right and natural to save Tom, because I'm Li Ergou, Tom's half-brother."

Taking off the mask, the man revealed the elegant and handsome facial features of an oriental person, and his faint smile made him look very noble, reminiscent of those noble sons of the Dongzhou Empire who recited poems, painted and painted feathers.

But it was such a noble boy who should have grown up in a greenhouse with a golden spoon in his hand, but he used a spear to lead Tom out of the encirclement.

"Are you all right, Tom?" Li Ergou looked at Tom, who had a broken arm.

"It's okay, isn't this injury like a mosquito bites a bag?"

The black man smirked innocently, but facing Li Ergou's caring gaze, the strong man over two meters suddenly lowered his head like a child, daring not to meet Li Ergou's gaze.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, I almost made you and everyone else miserable. Ergou, should I be called a **** for my brainless behavior just now? I'm wrong, I should review it, or you will call me a bitch. Pause, if this happens again..."

"You didn't do anything wrong, why should I scold you?"

Li Ergou sat on a nearby stone and said:

"Also, if you didn't lure away the army of Grouchy, this important task would fall on my head, and I would make the same decision as you, because the eldest lady I take care of doesn't want to see Gelusi's army. Roush kills innocents indiscriminately."

"It is really hateful to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Those people are obviously innocent."

"No way, this is war."

Fifty-five pairs of eyes looked at Li Ergou at the same time. When they heard about this man not long ago, the first impression of the mercenaries was that this guy who was hired by Prince Louis to be his immediate boss was not very reliable, but in the end it was him who came in person. Big Brother Tom was rescued on the spot, and his bravery also impressed the mercenaries. If it wasn't for his timely appearance today, Big Brother Tom would have been in danger.

So, the mercenaries bowed to Li Ergou, who was sitting on the stone, to express their gratitude.

"I said, don't thank me, it's my duty to save Tom, and if any of you are in danger, I will help." Li Ergou said leisurely, "I personally hope you don't take me for anything. Leader, just treat me as a brother, the mercenary team is a collective that both wins and loses, and then we need to hold each other hostage to go further."

"What should we call you? Prince Louis said earlier that the person who came to our mercenary team to be the leader was Mr. Li Zijin, but Tom called you two dogs."