MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 88

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There are not many corpses of the soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom, but if you look at the military uniforms on the corpses, this is undoubtedly the victory of the Shengluer Kingdom, and even more of the victory of General Grouchy.

However, listening to the mourning everywhere, the officers and soldiers who arrived later were not happy anyway.

"Help me... I don't want to die..."

The Shengluer soldier with a long spear in his body screamed with the last of his strength.

"I have my family waiting for me to come home, Lina. Dad wants to go home...and look at your blonde hair."

But Death took his life, not even a minute.

The wounded were weeping, breathing, and then breathing stopped, and their eyes were completely dull glass beads.

The remaining soldiers crossed the makeshift pontoon in turn, and what awaited ahead was destined to be another hell.

"Er dog, I..." Miss Ivy's lips and teeth trembled, as if she wanted to say something.

Li Ergou turned his head and glanced at Miss Ivy. The usually strong eldest lady was pale at this moment. Although she was the daughter of Marshal Lian Qing, it was probably the first time she had seen such a tragic situation when she was born in a greenhouse. sight.

Inadvertently, I glanced at Aishwana quietly. Compared with the eldest lady, Aishwana seems to be much calmer. I am afraid that in the remote kingdom of Sri Lanka, her clansmen have already suffered cruelty many times more than before. , so Aishwana just pursed her lips and held Li Ergou's big hand tightly with her small hand.

Her calmness made Li Ergou feel more distressed for this poor kitten.

"Miss, as I said, war is hell. If you want to reach the top of power, you have to get used to corpses."

"I don't need you to tell me."

The eldest lady pretended to be calm, but Li Ergou knew that the sight in front of her must have brought a lot of shock to Miss Ivy.

Charena, who was on the side, looked at the corpses on the ground, and looked quite shocked, and said:

"Er Gou, I really admire that you can keep calm at such a time."

"There's no way, I'm used to it. And compared to this kind of fresh corpse, the kind of corpse that has been put on hold for a longer time and has been corroded by maggots is even more disgusting."

"I-I will find a way to overcome it. Who called me the sword of the eldest lady?" Charena stammered.

And Miss Ivy lowered her voice and said to herself:

"But can the sword bearer have the courage to face the next hell..."

This is just the opening of the Eastern Front War. She has seen corpses, but she has never seen so many corpses. At this moment, she is even a little less confident.

"This can't be done, Miss." Li Ergou pushed Miss Ivy's shoulder hard and smiled, "Show your courage, don't you want to be the woman who controls the power of Xizhou? How can you? Are you intimidated by such a small scene?"

Miss Ivy, who was pushed by Li Ergou, shivered like a kitten, barked "Yeah", turned her head to look at Li Ergou angrily, and could not help but find her inner peace. It has been a lot, even though the blood is flowing into the river at the moment, but with him by his side, I feel inexplicably relieved.

It was at this moment that Miss Ivy realized that only this man could help her step into the pinnacle of power, and that he was her true son.

"Thank you, the daughter of the Lianqing family will not be scared by such a small scene."

Miss Ivy once again looked at the river full of floating corpses. Although she still felt physically uncomfortable, it was much better than before.

"Lieutenant Manis, Lieutenant Rousseau."

"What is Lieutenant Lian Qing's order?"

"The people who lead you will transport the wounded soldiers back to Vosges for recuperation. Grouchy can abandon them, but I can't. They are warriors who bleed for the Kingdom of Shengluer, and they have the right to go home alive."

At this moment, Miss Ivy has no acting element in her heart. She only knows that she can't keep the wounded soldiers here. This is her instinct.

In the past, Miss Ivy felt that civilians were a group of hopeless ants, but now she has a sincere respect for these soldiers who came from civilians, and she feels that she can finally understand some of her father's thoughts.

The two second lieutenants worked very quickly. Soon, one simple stretcher after another was completed. Some people who were incapacitated but could still be saved were put on stretchers one after another. However, due to the shortage of manpower, Miss Ivy also knew that she could not. To save everyone, in front of the soldiers who had only one breath left, Miss Ivy could only close her eyes and say:


Then ordered the soldiers to give them a treat. Most of the soldiers who knew they could not be saved did not blame Miss Ivy, but just smiled and said goodbye, but a few of them roared and called Miss Ivy evil. The witch, the dissolute prostitute, and then died in the scolding, and finally Miss Ivy closed her eyes for them.

After dealing with the battlefield, Miss Ivy looked at the officers and soldiers from civilians beside her and said:

"If one day you are also mortally wounded, then I will give you a joy like now, but as long as you still have a glimmer of hope to live, I will never give up on you, I, Ivy Sylph. Lianqing will not allow the warriors of the kingdom to be abandoned after being wounded, and I will do my best to bring all of you back to your homeland alive."

Hearing Miss Ivy's words, the officers and soldiers looked at Miss Ivy with moist eyes, and then gave a military salute together.

Also from a noble family, Miss Ivy finally rescued nearly 300 injured people, but General Grouchy left them to fend for themselves.

"Lieutenant Lianqing, until you become famous, I will do the hard work of dogs and horses."

"May you eventually become the marshal of the kingdom."

Li Ergou watched all of this quietly. At this moment, Miss Ivy's position in the Eastern Front Corps may no longer be called a lieutenant. Judging from the power she currently holds, she has already shared with a colonel. Not much difference.

Although she was able to obtain such power so easily, there is a certain part because she has a good background, but it is also because she has the qualities that an officer should have. Not acting, but true feelings, this girl who regards the honor and disgrace of the country as her own honor and disgrace should go further in the future.

"She will definitely become one of the top students in Stigma Academy..."

Suddenly, Li Ergou heard Demi muttering in an old-fashioned tone.

Turning her head to look at Demi, she stuck out her tongue at Li Ergou, then hid behind Charlene.

An hour later, the army crossed the river full of corpses and marched towards the territory of the Fars Federal State.

Chapter 136 Tom's Decision

Admiral Grouchy wiped his military boots, which were stained with human organs from the slaughter of the village just now.

"What's wrong? Be happy! Now that we have avenged some of our compatriots, as soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom, you should be happy at this time, right? Why don't you sing and dance as usual? Come on, I Let’s start first.—On the great Holy Land of Western Continent, there is a country…”

However, only a small number of officers and soldiers sang along with Grouchy, and most of the others froze and said nothing. The atmosphere was very strange, and behind them was a village full of corpses.

An hour ago, Admiral Grouchy passed by the unguarded village, the village chief smiled flatly, and only knelt down.

"I heard that the Kingdom of Shengluer is a kingdom of knights, this kind general, we have no intention of resisting, we just ask..."

As soon as the words fell, the head of the village head fell to the ground, and the villagers panicked, but it was too late. Although most of the officers were reluctant to do it, the supervising team under Grouchy had already aimed the muzzle of the pistol. The officers and the supervising team showed a vicious snake-like smile as always. After the two captains from farmers and one captain from baron were shot through the skulls, the soldiers reluctantly used knives to kill those civilians.

"Great goddess, this is all for the final victory of Shengluer Kingdom. For this reason, your devout believers are willing to incarnate into demons. Even if they are burned at the stake, they will not die. Amen."

Admiral Grouchy, who had drawn a cross on his chest, looked at the slaughter in front of him with interest. Men, women and children could not resist in the face of the professional army, and soon, the village was empty. After that, Admiral Grouchy ordered the magician to burn the village to the ground, so that when the village was burned down, all the villagers were already dead, and there was no need to experience the pain of being burned alive.


The noble officers who had planned to follow Admiral Grouchy to achieve fame and fortune fell into silence at the moment, although most of them longed for fame and fortune, became a member of the power, and made the family name the most honorable surname in the Shengluer Kingdom, but Most of them who came from nobles also have normal three views, and they will respect the knights who died in battle with the spirit of chivalry.

But just now, what Admiral Grouchy did completely subverted their three views, especially those supervising teams who were only loyal to Admiral Grouchy, when they killed their own people, they were even more relentless. Like a cold machine.

The most terrifying thing is that the officers who supervise the team are by no means the ones who use pistols to force the soldiers to die. They are strong, and they took the lead in rushing into the enemy line in the battle of crossing the river, and they regarded death as home.

Able to join the supervising team under the command of Admiral Grouchy, almost all of them have the strength of level 45 or above, and the supervising team of less than 100 people can effectively curb the rebellion of the troops. future of glory for officers.

"Kingdom of Shengluer, my mother! Kingdom of Shengluer, I am proud of you!"

An officer from the knight class sang in a trembling voice. Admiral Grouchy nodded with satisfaction and said to the officers beside him:

"I like obedient people. Soldiers should obey orders. Even if they kill civilians and kill your parents, you must obey because you are soldiers."

The rest of the officers also forced their faces to laugh, perhaps growing up is the process of stifling murder.

The atrocities of the Shengluer Kingdom were all seen by Ami Acha, a sniper from the mercenary team. His face was ashen. He thought that these Westerners would only be so cruel to Sri Lankans. Going down so viciously...

"Damn, it's all my fault!"

Tom felt remorse for the slaughter of the village. In Tom's eyes, it was because of his use of guerrilla tactics that Admiral Grouchy countered with a fortified countermeasure. Looking at the raging fire in the distance, Tom even There is a feeling that I am the murderer.

The black man who was nearly two meters tall was half-knelt on the ground and beat the stone with his hands, and his hands were smashed with blood.

"War always kills people, Big Brother Tom," said a mercenary who kindly consoled Tom.

"Yeah, war always kills people, but..." Tom clenched his fists and said, "They're just a group of unarmed civilians! If we soldiers die in battle, then we can't blame others, because we chose this path ourselves, But those civilians are different, they are innocent, they just want to live in peace, that's all..."

In the past in the African continent of Blue Star, the poor and backward African people were robbed by various terrorist organizations. They were also innocent, but no one listened to their explanation. Death is death. If you are upset, the bullet of the AK47 will Will take lives, Tom has been sympathizing with them...

"Brother Tom, they seem to be planning to head towards Liege in the Federal State of Fars. They may pass through a small town on the way. I'm afraid that town is also at stake."

"I see." Tom held his heavy machine gun, loaded the magazine, and his eyes were full of determination, "I want to lure those **** butchers away, you don't come with me, this is my choice, If I can't come back, Ah Cha and Xiang Deng will take over the team after that, remember to follow Ergou's command carefully."

"Big Brother Tom, we'll go with you too!"

The mercenary team all stood up.

To them, what Tom had just said seemed like a last word.

In the past, Tom never gave up anyone. Half of the mercenary team were saved by Tom. They couldn't watch the savior act alone, but Tom still rejected the kindness of the mercenaries.

"Er Gou once told me that if more people were killed because of one person's hypocrisy, it would be a bitch, you are my brothers, I can't kill you, and I don't want to be that bitch. Don't worry, My skills are enough to lure them away and come back alive."

Finally, the bullets were prepared, and the short knife for melee combat was prepared, and then Tom ran in the direction of the enemy without hesitation.

"Big Brother Tom." Seeing this, the members of the mercenary team also followed.

"Don't follow me!"

Tom yelled.

"But we also..."

"Enough, I am content with your brothers, and to be honest, if I die, my soul may return to its original hometown. Brothers, I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that I will regret living in this place. In the world, watching butchers bully the weak and can't do anything on their own."

Then, the black man left behind a black figure. In Xizhou, people with dark skin are often the most vulnerable to discrimination, but looking at the backs of black people, the members of the mercenary team only feel stalwart.

"Brother Tom, I'm sorry we are going to disobey your orders."

Ami Acha adjusted the scope of the sniper rifle, the female magician named Shandon opened her eyes from meditation, and Hiimura, who was good at two swordsmanship, hung four swords around her waist, and Karlosf would take good care of them The submachine gun put on the silencer...

Chapter 137 Preparing to be Louis XIV

The time that De Gaulle had been waiting for finally came. After hearing that Grouchy's eastern army had crossed the river, the Fars Federation army, which was guarding the Ardennes, had to dispatch some troops because of the fear of losing the eastern defense line. Go to the rescue.

This should have been a secret operation, but De Gaulle still saw through his years of experience in the march that a large-scale mobilization of troops in the enemy's barracks was taking place, because the quiet operation that had been peaceful suddenly became active. , the enemy went down the mountain to attack more than once as if to show his strength, and this is a manifestation of the enemy's guilty conscience in De Gaulle's point of view.

So in the middle of the night, De Gaulle pretended that his military camp was very empty to lure the enemy in, and then led the ambush to cut off the connection between the Fars Federal Army and the Ardennes garrison in one fell swoop, and finally played almost one to two under delicate tactics. Even the Prince Sinan of the Fars Federation was almost captured alive in this battle.

For a time, the morale of the army on the northern front of the Kingdom of Shenglu increased greatly. De Gaulle's hat-trick was like a miraculous magician, which made the military officers talk about it, and the news of De Gaulle's victory spread quickly. In China, everyone praised General De Gaulle's reputation. Troubadours wrote poems for him, painters sold his portraits, and the Military Academy compiled Major General De Gaulle's ideas into teaching materials.

"Beautiful, as expected of your old department, it really lives up to its reputation."

The fox-like Prince Louis grinned. At this moment, he and Marshal Lianqing were discussing in his bedroom. In order to prevent outsiders from hearing what he said, Marshal Lianqing used it the second he entered the room. Soundproofing magic cuts out the sound inside and outside the house.

Therefore, the only people who can hear the conversation between the two are each other.

"It's a pity that De Gaulle won't be able to become a marshal no matter how beautiful he wins, because he is too upright and offends many people in the military. Even if I am a marshal, I can't let him get a higher rank. "

"Come on, you can say nice things. In your opinion, although De Gaulle is a good general, he is not a good subordinate. That is why he has always been a major general. For example, this time, if If he listens to you, there will be no victory on the northern front, because you, like me, do not want the Kingdom of Shengluer to win this war at all."

Prince Louis crossed his legs and said slowly.

"I don't deny that what you said is the truth," Marshal Lian Qing lit a cigarette, "he doesn't understand politics, he won't be flattering, and he can't play the nobility of the aristocracy. He only fights for the country. , Fighting for honor, if those in power want to win, he will execute orders without hesitation and lead the army to victory, even if the victory will make the country doomed, he will not consider it."

"This is the general. Generals don't need to consider other irrelevant factors. As long as the leader says they want to win, they will win the battle. The more they think about it, the less they will be able to become a general." Prince Louis borrowed fire from Marshal Lianqing. Lighting a menthol cigarette that women prefer to smoke, "But when I gain power, I will let De Gaulle get a military rank that matches his ability."

Marshal Lianqing smiled disdainfully. He knew Prince Louis's thoughts. Although De Gaulle was his old department, once he gained power, the unselfish De Gaulle would become an important prop for Prince Louis to contain himself.

However, Marshal Lianqing didn't feel anything wrong, because if in a country, a person's power is too inflated and no one can restrain him, then there are only two paths to go - either glory or destruction.

Success or failure depends on the individual ability of the dictator.

"By the way, I'm looking forward to the marriage between your daughter and Prince Dongzhou."

Prince Louis said suddenly.

"Oh, you're quite generous. I remember that not long ago, Ivy was your fiancee."

"Actually, I never wanted to marry your daughter from the very beginning." After breathing out the cigarette, Prince Louis snuffed out the menthol cigarette, "Also, if you can trade your daughter for a talent that suits my taste, I think this It’s a business with a steady profit and no loss, although it’s humiliating for a man to be dumped by a woman, but how much is the face worth?”

"You are indeed a businessman."

"Yes, I am a businessman, and I am proud of it." Prince Louis laughed.

Lotte, the girl sent by the prince to the North Sea Parliament, should have come into contact with the bankers of the Childe family. It is estimated that this war will not last long. At that time, the national debt of the winner will rise, while the national debt of the loser will be like a waste. Paper.

De Gaulle won. He won very beautifully. He made the national debt of the Shengluer Kingdom rise to an unprecedented height. If the Shengluer Kingdom is defeated next, I don’t know how many people will go bankrupt because of this, and gain that unprecedented amount of money. Wealth is the purpose of Prince Louis.

In the eyes of Prince Louis, the sovereignty of the Shengluer Kingdom and the casino chips are almost the same thing.

After stating his plan, Marshal Lian Qing couldn't help but curse:

"You lunatic."

"A lunatic and a genius are close neighbors. If I win, I am a genius. If I lose, I am a lunatic."

"If De Gaulle knew that his efforts and sacrifices had only resulted in the rise and fall of numbers on the exchange, I really don't know how he would feel." Marshal Lian Qing said with a frown.