MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 90

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"Let's call me Ergou, Li Zijin is just a pseudonym."

"Okay, Ergou, we believe that you will not harm us. What should we do next to ensure the victory of the Fars Federal State?"

"Even if you don't do anything next, the Fars Federation has already won." Li Ergou couldn't help sneering, "Because that idiot Grouchy has already committed a big taboo, don't look at him now successfully crossing the river and attacking Fars. The homeland of the Federal State of Fars, but this is the beginning of the counter-offensive for the Federal State of Fars.”

When Grouchy chose to be the executioner, he had lost the possibility of winning the war. To commit such atrocities on the enemy's territory would only turn all the civilians of the Fars Federation into soldiers.

However, the mercenary team still needs to be used as a catalyst to speed up the process of winning the war.

Li Ergou thought for a moment and said:

"Now that the eastern front army of Grouchy has begun to take precautions against you, in my opinion, as long as they are worried, disturb the military's heart, and dare not sleep peacefully in the middle of the night, your combat mission has been achieved, as for the follow-up. I suggest that you try to cut off the logistics supply of the Eastern Front Army. Now that Grouchy has invaded the territory of the Fars Federal State, this means that the logistics line is getting longer and longer, and the logistical pressure is getting bigger and bigger. , all you have to do is add fuel to the fire."

In Li Ergou's memory, there are many people in the front line of the Shengluer Kingdom who are rich in their own pockets. After the war started, they made a lot of war money, and now they have just invaded the Fars Federation. , so the food supply is still sufficient, but as the army deepens, the rations will become less and less.

War is all about logistics, and this mercenary team is like a sharp knife, and it can easily kill Grouchy.

This time, because Li Ergou saved Tom from the mercenary team, the members of the mercenary team regarded Li Ergou as a benefactor and were willing to obey his orders.

But this is just the beginning. Although they have temporarily obeyed Li Ergou's command out of gratitude, Tom's position in the mercenary team is still unshakable. Li Ergou himself understands this very well, so he does not expect complete Control the mercenary team, but treat them as equals as possible.

Facts have proved that Li Ergou did the right thing. His sincerity made most of the mercenaries put down their grievances that he was going to replace Tom. The magician in the mercenary team, Shan Deng, even stepped forward with Li Ergou. Shaking hands, all fifty-five members of the mercenary team arrived this time, and Li Ergou greeted them in turn, and remembered their names.

More than an hour later, Li Ergou said to the members of the mercenary team:

"Okay everyone, it's getting late, and I should leave. If you didn't fight bravely today, I wouldn't be able to break through the siege with Tom. I would like to express my thanks to you. As for the follow-up combat missions, I will ask you. Now. Tom, you also take good care of me, don't think about dying."

"Yes, I understand. But Ergou, what if they start to massacre civilians again?"

"Don't worry, the eldest lady I'm serving will stop Grouchy, and even if she doesn't stop me, she will stop the indiscriminate killing of innocents. Well, brothers, I really should go, after this war is over, we will Find a good place to have a drink."

After patting Tom's shoulder heavily, Li Ergou walked away.

In fact, this time is also a blessing in disguise. Although Tom was slightly injured, Li Ergou's performance because of Tom's injury came forward and saved him a lot of face in the mercenary team.

"Although you may still have some resistance to him, I hope you respect him." Tom said in a serious tone to the rest of the mercenaries, "This is not the first time Ergou has rescued me. To be precise, he has saved me five times in total. times, one of which he nearly died trying to save me."

Chapter 141 The purpose of Fengmo Ren's trip

At present, the closest city to the eastern army of Grouchy is Liege, which has changed hands several times in the history of thousands of years. The ownership of Liege City was obtained through hard and soft means.

At this moment, a group of Dongzhou girls riding in carriages are slowly marching towards the city.

"I didn't expect you guys from Dongzhou to come to this kind of frontline city at this time. Don't you ladies know that the army of Shengluer Kingdom has already come? Originally, the army of De Gaulle's northern line Our soldiers and soldiers have been exhausted, and recently, Grouchy's eastern front army has crossed the river again, and our army's eastern front is in jeopardy."

The middle-aged coachman looked at the young girls from Dongzhou behind him. They were all beautiful and beautiful, with a perfect figure. Not only that, but from their speech and behavior, they could vaguely glimpse their distinguished family background, but that's it. A group of young girls had to come to the most chaotic city in the Western Continent at such a time of chaos, which the coachman really didn't understand.

To this end, one of the Dongzhou girls explained:

"Sir, our young lady is a well-known scholar in Dongzhou. She is very interested in the history of wars in Xizhou. In order to write a more authentic book, she decided to come to the front to collect materials."

The coachman glanced at the tall girl with blue silk sitting in the carriage and swallowed hard. He had never seen such a beautiful girl in his more than 30 years of life. blasphemy against her.

The elegant girl is wearing a pure black kimono, her exposed skin is like white snow, her gestures are more charming and elegant, and she is graceful. A girl like this, even if she frowns slightly, can also captivate people's hearts.

Not only that, it is said that these girls from Dongzhou are friends of Her Royal Highness Princess Caroline. A colonel in charge of the battle on the Eastern Front urged the coachman to bring these girls from Dongzhou safely to Liege. Going to the city, but this is very contradictory in itself, because the most dangerous place on the Western Continent is Liege City, who knows if the lunatic Grouchy will slaughter the people of the town?

About two hours later, the coachman finally arrived at Liege with the girls.

"Okay, ladies, this is the city of Liege, and I won't leave the road ahead. Anyway, I wish you good luck. Finally, I would like to advise you that you must avoid being a soldier, whether you come here to write books or do Some other things, in short, do what you can."

After the entrustment, the coachman escaped and left the gate of Liege City. Now the defense of the city is very loose. The soldiers of the Fars Federal State did not focus on the eastern front at first, so they did not focus on the defense. Intending to defend the city of Liege, the soldiers were packing their bags and preparing to withdraw and set up the next line of defense in the rear.

Almost all the rich people in the city fled, leaving only the poor people who couldn’t live without the city. Some of them had dull eyes and some looked desperate. After all, they didn’t know what their fate would be next. Grouchy slaughtered civilians. His reputation had already spread in the city at this moment.

However, the girls in Dongzhou were not interested in what Grouchy planned to do next. They came to Liege for only one purpose - to serve Aishwana with the seeds of desire, so that she could become a succubus .

The tall woman with blue silk calling herself a scholar is Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

After the officers and soldiers at the city gate checked the pass they had already prepared, they immediately let them into the city. This was the pass prepared for them by Princess Caroline before. With this pass, the girls could run around freely. On the front line, no one would stop him from entering the barracks of the Fars Federal State in a grand manner.

But even if the girls such as Xinchuan Fenghuazi can travel freely, as ninjas, they can't make it through the market, and soon they put on tights and hide in the streets of Liege.

"My lord, my concubine is here to arrest you again."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi smiled softly as she looked into the distance, and she exuded a charming aura from her bones.

In the evening, they made a plan that they would reappear in front of Li Ergou, so as to support Ivy and the girls under Ivy, so that Aishwana became a person, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi also At that time, he will appear in front of Aishwana.

If she is willing to obey the seed of desire obediently, it is the best, if she is unwilling, it doesn't matter, Xinchuan Fenghuazi will be forcibly fed into her mouth, at that time, she will completely succumb to desire and become Yayin People of His Royal Highness Moon.

When the girl closest to Li Ergou also betrayed him, what else would he have left?

Xinchuan Fenghuazi gently stroked the small red box, and the crystal left over from before the succubus died was shining brightly, as if the girl who finally turned into a succubus was not only Aishwana, but...

"Miss, where are the two dogs?"

"I don't know. I said earlier that I was planning to visit the battalion headquarters. In short, don't worry about him."

However, how can you not worry about Li Ergou? It's already evening.

Aishwana blinked her butterfly-like eyes, and ran all over the surrounding battalion headquarters when the army stopped to rest, but she never saw Li Ergou.

"Two dogs!"

As she trotted, she kept screaming. Aishwana in a maid uniform walked in the army of the Kingdom of Shenglu. Although her skin was wheat-colored, her gestures exuded an exotic look. The amorous feelings of her, especially the maid uniform was more cute on her body, so that many soldiers couldn't take their eyes off of Aishwana once they saw her.

"Hey, beauty!"

A soldier whistled frivolously at Aishwana, but Aishwana ignored it. At this moment, she just wanted to find her beloved Ergou. Without him by her side, Aishwana felt like she had lost the whole world. .

After confirming that there were no Ergou around, Aishwana planned to leave the camp and did not want to stay for a moment.

However, the frivolous soldier stood up, and the surrounding soldiers also stood up with malicious intentions. Obviously, their officers acquiesced in their behavior. In the Kingdom of Shengluer, Sri Lankans are lowly slaves.

"Why is the beauty in such a hurry? Why don't you come and play together?"

Aishwana stared blankly at the soldiers in front of her.

"I'm not free, let me go." Aishwana said coldly.

However, the soldiers surrounded Aishwana and seemed to want to do something to her.

At this moment, a soldier was kicked and flew out, and his entire body fell into the stone due to the impact.

The person standing behind them is Li Ergou, and his eyes are full of cold light:

"Stay away from my woman."

"Hmph, what kind of onion are you? Be careful I beat you!"

From the eyes of the soldiers, Li Ergou could see that if he came back a little later, Aishwana might have terrifying memories.

This group of animals that think with their lower bodies, **** it...

Li Ergou gritted his teeth, he did not intend to kill, but the fate of these people in front of them could not escape the fate of lifelong disability, and sometimes death is far more happier than long-term pain.

Breaking his fists, Li Ergou walked slowly to the front of the soldiers, while protecting Aishwana behind him, grinning terribly like a wolf.

Chapter 142 Li Ergou's Toughness

The horrific cry made passing officers think that this was not a military camp, but a pig slaughtering farm. When he walked into the military camp, he saw a cold and arrogant man in a tuxedo wiping his hands with a handkerchief, as if he had just touched something dirty with his hands. , In front of him, there are soldiers standing in a row, they bared their teeth and their limbs were like broken branches.

"These soldiers of yours showed disgusting faces to my girls, so I taught them a lesson. If you have any dissatisfaction with this, you are welcome to come to Lieutenant Lianqing at any time. I am his squire Li Ergou."

After Li Ergou finished speaking lightly, he took Aishwana's small hand and strode away.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, and the moon appeared quietly.

The girl with her head bowed blushed, just like a little girl immersed in happiness. She opened her small hands and interlaced Li Ergou's hands with her five fingers. This way of shaking hands made her feel more at ease.

"Sorry, I came back late."

"It's okay, as long as the two dogs are not in danger."

Aishwana leaned beside Li Ergou with a face full of intoxication, her soft body exuded a seductive body fragrance, and it was precisely because Aishwana was by her side that Li Ergou would never let her go. Plan to die lightly.

"Where did Ergou go before? Why didn't you even say hello? I'm really worried about you."

"It's nothing, it's just to relax in the vicinity. There's no need to worry about me. Your man is invincible."

"But I remember that not long ago, the group of ninjas from Dongzhou seemed to want to capture Ergou, and I felt scared when I thought of that."

The cat-eared girl who bit her lips whispered.

"It's alright, haven't they been deported? We are safe, and it's just a nonsense that just a few women want to catch me. To catch me, at least the entire country must be mobilized. That's it." Li Ergou's smiling face was full of sunshine, and what he said was not so much a joke, but rather pampering the girl and telling her not to worry about herself.

Aishwana chuckled, and her chocolate-like little hands gently wrapped Li Ergou's big hands.

"I really don't want to lose you, Ergou, as long as I can be with you forever, I can do whatever I want." Aishwana tilted her head and said, "I'm really afraid that you and the eldest lady will end up doing something right when they finally succeed. abandon me..."

"Good boy, no. I'm not interested in the eldest lady. Didn't you say such a thing long ago?"

"But Ergou, do you really think that way?"


Looking at her charming eyes, Li Ergou knew that the child was worried again.

What a jealous kitty.

"Then how are you happy?"

The kitten didn't speak, just closed her green eyes and stood on tiptoe. Li Ergou was not an idiot and knew what Aishwana was hinting at.

So, Li Ergou also showed his masculinity, gently dragged her chin and kissed it.

When kissing, she was always extremely hot, as if she wanted to **** all of Li Ergou into her mouth, giving Li Ergou an illusion that he was being preyed on, and his soft and powerful forearms tightly hooked him. The neck, although Aishwana usually looks very well-behaved, but once she shows love, she will be very bold, although the kissing skills are still very unfamiliar, but the appearance of doing her best is fascinating, which makes Li Ergou Think of dancing together.


Her barking can make the bones go numb, and Li Ergou was taken over by her. If Li Ergou's love for Aishwana is a faint stream, then Aishwana's love for Li Ergou is hot. Agni, she didn't intend to hide her desires.

"Second dog, I'm sorry, I'm a bad boy..."

"It's okay, I like bad boys."

"Hey, I also like Ergou, but in the future our children still hope to be good children. If our children are also bad children, Ergou's father will be troubled."

Aishwana stuck out her pink tongue, so cute.

"Come on, let's go back to eat."


The two held hands and walked slowly between the camps where the military camp was stationed. The fireflies radiated yellow light and felt the girl's body temperature and heartbeat. Li Ergou had a hope that the girl would escape and go into seclusion.

It's a pity that he can't do that. The dignity of the wolf does not allow him to walk away after being saved, let alone give up his brother, and Aishwana's hometown is still waiting for him to be liberated. The next life is really very fulfilling.

But suddenly, Li Ergou felt a chill down his spine, and that feeling came back again, this is the feeling of being peeped...

Dazedly turned around, there was only a jungle, except for frogs and flying insects, there seemed to be nothing else.

- Husband, in the near future, your concubine will definitely take you home, so please bear with me for a few more days.

The voice resounded in his ears again, and the memory came to that day, when he was imprisoned in the shadow of Fenghuazi of Xinchuan, and saw Fenghuazi's past.

Under the cruel family tradition, Fenghuazi grew up little by little. Now, in order to complete the task, she wants to marry herself...

"How could I be caught by you again..."

Li Ergou gritted his teeth and said to himself.

Since that day, Li Ergou has been honing his martial arts and magic more diligently, and his strength has improved by a level compared with before. Although he cannot guarantee victory over Feng Huazi, it should be barely possible to escape from her side. All around, Li Ergou had no evidence, but he could faintly feel that they had returned, and they were very close.

Really haunted...

"I am back."

Holding Aishwana's little hand and sitting by the bonfire, the eldest lady was listening to the officer beside her complain.

"You should really take care of your people, Lieutenant Lianqing. Did you know that your squires handicapped several soldiers in our team to lifelong disabilities?"

Li Ergou glanced at the officer, he was silent for a while, but after two seconds, he still showed a very imposing look.

"You are so courageous, you dare to do something to the soldiers in the army. It's really... poof, it's too much."

Miss Ivy put on a reproachful face, but didn't hold back a smile halfway through.

Li Ergou complained in his heart that even if he was acting, he had to pretend to be a little more...