MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 84

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"Yes, General, you can't let Marshal Frenzo seize your hand, let us launch a general attack, as long as we attack the mountain together, we will be able to defeat the enemy, Major General De Gaulle, you need a remarkable military exploit to prove your strength. , we also need an inspirational victory."

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Northern Front Theater, you must obey my orders," De Gaulle said in a deep voice, "No attack!"

In fact, De Gaulle's heart is like a mirror, and the military order of Marshal Forensault is equivalent to his surrender.

As an experienced old marshal, Forenzo naturally knew the heavy price of launching an attack on the mountainous area rashly. Although he would win, it was destined to be a tragic victory, and this tragic victory was equivalent to a vote. Marshal Sol's seemingly absurd military order was equivalent to joining the conservatives in the army.

But unfortunately, De Gaulle did not intend to betray Marshal Lianqing, nor did he intend to let his soldiers become bargaining chips. He would use his own means to win the war beautifully.

Chapter 125 The morning before the expedition

Aishwana didn't fall asleep again all night, all her mind was Li Ergou.

After returning from the White Palace yesterday, the eldest lady dragged the two dogs into her room and locked the door.

Although Li Ergou said afterwards that he was just giving Miss Ivy some unimportant advice before the expedition, in Aishwana's imagination, Li Ergou was in a room alone with Miss Ivy yesterday, and he must have been hiding it. Made myself warm.

Even Aishwana imagined that in a short time, the eldest would become the mother of a child with black hair like Erdog...

Biting her lips tightly, Aishwana couldn't let go of her heart. In fact, she didn't dislike Li Ergou making out with other girls. In her opinion, a great man like Ergou should be welcomed by more girls, and in the custom of Aishwana's hometown, a man can marry a concubine.

But the problem is, whenever I propose that I want to have a cat baby with Ergou, Ergou always shies away for various reasons, and never takes the initiative to make out with me, and it reminds me not long ago that the eldest lady said to her personally " I've already done it with her", which made Aishwana feel mixed emotions, as if she had completely lost to the eldest lady.

Early in the morning, Aishwana, who was wearing a maid's uniform, stood at the door of Li Ergou's room. When the door opened, Aishwana immediately gave Ergou a big hug and wrapped her arms around Li Ergou like snakes. Ergou's neck seems to want to merge with the man.

"What's the matter, my kitten?"

The man in the tuxedo was as gentle as usual, but in Aishwana's view, Ergou was only gentle to herself. At first, she thought it was the expression of Ergou's love for herself, but gradually, she felt that this gentleness turned out to be. is estranged.

To Miss Ivy, to Xia Leina, to Demi, the two dogs are straight-forward, but only to herself is always the same tenderness, Aishwana began to fear this tenderness.

"It's nothing, I want to hug you, that's all."

The cat's tail lightly wrapped around Li Ergou's arm, and its fluffy ears fluttered like the wings of a butterfly.

Although she was afraid of losing Ergou, when she hugged Ergou Li tightly, her heart became much calmer.

"Cough cough."

There was Miss Ivy's coughing sound from behind. Miss Ivy had told Aishwana not to get too close to Li Ergou not long ago, and she was so frightened that Aishwana immediately let go of Li Ergou's body. Then turned around and bowed:

"Good morning, Miss Ivy."

However, Ivy ignored Aishwana and walked straight towards Li Ergou, skillfully holding Li Ergou's arm, as if she wanted to put his arm on her proud peak.

Li Ergou subconsciously broke free from Miss Ivy's arm and said coldly:

"Miss, can you please stop touching me in front of Aishwana?"

"Okay, then next time, let's find a place without Aishwana."

The charming expression was full of temptation, she glanced at Aishwana with ulterior motives, and the cat-eared girl lowered her head aggrievedly.

If one day, I really want to fly away with Ergou...

I really want to live in seclusion in an uninhabited place.

Let Ergou's eyes only see himself...

Aishwana's green eyes were extremely sad, and among the group, she was the only one who was a vase.

For her, being a maid under Miss Ivy was terrible, not even a prison cell in the slave arena.

If she can be imprisoned in the same cell with Ergou again, hugging each other, Aishwana is willing to pay any price.

At breakfast, Aishwana looked absent-minded. In fact, Li Ergou also knew that he had indeed neglected Aishwana's feelings recently, but there were too many things recently.

The first thing to bear the brunt of is that he wants to be Miss Ivy's attendant and accompany her all the way in the army, and he also has to worry about the mercenary squads in the outskirts of Vosges City. The members of those squads don't seem to accept him.

What terrified Li Ergou the most was the powerful female ninja who called herself "Master Husband".

Although she should have been deported last time, it is very likely that she will make a comeback from the territory of the Fars Federation.

There are too many things to worry about, and before all the crises come, you must become strong enough.

With the steaming green tea in front of her, Xia Leina put on a mighty expression and said:

"Hmph, you look so worried, it's so disgusting that it makes you want to vomit. Drink it, this is green tea, the refreshing effect is okay, don't put on that disgusting expression after drinking it. already."

Demi on the side saw that Charena made a cup of green tea for Li Ergou, and immediately interrupted:

"Xia Leina launched a strong offensive. Will our Ergou brother fall into the gentle village of Xia Leina? How will you predict the future? Please listen to the next analysis."

"Dividing your head! Kid, if you don't beat you for a day, will you feel sick all over?"

"I'm sorry, Charlene, I apologize."

"If an apology works, what do you want the police to do?"

"Help, Brother Ergou, the pink-haired devil is going to eat people!!"

The same show is played almost every morning.

"Drink, this is also a piece of Xia Leina's heart." Miss Ivy cocked her long snow-white legs and stared at herself with a smile.

After taking a sip of green tea, I have to say that Xia Lena's tea making skills are top-notch. Besides, her cooking skills are definitely not inferior to those of a palace chef.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Li. I'll be your support at any time. After all, supporting each other and working together, isn't that what couples should do?"

"I repeat, there is no relationship between us, I will only have one wife in the future, and that is Aishwana."

Aishwana listened to Li Ergou's words indifferently. I don't know when it started, Li Ergou's protection became less and less able to make her happy.

Since you like yourself so much, why not prove it with practical actions?

Aishwana's face was puffed up, and her eyes were very sad, which made people feel heartbroken.

The less her wish is fulfilled, the more insecure she feels about her situation. Sometimes she even thinks in her heart, does Ergou really like her? Or just say it casually?

Aishwana's inner activities cannot be conveyed to Li Ergou's heart.

At this moment, Li Ergou is looking at Miss Ivy:

"It's better to talk less about frivolous words. By the way, you are going to go out today. How are you preparing now?"

"Thanks to you, everything is ready. Yesterday, I spent the whole night writing down the origins and resumes of the officers under General Grouchy. Be proud of me, Li."

Miss Ivy stroked her blond hair, proudly holding her chest out, showing a somewhat complacent expression, looking so cute.

Chapter 126 The mercenary with grudge

One day with clear skies, Ami Acha, who was standing on the hillside, was adjusting the scope of his sniper rifle. After debugging, he put the sniper rifle on the hillside and aimed at the city wall in the distance of Vosges City.

The man standing on the city wall was Admiral Manel Grouchy. His head swayed back and forth under the sniper scope. He seemed to be making the final preparations before the expedition. Tea can't wait to pull the trigger immediately.

When the Kingdom of Shengluer decided to send troops to attack the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, it was precisely because of the support of conservatives.

Conservatives headed by Marshal Forrenzo believed that the navy of the Kingdom of Shenglu was unprecedentedly powerful, so they coveted overseas territories. Grouchy, a conservative in the army, was one of the promoters of the war of aggression. The envoy of the Kingdom of Er had a friendly meeting with Mosley, the prime minister of the parliamentary country at that time. Two months later, the Western Continent Allied Forces invaded the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and Ami Acha's sister was brutally killed by the Western Continents because she became the princess' substitute.

At this moment, as long as the trigger is pulled, Grouchy's head will burst like a balloon, and the executioner must pay the price for his original actions.

Ami Acha gritted her teeth, her fingers were slightly bent, and her smile looked extremely terrifying.

"Mal Grouchy, pay for your life..."

The smile of his sister, the exhortation of the Sri Lankan king before his death, and the faces of countless compatriots who died under the iron hooves of the enemy appeared in Ami Acha's mind.

However, the bullet failed to fire.

His body was bound by vines, and the elf female magician who was also a member of the mercenary team behind him stopped him.


"Don't get in the way."

"Do you want to implicate all of us for your own selfish desires?" The elf female magician glared at Ami Acha, and then looked at Tom, "Big brother Tom, don't you say a few words?"

"Forget it, let's talk less, we are all brothers and sisters, don't hurt your peace," Tom walked over to the demihuman sniper and said, "Brother Armie, do you have a grudge with Grushi?"

Ami bit her lip, her face turned pale, and the murderous eyes answered Tom's question.

"Your hatred is the hatred of the entire mercenary group, we will help you, you are not alone."

Finally Ami put down the sniper rifle.

Tom looked at the other mercenaries, almost everyone was armed to the teeth, and each had their own characteristics, and they could absolutely trust each other.

In fact, the reason why Tom can become the captain of the mercenary team is not because he is stronger than others, but because he never gives up any of the team members, and even once performed a mission and almost died, he had to be rescued from being surrounded by enemies. mate, and because of this, Tom is regarded as the captain by everyone.

At this moment, everyone looked at Tom with a smile on his face.

"Brother Tom, if you have any orders, just say it directly. We will listen to you. As for what Li's likes to say, we will fart."

"Yeah, Big Brother Tom, our big brother is you, not Li Ergou. When that guy came to look for us, he was followed by a little girl. It's ridiculous. Is that kind of guy worthy of commanding us?"

The members of the mercenary squad did not seem to accept Li Ergou's appearance.

Tom wanted to defend Li Ergou, but he knew that unless Li Ergou conquered these guys with his own strength, he could not become the alpha wolf.

The blond girl riding a white horse was slowly walking through the streets of Vosges City. At this time, the streets were full of soldiers and officers. In about an hour, Admiral Grouchy's army was about to set off, and the officers were also on the way. During the final mobilization work, Miss Ivy met many officers along the way.

"Good morning, Miss Ivy."

The officers showed a friendly smile to Miss Ivy. From the list of officers that Miss Ivy memorized yesterday, she could tell that the officers who greeted her were mostly civilian officers from reckless backgrounds. Yesterday, Miss Ivy contradicted Grouchy. Admiral, let him become a high-profile object for a while, and the aristocratic officers who occasionally meet will also give Miss Ivy a smile of admiration, but most officers from noble backgrounds keep away from Miss Ivy.

Li Ergou followed behind the eldest lady, and he could see that many officers not only regarded the eldest lady as a hero to speak for the civilian officers, but also saw the undisguised pursuit of the eldest lady in the eyes of those male officers.

"Lieutenant Lianqing, what you did yesterday was really amazing. If it weren't for you, those of us from humble backgrounds probably wouldn't even have the chance to serve the country and kill the enemy."

"Yes, yes, I heard that when you came to Vosges City before, you obviously had a carriage, but you still chose to walk with the soldiers to share weal and woe, even in the rain, this kind of spirit is too precious, too lethargic. People admire it."

Among these officers, there are officers who praised Miss’s behavior from the bottom of their hearts, and there are flatterers. After all, Miss Ivy, although she contradicts General Grouchy, her father is a marshal, and those who want to take advantage of this relationship should also Existence, and then there are the officers who coveted the beauty of the eldest lady, such as those men who were deeply appreciated by Admiral Grouchy but still came to show their hospitality, and their words were extremely ambiguous.

In this regard, Miss Ivy often just casts indifferent eyes and says to those people:

"I already have a lover, and that person is the attendant behind me."

Li Ergou immediately became the target of public criticism. Countless pairs of eyes stared at Li Ergou. For Li Ergou, this was definitely not a good thing. He still can't understand why the eldest lady has such persistent feelings for him.

Last night, Li Ergou repeatedly told Miss Ivy that she should appear in front of the officer as a single person, so that she can use the person who covets her beauty at the right time. The fruit is the most tempting.

However, at this moment, the eldest miss actually said that she was her lover in such a big way. On the one hand, she put herself in front of everyone's eyes, and on the other hand, she cut off the possibility of using some officers.

The officers approached Li Ergou, looked at the handsome black-haired man in front of them, and asked:

"Are you really Lieutenant Lian Qing's lover?"

Li Ergou hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Aishwana and then at Miss.

In order not to refute the eldest lady's face, Li Ergou had to nod to admit it.

At the same time that Li Ergou admitted his lover status, several officers suddenly lost interest in the eldest lady and left one after another.

"It's time for us to go too, Li, now we're going to the gate of the city to listen to the last speech given by Admiral Grouchy before the war." Miss Ivy smiled sweetly.

Chapter 127

Li Ergou yawned. He wanted to restrain his drowsiness, but he was really not interested in Admiral Grouchy's speech. On the contrary, Admiral Grouchy's body movements were extremely rich during his speech. It made him feel a little funny, there is always such a kind of people in this world, they can't move others, but they can always move themselves first.

Aristocratic honors, life and death, revanchism, all are empty talk.

It is the biggest lie in the world that one can go to heaven after dying in battle. Li Ergou couldn't help but think of the way terrorists were brainwashed, which was basically the same as the religion in General Grouchy's mouth. In the eyes of those cruel terrorists, they The "holy war" carried out is the party representing justice, and the simple villagers believe it to be true, so they pick up the inferior AK47 and become cruel demons. In their own eyes, they are national heroes!


The speech lasted for about an hour. Li Ergou began to admire Admiral Grouchy's vocabulary, and even more admired him for hiding in the shade alone in the summer when the sun was shining brightly. The mentality of the soldiers speaking.

In Li Ergou's view, his speech not only did not have a positive effect, but instead made the soldiers crumbling. Several soldiers were sweating profusely beside Li Ergou, as if they were on the verge of heat stroke.

"Finally, what I want to say is, please be worthy of your heart and be a proud warrior of Shengluer Kingdom!"

There was thunderous applause.

But the applause was not dedicated to the content of Grouchy's speech, but because the soldiers could finally move their bodies, the soldiers applauded with all their might.