MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 83

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But when Colonel Ney's eyes touched Li Ergou beside Miss Ivy, his face became cold again.

Just yesterday, during the march, this nosy attendant interjected without authorization to support the eldest lady and ordinary soldiers in the rain, which led to the colonel being reprimanded by General Grouchy afterwards. Such hatred has made Colonel Ney unable to let go , In his opinion, this is just a small character who came to Xizhou because he couldn't get along in Dongzhou.

Li Ergou looked indifferent, Miss Ivy seemed to sense Colonel Ney's hostility towards Li Ergou, so she ignored Colonel Ney and brushed away with him. Li Ergou, Xia Lena, Demi And Aishwana is close behind.

Colonel Ney found that not only Miss Ivy had a very cold attitude towards him, but even the maids who followed behind Miss Ivy also treated him with cold eyes...

"Oh shit…"

After ignoring Colonel Ney, Miss Ivy's steps were still steady, her body exuded a queen-like arrogance, and the high heels under her feet made a crisp sound. Some officers with a much higher rank than Miss Ivy saw her After that, they will subconsciously make way for her.

"I remember that Ney was your immediate boss, right? Was it bad for you to do that just now?"

"What's wrong?" Miss Ivy said proudly, "Man, if I want to spoil you, it's not like a little colonel dictating."

Li Ergou was a little speechless.

The voice of General Grouchy was heard from time to time in the war conference room on the second floor. He seemed to be discussing the next battle plan with several officers.

At the door of the combat conference room stood a rather gentle-looking officer. He was spinning in circles at the moment, as if hesitating whether to push the door and enter. From his epaulettes, it could be seen that he was a major.

"I think it's better to wait. Now that General Grouchy is busy, I suggest you don't enter the door to disturb him."

Sven's officer kindly reminded.

However, Ivy completely disregarded the major's suggestion and pushed in after knocking on the door. After seeing Miss Ivy, General Grouchy still wore the usual serious and rigid face. Sven's major also walked into the combat conference room as if he mustered his courage.

"What's the matter, Lieutenant Lianqing?"

"Admiral Grouchy," Ivy gave Grouchy a military salute, "I'm here to ask about the next combat mission."

"Combat mission? I remember that I have already communicated the combat mission to Colonel Ney. If you have any questions, you can ask him. Although you are the daughter of Marshal Lianqing, this does not mean that I want to be too serious about you. Don't worry, I'm not your nanny, it's war time, as a general, I must devote all my heart to the war."

Afterwards, Admiral Grouchy continued to look at the map, marked the plan line on the military topographic map with a pen, and issued their respective tasks to the surrounding officers.

Miss Ivy was naturally able to understand the military topographic map, and she could clearly see the troop number of Colonel Ney and the garrisoned position of the company she commanded.

When she saw this battle, General Grouchy did not seem to have plans to send her to the front line, but planned to keep her stationed in Vosges City to ensure the logistical supply of the army.

In terms of safety, this is undoubtedly a beautiful job, but for Ivy, this kind of errand cannot satisfy her raging ambition.

So she immediately said:

"General Grouchy, you don't seem to want me to go to the front line?"

"Lieutenant Lianqing, you are the daughter of the marshal, and your father is a great noble with a marquis title and two earl titles. If you have an accident, who will be responsible?" Ask her back.

"Everyone has a share in protecting the family and the country. It is an insult to me that you put me in the back. As the daughter of the marshal, I must always be at the forefront."

"The marshal's daughter should stay behind. I can't make fun of the lives of noble children."

However, when Admiral Grouchy said this, the officer who had been standing beside him suddenly interrupted:

"Admiral Grouchy, let me take the liberty to say a word. I am the battalion commander of the Fourth Vulture Regiment. First of all, let me clarify that I am not a child of a nobleman. My father has been a shoemaker for generations, and my mother is not a celebrity. But why do you keep me behind? According to your words, you should send us civilian officers to the most dangerous places to serve the country, but why do you always send officers from nobles to the most critical places? position, and put us civilian officers at the back?"

Introduced by the battalion commander from civilian background, Miss Ivy looked at the map and learned that all the officers on the front line were from nobles. In the list of the general offensive army, three colonels were from nobles, and most of the majors and lieutenants were also from nobles. He came from the knight class, so General Grouchy's words contradicted himself.

If it was really like what he said, "it is impossible to joke about the lives of noble children", it would be impossible to entrust so many noble officers with important responsibilities.

"Admiral Grouchy, you seem to have a prejudice against me." Miss Ivy said with an elegant and cold smile on the corner of her mouth: "I am a nobleman, but you placed me in the rear, someone said that you Under the command of , civilian-born officers can hardly get a fair promotion, because you will block the promotion of civilian officers, just like this major battalion commander is refrigerated. Remember you said yesterday that you and my father have something You hold different opinions, so you also put me in the rear because of my father, and you do this because you are afraid that I will make contributions on the battlefield and become a stumbling block to hinder your promotion, is that so?"

Admiral Grouchy turned pale with anger. He did not expect that a dignified admiral would be able to speak his mind so bluntly by a lieutenant.

As Ivy said, he placed noble officers in important positions, intending to make them successful and become a booster for his future promotion in the army, and he suppressed civilian officers precisely because they were afraid that officers of civilian origin would gradually become Replacing the control of the nobility in the army, once the commoners gain power, the power of the state will be tilted to the people, which is intolerable for Grouchy.

As for why Ivy was placed at the back, Admiral Grouchy saw that she would never become a member of the conservative noble faction, so he suppressed her and kept her at the back.

The best example is that she marched on her feet in the rain with ordinary soldiers yesterday. Although she still has noble blood flowing in her body, her soul has been polluted by the inferiority of commoners.

Embarrassingly, Ivy put his inner thoughts on the table so straightforwardly, which made Admiral Grouchy extremely angry, let alone step down from the stage. His thin lips trembled, unable to utter a word for a long time.

Behind him, the officers looked at him together, and in the face of all the stares, he had to compromise.

"I was originally concerned about your safety, but since you have plans to serve the country, then go with the army."

In fact, among the officers who went out with the army, there are also a small number of officers who were born in civilians, and their best use is as cannon fodder.

Chapter 123 Li Ergou's Suggestions

After leaving the White Palace, the major bowed to Miss Ivy:

"Thank you so much, Miss Ivy, if it wasn't for you today, I'm afraid the brothers in our camp would have been placed in the rear."

Miss Ivy casually glanced at the major who came from a commoner. Although he was a commoner, he looked very gentle, and he didn't have the noisy philistine that Miss Ivy remembered as a commoner.

Recalling that Li Ergou once warned himself that he should not look down on anyone because of his background, now it seems that what he said does have some truth.

"Why are you so persistent in rushing to the front?" Miss Ivy said lightly, "Isn't it better to stay in the rear? In this way, your lives will not be in danger, or are you eager to use your own hands to join the ranks? In the ranks of the nobles?"

"I don't want to join the ranks of the nobles, Lieutenant Lian Qing," the major said sternly, "I just want to fight to the end for the great kingdom of Shengluer. It's like a robber in your home. It is only natural to take up arms to drive the robbers away."

"It's true, but what I didn't expect is that you, as a civilian, would have such a consciousness..."

"Miss Lieutenant, it's not only me who thinks this way, but it seems to me that most officers also think the same way. No matter whether it is a nobleman or a merchant, a shoemaker or a peasant, when the country is invaded, he will definitely stand up and be right. Because the officers hold the same noble idea, the Shengluer Kingdom has survived countless times of siege."

Miss Ivy nodded in agreement. Although the officer in front of her was only a major, a major with enthusiasm was far more admirable than an admiral sitting high in the white palace.

What Admiral Grouchy did only made Miss Ivy feel disgusted, but under the serious face she deliberately put on, there was a selfish desire to establish a party and support her to a high position.

What annoyed Miss Ivy the most was that Grouchy's rank was admiral, while that wise Uncle De Gaulle was only a major general.

His father's words lingered in his ears again, and he remembered what his father said to him when Uncle De Gaulle had just been awarded the major general:

"Daughter, sometimes a strong ability is not necessarily used. Although De Gaulle has the overall view of a marshal, he can only stop at a major general. Do you know why?"

The young Ivy was also puzzled at the time, looking at his father blankly, waiting for his father's answer.

Marshal Lian Qing looked at the direction that De Gao Le had just left, and said:

"The reason why De Gaulle is not used is because he doesn't understand politics, he is too arrogant..."

Ivy admired Major General De Gaulle very much, but she did not intend to be like Major General De Gaulle.

After parting with the major just now, Miss Ivy and her party returned to their mansion.

After that, Ivy called Li Ergou alone and took him into the room to lock the door.


After obtaining permission, Li Ergou and Ivy sat facing each other, the black tea in the cup was steaming white, but neither of them drank tea.

"Li, what do you think I should do next?"

"Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed. Since the enemy has already drawn a knife to you, then you should take it." Li Ergou said in a well-deserved tone.

"But my enemy is an admiral, and now I'm just a lieutenant."

"What happened to the lieutenant? In the history of Xizhou, countless lords have been overthrown by peasants. Even peasants can overthrow lords and nobles. Why should a lieutenant be afraid of a mere general?" Grinning his teeth and smiling, "To tell you the truth, I have never looked at Grouchy from the very beginning, especially after seeing his performance in the past two days, I am more convinced that Grouchy is nothing more than that."

"What do you think?" Miss Ivy sat upright and approached Li Ergou with an open-minded look.

"Miss, the first thing I want to tell you is that dogs that bite people don't show their teeth. As Admiral Grouchy, he showed his disgust for you so frankly after seeing you, which shows that Grouchy has no scheming, and he will not hide his little thought, so you should be happy, the real danger is precisely the kind of people who are courteous to you on the surface, but secretly plot against you. "

Miss Ivy put her hand on the teacup and listened to Li Ergou's words quietly.

"what do I do?"

"It's very simple, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. In my opinion, there are many enemies of Admiral Grouchy. The enemies on the table include you, your father, and Major General De Gaulle on the northern front. In addition, there are those officers who are not reused by Admiral Grouchy, such as the major you met today, who may be able to be your helper, and those officers from civilian backgrounds, who should be also Admiral Xi has resentment in his heart, these people seem to be suppressed by Admiral Grouchy, but once their strength is gathered together, even Grouchy will be moved by it."

"Well, I see, I will try to get in touch with them as much as possible in my spare time."

Miss Ivy nodded solemnly. In fact, the reason why she decided to come to General Grouchy's eastern front was to establish her own henchmen in the army.

"You should also properly contact the officers of the noble faction. I not only want you to unite with the civilian officers, you want to unite all the officers and soldiers who are dissatisfied with Grouchy, so you should also try to create conflicts between the noble officers as much as possible. , thereby pulling them into your camp. To do this, you can spread rumors, but no one will know that it is a rumor you spread, and you can also bribe the people around Grouchy, but be bribed to support you At the same time, you have to establish your charisma, starting from marching on your feet with the soldiers in the heavy rain as your initial character design, you have to make full use of the soldiers' goodwill towards you , thereby consolidating your dominance."

She took a sip of black tea, and Li Ergou continued to talk about her opinions. Many of these thoughts coincided with Miss Ivy, which made Ivy feel extremely excited, because she found that Li Ergou Also someone as dark and despicable as she is.

During this period, Ivy could accept most of Li Ergou's opinions, but only one point made her face pale with anger.

"Miss Ivy, you are one of the most beautiful women in this country. For your ambition, it is also a good choice to sacrifice your hue at the right time..."

As soon as the words fell, Miss Ivy slammed her fist on the table, and the black tea cup was knocked over with a bang.

Miss Ivy said word by word:

"The only person who can make me sacrifice my hue is you, understand?"

Chapter 124 Temporarily No Offense

In the castle of The Hague, the Federal State of Fars, Carol family's princess Carol is lying on the sofa yawning lazily, while her elder brother, Prince Sinan, went to the northern line to meet the Shengluer Kingdom. The famous general De Gaulle went. On the day the prince left, Caroline did not go to see her brother, because her brother left at six in the morning. For Caroline, getting up at six in the morning was as difficult as getting up. In the sky, she would have to get up at eight at the earliest.

"I really want to lie down like this all the time."

she murmured.

Caroline yearns for tranquility, and hopes to live in the peaceful land of Dongzhou one day, completely abandoning her identity as a princess of the Carroll family in a quiet bamboo forest.

To this end, she must help Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

And this time Xinchuan Fenghuazi came to The Hague City to find her, precisely to find out about Ivy Sylph Lianqing, and to know whether she would go to the northern battlefield or the eastern battlefield.

"Don't worry, Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, the answer will be revealed soon. According to the distance, my brother should have arrived at the frontline battlefield. It is estimated that soon we will know whether the eldest lady of the Lianqing family is on the northern line or not. already."

Looking at the black-haired woman in a kimono in front of her, Caroline was full of flattery. Although Caroline was expensive as a princess, in her eyes, even the commoners of the Eastern Continent Empire were far better than the nobles of the Western Continent. Much nobler, but she was puzzled by something.

"Why are you so obsessed with Ivy Sylph Lianqing?"

"She kidnapped a prince of the Dongzhou Empire, and that prince is my fiancé." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said lightly.

"Then she's really audacious."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Princess Caroline's bedroom. After obtaining Caroline's permission, a messenger knelt down in front of Caroline:

"His Royal Highness, Prince Sinan has sent a letter from the front line again, please take a look."

"okay, I get it."

This is the forty-fifth letter that Prince Sinan sent to Caroline after he left. After receiving the letter, Prince Sinan expressed his love for his sister as always, and the first four paragraphs are almost all Nonsense, such as asking how the quality of sleep recently? Are there any worries that need to be communicated? Do you miss her brother and so on, these words that treat herself as a child makes Caroline a little disgusted.

About the middle paragraph of the letter was read, and then Caroline saw what she was interested in. The letter said:

"Dear sister, now I have reached the top of the Ardennes, and the enemy stationed on the opposite side of the hill is the famous Major General De Gaulle, who should be said to be a famous general of the kingdom. Two rifle regiments were arranged, plus a magic company and a cavalry company. Unsurprisingly, this should be the main force of De Gaulle. I heard that he is a general with a strong desire to attack, so even if we occupy the favorable terrain on the top of the mountain, we will Still feeling a little pressure.

There should be a fierce battle to fight next, but please don't worry about me, sister, as I said before, justice will triumph over evil, and as a prince, I will definitely drive the invaders back to their hometown. But if something happens to your brother, please also ask your sister to be strong. "

Caroline chuckled, and there was no sign of worrying about her brother on her lazy expression. After her brother left for the North Line, she still went to bed at ten o'clock in the evening and lived a very regular life.

"By the way, sister." The letter continued, "I heard that you recently wanted to know the whereabouts of Miss Ivy of the Lianqing family, so I immediately started preparations after arriving at the front line and dispatched the most elite reconnaissance team. Unfortunately, there is no news that Ivy Sylph Lianqing participated in the war as an accompanying soldier for the time being. In my opinion, the probability of her being on the northern front should be very small."

After reading this, Caroline put down the letter in her hand, this was the information she wanted to know.

So, she took out the paper and wrote a short sentence, "Brother pay attention to safety", then handed the letter to the messenger, then looked at Xinchuan Fenghuazi, and said:

"Ivy is not on the northern line, she should be walking with Admiral Grouchy all the way."

"You have done a good job. Next, I need a reasonable identity. After all, now I and my people have come to the Fars Federation as stowaways, which makes me very embarrassed."

"I see, Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, I'll start preparing for my identity soon, please don't worry."

"Do as much as you can."

On the northern front, Major General De Gaulle looked at the distant hillside with his binoculars. The enemy was commanding, and this mountain was an inescapable mountain. No matter how attacked, sacrifice was inevitable.

"Major General De Gaulle, Marshal Frenzo sent an urgent report again, let us launch a general attack on Ardennes as soon as possible." The messenger stood behind Major General De Gaulle and said.

"To launch a general attack? The enemy's reinforcements have just arrived at the top of the mountain. Does Forenzo know how many casualties a general attack will cause at such a time?"

Looking at the layers of fortifications on the top of the mountain, although the layout is a little immature, it is enough to show the hard-working conscience of the enemy commander. It seems that the enemy is determined to defend the mountain.

Major General De Gaulle sighed and turned around:

"Tell Marshal Forenzo that it is not appropriate to attack at this moment, and his request will be rejected by me."

The messenger was a little embarrassed, and went on to say:

"Marshal Forenzo also said in the letter that if Major General de Gaulle refused to carry out the order, it would be considered disobedience."

"Disobedience? I'd rather disobey than let my soldiers die in vain." De Gaulle's face was still stiff, and he didn't give in at all.

"General, we are not afraid of sacrifice. For a long time, you have never been promoted to general because you are concerned about our interests..."

The officer behind De Gaulle who had been following De Gaulle for many years suddenly spoke up.