MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 85

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The city gates opened wide, and teams of soldiers left the city one after another under the leadership of the commander. Among them, the army of Admiral Grouchy was especially luxurious. There were infantry regiments equipped with the most advanced flintlock guns. And the heavy cavalry regiment, those cavalry can be said to be the trump card of Admiral Grouchy. It is said that the armor on the cavalry can be invulnerable, even bullets cannot penetrate, once the war starts, they will be shaped like a sharp knife Cut the line quickly.

Afterwards, the aristocratic officers who were entrusted with important tasks by General Grouchy came out of the city. Several colonels held their heads high, as if they were doing a catwalk show.

One of the female officers, who seemed to be from the Earl's family, even let out a high-pitched laugh, because she was the first to leave the city than Miss Ivy. From the order in which she left the city, it can be roughly judged that the officers had feelings for Admiral Grouchy on the Eastern Front. degree of importance.

And the eldest miss is the last in the order of going out of the city, and Admiral Grouchy did not give her any special instructions, as if she let it go, but the eldest lady's expression looked very flat, and she did not have any special instructions. Offended and angry.

In terms of xinxing, the eldest lady is also a dragon and a phoenix.

At ten o'clock in the morning, it was finally Miss Ivy's turn to leave the city. She looked back at the soldiers behind her:

"Let's go, everyone, although I won't promise to let you all come back alive, but I will do my best to protect you and help you build your career as much as possible."

Missy's short sentence is better than the nearly hour-long speech of Admiral Grouchy. The long nonsense is full of patriotism, revenge, glory, and fanatical thoughts. What the soldiers want is not hatred of the country, nor family hatred. To be a great man, most soldiers just want to be soldiers to support their families, and become a small non-commissioned officer when their abilities allow, that's all.

"I will definitely report my absolute loyalty to the eldest lady."

More than 100 soldiers stood upright and gave a military salute to the eldest lady. Due to her noble background, the eldest lady commanded some of the more than 100 people with high-level arms such as magicians and riflemen. Become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

In addition, Miss Ivy now also has a certain influence among civilian officers. As long as she behaves properly and gathers the strength of civilian officers, she can command and mobilize the real power close to the colonel in the name of a lieutenant.

"I hope you can seize the opportunity."

"I will, thank you, Li." Miss Ivy took Li Ergou's hand with a smile and said, "It's nice to have you by my side."

The group got on the carriage again. The Vosges City was more than 20 kilometers away from the front line. Admiral Grouchy's eastern troops would have to cross the river to attack the army of the Fars Federal State. , tomorrow morning the leading troops will engage with the leading troops of the Fars Federation.

Before that, Admiral Grouchy should encounter a lot of trouble.

Because in Li Ergou's impression, Tom is very strong.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Admiral Grouchy had led the army to walk for as much as 15 kilometers, and he hardly took a rest on the way. After receiving the order to rest, many soldiers immediately collapsed to the ground.

The cook took out the cauldron on his back, and the soldiers also began to boil water to cook. As a nobleman, General Grouchy would naturally not eat with the soldiers. dining in the carriage.

"Hurry up and have a rest, continue marching after dinner, and try to reach the river near the river tonight." Grouchy said to the colonel who was standing outside the carriage with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes.

"Yes, General, I'll pass on your order now." The Pidianpidian Colonel walked among the soldiers and shouted arrogantly, "Don't be lazy, take a rest, and continue marching in an hour. "

Hearing the colonel's instructions, the soldiers wailed. Many soldiers who couldn't keep up with the team had been left far behind, and General Grouchy wanted to speed up and continue the march, which was really inhumane.

"It's like treating us like animals, sitting in a carriage by ourselves, but we have to rely on our feet to follow, and we have to keep up with his speed, what's the joke?"

A soldier said in a low voice.

"Shh, keep your voice down, it's enough for you to know this. Can you really expect everyone to be an officer like Lieutenant Ivy Sylph Lianqing?"

"Hey, what the **** are you mumbling about?"

The captain, who cast a ferocious gaze, walked towards the two soldiers. As a civilian, he was eager to stand out, so he had been monitoring the soldiers who were also civilians like a vicious dog, and recorded their dissatisfaction with the general. It was handed over to a noble officer, and because of this, he became a captain as a civilian.

In his grand life plan, he only needs to make the nobles happy, and he can be promoted quickly, first major, then colonel. If he seizes the opportunity, he may even become a noble. When you want what kind of woman, you can have what kind of woman.

However, as soon as he took a step towards the two soldiers, there was a bullet hole in his head, and a gunshot broke the silence of the afternoon. At this moment, when a surprise attack was launched, everyone was unexpected.

Chapter 128 Ghostly Assault

Immediately afterwards, the sound of gunshots came from the jungle to the west. From the sound of gunfire, the soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom were completely unable to determine what type of gun the enemy was using.

What terrified them the most was that the captain just now had a big hole in his head, like a watermelon that fell to the ground and exploded. It was extremely terrifying.

The red blood and white brains even splashed into the cooking pot cooking, and several recruits began to vomit. Even some officers with good psychological qualities were pale and speechless when they saw this scene.

"Find them and skin them."

Admiral Grouchy, who was sitting in the carriage, was elegantly cutting the steak on the plate, and occasionally drinking red wine, as if everything that happened outside was just a variety show that had nothing to do with him.

The screams continued, and a new victim appeared again. This time, it was the most trusted heavy cavalry under General Grouchy. Although the man from the knight class wore invulnerable armor, because it was dinner time, So he took off his helmet, and this behavior also gave the bullet a chance to penetrate the head.

In one shot, he died without even making a sound.

"Hurry up, launch a counterattack quickly! Judging from the density and frequency of bullets fired, there are definitely no more than thirty enemies, find them and kill them!"

The lieutenant who reacted first turned around and led a group of soldiers to turn their guns and move quickly in the direction of the bullet. In their opinion, as long as they find the enemy, they can be easily killed.

Some soldiers have even shown cruel smiles...

But just as they were about to climb up the hillside above the jungle, there were gunshots from the rear. The bullets were specifically fired at the officers, and they didn't seem to be obsessed with shooting the officers. Many bullets just hit the limbs and screamed. The sound came and went.

The most advanced weapon of the officers and soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom is the flintlock gun, so naturally they have never seen a gun that can fire continuously, so they misjudged the number of enemies and shouted loudly:

"Be careful, there are also enemy troops in the rear, at least hundreds of people. This is a premeditated attack by the enemy. Get ready for battle."

The soldiers who had been marching all day stood up against their tiredness, separated their formations, and the magicians also began to sing.

In the jungle to the west, the demi-human man with wheat-colored skin was slightly raising the corners of his mouth, and his heart of revenge had already filled it all up. Every time he pulled the trigger, he seemed to vaguely see someone who was brutally murdered by the people of Shengluer Kingdom. The compatriots smiled reassuringly.

"Sister, am I doing it right?"

He pulled the trigger again, the fierce-looking officer fell into a pool of blood, and a young man who looked less than 20 years old was also hit between the eyebrows by his bullet. Every time he shot three to five people, he would Move quickly, like a rabbit in the jungle.

The next target is the chant mage.

"Give me death!"

There was no pity in his eyes.

"Retreat, we have already exposed. Brother Tom said before that our combat mission is to intrude the enemy and not let them have time to rest. Now our purpose has been achieved, and we can no longer shoot."

The mercenary named Shandeng walked over to Ami Acha and said in a deep voice.

"Just let me kill a few more people. Maybe those guys have been involved in the invasion of the Sri Lanka Kingdom. And that person doesn't look like a good person at first glance. I want to kill a few more."

"Ye Sui, Garuff, get Ami away!"

Afterwards, the elf woman and the young man grabbed Ami's arms from left to right, and forced him to escape.

Less than a minute after they evacuated, there was an explosion in the place where the booby trap was placed. Dozens of soldiers were turned into pieces of meat flying horizontally under the explosion, and a few soldiers were injured. "Kill me" keeps coming...

The initiator was Ami Acha. He was forcibly grabbed by the arms of two mercenaries and retreated, but when he heard the miserable cry of the soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, Tom also stopped shooting. He shot more than a hundred people just now. The machine gun in his hand kept spewing bullets. The screams of the soldiers were no weaker than that of Ami Acha.

"Let's retreat, the goal has been achieved, let the fourth team of Hiicun and the seventh team of Ace continue to attack in the early hours of this morning."

After giving the order, Tom led a few agile mercenaries around him and disappeared into the jungle, and the large number of Shengluer Kingdom troops in the rear lost the clues brought by the gunshots, and were quickly beaten by the mercenaries. Left behind, they are far weaker than the mercenary squad in terms of mobility.

The soldiers who were affected by bullets and explosions were lying on the ground. Some of them were almost inhuman. It would be more appropriate to call them rotten flesh that wailed and screamed instead of being wounded. On weekdays, the cry of a man was almost It's hard to hear. At this moment, there are men crying everywhere in the jungle. Some people may cry loudly because the wound is too painful, and some people may see such a tragic situation and feel deeply trembling.

The most terrifying thing is that they didn't even notice the shadow of the enemy, and what happened just now was like an attack by a ghost.

Admiral Grouchy put on his boots and got off the carriage. He frowned and glanced at the corpses that appeared in the battle just now. He stood up straight in the posture of a soldier, and said in a deep voice:

"They are all venerable warriors. In this way, our hatred with the Fars Federation will be even greater. After reaching their territory, we will repay the atrocities they have done against us."

Afterwards, he looked at the officers and soldiers who were lying down and took off his military cap:

"My heart grieves, may you rest in peace and await the news of our triumph in heaven."

After doing these meaningless actions, he sat back in the carriage again, his expression still flat, without the sense of grief just now.

For him, death is just a number.

The red wine in the cup and the blood of the common people are actually the same color. Isn't the best destination for the common people to turn into bones and achieve the fame of a few people?

However, although Admiral Grouchy was not sad, he still fulfilled his promise. The families of the fallen soldiers all received corresponding pensions, but the pensions received by soldiers from civilians after their death were far less than those of the knights. and officers from the noble class.

Moreover, the soldiers who came from civilians did not get a decent burial like an officer. Most of their bodies were reduced to rations for crows, and their sharp beaks flew away with rotten flesh contentedly, making piercing screams, as if mocking humans.

Grouchy still had a calm expression on his face. In his opinion, more than 100 people died in battle, which was innocuous to the army on the Eastern Front. After dinner, Admiral Grouchy ordered the march to continue, but his morale had fallen to the bottom. , especially the wailing of those who were wounded by bullets, which made the soldiers see their future selves invisibly.

The ones carried on stretchers are still officers, but if ordinary soldiers like them are injured, can someone carry them away from the battlefield?

Chapter 129 The request to sleep in the same tent

"It's really tragic." Li Ergou said beside Miss Ivy.

When Miss Ivy arrived at the place where the battle took place this afternoon, she immediately saw the bodies scattered all over the place. There was a battle that should be regarded as a shame, and the troops led by General Grouchy were exhausted from the long march. When they were exhausted, the enemy suddenly launched an attack, and after shooting more than 100 officers and soldiers, they retreated.

Standing beside Miss Ivy, you can hear her clenched fists and the joints of her bones creaking. Although Admiral Grouchy's attack by the enemy should be considered as material for attacking him in the future, but for Miss Ivy's kind For someone whose national glory is everything, she was angry and saddened by the scene.

The corpse in front of Miss Ivy had already stinked, and there were traces of being eaten by beasts.

"History does not belong to the little people. It is the kings, lords, and officers who hold great power who make history, but even so, please respect them."

Father's words lingered in my ears, tonight's dinner was extraordinarily noisy, and the military uniform on the eldest lady swayed in the wind, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

"Bury them thickly."

"Yes, Lieutenant Lianqing." The officers and soldiers gave Miss Ivy a military salute. They knew that if one day they were killed in battle, Miss should also bury them with the same specifications, so as not to expose their bodies to the wilderness.

"Also, please be vigilant next. The vanguard of our army has been attacked by the enemy, and the closer we are to the border, the greater the danger. Even if we sleep at night, we must have rotation personnel. Fourteen hours to ensure the safety of the surrounding area, you must always remind yourself of Grouchy's mistakes, and you can't make the same mistakes again."


The officers and soldiers stood up one after another, showing great respect for Ivy.

Beside Miss Ivy, there were civilian officers from other units, including seven lieutenants, three captains, and two majors, who expressed their willingness to obey the arrangements of Miss Ivy.

Back in the carriage, the eldest lady asked softly:

"Li, as a commander now, should I be considered qualified?"

"Now? Now your team hasn't experienced a **** battle, so I can't judge you, but judging from your current performance, you have successfully conquered most of the army with charm and transformed them into your strength."

Li Ergou could see that Miss Ivy really wanted to praise her, and her eager golden pupils shone with anticipation.

So Li Ergou said calmly:

"Not bad."


The eldest lady smiled sweetly, and the trace of resentment in her heart against the tragic corpses of the deceased officers and soldiers gradually calmed down under Li Ergou's praise.

"Second dog, is there a dead person outside?"

Beside him, the kitten asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Aishwana, you can rest easy with me."

Rubbing the cat's ears, Li Ergou's smile was very gentle. When Aishwana tried to see the tragic state of the corpse, Li Ergou also stretched out his hand to cover the girl's eyes and took her into his arms.

She exudes a light fragrance, and her soft body is even more shattering. Aishwana raised her face, as if she hoped that she would do something bad to her, but Li Ergou did not respond to her expectations, Just hug her gently.

This has reached the junction of hell. As a man, you must make your woman feel at ease.

Miss Ivy cast an icy look at the two who were hugging each other intimately.

After a while, the troops arrived at a flat plain, Miss Ivy said:

"Let's rest here tonight."

Afterwards, Xia Leina stepped out of the carriage and conveyed the message of the eldest lady. The officers and soldiers around them immediately stopped to set up camp, and soon one after another tents were set up, which was quite large.

"Miss, there is something I want to discuss with you." Li Ergou took Aishwana's little hand and came to Ivy's side.

"Go ahead."

Golden pupils stared at the folded hands of the two, and the meaning conveyed by their eyes was self-evident.

"Now that it is very close to the battlefield, I hope to sleep in a tent with Aishwana. She has no fighting ability. In the event of an accident, I must be by my side to protect her."

Hearing Li Ergou's words, Aishwana's wheat-colored cheeks immediately stained a blush, and the little hand that was joined with Li Ergou couldn't help but exert more force.

She felt that she hadn't slept with Ergou for a long, long time. Since she came to Miss Ivy's mansion after being rescued, she has been sleeping in their respective rooms.

Now finally got his wish.

However, the eldest lady poured a basin of cold water.

"Li, if it were normal, I might agree to your request, but now this is the army, and I can't indulge you. Once you open your head, the team will be in chaos. Don't forget, there are also women in the team. Soldiers exist."

"But Miss, Aishwana is everything to me. In the event of danger, others will be unable to protect themselves. Who can guarantee Aishwana's safety? If I don't stay by her side all the time, in case she has troubles and troubles. How should it be?"

The campfire made a crackling sound, and Li Ergou seemed to be particularly persistent. After all, the battlefield is not a hotel, and the enemy could launch a surprise attack at any time, and Aishwana is an exotic and stunning cat girl. Once discovered by the enemy, she will definitely first For a time, it became the target of captivity.

Not only must we guard against foreign enemies, but sometimes even our own people. Many men in the army can only rely on their right hand to solve their physical problems. In case they even set their sights on their own Aishwana...

After thinking about it, Li Ergou did not intend to compromise.

Looking at Li Ergou's firm gaze, Miss Ivy sighed.

"I remember you said that I am also a beauty, so you are not afraid that I will be in danger here?"