MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 58

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Just as Machiavelli placed eyeliner in the palace, in Machiavelli's Ducal Palace, Prince Louis also placed eyeliner. If Prince Louis wanted to, he could let his eyeliner end Machiavelli by poisoning. Duke Lee's life, just like what he did to his mother back then.

But he still wanted to play with his political enemies for the time being. He wanted to see that old thing barking like a bereaved dog after losing power. It must be a particularly interesting scene.

In addition, the old king who was admired by the people died. He needed an object to let the people vent their anger. The best way to unite the people is to create an extreme villain, and that object is undoubtedly the Duke of Machiavelli. The advice Li Ergou gave him when he was chatting with him today.

"Tell me about Duke Machiavelli's recent antics."

"Yes, Your Excellency Cain." The maid of the Duke Machiavelli saluted slightly, "he recently bought a set of velvet robes for himself, it seems that he intends to wear it at future coronation ceremonies, and he also brought his robe yesterday. The wife goes to the Granny Theatre to listen to opera, and then the rest of the time is pretty much all sorts of charities."

"Well, it fits the style of this old thing."

"Your Excellency Cain, this is the conspiracy document he attempted to overthrow the palace and launch a coup d'etat soon after, but unfortunately this is not the original, but my handwritten version." The maid handed over a note.

"well done."

Prince Louis nodded in satisfaction, took the note, and flipped through it casually, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.


Closing the note, Prince Louis stood up.

"Tom, take me back to the pub, I have to continue to play the role of the stupid prince."

"Yes, Your Excellency Cain."

The black man named Tom nodded and stood up with the prince.

"Everyone, the storm has come, and the new era belongs to us."

Leaving this sentence, Prince Louis walked away, and put on the smiling face mask, covering up the prince's handsome appearance.

The rainy night continued, and the war on the front line was probably killing people every hour, and Prince Louis didn't care about it. They were just chips for Prince Louis to finally achieve his ambitions.

Baron Cain is gone, except for a few people who know Baron Cain's true identity, he has always been a mysterious figure, and those who despise Prince Louis, I am afraid they can't think of Baron Cain's true identity even if they want to break their heads. It was Prince Louis himself.

The Dream of Desire Tavern is the tavern where Prince Louis visited last night. This tavern is famous in Maple dew City for its excellent "service". In the peach-colored private room, Prince Louis is disheveled, with his arms around a **** bunny girl in fishnet stockings, and the bed is full It's all kinds of unspeakable dirt.

"Hehe, beauty... come again..."

Prince Louis seemed to be talking in his sleep, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, it's still the same."

"Our country is lost."

The two clients who passed by glanced at the room and said.

Chapter 68 The Collar of the Wild Dog

In the palace's room, the sun shines in through the gaps in the curtains, and in that faint ray of sunlight, the fine dust is particularly clear.

Li Ergou was particularly upset.

On the round bed, Li Ergou's hands were tied back by the blood-colored red whip. He couldn't get up and get out of the bed, because his waist was tightly wrapped by Miss Ivy's soft and slender arms, preventing him from getting out easily.

Almost all night, the two maintained this posture. Whenever Li Ergou tried to break free, the blood-colored whip would absorb his energy and make him weak. On the other hand, Miss Ivy's arms The force exerted will also be stronger, as if with Miss Ivy lying quietly on the bed, they can be at peace with each other, and once he has the idea of ​​​​getting away from her, she will usher in more. Bold action.

Last night, she carelessly put her softest part on Li Ergou's back, even Li Ergou could smell her body fragrance.

He was sure that the eldest lady must have been pretending to be asleep just like him last night, and it was even conceivable that the eldest lady, who had her back to her, secretly revealed a smug smile several times last night.

"It's already dawn, can you let me go?"

At dawn, Li Ergou's voice was extremely sharp. Last night, although Miss Ivy really just hugged herself to sleep and didn't do anything more outrageous, her behavior last night still made Li Ergou feel ashamed.

Behind him, the blond girl's even breathing sounded, and the man's back could clearly feel the itching from his hair.

"I know you are awake, how long do you want to insult me?"

"Have you been seen through?"

Miss Ivy's voice sounded quite playful, like the voice of a child whose prank was exposed.

However, in Li Ergou's view, this kind of cute voice was even more humiliating.

"let me go."

"beg me."

It seemed that she heard the anger in Li Ergou's voice, and Miss Ivy was not to be outdone.

"Please? I, Li Ergou, have never asked anyone else in my life."

"Oh, then you'll be hugged by me like this."

At the same time, an even more fragrant fragrance came from the tightly attached body, and the fragrance reached the bone marrow, as if it could wipe out a person's mind.

Li Ergou tried to escape from the bed with his free-moving legs, but just as his legs moved, the **** thighs that had impressed Li Ergou wrapped around his calf like a snake, completely suppressing it. Lived with Li Ergou.

This woman really is a beautiful snake...

"beg me."

Miss Ivy's voice came again.

"Fuck off."

"Very well, only men with backbone are worth being trained."

The next second, Miss Ivy changed her posture. First, she pressed the back of Li Ergou's head on the pillow with one hand, her arm hugged Li Ergou's neck, and her slender legs were wrapped around her waist. .

Miss Ivy used a grappling technique similar to judo, which made Li Ergou even more difficult to breathe.

"It's really incredible, even a mere magician can use this method."

"In order to keep the man you love by your side, it's only natural to have some skills." Miss Ivy's lips were close to Li Ergou's ear, and she whispered, "You really want me to do bad things to you. Right? You unfaithful stray dog, forget about that cat, and follow me into a happy hell."

"Impossible, you will die of that heart."

Her arms tightened even tighter, as if planning to suffocate herself.

"Do you really think you can get away with sleeping in the same bed with a dangerous woman like me?"

"You let me go..."

"If I cook cooked rice with you here, then our marriage will no longer be a show, but a fake, and I will also marry the royal family of the Dongzhou Empire. Of course, these are irrelevant, the most important thing. The important thing is that I like you very much. A man like you is so pretentious, he exudes the aura of "Come and eat me" in his gestures. I don't allow anyone to be arrogant, so I must Conquer you, let you fully understand who is the mistress."

"What you get will only be a dead body. We have a word in Dongzhou."

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated?"

"Miss, I want to repay my kindness, but if you really force me, then we will cut off the kindness..."

"You really don't want to be my thing?"

"My only woman is Aishwana."

Li Ergou's wrist has been strangled with bruises by the blood-colored long whip. If it continues, Li Ergou's wrist may even become disabled, while the man is still struggling. .

"You really don't like me?"

In fact, Miss Ivy has always been proud of her appearance and figure, and believes that her charm is enough to conquer any man.

But she never thought that this man from Dongzhou would be so tough, sonorous, arrogant and arrogant.

This man named Li Ergou made Miss Ivy even more motivated. He was really not convinced by his appearance.

At the same time, Miss Ivy also realized that if she conquered this man by force, then this man will never belong to her again.

Only by conquering his heart can he be willing to bow down under his own pomegranate skirt. If he uses the most despicable and lowly means to forcibly occupy him, he will get boundless hatred.

The blood-red whip that tied Li Ergou's wrists disappeared, and Miss Ivy's hands that used to capture Li Ergou also quietly loosened. Li Ergou, who was freed, immediately showed a vigilant look like a wild wolf. stared at Ivy.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, it's just a small test, you don't need to worry too much." Miss Ivy took off her translucent silk pajamas in front of Li Ergou, her raised feet were smooth like beautiful jade, "But One thing is true, I really like you, but please rest assured, I will give you the corresponding freedom before you are willing to put yourself in my arms."

"It sounds nice."

Li Ergou stared at Miss Ivy.

Her white feet were like frost, her jade legs were half-naked, her long and narrow eyes exuded an unparalleled temptation, and the pair of golden pupils still exuded a bright red light on weekdays, and she could feel Miss Ivy's desire to conquer herself.

"I've had enough, Ivy, it's time for us to say goodbye."

"How about a bet? In three years, I have the confidence to make you my thing, and then I will make you unable to leave me again. Besides, if you leave me rashly now, you will be swayed by Xinchuan Fenghua. If you are kidnapped, who will take care of Aishwana once you get to that situation?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about."

"Don't forget, I have a life-saving grace for you and Aishwana."


Chapter 69 Wolf and Fox

After changing into that black suit, Li Ergou closed the door of the room heavily, leaving Miss Ivy alone in the room.

I sniffed the smell on my body, and the faint fragrance lingering in my nose could not be erased from beginning to end. It was the smell left by Miss Ivy when she wrapped her arms around her all night.

The smell had to be washed away. Although it was a scent, it was the scent of shame.

He didn't want to let her smell the scent of other women's body when he saw Aishwana. Although Aishwana is not necessarily a foolish child, she will always be disappointed with herself. .

Aishwana in Li Ergou's impression would probably droop her cat ears and say disappointedly:

"Ah, Ergou really likes a girl like Miss Ivy... But it doesn't matter, as long as Ergou is happy."

This is what Li Ergou does not want to see.

So after leaving the room, Li Ergou walked stingingly and went straight to the bathroom of the palace.

The body fragrance must be disposed of before Aishwana wakes up.

Just as he was about to step into the bath, a blond young man with a nonchalant face came into Li Ergou's field of vision. He staggered and looked like his body was hollowed out.

The blond young man obviously noticed Li Ergou, and then turned his face, with a sullen but not surly smile on the corner of his mouth. To be honest, when he saw this man, his cynical face reminded Li Ergou. What arrived was not a playboy, but a fox hiding in a corner and secretly laughing at humans.

"Louis X. Elba."

"Yo, isn't this Brother Li? Don't be so outgoing, just call me Louis."

Those azure blue eyes were like a fox trying to imitate a human being.


Li Ergou greeted with a slight forehead, and Prince Louis shrugged casually:

"Brother Li, did you feel good last night? That **** blond woman is the best mare!"

A mocking face appeared on the corner of the prince's lips, and his words gradually entered Li Ergou's mind.

Recalling that last night, he was almost forcibly taken by Miss Ivy...

"It doesn't seem to be a very good memory." The prince leaned forward and backed with Li Ergou, "Let's go, brother. We are the princes of the two greatest countries in the world, and we who are also princes. There must be something in common."

Looking at the prince's smiling face, Li Ergou had no reason to refuse.

The most urgent thing now is to wash off the smell of Ivy.

The palace's bath is beautiful. The marble bath is full of mist in the center. The magnificent bath looks like it can accommodate hundreds of people to take a bath together. The six marble columns soaked in the pool are full of exquisite reliefs.

"As expected of the palace's bath."

"There's nothing to be proud of. Compared with the large bath of the Dongzhou Empire, it's just nothing."

Prince Louis threw his valuable robe aside very casually, revealing his pale skin, which looked almost the same as that of a dead person, and his body was also very thin, as if a strong wind could blow him away. Like scraped.

"Ah—" Sitting in the pool, he exhaled a long breath, "Brother, how about you take a bubble bath too? The water is still hot."

However, Li Ergou didn't care about Prince Louis at all. At this moment, he was showering with cold water, trying to use the smell of lavender to replace Miss Ivy's body fragrance.

Seeing this, Prince Louis couldn't help laughing, and took a sip of red wine with a goblet:

"What interesting thing happened last night? You look like a woman whose body has been stained. Those women think that you can wash the dirty with clean water, but in fact it doesn't help at all. If you are stained , then the stigma of defilement will last a lifetime."

Li Ergou didn't speak to Prince Louis, he had to get rid of the smell as soon as possible, but no matter how he washed it, he seemed to be able to smell the looming scent of Miss Ivy, like a prey marked with a mark. One day it will be occupied by Miss Ivy.

"You did?"



The prince raised his head and drooped his arms: