MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 57

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Until tomorrow, he can proudly say to Aishwana that nothing happened to him and Miss Ivy last night.

However, just when Li Ergou's consciousness was about to fall into deep sleep, he felt unbearable heat coming from his body. In fact, this kind of heat was there from the beginning, but the heat at the beginning was just a slow simmer, and now , then the fire was completely drained, and Li Ergou felt that he was in a sea of ​​fire, and the hot flames would completely swallow it up.

Opening his eyes, there was no flames burning, but Li Ergou was already sweating.

Chapter 65

Li Ergou is not a fool. He can clearly perceive the flow of magical elements and can release such a desperate temperature. Who else can be except Miss Ivy?


A calm voice pierced through the tranquility of the night. The blond girl lying on the round bed with beautiful lines seemed to be still asleep, but she couldn't deceive Li Ergou.

"Remove your magic."

The bedroom was still silent. Obviously, Miss Ivy did not intend to respond to Li Ergou, nor did she intend to lift the magic that was imposed on Li Ergou.

The temperature was getting higher and higher, and the pain was so extreme that Li Ergou felt like he was in magma. Under this painful experience, Li Ergou had to stand up and walk to the bathroom and turn on the faucet.

However, the cold water did not make Li Ergou feel any better. Those water droplets fell on Li Ergou's skin and evaporated instantly.

It is very strange that this level of temperature can obviously kill a person, but Li Ergou just felt pain, and he is still a long way from death.

"Why don't you hold me tight?"

When he returned to the sofa from the washroom again, a sudden cold voice came over. At that moment, Li Ergou seemed to feel that the heat in his body was relieved a lot.

"I can't betray my Aishwana, that child has suffered a lot, and I am her only one."

"What an amazing man," the blond girl with closed eyes was still lying down, "but don't you know? The more you say that, the more I want to possess you."

The temperature rose again, this time the temperature suddenly rose to a peak, as if riding a roller coaster, as if all the blood in the body was burning.


Li Ergou fell to the ground with difficulty. Through the gap in the curtain, Li Ergou saw that the moonlight outside the window did not seem to be bright yellow, but bloody.

No, maybe it wasn't the moon, Li Ergou felt that everything in front of him was covered with a blood mist, and the blood of desire seemed to be constantly pulling him, trying to drag him into the abyss.

A voice whispered softly in my ear:

"Own her!"

The delicate body is like an open door, and like an oasis in the vast desert, even a mirage is enough to make people give up everything and run towards her, and die of exhaustion and no regrets on the way.

She was welcoming her, her open arms seemed to wait for her body, and when she got close to her, she would fold her arms to prevent herself from escaping.

A very bad woman, and at the same time a stunner who charms all beings.

Li Ergou saw that the golden pupils turned dark red at this moment, and the dark red was like rose petals in the bathtub, full of tempting desire to commit crimes.

"Don't think this uncle will give in, even I have the pride of being a man, don't try to tempt me, don't look down on our men too much!!"

He bit his tongue, and there was hot blood under the sharp pain.

Blood is the culprit of everything.

A woman of elven and half-blood blood, she can magically summon a forest that fuels fire, or turn a man into a beast driven by desire.

"Crazy like a wolf, come on, I will conquer you, conquer a man like you, and I can conquer the whole world, submit to me, drag my feet naked, kiss my insteps, pious, Sad slave, you will never be free."

The graceful bare feet are so pleasing to the eyes, Li Ergou even felt that the ankles could instantly extinguish his scalding blood, once he kissed him, he would be freed, and the flames all over his body would be extinguished.

But at the same time, freedom will also bid farewell to itself completely.

At that time, he will no longer belong to him, and he will not even have the right to love Aishwana again.

"You are not my master, no one in this world can ride on my head!"

Li Ergou stood up with difficulty and tried to open the door to escape from the bedroom.

This woman is too dangerous, she pretends to be a wet puppy, but she is actually a banshee who enslaves the world.

must leave her.

Go immediately.

However, as soon as he turned around, the blood-red whip bound Li Ergou's limbs.

"Escape? Don't forget, once you escape, you will be captured by Xinchuan Fenghuazi, or do you think you have a way to escape the pursuit of those wind demons?"

There is no way.

This point, Li Ergou knows better than anyone, especially Xinchuan Fenghuazi, Li Ergou can't find the slightest flaw in her gestures, and she will only be conquered by her in the end.

"But I can't be yours either. My body and soul belong to Aishwana alone, and no one can take it away."

"She's really a lucky girl. Actually, I don't hate that child either," Miss Ivy sat on the bed, covering the corners of her lips with a bright red origami fan, "Even if I had you with her, I wouldn't give up the slightest bit. I will mind, good men should be partners with more women, all for the sake of better blood. However, I must be the palace, just like there can only be one king in the kingdom of Shengluer, I must be the only one the queen."

"I reject."

However, the blood-red whip was slowly shrinking, slowly pulling Li Ergou's body to Miss Ivy's side. Li Ergou tried to struggle. In his eyes, that very charming body was waiting for him. The container that devoured herself completely, with her, may lose not only the body, but also the soul...

"Let go of me, you **** let me go, I will never give in, never!"

It's a pity that the blood-colored whip has been pulled by Miss Ivy's side. Under the translucent black lace pajamas, you can see her exquisite and delicate body, and even the parts that Li Ergou doesn't want to see can be seen at this moment. arrive.

"Are you afraid? Don't worry, I won't eat you, at least until you like me." Miss Ivy rubbed Li Ergou's hair with her slender palm, and then smiled contentedly, "It turns out that touching the head is It feels so good.”

Li Ergou felt humiliated by this.

"Let's sleep together, don't worry, it's really just sleeping together, I will never do anything to you, I will do what I say."

But this sentence in Li Ergou's ears is more like "I can't get in just by rubbing it."

The blood-colored whip slowly shrank, and Li Ergou's hands were tied back by her.

"Be nice to me, puppy."

That extraordinarily conquest smile made Li Ergou even more annoyed.

Also, this woman dared to call her a puppy. Although her name was Li Ergou, Li Ergou always regarded herself as a lone wolf.

He tried to struggle to get out of bed, but Miss Ivy wrapped her arms around his waist and said with a sneer:

"Okay, it's bedtime now."

Being held in her arms, feeling the soft touch on her back, the scalding blood was no longer hot.

Chapter 66 The Mercenary Group Hidden in the Black Heart Workshop

The night is shrouded and the drizzle is continuous. Although Fenglu City, the prosperous capital of Shengluer, has elegant castles and high-rise buildings, there are also slums that cannot be covered up. Under a damp pontoon or in a tunnel, it looks like a feral cat.

A well-dressed gentleman in a smiley mask strolled along, the clear and pleasant sound of his boots stepping on the puddle, as if he didn't care that the water in the puddle splashed on his luxurious dress.

The lights flickered on and off, apparently because the current was not stable. If this slender gentleman passed the streets of the slums alone, he would have been knocked unconscious by a sap, and when he woke up, all his clothes were stripped off. , the dazzling blond hair like the sun may also be cut off alive and sold for money.

But at present, no one dares to do such a thing, because standing next to the gentleman is a black strong man holding an umbrella. The strong man is about two meters tall, with a flat head and a pair of black sunglasses. There is no obvious violent mood, but the shape is enough to deter the ordinary market hooligans.

"Tom, look, there is no absolute prosperity in this world. The brighter it is, the more embarrassing it is behind it." The blond gentleman took out a coin from his pocket, "Just like a coin has a head, it must be There is a reverse side, in this world, the East Continent and the West Continent are undoubtedly the obverse of the coin. Tom, as the aborigines of the Southern Continent, live on the reverse side of the coin.”

"Your Excellency the Baron is right." The strong black man nodded humbly.

"But nothing is absolute, Tom," came the youthful laughter from the blond gentleman's mask, "if we start now, I will define the side of the coin with the head of Louis the Great as the back, and the side with the iris logo as the front. , then your southern continent is the front, and our rich Western Continent and the far more powerful Eastern Continent are the opposite."

The black strong man looked at the smiling face mask with some puzzlement. He always liked to say some incomprehensible and incomprehensible words.

"You don't need to understand, you just need to know that the world is about to face a huge storm, and I'm the man who brought it, and that's enough."

Afterwards, the blond man known as Your Excellency the Baron continued to walk deeper into the slum, followed by the strong black man. There was lightning and thunder under the sound of the desolate rain, the desolate houses in the slum were washed away by the rain, and the baby Crying through the rainy night.

About in the deepest part of the slum, there is a food processing workshop. The factory looks very desolate. Under the night, the factory looks like a haunted house where a murder has occurred. Almost all the windows inside the factory are smashed. , The broken glass shards shattered on the ground. If it weren't for the stench that made people shy away from the smell, I'm afraid this place would really make people think it has been completely abandoned.

The well-dressed gentleman did not stop for a moment, and walked straight to the food processing workshop where even the mice would flinch.

Walking into the factory, you can see dirty swill buckets everywhere. There are piles of meat ravaged by maggots. Flies dance all over the sky. The disgusting smell of rotten eggs makes people want to vomit physically. Full of all kinds of mold, as if it had never been cleaned.

"Hahaha, every time I come here, it is so shocking."

The blond baron took off his mask, revealing the face of Prince Louis.

In front of the world, the slutty prince came to the bar to get drunk as always. After he was drunk, he took the beautiful bar girl into the room and lingered all night. After deciding that the prince would definitely sleep until noon the next day, he monitored The servants who followed the prince left one after another, and reported the prince's wasteful behavior today to Duke Machiavelli.

With following day after day, year after year, even the Duke of Machiavelli himself has long recognized that Prince Louis is a scumbag waiting to die, so now he no longer requires the servants to monitor 24 hours a day Prince, according to Duke Machiavelli's conception, when the king dies, the prince will be reduced to his puppet.

But unfortunately, it was only his idea, and the prince did not become a puppet as he imagined.

"Okay, children, come out and meet your king." Prince Louis clapped his palms and called in a high and enthusiastic voice.

Afterwards, countless dark shadows suddenly appeared in this supposedly empty factory, lightning flashed across, and through the light, you could see the mercenaries who were ready to stand upright in the open space of the food factory. The weapons in their hands looked like It is far more advanced than the regular army of the Shengluer Kingdom at the same time, and there are even rifles and shotguns newly developed by the Dongzhou Empire.

That's the power of money.

In order to support such a private army belonging to Prince Louis himself, he spent a lot of energy, and it turned out that everything he did was worth it. Afterwards, the mercenary group marched south under the banner of Baron Cain. The Northern War made him a fortune.

And this time, Prince Louis still has to make a lot of money from him.

"What is your order, Your Excellency Cain?"

The leading man knelt down on one knee and asked respectfully.

"There are two things. First, in a short time, Louis XIII will die. At that time, the nobles of Fenglu City will inevitably set off a **** storm. We must start preparing for war. Second, dispatch immediately' Snakes' squad goes to the front, this war can't be dragged on any longer."

"Your Majesty, do you want Marshal Forrenzo to win?"

The leader of the mercenary squad thought that Prince Louis was a royal family after all, and could not bear to let his country lose to the small country of the Fars Federation.

However, what Prince Louis said next made the mercenary chief dumbfounded.

"No, I'm going to let Forrenzo fall, I'm going to let him lose his chance to rise again, and I'm going to discredit the Duke Machiavelli faction."

"However, in this way, the kingdom will lose, the astronomical amount of indemnity, and the transfer of trade rights with Dongzhou..."

"No, the Kingdom of Shengluer will not lose. From the perspective of the overall situation, the people will not be the losers. The loser will only be Machiavelli. If he loses, there will naturally be countless people who will impeach his loyal dog Fu Lun. Marshal Sol, then we will be the winners, and not just politically..."

In addition, Prince Louis had asked the girl he trusted to send a letter to the Childe family a few days ago, in which he expressed the hope that the Childe family would release a smoke bomb to make everyone think that the Kingdom of Shengluer would achieve the ultimate goal. Victory, in this way, the national debt of the Kingdom of Shengluer will rise, and Prince Louis, in the name of Baron Cain, took this opportunity to buy the national debt of the Federal State of Fars at a low price, and then celebrated the victory in the Federal State of Fars. At that time, he will also be able to celebrate the victory of his own wealth. At that time, he who holds the wealth will have the supreme voice, power, and authority.

Disgraced aristocrats will no longer be able to prevent the centralized rule of the royal family.

Chapter 67 The Hopeless Prince

Under the food factory under the thunder and lightning, the mercenaries stood upright.

If you look closely at this mercenary unit, you can see that these mercenaries are not uniform white people from the West Continent. Almost all people of all skin colors and races in the world can join this mercenary team. Prince Louis does not care about his background. Not to mention nationality, he believes in the supremacy of the strong, and because of this, these outlaws found value under Prince Louis.

"Your Excellency Cain," the mercenary leader frowned, "We have a vague idea of ​​your intention, but the problem is that we are a small force after all. Although we can win in small battles, if we want to control the situation …”

"Don't worry, our Shengluer Kingdom will definitely lose this war."

"Your Excellency Baron, please give us clear instructions." The mercenary leader nodded slightly, obviously a little guilty.

Because thinking about how to win the battle is what he should do, but in fact, he still has no confidence to confront the regular army of Shengluer Kingdom head-on, so he must rely on the wisdom of the prince.

In the past wars between the South and the North, the prince could always see the key to victory precisely, and he believed that Prince Louis would also see it this time.

"If I become the king, you will become the general, and the general asks the king about the battle plan. How is this formal?"

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Prince Louis walked to the long table full of rot and mold, spread out the topographic map of the frontline he had taken from the female mercenary, and drew a large circle in the south with a pen.

"Although I have never personally been on the battlefield, according to my control of past wars, our biggest mistake this time will be on General Grouchy."

"If I remember correctly, General Grouchy has all the virtues a soldier should have, right?" The mercenary leader frowned, "He is careful, obedient, cautious, and diligent."

"Those are good qualities for a dutiful soldier, but cowardice for a general who might be a good captain, but if he were to be a Confederate The commander-in-chief, he is not qualified enough. In addition, the logistics and corruption of the Forrenzo army are obvious to all, and what you have to do is not to fight hard, you only need to use the suspects to hold back Grushi's footsteps, now It's a foggy and rainy season, once you put on the uniforms of the North Sea Parliament or the Blue Empire to delay them, Grouchy's legion will definitely stop attacking." Prince Louis said confidently.

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, in my eyes, he is an obedient nobleman, accustomed to taking orders, and taking everything about that old man of Forensau as a decree. I want to say that it is indeed a duty for a soldier to obey orders, but a general , strategists should regard victory as everything, without victory, everything is lost, we must win, and we will win.”

Whenever Prince Louis speaks, it makes people feel that this young man has infinite wisdom. In fact, he is indeed very smart, and he can help the mercenary team save danger almost every time.

The most admirable thing for the mercenary leader is that Baron Cain is the much-maligned Prince Louis, but he doesn't care about his reputation at all, and as a pampered prince, he can actually give battle instructions in this filthy factory. It's as if the smell of rotten meat, rotten eggs and mold wasn't there at all.

Therefore, the mercenaries are very sure that Prince Louis will become the greatest king.

No, at that time perhaps he would not be king, but emperor, the Elbanian Empire founded by Louis the Great.

Prince Louis looked at the maid standing in the corner again.