MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 59

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"Looking at your excited look, I thought you guys did it, haha."

"I don't like Ivy."

"It can be seen, but as I said, you don't like Ivy, but Ivy likes you. As far as I know, if she is interested in her, even if she does anything, she will get the prey she desires." Louis. The prince said with a fox-like smile, "I really envy you."

"If you are envious, how about you marry Ivy?" The black-haired man bathed in cold water, "I'm so **** fed up."

"No, my good brother, I don't want to keep a poisonous snake. The paperwork for the dissolution of the engagement has been written. After today, she will no longer be my fiancee, not to mention that the gears have begun to turn, I hope you can be mine. helper."


"Brother Li, to be honest, I actually thought about taking you as a subordinate, but I already understood when I was in the slave arena, a man with wolf-like eyes like you is impossible to become a subordinate. Someone's subordinate. I know you like I know myself. Someone like you may temporarily obey someone in order to repay, but you will never become someone's tool. You have ideas and you have your own. Compared to enslaving you, it is the most sensible way to be an equal friend with you.”

Prince Louis' eyebrows were slightly curved, and his pale skin seemed rosy after taking a bath.

Li Ergou looked at him and said:

"I really need a friend. Ivy has saved my life for me and Aishwana. I must repay her kindness, and at the same time, I must ensure that after repaying my kindness, I have the strength to leave her side."

"That's right, that's right, my friend. Haha, my friend, what an ambiguous word. It's not so much a friend as it's two people in distress who had to join hands to get through this difficult time at a critical moment. Your own power, and I am also tied down because of my status as a prince. Go do things for me, accumulate your power to become the overlord of one side, the lone wolf of the East, when we join forces, the whole world will be us Yes. From now on, there will only be two countries in the world, one of which is called the East Continent Empire, and the other is called the West Continent Empire. These two empires will be forever neighbors and forever friends."

Prince Louis extended his hand to Li Ergou and said with a smile:

"You don't smell that woman anymore."

work after chapter 70

"Next, what are your plans?"

After confirming that Miss Ivy's body fragrance was gone, Li Ergou also sat in the bath, the temperature was just right.

"As I said last time, the king will die soon, and Machiavelli will carry out a coup d'etat to overthrow the waste prince as planned, but in this world, no matter what you do, you can't do anything without money, And the money I have is just enough to smash his ambitions."

Prince Louis said lazily, soaking his body in the pool.

"By the way, I also plan to take your suggestion last time and make him a villain who rebelled against the country. As for the crime, I have already thought about the crime, that is, the defeat of the Shengluer Kingdom was all because of a spy betrayed. The spy's name happened to be Machiavelli, and also happened to be a duke."

The blond prince is a complete asshole, and he doesn't seem to be trying to hide that.

Next, he also told Li Ergou that he planned to send a mercenary group. He planned to divide the mercenary group into two groups, one to protect his own life and prevent Duke Machiavelli's military coup, and the other to go to Frontline battlefield help enemy country to victory.

After that, Prince Louis also informed Li Ergou of the details of his secret manipulation of the Beihai Parliamentary State Exchange, trying to control the national debt to earn a fortune from the war.

Prince Louis did not hide anything from the black-haired Dongzhou man in front of him.

"You can trust me that much?" Li Ergou frowned, "Once I reveal the slightest bit of your plan to tell me, you will be in a dead end, and I remember the last time I met you, when I said After something happened about you, you even wanted to pull the trigger on me, why are you being open and honest today?"

"I didn't pull the trigger that day, which meant that I had to be open and honest about this option." Prince Louis said with a pale smile, "and life is a gamble, and only the craziest people can make money in this gamble. It’s full of pots, and to tell you the truth, my wealth seems to be strong, but every time I bet, I give everything, and if I take a wrong step, I will be shattered.”

"Are you a gambler?"

"Yes, I am a gambler, and I am proud of it." Prince Louis's smile became more and more smug.

"What do you want me to do? I don't think you told me so much, you just wanted to show me your wisdom."

Li Ergou took the goblet from Prince Louis unceremoniously, and poured a little red wine for himself.

After clinking glasses, Prince Louis continued:

"Ivy's father, Marshal Lianqing, one of the three major marshals of the kingdom, is my ally. Soon, Ivy will follow her father's instructions to go to the front line. That woman is full of national glory, so it must be I will do my best to try to reverse the situation of Shengluer Kingdom's inevitable defeat, and what you have to do is very simple, that is, don't let Ivy succeed. I want to see Shengluer Kingdom being defeated by a much weaker Federal State. Winning is the most important part of all my plans."

"You want me to turn a war around? Don't be kidding me, I'm not that powerful by myself."

"What if I give you an army?"

"An army?"

"As I said before, I sent a mercenary team to the front line. Among them are magicians, snipers, and break-throughs. The guns in their hands are also the most cutting-edge of the current era. Continental empires are top secret weapons, such an army can be used as a knife, as long as it occupies a favorable terrain, it can defuse any attack."

lead an army.

The memory couldn't help recalling the past. Because of his rich combat skills and experience, he was recommended by the mercenary squad as the captain. At that time, he was eighteen years old.

There was a hail of bullets, the sky was full of yellow sand, and the artillery blasted one tunnel after another in the ground, and he was able to bring the members of the team back to the station with minimal losses almost every time.

So when he heard that he wanted to command a mercenary team by himself, Li Ergou did not hesitate, but agreed unequivocally.

"it is good."

"Brother Li, you are eager to build your power, I will pay you, and this mercenary team will also be under your command, but they are all talented people, can you make them obey? You, it depends on your own ability."


This time, Li Ergou sincerely thanked Prince Louis.

Because of this, he will have the most basic guarantee when he leaves Ivy in the future.

"I said we are equal, you don't have to be grateful, now I am a prince after all, and there are many things that I can't do in person, and you happen to be able to complete those things for me, so to a certain extent, it is also me I have to ask you, without you, I would probably be in a dead end."

"Dead end?"

Li Ergou didn't think Prince Louis would be in a dead end.

But with himself, he may indeed be able to facilitate a lot.

About thirty minutes later, the two washed their bodies and walked out of the bath together.

When changing clothes, Li Ergou said to Prince Louis:

"By the way, let me clarify a sentence with you first, I have no ambition, all I desire is to spend the rest of my life with the girl I love, that's all. As for you said that you want to divide the East Continent Empire and the West Continent Empire equally. The idea of ​​the world is not very attractive to me. In the future, I will at most lead a force to expel the invaders from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka and help my beloved girl return to her country. From then on, I will not use any power."

"I don't think so," Prince Louis said, putting on his robe and turning his back to Li Ergou, "perhaps now you have no ambition, but I believe that one day, you will realize the importance of ambition, and what I gave you This mercenary group will be your first step on the world stage, and then you will see your performance."

Leaving the bath, Prince Louis once again changed back to the usual muddy face that couldn't support the wall, teasing the passing maid, like a chameleon who kept changing his skin color to disguise in order to survive.

On the other hand, Li Ergou had a solemn expression on his face.

He doesn't want to be bound by power one day, but if he doesn't have power, how can he protect his beloved girl?

In fact, he can fully understand the meaning of Prince Louis's words.

At this moment, a soft touch came from behind, and the girl's cheerful voice came from behind:

"Er dog, good morning!"

You don't have to think about it to know that the girl behind him is the girl Li Ergou wants to protect now - Aishwana.

Turning around, the cat-eared girl with wheat-colored skin was wagging her tail, rubbing her freshly washed body and acting coquettishly, her expression full of happiness and sweetness of a girl.

It seems that he has indeed washed away the body fragrance left by Miss Ivy.

Chapter 71 May Be About To Become A Mage

Chapter 71 Maybe I'm about to become a magician

"Cancel the engagement, a lowly woman like you is not worthy of being my wife."

In the morning, under the watchful eyes of the palace hall, Prince Louis made the announcement of the dissolution of the engagement public, and proudly threw the divorce letter at Miss Ivy's face, looking like a child. It's the same as venting your emotions after you've confirmed that things are irreversible.

The black-haired man standing beside Miss Ivy easily took the divorce letter thrown over by the paper, avoiding Miss Ivy's beautiful and moving cheeks being slapped on the cheek by the paper divorce letter. His movements were extremely fast and unrestrained. It's all done in an instant.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Miss Ivy's mouth showed a cold and arrogant smile like a cat. Under the violet open-shoulder dress is an elegant and almost impeccable body:

"I am very grateful to you, Your Royal Highness, so that you have ended my long-term pain, and I am finally qualified to be a happy woman from now on."

The slender palms that were as white as jade were like vines tightly surrounding Li Ergou's palms, and their fingers were intertwined, as if they could never be separated from each other.

Between her eyebrows, she was also dazzling like a silver crescent moon. She turned her face to Li Ergou and said with a smile:

"His Royal Highness Li Zijin, from now on, you have the responsibility and obligation to make me a happy woman."

Subconsciously trembling, he remembered that this woman almost took everything from him last night, and Li Ergou had a strange feeling of being surrounded by poisonous snakes.

But under the gaze of the old King Louis XIII, under the gaze of a group of ministers of the interior, members of the House of Lords, and representatives from the Eastern Continent Empire, he had to nod his head.

"Of course, don't worry, Ivy, I swear with my life that I will make you happy."

The applause was thunderous, but not everyone was applauding.

The eyes of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, the military attache of Dongzhou Empire abroad, made Li Ergou feel chills down his spine.

Aishwana's emerald green pupils flickered, and her teeth clenched her lips.

Prince Louis put on a domineering expression of "woman, you will definitely regret it", and vividly showed the dandy boy's furious appearance after being humiliated.

Just now, Li Ergou's eyes have also met Prince Louis several times. Prince Louis seems angry, but in fact he is not ashamed of breaking the engagement. Miss Ivy is indeed one of the best beauty, but Prince His Highness did not seem to covet her looks.

After the dissolution of the marriage contract, the ministers and nobles who witnessed this scene left one after another. Presumably tomorrow morning, Miss Ivy and Prince Louis' dissolution of the marriage contract will become a piece of news and will be talked about with great interest.

"His Royal Highness Li Zijin, you have challenged my bottom line several times."

Wearing a white kimono, Yamato Nadeko saluted slightly like a spring flower. On the surface, he looked elegant and polite, but beneath his jet-black hair, there were a pair of brutal eyes staring at his prey.

"Ms. Xinchuan Fenghuazi is really leisurely. Is it a diplomat's daily job to gossip every day?" Li Ergou's tone was quite aggressive.

"His Royal Highness, as my fiancé, I can allow you to be willful, but now you are an out-and-out bad boy," Xinchuan Fenghuazi walked slowly to Li Ergou and Ivy. Beside the young lady, she smiled coldly, "I advise you to be careful at night, but don't let me catch you easily, otherwise, as your wife, I will have to enforce the family law on you, the bride in my past. During the practice, I also learned a lot of skills that make men want to die, and it seems just right to use it on a bad boy like you."

Just yesterday, Xinchuan Fenghuazi had sent a letter to His Highness Ya Yinyue, who was far away in the Dongzhou Empire, and conveyed the current information. In the next period of time, Xinchuan Fenghuazi was not in a hurry to take action, but planned to wait for Yayin. After further instructions from His Highness Yue, we will decide how to bring the arrogant man to justice.

She hates men, especially this man named Li Ergou. He is arrogant and arrogant. When he thinks that one day, when he takes possession of his body by force, the man will show his unwillingness and humiliation because of his tough methods. With the look on his face, Xinchuan Fenghuazi couldn't help but look expectantly.

In her opinion, Li Ergou's body exudes the aura of "please bully me well".

The domineering red folding fan is inserted horizontally between her and Li Ergou:

"From now on, he will be my private property, and I will engrave the coat of arms of the Lianqing family on his body."

"You may be able to possess him for a short time, but he will only belong to me in the end. I advise you to give up him as soon as possible, so that when you lose him, you will not be too sad."

"Return the original words, Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, give up the idea of ​​stealing him, because you didn't take away his strength from me."

Li Ergou could vaguely see the flames bursting out in front of the eyes of the two beautiful girls with **** bodies. I really hope they will fight as soon as possible. At that time, he will probably put his arms around Aishwana's waist, eating popcorn and watching with relish. The fight between them must have been especially fun.

After officially confirming the dissolution of the engagement, Miss Ivy's purpose of going to the royal capital Fenglu City this time has also been completed, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi also confirmed that Li Ergou could not be taken away today and left the palace early today. She appeared in front of her as if she was just giving herself a warning. She was telling Li Ergou with her actions that one day she would catch you back.

Those obsessive pupils made Li Ergou feel uncomfortable, as if even if she fled to the ends of the earth, she would always follow her own footsteps, and she would never be able to escape from that beautiful girl in her whole life.

"Okay, all the purposes of this trip have been completed," Li Ergou said with a long sigh, "Miss, do you want to go home now?"

"No, before that, I have someone else to visit, Darling." Miss Ivy narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Demi, who was always by her side, "Demi, the troubles you have troubled you have already been done. Ok?"

"Of course it's done, Miss, I'm a smart Demi, not Charena who can only lose her temper." Demi replied energetically.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Xia Leina gave her a hard punch. The little girl covered her head and whimpered. It must have been painful (laughs).

"Miss, what else is there to do?"

Aishwana also opened her mouth and asked. She had a hunch that what happened next might also have something to do with her two dogs.

When she thought about the situation where Miss Ivy and Ergou held hands just now, she couldn't help but feel helpless jealous, but she was helpless. In her opinion, she was just an ordinary girl without any competitiveness. The reason why Ergou still loves himself is entirely out of pity for himself.

"Don't worry, Aishwana," Miss Ivy smiled dignifiedly, "it's a good thing that can make His Highness Li Zijin stronger."

"Good thing?" Li Ergou frowned, "What good thing?"

"The last time you duel with Xia Lena, there was a thunderbolt. Before that, you also summoned a pack of wolves, I wonder if you remember?"

"I remember, what happened?"

"It is very likely that you will become a magician, so be happy about it, Your Highness Li Zijin." Miss Ivy gently took Li Ergou's arm.

Chapter 72 The Seed of Desire

In the Dragon Beard Palace of the Dongzhou Empire, a silver-haired girl wearing a beret sat alone on a bench. Under her black Lolita dress were her snow-white and slender legs. The drafting documents for decision-making, these drafting documents are in a variety of fields, whether it is internal affairs or diplomacy, military or economic, but almost all important decisions must be nodded by Ya Yinyue, and the chief executives under his command dare to give it a shot.

Today, in addition to the emperor of the Dongzhou Empire, Ya Yinyue is the No. 2 figure in this huge empire. Although she is young, she holds the supreme power. It has become more and more powerful in the past few years, which is a fact that everyone can see.

However, at this moment, this silver-haired girl who was supposed to be extremely confident and looked down on the world looked out the window with resentment.

It is June now, and the sunshine in early summer is not strong. Ya Yinyue looked at the bipedias on the treetops and snuggled together lovingly, her white cheeks couldn't help but feel a little sad.

As the jewel of the empire, no matter what kind of man she is, she will be subdued under her pomegranate skirt, but there is only one man she really wants.

That was a man named Li Yinyue who called himself Li Ergou.

"There is no blood relationship, why can't we be together?"

When she was Li Chuyue, she had questioned him loudly.

However, his answer was:

"Because I treat you as my sister, you are my sister. Ethically, our relationship is not allowed."