MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 42

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"Miss, you once asked about my background, and I told you that I am a commoner, a commoner from a poor background."

"I remember, in fact, I was deeply suspicious of it at the time. I thought you should be a noble from Dongzhou."

"I didn't lie, Miss. Your pretentious words irritated me. You said that you looked down on the commoners, that they were willing to degenerate and blame others, but that's just because you didn't worry about survival since you were born, you Do you know what it's like to be hungry?"

Miss Ivy shook her head.

"You despise us, but you don't stand on the same level as us. I can only advise you one sentence, which I read in a novel called "The Great Gatsby": 'Whenever you want to Criticizing others, remember that not everyone in the world has such good conditions as you', the village chief may seem stupid, but if he was born in a noble family, he may not be worse than you are now."

"Li, although what you said was very aggressive and offended me, I don't intend to refute it for the time being. Because what you said does make sense." Miss Ivy said with a smile like a cat.

"The rich give birth to money, and the poor give birth to children. This is true in any world, in any country. I can't change and I don't want to change. I just want to be free as soon as possible and spend the rest of my life with my beloved girl. But no matter what I don't even look at others with the eyes of being superior to others, when you think you are superior, it means that you are getting farther and farther away from 'people'."

"After three years, I really can't bear to let you leave me, Li. For me, you are really a good teacher, and you are so good, why not stay by my side forever? Maybe we can do something There may be no interesting story..."

The bonfire made a crackling sound. At this time, there was only Miss Ivy around. Looking at the blurred golden eyes, Li Ergou smiled:

"Let me refuse, I am a humble commoner in my bones."

Chapter 33 The Captured Objects of the Female Ninjas

Miss Ivy stood up and left the bonfire with a faint smile.

"Then go to bed earlier, Li. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Miss."

Facing the young lady's charming and majestic golden eyes, a faint smile crossed the corner of Li Ergou's mouth.

Before long, Li Ergou was the only one left beside the bonfire.

He is not a brat, let alone a straight man of steel. Naturally, he can fully understand Miss Ivy's suggestion, but so what?

Rather than being the loyal dog of the eldest lady, in Li Ergou's view, freedom is more valuable.

After being free, he must help Aishwana drive away the invaders from the Shengluer Kingdom as soon as possible, and let her get back her own crown. This is her duty as her lover.

As for Miss Ivy, she may really have a trace of true feelings for herself, or she may appreciate her talent from the bottom of her heart, but Miss Ivy is definitely not a very good lover.

Not long ago, Li Ergou asked her a question:

"Miss, for you, what can you sacrifice for dominance?"

"Sacrifice everything." Miss Ivy replied at the time.

"What does it mean to sacrifice everything?"

"I can sacrifice my parents who love me, I can sacrifice Xia Lena, who is loyal to me, I can sacrifice love, I can spend a lot of money, I can cut off my hands and feet, and I can slaughter civilians. Li, as long as I can become a true ruler in the end, Even if it were to sacrifice my soul to make me a tool of the devil, I would still do it."

The golden pupils flickered with a frightening determination, and Li Ergou believed that this was the true face of Miss Ivy.

Becoming her subordinate is tantamount to dancing with the devil.

Leaving her was the best choice for herself and Aishwana.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ivy. After repaying my gratitude, I will leave you without hesitation..."

Li Ergou blew out the bonfire, stood up slowly, and looked at the eaves of the dilapidated house.

There was obviously no one there, but Li Ergou still spoke to the empty direction on the roof:

"Come out, if I'm not mistaken, you've been watching here since this morning? In my opinion, peeping is a very rude behavior."


It seems that Li Ergou is really just talking to himself in a cloud of air, or talking to the undead that are invisible to the human eye.

"Do you have to ask me to invite you out?"

Holding the barrel of the gun tightly, Li Ergou's black eyes gradually focused, his sword eyebrows were deeply locked, and every step carried an aura of a king who was not angry and mighty.

Step by step, the black leather shoes made a heavy noise as they stepped on the village path.

Finally, Li Ergou stopped, the spear flickered slightly, and the silver dragon appeared immediately, and the outrageous attack finally forced out the voyeur.

When the tip of the gun was about to stab the assassin's body, ten people in black hooded masks immediately appeared, and their outfits reminded Li Ergou of ninjas.

"Oh, like you little thieves, don't you even have the courage to show your looks?"

At the same time as they appeared, the Shuriken, which was close to Baifa, flew towards Li Ergou's body, but from the trajectory of the Shuriken, it seemed that these ninjas did not intend to take their own lives.

The turning spear quickly bounced the shuriken one by one.

"Little thief, explain your purpose. Look at your clothes, it should be from the East Continent Empire's Fengma Ninja, right? Although I have never seen your power with my own eyes, but the history you left is famous far and wide. Haven't you explained your intention?"

One step forward, Li Ergou raised the long spear in his hand, blocking the short knife that was slashing at his arm.

"His Royal Highness Li, please leave Xizhou with us."

The crisp, cold, mechanical-like voice came into his ears, and Li Ergou realized that the ninja he was fighting against was actually a young girl between seventeen and twenty-two years old.

"His Royal Highness? Hehe, miss, I'm afraid you have mistaken someone."

The silver tip of the spear flashed, and the female ninja holding the dagger had to take a step back.

"We will not admit the wrong person, Your Highness Li."

"excuse me!"

Behind him, four more ninjas opened a large net from the rear, trying to cover Li Ergou, but Li Ergou was already prepared, and he escaped the net with one step back.

Suddenly, a cool breeze came from the flank, and when Li Ergou saw it, it was actually dozens of iron chains thrown at him.

"I said, I'm not His Highness Li, and I can't be His Highness Li, and my surname is Wang, my name is Wang Xiaoer, and I'm a servant working for the eldest lady."

"His Royal Highness Li, you don't need to pretend any more. We have been monitoring you for a long time today. We must take you back today,"

A light suddenly appeared under the feet, and the chains immediately changed their trajectory when they were halfway through the flight.

"Ninjutsu, Bound Dragon!"

"Depend on!"

Li Ergou is already very vigilant. In Li Ergou's opinion, these girls are at most just agile assassins, but they did not expect to use attacks that go against the laws of nature.

Ninjutsu is almost equivalent to magic.

The long spear is in front of him, but the dense chains are as flexible as hundreds of self-aware snakes, and in terms of speed, it is much faster than bullets.


In a split second, Li Ergou's hand was caught by the chain. After binding his wrist, the chain immediately wrapped around Li Ergou's arm. Li Ergou tried his best to escape, but he was unable to escape. .

"Now, Tsubaki, Nao, and Yumika, as long as you catch this man, the mission will be a success."

"Don't be too proud, little girls!"

Li Ergou gritted his teeth and pulled his arm out of the chain with all his strength.

But the chains got tighter and tighter. Under this gap, three more chains were wrapped around Li Ergou's other arm in turn, and his legs were immediately tied together by the chains. Catch.

Not only that, but even the neck was locked by two female ninjas together.

These girls didn't seem to mind having physical contact with their bodies at all, and Li Ergou's head struggled under their armpits.

"Let go of me! You **** bitches..."

Li Ergou wanted to scold, but they moved very quickly. Before Li Ergou could make a sound, his mouth was immediately blocked by a white handkerchief, and there was only a whimpering sound.

"The mission was successful, and it was quickly evacuated after capture."

They pulled on the chains, as if they wanted to take themselves away. The feeling of being tightly bound by the chains made Li Ergou feel powerless.

And the chains were like magic, and struggling would only make the chains tighter, and there was a rattling sound from the chains, but Li Ergou's struggles could not stop the ninjas.

"Please don't struggle, Your Highness Li, we captured you not to torture you, but to make you feel comfortable, please bear with me."

The female ninja beside her whispered softly in her ear.

To think that he was wise and wise, but in the end he would be captured alive by a few little girls, this is simply a shame.

Just as the ninjas were about to leave the village, a wall of fire suddenly ignited, blocking the way of the ninjas.

Chapter 34 Kidnapping and Rescue

The orange-red wall of fire lit up the silent night. It was hard to imagine that in such a barren place, such an aggressive flame would burn. The five-meter-high fire column completely surrounded the entire village and locked the ninja. their retreat.

Looking at the wall of flames exuding terrifying high temperatures, the female ninjas standing at the front drew out their silver short knives one after another, while the female ninjas standing in the back prepared throwing objects such as shuriken and kunai. He turned his attention to the roof in the distance.

— tick, tick, tick.

The sharp sound of black high-heeled shoes stepping on the eaves broke the silence. An elf girl in a violet evening dress was standing there proudly, her long golden hair was hanging down, and an origami fan with a pattern of phoenix bathing flames emanated. With the dazzling light, she smiled, and under the beautiful smile was unparalleled coercion, like a queen in power.

"You thieves, you want to steal my things without saying hello, isn't it too rude?"


It's Miss Ivy.

Li Ergou's struggle became more and more intense. He wanted to refute Laozi loudly, but Naihe's mouth was blocked by a handkerchief and he couldn't speak.

Seemingly aware that Li Ergou wanted to break free, the forearm wrapped in black tights gently hooked Li Ergou's neck, and at the same time, two female ninjas dragged one arm of Li Ergou, trying to pull him to the side. behind them.

"It's really embarrassing, Li. Are you afraid? Don't be afraid, your mistress will come to save you now. I will never allow important servants to be kidnapped by thieves."

Afraid of your mother!

Li Ergou felt that he was really being looked down upon by the eldest lady. He tried his best, but the chains that the ninjas put on him tightened even tighter, and even Li Ergou felt a slight pain, it is estimated that The body has been bruised and bruised by the chains.

"His Royal Highness, please don't struggle. Struggle will only make you feel more pain."

The girl whispered softly.

"Chunzi, Qianyu, you two block that woman, we are responsible for taking away His Highness Li."

A female ninja who seemed to be the leader said softly.

The two female ninjas standing at the front glanced back, then nodded solemnly.

The ninjas responsible for holding Li Ergou threw a smoke bomb on the ground. In a blink of an eye, a white mist covered the corner of the entire village, and their vision was completely blinded, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Under such circumstances, even Miss Ivy would not be able to act rashly. The two female ninjas who attacked Miss Ivy had extraordinary means. Whether it was sword skills or ninjutsu, they were all first-class powerhouses.

"His Royal Highness Li, we were fortunate to hear your views during the day. We are very glad that you are a kind and kind adult. Although you may be confused or even scared now, please believe us. After Dongzhou, we will become your most devout slaves and provide you with the most comfortable life. From now on, your life will only be spent in happiness, so we hope you can give up your struggles. Of course, even if you still If you want to escape, it is completely impossible, we will not let you escape."

The thick fog filled the air, and the voice of the female ninja sounded a little gentle.

However, Li Ergou would not believe the one-sided words of the female ninja. Even if what she said was true, no one could use happiness to imprison a lone wolf.

The wolf has the wolf's way of life, don't arbitrarily impose "happiness" as you understand it on others.

"Please allow me to call you that, Your Highness Master, then we will take you out of the barren West Continent now."

Li Ergou felt as if his body was in the air. He had no vision at all in the fog, and his strength was almost exhausted. Under the shackles of this wonderful iron chain, it was impossible to escape.

Aishwana, I'm sorry, I was negligent.

Thinking of the cat-eared girl, Li Ergou's heart almost collapsed. The child was very paranoid. If he knew that he was kidnapped, the child would definitely go crazy, right?

Perhaps, she will kill herself with a dagger, she is more vulnerable than a hamster.

my poor girl.


Li Ergou whimpered piercingly, but this group of self-righteous ninjas couldn't understand the howls of wolves at all. Their purpose might just be to complete the task and take themselves away.

It must be the wrong person, how could I be "His Royal Highness"?

Since crossing into this world, Li Ergou has always been Li Ergou, it has not changed from beginning to end, and it has nothing to do with the royal family.

About to be kidnapped, these female ninjas will definitely not let themselves go.

It's over, I'm afraid I'll never see Aishwana again in this lifetime.

Thinking of this, Li Ergou closed his eyes in pain.

However, there are twists.

At this moment, the white smoke suddenly dispersed, and a powerful air wave rushed towards the face.

Opening her eyes, the long-haired maid with cherry pink hair held a sword in one hand, and her azure blue eyes flashed with a touch of unparalleled pride, as if she was very happy to see Li Ergou tightly locked in chains and unable to move.

She smiled happily, and Li Ergou thought that she must be very relieved now.