MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 41

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"No way."

"I don't want to, but this is His Highness Yinyue's order, I must strictly abide by it, no matter what kind of person Li Ergou is, no, even if he is an animal or a bug, as long as it is the order of His Highness Yinyue, I will also It must be followed." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said seriously.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to force yourself, even His Highness Yinyue can't force you..."

"His Royal Highness's instructions must be implemented!" Xinchuan Fenghuazi repeated again.

"Well, since it's your choice, I don't need to say more."

Di Lie sighed with regret. It is a pity that the talented woman of Dongzhou Empire is about to marry a man she has never met.

Moreover, it is also called Li Ergou.

People with such a name are probably the kind of lower-class slave class who have no cultural background and exude an earthy smell?

The most terrifying thing is that Xinchuan Fenghuazi still intends to strictly carry out this kind of task, which is really scary.

People in the world say that the people of Dongying have an almost fanatical ideology of loyalty to the monarch. Now it seems that it is true. For the sake of His Royal Highness Yinyue, they can even do such a thing as marrying a man they have never met.

"Li Ergou, Li Ergou... I haven't heard of Li Ergou, but I have heard that Prince Louis wanted to buy a slave in Saint-Charles before. The slave seems to be surnamed Li."

"There are many people surnamed Li, could he be Li Ergou?" Xinchuan Fenghuazi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I don't know, but I heard that the slave's marksmanship is very good. At that time, Louis told me that he wanted to buy the slave, but unfortunately his fiancee took it away first. Louis was very angry about this, and I Complaining while drinking."

"Although I'm not sure, I will investigate this matter." Xinchuan Fenghuazi narrowed his black eyes slightly, like a sharp sword.

"Feng Huazi, I have a suggestion for you, I hope it can be of some help to you." Di Lie said in a low voice.

"What advice?"

"Prince Louis is actually far more powerful than you think, at least he is definitely not an idiot, don't look at him wearing a funny dress today, but when I talked to him, I found that this person's head is very clever, and he is coherent and logical. Meticulous."

Recalling that when he was a military attache stationed abroad, Di Lie once treated Louis with contempt, but with an accidental opportunity, he and Louis became drinking friends, and when drinking, it is easiest for men to let go of their guard against each other and chat freely. It was at that time that Dilie found that Prince Louis was not easy.

First of all, Louis seems to spend a lot of money, singing every night, but his king father never gave him money. Where did his money come from?

Moreover, Di Lie’s post-drinking rants seem to be nonsense, but after careful scrutiny, there is a certain truth. The most amazing thing is that some of his opinions are very advanced, and even coincide with some radical thinkers in the Dongzhou Empire.

"Fenghuazi, Prince Louis may be brewing a plan that we don't know about. I think you must pay attention to Louis." Di Lie said with a serious face.

"Di Lie, I'm not interested in Louis, even the entire Shengluer Kingdom is just a country of ants under the mighty heaven in my eyes. We are proud people of Dongzhou, why should we pay attention to a mere Louis? ?"

"No, I mean you can get in touch with him more. He seems to be **** after women, but in my opinion that's just his disguise, you should put down your prejudice against him. Maybe, he will become our opening to the Western Continent. A key to the world's gate, and maybe he might know the whereabouts of Li Ergou."

"Okay, I'll try to think about it."

At eight o'clock that night, Xinchuan Fenghuazi finally arrived at the Dongzhou embassy in Fenglu City. After making a brief report, she immediately started to prepare the information. Most of the wind demons were sent to all parts of the Xizhou continent. , while a small number of Fuuma Ninjas were sent to monitor Prince Louis.

Chapter 31 The Battle of the Three

Originally, according to the original plan, Li Ergou and his party were supposed to arrive at Fenglu City around 8 o'clock tonight, but the situation on the road changed, and their trip today was postponed one step further.

At nine o'clock in the morning, it was not far from Fenglu City, but when passing through an unnamed village, Uncle Luen, the coachman, saw thousands of monsters moving quietly. They occupied the hillside outside the village. Is preparing to launch an attack on the village.

For monsters, the food in the forest and the wilderness is far from enough to satisfy them, so it is very necessary to attack human villages and plunder human materials. Filling the hungry stomach with human flesh has become a matter of course. matter.

Otherwise, they will starve to death.


The coachman Uncle Luen lowered his voice and stopped the carriage with a serious look:

"Not far away, there are nearly a thousand monsters surrounding the village. Among them are poisonous pythons up to seven meters in length, a group of crocodiles that can easily kill adults, and brothers led by lower-rank demons. Brin army, do we want to bypass this place?"

"Uncle Rune, do you want me to bypass this place?"

Ivy asked slowly.

"I don't want to." Uncle Luen was born in the military in his early years, even though he is now more than 80 years old, he still has an upright character, he bowed and said: "If possible, I hope you can help, I am you. Faithful servant, it is my duty to obey your orders, but it is against my heart to see no salvation. If we leave, all the residents of this village will be reduced to food for monsters or tools to vent. I will do this. Painful."

"Okay, Uncle Rune, I see."

Ivy slowly closed the fan and opened her sleepy eyes, her golden pupils glanced at Li Ergou, Xia Leina, and Demi.

These days, the relationship between Li Ergou and Xia Leina has not eased. Perhaps today will be an opportunity for them to try to fight side by side and maybe they will understand each other.

"Go, I'll leave it to you."

"I didn't expect you to have such a kind side, Miss."

"For me, the village is dispensable. Even if everyone in the village is dead, it has nothing to do with me. But I am also a noble for the time being. A good reputation will make my ambitions go further, so please help me Let's fight, I want this village to be eternally grateful for my kindness."

After getting the order of the eldest lady, Li Ergou, Xia Leina and Demi resolutely got out of the carriage, while Miss Ivy and Aishwana stayed in the carriage and waited.

"Demi, attract all the monsters."

Shalena said in the tone of a commander.

Immediately, Demi raised the magic wand, and the girl who was as petite as a primary school student actually condensed an amazing magic element at this moment. The wind was blowing, and the ground became as soft as cotton. Soon, under the feet of the monsters Then a swamp appeared, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of monsters whose responses were a bit slow were swallowed by the swamp and buried alive underneath.

"This girl..."

Although she didn't dare to show pity towards monsters, but her life was so easily wiped out, but her face did not change at all, indicating that Demi was by no means an ordinary girl.

"Big brother, am I handsome? Have you fallen in love with Demi like this?"

"Sorry, no. Why don't you think about getting your **** bigger before you learn to strike up a conversation?"

The monsters noticed Demi. Whenever, magicians are the first target to be attacked. This applies not only to the army, but also to monsters. They know that if they want to devour the "meat" in the village , you must eat the magician in front of you first, so the monsters turned their heads towards Li Ergou and others.

"Brother Ergou, Xia Lena, it's so scary, you have to protect others."

Having said that, there was no fear in Demi's face.

This kid seems to be just being cute.

In the distance, the village militiamen saw Li Ergou, Xia Leina, Demi and others, and they all cast their grateful eyes.

"You run away, leave it to us here! Also, please remember that the person who saved you is Miss Ivy Sylph Lianqing!"

"Yes, we understand!"

The leaders of the militia were already ready to die, but now they seem to be able to survive, which makes them feel like they will survive the catastrophe.

The first to attack Demi was the huge one-meter-tall spider. They spit out silk from their tails, as if they wanted to capture Demi's petite body, and then pulled over to eat her, looking at the giant spider's feet. There are midge teeth that are more than half a meter long. I am afraid that once Demi is really pulled over, her soft arm may be torn off in an instant.

But this kind of thing, Li Ergou is impossible to allow, the silver spear easily cut the spider silk, and at the same time kicked a crocodile rat in the abdomen, the crocodile rat with fangs was kicked directly Got bowel bleeding.

"I'm in charge of the flanks."

"Okay, leave those demons of the lower race to me, and protect Demi."


Li Ergou's spear was in front of Demi, protecting Demi with the momentum of being a husband and a man, and under the attack of the spear, dozens of monsters were stabbed with flesh and blood by the spear point.

"Brother Ergou is Demi's Prince Charming. Brother Ergou is so handsome! Demi loves you!"

"Little girl, I really hope you don't call them Prince Charming every time you see handsome guys, otherwise I'll be sad, Ergou brother."

"Okay, as long as you agree to go on a date, Ergou is the only Prince Charming."

Demi smiled sweetly and immediately began to speed up singing. A huge magic circle spread over a kilometer in a radius, and the powerful majesty continued to oppress the monsters. It was obvious that Demi was preparing powerful magic.

The monsters who felt her magical pressure attacked Demi even more desperately. The poisonous python was even less than one meter away from Demi, but Demi never showed a panicked look.

The python's teeth are only less than half a meter, and Li Ergou easily pierced its head. At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Demi. He didn't expect that she, who was afraid of chaos in the world, would have such courage.

Shaleina's sword carried a fierce storm, constantly stabbing the demon covered with barbed tentacles. Under the delicate sword skills, the demon's tentacles were cut off by the sword one by one, and the incision of the tentacles was disgusting. of rancidity.

"Demi, how long?"

"It's almost ready, just wait."

Demi, who was protected by Li Ergou behind her, was holding back her strength at this time, and a strong light was constantly flashing.

For a magician, casting magic is the most dangerous time.

Li Ergou's five-meter long spear swept away waves of monsters with ease. The phantom of the silver dragon appeared and disappeared from time to time. The terrifying aura made most of the lower-level monsters hardly dare to approach.

The battle of the three lasted for more than an hour, and the militia regiments and villagers in the distance were stunned.

And the magic was ready at this moment. There were loud noises from the ground, and the crystal thorns penetrated the bodies of one monster after another, like a barbecue skewer.

Chapter 32 The humble commoner

After saving the village, Miss Ivy was naturally invited by the village chief, and the carriage slowly drove into the village.

Inside the carriage, the village Li Ergou could see was in ruins everywhere. The dilapidated farmers and landlords were lying on the west side. The scrawny villagers seemed to be knocked down by a gust of wind. The smell, it is conceivable that they may not have a good bath for more than a month, but this is not because they do not like cleanliness, but in such a village, there is neither electricity nor water.

"For such a village, I'm afraid even rats are a rare species."

Miss Ivy opened her fan to cover her face, and Li Ergou guessed that she must be full of disgust at this time.

Thinking of this, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"what are you laughing at?"

Miss Ivy asked.

"It's nothing," Li Ergou replied, "I just learned more about this country."

"Do you think you can understand the Kingdom of Shengluer just from a poor village?"

"At least you can see many miniatures, Miss."

Li Ergou's smile grew thicker and thicker, making it difficult to know whether he was mocking the village or someone, or a certain country.

In Li Ergou's view, no matter how beautiful a country's capital or city is, it is nothing but vanity. Only by looking at the poorest part of a country can one roughly understand the lower limit of the country. Where exactly.

I remember that there was an ironic country in the world of Blue Star. The Central African Emperor Bokassa held the most extravagant coronation ceremony in the 20th century. All the dilapidated houses in the city were covered by shutters, and all the beggars were driven out of the city. Go, the poverty hidden under prosperity is the most thought-provoking thing.

"This country smells sickeningly decadent."

"Every country has poor villages." Miss Ivy seemed a little dissatisfied and said, "But you still can't deny that the Kingdom of Shengluer is the No. 1 army power in Western Continent."

"At the same time, you can't deny that these commoners, who are kneeling on the ground with no food to eat, are also part of this country. Exploitation has made them unfortunate. While the nobles are drinking wine, the commoners are worrying about food. "

Charlene rebuked loudly:

"Li Ergou, you are too rude."

"The strength of a country does not lie in its history and culture and the prosperity of its capital, but in the poorest villages in this country, whether the villagers can hold their heads high and say that they are part of this country. Miss, your mansion How beautiful, surely the value of your carpet is far more than the value created by the mediocre life of these untouchables?"

"Li, this is not my territory. I have deep sympathy for these civilians, but there is nothing I can do."

"Miss, I'm not reprimanding you. I don't have any reason to reprimand you in their tuxedo, but I just hope you can face up to these poverty and don't show contempt, that's all." After a while. Yes, Li Ergou added, "Even if you feel contempt for them from the bottom of your heart, you shouldn't show it on your face."

Miss Ivy stared at Li Ergou quietly, with a flash of brilliance in her golden pupils, and then lowered her head slightly, like a student facing a teacher:

"Been taught a lesson."

The carriage drove to the village chief's house, and the man in the militia regiment with a long sword was the village chief's son.

Although he still looks a little **** compared to most villagers, it can be seen from his thin body that his nutritional status is not optimistic.

"Thank you for saving our village."

The village chief trembled and wanted to kneel down, but Li Ergou saw that Miss Ivy had no intention of supporting the old man, so he personally stepped forward to support the old man who wanted to kneel down.

"It's just a little effort, old man."

"Thank you, but apart from our verbal thanks, there is really nothing we can give in return."

"Then sing about Miss Ivy's exploits," Li Ergou said in place of Miss Ivy, "let the generations in this village remember that Miss Ivy helped out when difficulties came, and it was Miss Ivy who came to the rescue. gave you a new life."

However, in his heart, Li Ergou felt disgusted by what he said.

And the simple village chief nodded:

"I will, I will make my children always remember the grace of Lord Ivy Sylph Lianqing."

Demi yawned, Shalena smiled with satisfaction, and Aishwana looked a little scared of life by hiding behind.

They and the villagers here are fundamentally different from the same world. They do not understand what poverty is, let alone what hunger means.

But Li Ergou didn't want them to see themselves as superior, and didn't want them to look at the poor with disgust.

Because once, Li Ergou also struggled to fill his stomach like a lost dog...

In the evening, Miss Ivy sat quietly beside Li Ergou. Under the bonfire, Miss Ivy's face looked gorgeous and charming. She asked with a little concern:

"You seem a little unhappy today, can I ask you what happened?"