MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 43

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"Oh, isn't this the man who defeated me back then? It's ridiculous that you look so embarrassed now."

How can Xia Lena, a bastard, have the same tone as Ivy? Is it something to be happy about Lao Tzu's embarrassment?

Li Ergou felt that his temples were going to explode.

The female ninjas acted immediately, and Xia Leina's sword easily blocked the first round of attacks of the female ninjas, and at the same time said to Li Ergou with ease:

"If it were me, I wouldn't be too lazy to save you. I would rather you be kidnapped as soon as possible. It's better to throw your corpse into the wilderness and smash it to pieces."

While talking like this, Xia Leina's sword wind became more and more fierce, and the female ninjas were blocked by Xia Leina for a while.

"However, I finally decided to save your life. Don't get me wrong. It's the eldest lady's intention to save you. I don't want to save you. I wish you would die sooner."

A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared from Xia Lena's scabbard, she looked like she was about to move.

However, even he was caught by these female ninjas under a single negligence. Can Xia Leina's ability really turn things around?

Li Ergou didn't think that Xia Leina had the ability to save her.

The female ninjas looked at each other with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

"How to do?"

"There's no other way. For the mission, I have to go up."

Two of the female ninjas quickly began to seal.

As the most mysterious intelligence organization in Dongzhou, killing a person is much easier than kidnapping a person.

Chapter 35 Salvation

"Ninjutsu, sickle..."

Just when the two female ninjas had finished unprinting, a kunai suddenly flew in the distance and stabbed in front of the ninjas.

There was a ninja standing on a palm tree not far away. Kunai was thrown by her. From her delicate and delicate body tightly wrapped in black tights, it could be seen that her figure was very hot, even hotter than Ivy. The eldest lady's figure is even more sexy, especially the pair of slender and snow-white legs, which are looming under the black fishnet stockings, attracting infinite reverie.

Even if she was covered and couldn't find out her true face, it could be judged from her deep jet-black pupils and her thin eyebrows that her appearance was definitely not bad. It must be a peerless beauty, and her figure and temperament alone are enough to make most men covet.

At this moment, the pair of phoenix eyes stared at everyone under the palm tree, including himself, who was tightly bound by chains, the ninjas who were holding him, and the vigilant maid Xia Leina.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the ninja, Xia Lena immediately took a stance and made her ancestral swordsmanship to draw a sword, so that she could meet the enemy at any time.

However, the female ninja standing on the branch had no intention of doing anything at all, and the corner of the light swept over was also very disdainful, as if she didn't bother to start with Xia Leina at all.

She turned her attention to the female ninjas again. Although her voice was pleasant, it was extremely cold, like biting ice:

"Who the **** allowed you to act without authorization?"


The female ninjas lowered their heads one after another, as if they did not dare to look at the female ninja standing on the branch.

She is probably the leader of this group of female ninjas, right?

Li Ergou had a rough judgment on the female ninja standing on the branch.

"Do you want to kill this maid with the seal just now? Don't forget, this is not our Dongzhou, let alone Dongying, but the Shengluer Kingdom of Xizhou!"

She glanced at the ninjas in Yuyin and the pink-haired maid who were ready to attack, and realized that if she was one step later, the maid might have died on the spot.

Thinking of this, her tone became more severe:

"Once you really kill the maid of the noble lady's house, have you considered the chain reaction that will occur afterwards? The decision you made without authorization is very likely to cause trouble to the adult, and the final international dispute will also be caused. Will put us in a passive state, do you understand? Now I order you to let him go."

"But my lord, he is our Highness Li. We finally found him and caught him. Are we really going to give him up here and let him continue to be a slave of the Western Continent?"

"Yeah, it's about our face, we can't let him go, he already belongs to us."

The arms of the female ninjas tightly hooked Li Ergou's arm, pulled his body back, and blocked his body in front of him, as if Li Ergou was a toy they cherished.

Seeing this, the eyes of the female ninja leader became more and more cold, and a dragon-tiger-like coercion rushed towards his face. Climbing over and seeing the man with broken walls and corpses everywhere, he couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression, as if someone had strangled his throat.

She is very strong, this is the judgment Li Ergou made immediately.

I am afraid that she alone can easily deal with the group of female ninjas who captured her alive.

Under the cold gaze of the leader, the ninjas finally loosened their chains reluctantly, allowing Li Ergou to regain his freedom again.

The handkerchief covering his mouth was also removed. After regaining the freedom to speak, Li Ergou frowned deeply and said in a deep voice:

"Who are you? Why are you kidnapping me? Tell you, I'm not the person you're looking for, you've got the wrong person."

"We didn't admit the wrong person, Your Highness Li, you are the person we are looking for." The female ninja leader said to Li Ergou in a soft voice, "Don't worry for now, we will meet again later, when the time comes, we will The synagogue will take you home in an upright manner."

"I can't go with you, dream less."

"His Royal Highness Li, when the time comes, you will have no choice."

The leader of the female ninja bowed slightly to Li Ergou, then left with the ninjas, completely hiding in the darkness.

Li Ergou breathed a deep sigh of relief, thinking that he would almost never see Aishwana again. If he was really kidnapped today, what would Aishwana, this stupid child, do? Li Ergou didn't even dare to think about it.

He walked to Xia Leina's side with a relaxed expression, and she was still motionless at the moment, which made Li Ergou couldn't help but admire and said:

"Xia Leina, you were quite calm just now. I thought you would take action rashly. You should see that the female ninja leader is a ruthless character, right? If you do take action, I'm afraid your life will be lost. "

However, Xia Lena rarely replied.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, please reply."

Li Ergou patted Xia Leina on the shoulder, and Xia Leina twitched as if she had been electrocuted:

"I couldn't move just now, you idiot!"

"What's the matter?"

"I said, the moment the ninja standing on the palm tree looked at me, I completely lost the ability to move. Damn, is that magic?" Charena looked like she was just waking up from a dream.

"I don't know, it should be a ninjutsu unique to Dongying, right? I also suffered a loss just now. If I knew that they had that kind of attack, I might not have been caught by them if I had taken precautions in advance. It was really dangerous just now, almost They were taken away." Li Ergou said with lingering fears.

"Hmph, I remember you said that you are from a commoner, so I would like to ask this commoner, what does 'His Royal Highness' mean just now?" Xia Leina cast a reproachful look.

"I said, they recognized the wrong person. I was never His Highness Li, but the son of a peasant. My name is Li Ergou."

Of course, this is also a lie.

Li Ergou was not the son of a peasant at all. He didn't even know who his parents were and what occupation they were engaged in.

He was born in a shelter in the Middle East, and later escaped from the shelter in order not to become a plaything for a noblewoman.

In order to survive, he named himself "Li Yinyue". In fact, he may not be surnamed Li, his father may be surnamed Shangguan, Jin, or Yamamoto, but to him at that time, it didn't matter what his father's surname was, what mattered was that he wanted the surname Li, as to why The surname is Li, just for fun. Anyway, the name is just a dispensable code. Even if he tells others that his name is Genghis Khan, others will not give away an extra bread.

Therefore, his surname was Li, and he changed his name to Li Ergou out of the mentality of praying for the health of his sister.

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense? You even said that you are the son of a peasant? It's ridiculous! Tell me, what is the son of a great aristocrat in the Eastern Continent Empire?" Xia Leina asked coldly.

In this regard, Li Ergou has only one sentence:

"No comment."

Chapter 36 True Identity?

After returning to the hotel where she was temporarily staying, Aishwana immediately rushed over and hugged Li Ergou's waist tightly, her green eyes swollen from crying.

"Er Gou, I almost lost you. If I lose you, I really don't know what to do." She bit her lips. "Without you, I might not be able to live a day..."

"My stupid child, you obey me, even if I am really taken away, you are not allowed to do stupid things," Li Ergou's eyes couldn't help becoming very gentle when he felt the slightly trembling wheat-colored body , "Also, you should have confidence in your man, your man is very strong, even if he is kidnapped by them inadvertently, he will definitely go through untold hardships to escape from their hands, Then come back to find you again."

"But what if you can't come back?" said Aishwana, clutching the dagger tightly in her hand, "This dagger tells me that if you are really taken away, then I just need to stab the dagger into the Your heart can always be by your side."

"Idiot." Li Ergou gently tugged at Aishwana's fluffy brown cat ears, causing the kitten to jump up, as if she was touching a sensitive part, "If I really get caught Kidnapped, you must wait for me, otherwise when I run away from their palms and see your cold body, what do you want me to do? Don't think about those stupid things in the future, otherwise I will be angry ."


Aishwana bowed her head like a child who did something wrong.

"Actually, I have no right to blame you, my girl..."

Recalling that after the death of his sister, Li Ergou also gave up on himself for a while, drunk all night, indulged all night, and the house was messy. Sister meet again.

"We cuddle with each other and keep each other warm. Even if we can only create a little warmth, it is enough for us to continue living."

Li Ergou gently picked up Aishwana's soft and **** body and carried her to the bed. She looked expectant, but Li Ergou just smiled helplessly.

"Good night, kitten, your faithful man will always be by your side. When you wake up, tomorrow will be a bright morning sun again."

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?" The moonlight shining from the gap in the curtains hit her deep face, resentful and beautiful, and her green pupils were even more intoxicating.

"Wait for next time, I still have something to report to Miss, so good night." Li Ergou paced to the door of the room.

"Good night, two dogs."

She smiled fondly, her sticky love and deep affection were like slender palms, gently strangling her throat.

Finally, after taking a deep look at Aishwana, Li Ergou still decided to confiscate her dagger.

When the ninjas attacked just now, Demi was watching over them all the time. Demi said that Aishwana had been staring at the dagger in a daze, and her eyes were extremely terrifying.

Without Demi, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of it this way, I really have to thank Demi well. Although it looks like a primary school student's figure, it is still very reliable at critical moments.

After closing the door of Aishwana's room, Li Ergou lowered his footsteps and quietly came to the downstairs lobby of the hotel.

"Good night, Miss, are you still going to bed so late?"

On the cheap sofa in the living room, Miss Ivy raised her feet in black high-heeled shoes, and her eyebrows were curved, reminiscent of a charming and cunning fox. Although it was a beautiful smile, it seemed a little strange. Comfortable.

"How can you fall asleep?" The golden pupils flashed a playful smile, and the bright red folding fan gently fanned.

On the left and right sides of Miss Ivy, Xia Leina and Demi stood respectively. Looking at this posture, Xia Leina must have told Miss Ivy that the ninjas called herself "His Royal Highness".

"Tomorrow I will go to Fenglu City, the capital of the king. If I don't sleep, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up the next day." Li Ergou advised.

"Don't worry, the blood of the blood is flowing in my body, even if I don't sleep for three days and three nights, it will not have any effect. Besides, isn't the farmer's son also sleepless?"

Miss Ivy emphasizes the pronunciation of "peasant's son", which is very meaningful.

"Miss, are you doubting my origin?"

"I never doubted you at all because I never believed you from the beginning. Li, do you think any child from a peasant background would be qualified to learn table manners? They would know not to touch the back of the seat, the seat Rotation rules, and the correct way to use a knife and fork?" Miss Ivy squinted slightly, "Also, why do you think the most well-known intelligence organization in Dongzhou goes to great lengths to catch a farmer's son? His son is 'His Royal Highness'. If they recognize the wrong person, I can reluctantly accept it, but they are neither 'His Royal Highness' nor 'His Royal Highness', but 'His Royal Highness', right?"

"Then, does this mean that the false identities they fabricated can confirm the past that I have never experienced? My parents have long since died, they were farmers before they died, I can only tell you so much, as to whether you are willing or not Believe me, it's your business. And I stay by your side, only out of a repayment mentality. After repaying your kindness, I will leave. Take ten thousand steps back, even if I am His Royal Highness Li, you What can I do? Even if I am not, what does it have to do with you?"

Li Ergou said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Of course it matters, my dear Li." Miss Ivy suddenly stood up, looked at him with a smile, put a hand on his shoulder, and said word by word, "Don't forget, I've always wanted to find a decent man to marry, and then reject the marriage with Louis, do you think I'll let you go easily?"

Her golden pupils flashed with strange flames, and her smile was like a carnivore bumping into a sheep on the Qingqing grassland.

"What if I refuse?"

"You can't refuse, because this is my order. To be honest, of course I don't care about your true identity. Anyway, as long as the people of Dongzhou recognize your noble status, that's enough."

"So it is." Li Ergou sneered.

"Behind the Lianqing family are the nobles of Dongzhou. This will be a big deterrent to my enemies."

"But don't forget, those female ninjas in the East want to kidnap me."

"Don't worry, I won't let them kidnap you, you belong to me, I will kidnap you unless they can defeat me."

Chapter 37 Arrival at Fenglu

In the mornings of the countryside, it is not the pendulum of the wall clock that wakes the people, but the big rooster standing on the fence with its tail waving.

- Ooooooo!

The warm sunlight penetrated into the room through the gaps in the curtains. This was the most comfortable night Li Ergou had slept since he traveled to another world.

Compared with the soft and luxurious hammock bed in the lady's palace, this wooden bed is the most comfortable to sleep in.

Perhaps because of his own experience, he is used to sleeping on a hard bed now.

Put on leather shoes, put on a tie, and put on the tuxedo that Miss Ivy made especially for herself. To be honest, Li Ergou didn't like this dress, but unfortunately, as a servant, he could only wear this dress.

Leaving the room, Aishwana's door also opened at the same time, the two of them opened the door at the same time as if they had a good heart, and bumped into each other.

Kitten is wearing the same maid uniform as before. The black skirt and white apron make her look cute and cute, making her want to pity her.

"Good morning."