MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 699 Moben Heart Curse [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 699 Demon's Heart Curse [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

  Although Chu Liang had experienced too many shocks this day, he was still surprised again when the news came that Taotie City had been breached by Mang Shantu.

   Taotie City is also a sect of the Ten Lands. Although the inheritance of this sect is not very strong, there are countless worshipers with high cultivation. How could it be broken by a group of rebel forces?

  Generally speaking, if the Mangshan disciples are really strong enough to this point, then they can definitely join the new ten sects, and there is no need to be rebels anymore.

   After all, murderers and arsonists are recruited. When they are weak, they are rebels. When they are strong enough, they will naturally become decent.

   Later, as the news passed in more detail, he understood the whole picture of the matter.

  Gaotie City originally had many powerful priests, even though there had been no large-scale wars for hundreds of years, after all, Gluttie City was rich and powerful, and it still supported these idlers. On weekdays, the worship in the city is actually to manage the law and order, so there is no need for such a huge team.

   But after being "borrowed" a large amount by Penglai the day before yesterday, Taotie City's capital flow is also stretched, and it has to maintain high expenses to maintain the market, so it must increase revenue and reduce expenditure. After Hu Yandong thought for a while, he decided to start with the power of worship that had not been used on a large scale for hundreds of years, and dismissed most of the worshipers from Taotie City.

  This is the evil result brought about by the weakness of our sect. People who come because of money will eventually leave because of money.

   But even so, the remaining power of Taotie City is still not weak, and it still ranks high among the ten sects. However, they used Hongmianfeng’s door-to-door delivery service before. After Qi Lin’er intercepted the Hongmianfeng’s team, Hu Yandong worried that Shushan would not dare to provoke Penglai, but would take revenge on Taotie City, so he gave the team who went out A large number of manpower has been increased.

  This act of using the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman once again exacerbated the emptiness in the city.

   Even so, the remaining guards in the city are more than enough to deal with general turmoil. But now the Mangshan disciples are not the same as before, they seem to have been greatly supplemented.

The Mangshan disciples at the beginning of the army were a group of half-monster and reckless people who couldn't get enough to eat. They didn't know where to get the cultivation skills and resources. After several battles, they possessed extremely sophisticated weapons and skills. device. Everything about Mangshantu seemed to have fallen from the sky, and the speed at which the team strengthened was simply inexplicable.

  Chu Liang looked at it and even wondered if they also had a white tower that could explode equipment.

  Including those reckless mountain disciples who turned into demons, although the progress of cultivation base will be slowed down, after the physical body is greatly strengthened, the short-term combat effectiveness will also increase sharply.

   Such a team of human and demon fusion broke through the gate of Taotie City just like that.

  After entering the city, the Mang Shantu's strategy was quite different from that of Moxiu who attacked Cotton Tree Peak. When Moxiu raided Shu Mountain, he slashed and killed indiscriminately and caused chaos when he chose, but at the same time it also aroused the joint attack of all practitioners, which was also an extremely powerful force.

  After Mang Shantu entered the city, he only focused on attacking the City Lord's Mansion and some key shops operated by Taotie City, only killing worshipers and not hurting tourists. Therefore, those customers in the city turned into bystanders, and even a considerable number of them took the opportunity to join the Mangshan Gang, plundering and stealing for zero yuan purchases.

   As a result, this gluttonous city, which once tried to compete for nine days, was actually captured by the Mang Shantu. The father and son Hu Yandong and Hu Yanbin disappeared, suspected to be captured by rebels.

   After reading the news, Chu Liang also felt a little emotional, the wicked will eventually be tortured by the wicked.

  Qi Lin'er was dead, and the responsibility for intercepting the Red Cotton Peak team could no longer be shifted to Taotie City. Unexpectedly, they would suffer retribution themselves.


  When Qi Liner was mentioned, Chu Liang suddenly remembered that he still had something to do.


   Last time in the sea of ​​monsters, I killed a large number of sea monsters, and I haven't had time to reward myself. When he came back to Shushan, he went to Penglai because of Qi Lin'er's affairs. After killing Qi Lin'er, he also got a mark by accident, which has not been refined yet.

   Now that the dust has settled, I can finally relax in the hut and reward myself well.

   And you need to reward dozens of times at once.

  Among the marks in the iron prison, Chu Liang was the first to come before Qi Lin'er's rock-like mark. He was naturally the most curious about what this guy could make.

   Immediately raised his hand and pressed the word "refinement".


  The brilliance flashed, and a talisman-shaped brilliance floated out.

  【Magic Mantra】: It can release the demonic nature in the human heart, which lasts for a quarter of an hour. It is invalid for those whose cultivation base is higher than one level, and there is a risk of backlash.

   "This..." Chu Liang looked at the introduction and thought for a while.

   It sounds like the kind of supernatural powers that can manipulate emotions and desires. He has obtained evil curses and chains of resentment before, and they are infinitely useful at the right time. As for the strength of this magic mantra, it still depends on how effective it can be.

  He was not in a hurry to experiment, but began to refine the marks of the group of sea monsters again.


  The first siren mark produced a round brilliance.

  [Sea Soul Stone]: The top-quality stone mined from the Sea Soul Mountain has the effect of calming the sea and calming the wind and waves.

  Chu Liang rubbed the stone in his palm, it looked like a bluish-purple brilliance pebble, but its shape was round. If you investigate carefully, you can find the powerful spirituality in it.

   According to legend, the sea has a spirit, and its spirituality is condensed into Haihun Mountain, which is in the deepest part of the East China Sea. But this is just a legend, and no one has ever seen the true face of the so-called Sea Soul Mountain.

  Looking at the introduction of this sea soul stone, there might really be such a place in the world.

  Chu Liang took out the Bibo Zhan from his bosom, this magic weapon ranked in the top 100 in Wanbaolu, because of his lack of cultivation before, he couldn't master it well. At this moment, if you push it again, it will be handy.

  With a thought in his mind, blue blue waves rose up in an instant, surging in the area in front of him. Chu Liang threw the sea soul stone again and threw it into the restless lake.


  The blue wave lamp is powerful, but as the sea soul stone falls, it is instantly suppressed, and it is difficult to make waves.

  However, the range that a sea soul stone can suppress is still limited. Once Chu Liang expands the range covered by the blue wave lamp, the sea soul stone will be powerless.

  It seems that the spirituality contained in this stone is still limited.

  With this in mind, Chu Liang refined the imprint of the next sea monster.


  What came out this time was another round brilliance.

   "Sea Soul Stone again?" Chu Liang frowned.

  I said that the spirituality contained in a stone is limited. Doesn’t it mean that you should give me another one?

  Although it doesn't matter if you have one more stone, this trend is a bit worrying...

   Sure enough, after a while, Chu Liang had a lot of sea soul stones in his hands.

   This made him lost in thought.

  The shrimp soldiers and crab generals he killed before were all refined into different things, that is to say, each sea monster has its own attributes, and the refined rewards are also different.

  But these sea monsters in the Demon Sea have different shapes, but they are all the same sea soul stones when they are refined.

  If it was before, he might still not be able to figure it out, but thinking of Cangsheng Taoist's statement about "the origin of life", he began to have a faint understanding.

  In the past, the rewards offered by the White Tower were the same, which should mean that the evil spirits had the same source of life, and this phenomenon occurred. However, the origin of life for ordinary and different evil spirits is naturally very different.

  The sea monsters in the monster sea have the same rewards, which means that their origin of life is the same, and they are probably created by humans!

  He once asked Wu Zhiqi who the owner of the secret realm in the Demon Sea was, but Wu Zhiqi kept silent about it. The person who wanted to create those sea monsters was definitely an earth-shattering and powerful person.

   Putting away this pile of useless stones, Chu Liang wanted to try the power of the magic mantra.

  As soon as he opened the door, he saw Shang Ziliang flying down with Squad A and Slave B to report to him the status of Cotton Tree Peak after finishing.

   "Let's talk about it." After meeting Chu Liang, Shang Ziliang asked Ban A to explain the matter in detail.

   "Hey..." Squad A smiled and was about to speak.

  Chu Liang secretly raised his hand and pointed, and the magic mantra was released.


  But seeing Squad A's expression froze suddenly, and then there was a wicked smile on his face, and there seemed to be a shadow with two horns expanding behind him.

"Jiejiejie, after all, I still need to come forward, right? I just said that one of you is delicious and the other is lazy. If you really have something to do, why don't you ask me to show it? If the boss can't do it, you should go back to Yunyaofeng to inherit the family business. Give up the position of Hongmian Peak. From now on, I will take care of things you can't handle; people you can't deal with, I'll take care of them; sister Ziqing, who you can't catch up with, I'll chase after..."


  After the effect of the Moben Heart Mantra faded, the follower suddenly covered his mouth, his eyes full of horror: "What did I just say?"

   "I've said everything..." Shang Ziliang's face was livid, "Forget about anything else, it turns out that you treat Junior Sister Ziqing... It's really unexpected to me."

   "I didn't..." The servant A panicked.

   Shang Ziliang was about to say something more when Chu Liang moved his finger again.


  This time, his expression froze, and then a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Jie jie jie..." Shang Ziliang said with a sinister smile, "Did you think I really valued you two when I hired you two as my attendants? Wasn't it because others didn't like to be my dog's legs that I chose Yun Yaofeng as the most important person?" You two stupid bastards. Do you think it’s really your ability to lead you to prosperity now? It’s not my credit! If you are sensible, you can hug my thigh obediently. Otherwise, when I become powerful in the future, followers like you You can change hundreds of them at any time..."

  After a quarter of an hour, Shang Ziliang woke up suddenly, "Ah, what's going on?"

   Follower A's eyes were filled with tears, "Boss, so that's why you came to us?"

   Follower B wanted to say something to persuade the fight, but suddenly there was another brilliance.


  Seeing him startled, his kind smile instantly turned into a sinister smile.

"I want to cook and eat the boss's mount! And the spirit birds you raise, I want to roast them for a long time! I want to use all the spirit birds in the whole Shu Mountain to make hot pot... Jie Jie Jie Jie! "

  (end of this chapter)