MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 700 I count to three【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 700 I counted to three【Ask for a monthly pass! 】


  The mighty sky wind swept across from the far west, and a burst of yellow sand rolled like a sandstorm. In fact, the previous battle was too fierce, and thousands of miles of land were shattered, so there is such a scene.

  After learning that Chu Liang had indeed returned to Mount Shu, the human allied forces headed by Venerable Wen Yuan did not continue to entangle. Because it is unrealistic to kill the rest of the eighth-level demon kings, if you are ruthless, it is possible to slaughter all the little demons you can see. But in that way, the demon kings completely lost their ties.

  If they all learn from each other, it will be difficult for the strong human race to deal with it if they go to the human race city to carry out a devastating blow.

  So the battle reached the Far West and collapsed, and a group of strong clans also retreated.

  What was left behind was a **** and dilapidated place, especially Qingqiu, which was the hardest hit, and the village that Caiyi worked hard to build for hundreds of years was destroyed here.

  Qiwangling was not destroyed due to its solid material. Although the temple on it was caught in a fire by Emperor Nvfeng, it was still a place for the demon clan to worship gods, and it could not be burned so easily.

   It's just that the long wind in it is gone.

  Looking at the Samadhi Divine Fire around him, it is not difficult to imagine that he was probably killed by Feng, the empress of Shushan.

  After some divination, the great priest determined that Changfeng's soul was dead.

   One of the few great demon kings of the demon clan has fallen again!

   This was a loss that had never been suffered for thousands of years. For a while, the eyes of the other demon kings looking at Caiyi became sharp.

   "Everything in the human race is dominated by the Qingqiu Demon King." The Leishan Demon King's voice was like a bell, "Now you have caused such a disaster, and you can hardly escape the blame."

   "Could it be that the Qingqiu demon king has been in the human territory for a long time, and has turned his back?" The wilderness demon king was even more blunt, "Even the Shushan disciple can't be taken care of. This failure is all due to you."

  Although the great priest didn't say it directly, he looked at Caiyi with disappointment.

  Caiyi didn't respond to the reprimands from the demon kings, but stood up and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my territory first. Although everything has been destroyed, rebuilding must be easier than opening up wasteland."

   "Tch." The Demon King of Nuyuan sneered, "Are you still thinking about using human things to defeat the human race?"

   "I think you are really crazy." The wilderness demon king said loudly.

  Caiyi turned her back to everyone, without turning her head, she got up and flew back to her own land of Qingqiu. This homeland, which was built with great difficulty by myself, has now returned to barbarism.

   But her expression looked very calm, she was just standing on a high mountain, quietly passing by with her divine sense, looking for the surviving Qingqiu demon descendant.

  Feeling her aura, the Qingqiu Fox Clan and other monster descendants who had been hiding also came together one after another. Not long after, another group of monsters gathered in front of her.

  At this time, a streamer of light came from the distant sky.

  The ray of light fell on the hillside, revealing a black Taoist robe, it was Xuanlu Taoist from Penglai.

   Just experienced a battle with the strong human race, all the monsters have strong hostility towards the human race, and shot their hostile eyes over.

  Only Caiyi remained calm, waving her hands to signal the group of demons to be calm, and let Taoist Xuanlu approach.

  Because she has enough understanding of the human race, and knows that the human race also has a clear division of camps, Taoist Xuanlu will not be in the same camp as the group of people who attacked the Far West.

  An enemy of an enemy can be a friend, even if this "friend" is the biggest driver of Chang Feng's death.

   "I've seen the demon king in Qingqiu, it seems that there has just been a big battle here." Taoist Xuanlu greeted with a smile, "Is the demon king all right?"

   "It's okay." Caiyi responded with a smile, "Why is Taoist Xuanlu here?"

"The demon king knows me?" Taoist Xuanlu was surprised. He is not well-known among Penglai's great powers. It seems that the demon king of Qingqiu knows more about the immortal sects of the human race than he imagined. Deeper.

   "Among the newly-promoted talents of the Shangzong of Penglai, the Daoists of the common people value you the most." Caiyi smiled lightly: "Naturally, I have heard of your name."

   "Don't dare." Taoist Xuanlu waved his hands again and again, and then said: "I came this time, and I was ordered by my family's head teacher to discuss something with the Demon King."

   "But it's okay to say." Caiyi's performance was quite grand.

"When the two of you took away Chuliang, the Daze Demon King was hit by the Flowing Gold Immortal Curse cast by Yi Donghai Zhoulun, a move by my master." Taoist Xuanlu said, "I think you all know how powerful it is now, except for my master. Apart from teaching myself to undo the spell, there is no other way to save the Daze Demon King."

"Although we don't know what you intend to **** Chu Liang, but I think he is more important to your monster clan than an eighth-level demon king." Taoist Xuanlu looked at Caiyi, "My head teacher means, You hand over Chuliang to Penglai, and he can undo the spell on the Demon King of Daze."


  Caiyi stared at the direction where a group of powerful people left a moment ago, and remained silent for a long time.

  After a long while, he opened his mouth again and said, "Daoist Xuanlu, if someone wants to use the Town Demon Tower in exchange for your great-grandpa's life, would you do it?"

   Taoist Xuanlu was stunned, puzzled: "My great-grandfather died a long time ago... Besides, the Yao Tower in Shushan Town was lost hundreds of years ago, right?"

   "That's right." Caiyi sighed.

  What kind of energy is this changing...

   This is no longer a problem that eating **** can’t keep up with the heat, but that the farmyard manure has been sprinkled on the ground to grow vegetables, and you only think of it.

   It's too late.

   "But..." She turned her eyes, "I'm a little curious, what does your Penglai headmaster want Chu Liang to do? Don't say it's revenge for an illegitimate child, I'm not a three-year-old kid."


   "I counted to three!"

   "Oh, don't play your temper."


  In the Wuliang Palace on Mount Shu, the purple and blue swords made a fuss again. Ever since Venerable Wen Yuan came back, the male and female swords have come here.

  The reason is that Xiong Jian and Bai Ze fought side by side, which caused female Jian to be dissatisfied.

  She asked Venerable Wen Yuan to clear Xiongjian from Jianxia Peak and move his residence to Zhenshou Peak. From then on, Jianxia Peak only kept her a sword.


  Master Wen Yuan also felt a headache when he saw the two swords making a fuss. There are quite a few artifacts with spirits, but the most lively ones belong to the two swords of Mount Shu.

  Shushan teachers in all dynasties will inevitably bear the heavy responsibility of easing the relationship between their husbands and wives.

  At this moment, Chu Liang begged to see him from outside the door.

   "Chu Liang, come in quickly." Venerable Wen Yuan hurriedly said: "You have a good relationship with them, please persuade these two."

   "Ah?" Chu Liang also felt dizzy for a while. He just persuaded the three little ones of Yunyao Peak to fight with Yin Jianfeng, so why is he trying to persuade another fight here.

   It's just that he did it himself, so the test is clear, and the magic mantra cannot be used indiscriminately.

   This has nothing to do with him.

  Looking at the noisy Ziqing twin swords, Chu Liang could only explain: "Senior Qingsuo, senior Ziying and Bai Ze have absolutely no possibility of adultery."

   With a flick of the female sword, "How do you know?"

  Chu Liang fell silent.

   How to prove that it is impossible to have adultery between a sword and a beast? Is it difficult?

But after thinking about it, he still said seriously: "Because I know that Bai Ze's lifespan is short, and all she did was to protect Shushan...Senior Qingsuo, when that great enemy is in front of her, she As an old mother, she is still able to fight for Shushan. How can you two, as the most powerful mountain-suppressing artifacts of Shushan, stand on the sidelines?"

   "Yes." Xiong Jian echoed.

   "Bai Ze is going to die?" Female Jian was also shocked by the news.

   Immediately, I suddenly thought of my prejudice against her, and suddenly felt that I had gone too far, and fell into deep self-blame.

   "That's right." Chu Liang turned around and said to Venerable Wen Yuan, "The disciple is reporting an important matter about Bai Ze!"

good evening.

   Didn’t I say I had a cold a few days ago, and it hasn’t been very good since then. I just drank some Ganmao Ling, and I woke up this morning with a bit of a serious problem. I started to have a sore throat, headache, and diarrhea. I have to take subject two tomorrow, alas, it's too difficult.



  (end of this chapter)