MTL - Pirate: I Shock the World From the Top-Chapter 260

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Under the terrifying force of this punch, he couldn't hold on anymore.

After three breaths, with a bang, half of Jhin's body was buried in the ground, and stood there without moving.

His hands maintained the posture of raising the knife to meet the attack, but his eyes were already loose, and he lost his fighting power.

In the face-to-face battle with Jiang Liu, even at the level of the Three Disasters, he still couldn't compete with his terrifying strength.


At this time, Katakuri had also rushed over. Seeing this scene, his eyes shrank and he was shocked.

"You're the only one left!"

Jiang Liu raised his head, locked his eyes on the other party, and grinned.

Katakuri felt chills in his heart, he who had never been fearless, at this moment he felt the palpitations of being stared at by wild beasts when he was a child.

In the next second, the ground exploded, and Jiang Liu's figure disappeared suddenly.


In less than a breath of time, the air in front of Katakuri's eyes shattered slightly, and a figure emerged, twisting and fluctuating like a phantom.

Katakuri's eyes flashed red, seeing the scene a few seconds later, he quickly dodged and dodged to one side.

However, what he didn't expect was that the fist that was originally aimed at the predicted location would be enlarged rapidly in front of him like that.

Suddenly realizing something, Katakuri looked up at Eryu.

I saw that the other party's eyes were also shining with red light.

"He predicted my prediction!?"

Chapter 311 One Person

From the moment he saw the red light in the opponent's eyes, Katakuri understood.

When facing the opponent, the powerful prophecy effect of my own high-level knowledge-colored domineering has no effect.

The fist quickly enlarged, and then hit his face fiercely.


He was full of energy, and the tiger-shaped shock wave passed through his face and rushed behind him in all directions, blasting the ground into scars.

After a long time, the strong wind rolled up the dust on the ground.

Jiang Liu slowly withdrew his fist, and Katakuri stood there in a daze, his forehead and face were covered with blood, bright red blood dripping down his chin.

"Little guys, it's better to stand here and watch the battle!"

"This battle, after all, belongs to me and the two of them!"

The calm voice came out along with the wind, and it also made everyone's hearts lift up.


Bigu Mamu growled angrily, and his huge body slowly stood up.

Kaido also picked up the Bazhai mace on the ground, with a gloomy face, staring at the figure not far in front of him.

At this moment, Jhin, the leader of the three disasters, and Katakuri were standing there, one of them sank half into the ground, and the other was bleeding continuously.

The breath of the two is weak, they have been seriously injured, and have lost the ability to fight.

It can be said that from this moment on, there are only two emperors Jiang Liu will face.

And as long as he defeats the two behemoths in front of him, the final victory of this war will belong to him.

Even, the situation in the new world will change drastically in the blink of an eye, which will be extremely beneficial to him, and will also play an excellent role in changing the current situation of this world.

"Da da da da!"

Footsteps sounded, and Jiang Liu, Katakuri, and Jhin passed each other, walking towards the two huge figures in front of them.

Kaido and Bigumamu also moved at this moment, their faces were gloomy, and their eyes gleamed with anger.


In the void, at some point, there was a suppressed and terrifying atmosphere, which radiated to the entire island.

All the pirates who stood watching from a distance felt it, their faces changed horribly, and they swallowed nervously.

"The battle between the three top figures is about to begin!"

"Katakuri, Jhin-sama, are they still alive?"

"What will happen in the next battle?"

"After the previous battles, it's hard to imagine how strong Jiang Liu is. Even if MOM and Kaido team up, I still feel lingering fear."

The pirates trembled and said.

They looked at the middle of the battlefield, where bodies fell in disorder, and the powerhouses of the three disaster levels all lost consciousness.

In this battle, Jiang Liu almost defeated the main combat forces of the two pirate groups with one person's power. This kind of miraculous scene is beyond anyone's imagination.

The god-like record shocked everyone.

In the arena, the bodies of the three are constantly approaching.

And as Jiang Liu left, some daring pirates also sneaked up to check the status of Katakuri and Jhin.

"If you don't treat it, you will die!"

"Their injuries are too serious! If it were an ordinary person, they would have died long ago!"

"That's a fist that can smash mountains! It's unimaginable that this kind of force hits flesh and blood!"

"Without shattering, the two of them are considered strong enough!"

After taking a deep breath, they carefully moved Katakuri, pulled Jhin out of the pit, and ran away.

Not far away, Jiang Liu could no longer control the movement here.

The figures of the three approached, and when the distance between them was only a hundred meters, the eyes of the three collided, and their figures stopped suddenly.


The violent three powerful auras collided fiercely together, forming three skies with different auras and colors, covering the entire island.

"Whirring whirring!"

The wind began to howl, and thunder and lightning pierced the sky. At this moment, the sky of Baglan Island became unpredictable and covered with dark clouds because of the meeting of the three of them.


Thunder roared, and strong winds blew over everyone's heads.

The powerful domineering aura pervaded every space on the island, and made the rest of the pirates feel terrified.

"Jiang Liu, you are so brave, you dare to go to this island alone."

Kaido growled and said, his eyes staring into an angry light.

In the battle just now, his subordinates suffered a lot of losses, especially the damage at the level of the three disasters, which made his heart ache even more.

At the same time, he had a clear understanding of Jiang Liu's strength. The other party is definitely his world domination, the biggest threat to this sea area.

Only when the opponent is completely eliminated here, will he have the opportunity to continue to the next step.

This time, the challenge he faced even surpassed the battle with Kozuki Oden in Wano country twenty years ago.

"Kaido, the people who have been defeated by me are not enough to arouse my fear and fear!"

"So what about 100,000 people? How about the elites? How about uniting with Bigum?"

"I alone can wipe out all of you!"

With a smile on Jiang Liu's face, he said loudly.

This sentence was blown away by the strong wind and spread to the ears of everyone present, making the eyes of the pirates change. There is awe, fear, shock, and worship.

It is human instinct to worship the strong. For someone like Jiang Liu who dared to face the Four Emperors alone, many people were already in awe of him.

Not to mention the terrifying strength shown by the opponent in this battle.

"Well, well, well!"

"Do you think you are domineering? Are you very courageous? Boy!"

"It's just arrogance without self-knowledge, blind self-confidence."

Bigumam shouted loudly.

"You realize very quickly that you were stupidly wrong."

Kaido also said gloomyly.

As soon as he grasped the eight fasts in his hand, it was surrounded by lightning, and the aura of his whole body reached the extreme in an instant.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, Lingling!"

"Let him taste the strength of the two of us, and he will know that the world is so big that he does not do whatever he wants!"

Bigumam laughed loudly: "You're right, Kaido!"

As soon as he stretched out his right hand, the hat on his head quickly changed into a big sword.

"I will let him appreciate how powerful our joint strength is!"

Hearing such words, Kaido also laughed lowly, and the anger in his eyes became more intense.

In order to consume the opponent's physical strength, the pirates under his command suffered huge losses. Especially the severe injuries from the three disasters made his heart bleed even more.

This battle can be said to be a key battle to determine his future, the future of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Once defeated, all hope is gone, and even his life may not be repeated.

"Come on, Lingling!"

"Get rid of him!"

Suddenly, Kaido roared, and his huge body moved and jumped high.

"Well, well, well!"

"Teach us how powerful we are."


Bigu Mamu also roared, holding a huge sword, stomping on the ground, and rushing forward.

Jiang Liu raised his head, and a strong wind rushed over his head.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, the huge oppressive force made his heart feel heavy.

The two huge bodies moved sideways like two big mountains, crushing towards him.

This is a rare scene in the world and in history!

Chapter 312 Battle


Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and the sky over Baglan Island was covered with dark clouds, making the weather gloomy.

The wind was howling, and the air was filled with a heavy, forbidding atmosphere.

At this moment, the three huge figures all moved.

Kaido held the eight fasts high, jumped up, and the mace was wrapped with dense lightning, and swung down with a bang.

Bigu Mamu was holding a big sword, his eyes were wide open, and he had a ferocious and angry expression.

"Whirring whirring!"

The strong wind blew, Jiang Liu's tattered robes were shaking, and his black hair was flying up. He grinned suddenly, and the light blue mist swayed, and the tiger shadow behind him became bigger and bigger.

In terms of momentum, Jiang Liu, who is obviously only a human body, is not inferior to the two four emperors in front of him.


The air fluctuated, and a strong air pressure shrouded it. He raised his head suddenly, and what he saw was Kaido's fierce and powerful blow.

"Pretty good pressure!"

"I love so much!"