MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 300 Prestige

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  Chapter 300 Prestige

  In Muye Village, the alarm bells rang one after another, and the shrill buzzing overwhelmed the shouts and shouts of the crowd on the street.

   Chaos with a certain order.

  After all, the village was well prepared for this incident, and conducted several drills for it. The Chunin and Xiaren followed the established plan to guide the people into the shelter in an orderly manner.

  Junin did not merge into the flow of people. Instead, they spread out radially around the Hokage Building, covering the villagers' evacuation to the refuge, and at the same time dealing with enemies that appeared from nowhere.

  In this battle, they are the main force.

  On the roof of the Hokage Building, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had torn off his Hokage robe, revealing his battle armor, holding a stick-shaped ninja tool in one hand, and staring into the distance.

  Behind him are elite ninjas of various races, ready to go.

   "Master Naruto, there is a strong Chakra reaction in the northeast."

  After Hyuga Ninja of the security team reported, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately looked up at the sky, only to see a black dot appeared on the blue canvas, and it was rapidly growing in size, as if ink was drawing and sketching by itself.

   But it's a pity that the outlines on the canvas are not lively and fragrant, but ferocious and terrifying beasts.

  Even if there is no Hitomitsu Xueji, the third generation recognized what it was, and immediately ordered, "The third Anbu team went to entangle them, and it must be prevented from interfering with the evacuation of the villagers."


   There was a sound of breaking wind, Hiruzaru Sarutobi watched them rush towards 'Satoru', and then turned to the Hinata ninja,

   "In addition to this, can you find other enemies?"

  The village made such a big battle, not just for a mere enlightenment.

  Although this thing is comparable to a tailed beast, it is indeed difficult to deal with, but it is not enough to make the No. 1 Ninja Village feel like an enemy.

   "No enemy was found, neither underground nor around the village..."

   While talking, the Hinata ninja was taken aback suddenly, looked up at Gao Tian, ​​and murmured, "There's something up there."


   Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the other party's line of sight, and suddenly felt that a catastrophe was imminent, and said sharply,

   "Stay away from the Hokage Building, spread out!"


  Under the high sky, Heavenly Dao Payne is suspended in a field beyond the reach of mortals, looking down on Konoha below.

  At such a height, even with the top-notch eyes of reincarnation, you can't see the crowd below, they are as small as mustard seeds.

  But the reason why he came to Konoha today was because these mortals were about to threaten him as a 'god'.

   "Oshemaru, watch me destroy all the high platforms you built first."

   Tiandao Payne stared at Konoha's iconic building, pushed his palms down, and shouted, "Shenluo Tianzheng!"

  In an instant, a huge shock wave centered on the Hokage Building and swept across the surroundings. Whether it was a person or a building in front of it, they were all flatly pushed past.

  As if after a storm, or being run over by a huge bulldozer, mud and stones, streets and houses blurred boundaries, all mixed together.

   But the horror is, this is just the beginning.

   In the same situation, the Konoha Central Hospital, the secret warehouse... These white clones can only perceive a superficial feeling at ordinary times, and the place where the interior is completely blocked by the sealing formation bursts out shock waves one after another.

   It can be said that the most important places of Konoha were all destroyed after the first attack of Tiandao Payne.

  In the sky, Tiandao Payne looked at the few 'small earth pits' blasted by him, and gasped slightly.

  Continuously performing top-notch pupil art like 'Shenluo Tianzheng', even with the blood of the Uzumaki family, is not a small burden.

   However, the current state is still good, and there is still the ability to continue fighting.

  In fact, it is not impossible to directly destroy the entire Konoha Village just like dealing with the "ninja demigod" Hanzo.

   But in that way, the consumption of life is a minor matter, and it will put the cart before the horse if it affects the future plan.

   "Oshemaru, this time, I want to see if you will escape again."

  A strange purple awn flashed in Tiandao Payne's eyes, and his figure quickly fell like a shell, heading straight for the position of the Hokage Building.



  A collapsed wall shattered immediately, Tsunade jumped out of the hole, opened his mouth and spat out two mouthfuls of blood mixed with mud.

   "This **** is really powerful."

   Tsunade glanced around at the tragic situation around him, with lingering fear in his eyes.

  Although I have seen the broken land of Takinobu Village from photos, and I have heard Orochimaru describe the ability of the reincarnation eye in detail, but I only discovered it when the incident happened, and I still underestimated it before.

  This kind of unreasonable intensity of ninjutsu, I am afraid that only grandpa Senju Zhuma can deal with it.

   Wails and screams could be heard faintly in the distance and underground, and Tsunade knew that he could not delay any longer.

   "Forget it, do my job well this time..."

   Tsunade reluctantly forgot to glance at the enemy's direction, opened his mouth and bit his finger, "Spirituality!"


  A huge white smoke surged, and the next moment, a huge blue and white worm appeared out of thin air above the ruins.

   "Hmm... is this Konoha?" Looking down at the scene below him, the Slug Immortal was puzzled, his eyes full of confusion.

   "Master Slug, you can see what happens next, and then cooperate with me to perform medical ninjutsu."

   While speaking, Tsunade had already released the Yin seal, and the fine lines drawn like thick ink and heavy brushes instantly filled his whole body.

   "Then please use me as you like."

   A soft female voice sounded, and in the blink of an eye, the huge body of the slug fairy disintegrated into hundreds, thousands... and disappeared in all directions.


  In the former Hokage Building, the elites of all ethnic groups gathered again.

  However, compared to the aggressiveness before, everyone is now ashamed, and even the momentum is somewhat compromised.

  Third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked the Captain of the Shadow Guard with a gloomy face, "How about the casualties?"

  “Most of them were minor injuries, but unfortunately four people were hit in the head and died on the spot.”

  When the captain of the shadow guard said this, he felt a little grateful in his heart.

   That is to say, all the wooden ninjas gathered here have undergone "physical strengthening surgery", and the number of vital points has been greatly reduced. Otherwise, after this impact, they will probably lose a lot.

  Three generations were relieved when they heard this number. At this moment, Hinata Ninja on the other side suddenly called out,

   "Master Hokage, the enemy has fallen and is flying towards us..."

   Before the words fell, Tiandao Payne was already high in the sky. He looked down at the people below him, and said slowly,

   "Three generations of Hokage, Orochimaru is there now, can't they escape?"

   Opening the mouth is to get straight to the topic, without paying attention to everyone under him.

   "You'll see him."

  Being underestimated in this way, Hiruzaru Sarutobi remained calm, with his giant stick across his chest, ready to strike at any time.

   "You want to do it with me?"

  Heavenly Dao Payne seemed to have seen something incredible, "Are you courting death?"

  Three generations smiled, "If I can get rid of you group of ambitious people, so what if I die, old man."

   "A careerist? No matter..." Tiandao Payne raised his hands and said slowly, "Kill your teacher, I don't believe that Orochimaru will continue to hide."

  Although the teacher's teacher is not a teacher, the teacher of the disciple is still somewhat important.

   "Arrogant guy, stop talking nonsense."

   "With us here, don't expect to hurt Hokage!"


  Among the shouts, the wind is raging, the water and fire are surging, and the earth spear is surrounded by thunder... All kinds of ninjutsu spew out towards Tiandao Payne in a mighty way, even the tailed beast can never expect to be safe.

  However, Tiandao Payne only raised one hand, and defeated all the attacks.

"How can it be?"

  The ninjas present are all the elites of various races, but whenever they have seen this kind of ninjutsu, even the 'Susanoh' performed by Uchiha's Forbidden Eyes, they have always been broken.

  When everyone was astonished, the earth dragon aroused under the feet of the Third Hokage spewed out more than a dozen mud bombs. The speed was extremely fast, and the number was enough to block all the escape routes of the opponent. Obviously, it had been planned for a long time.

  Just when everyone Konoha ninja thought that this attack would come back in vain, Tiandao Payne did not repel the attack like last time, but chose to retreat quickly.

   At the moment when the mud bomb was about to hit him, he bounced back with his ninjutsu.

   But even so, the mud bomb still left marks on the black-bottomed red cloud suit.

  Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was very dissatisfied with this effect, secretly thought it was a pity, but quickly said loudly,

   "The weird and unpredictable instant ninjutsu is not unsolvable. It has a time interval, about five seconds."

  All the elites of various races were present, and they quickly realized that they were clamoring for each other.

   "The next step is to attack in steps and in batches."

   "That's right, everyone goes together, no matter what he is, he is alone."


   "It seems that you know a lot of information about me from Orochimaru."

  Tiandao Payne was expressionless. Hearing Konoha's ninja shout, a cold smile appeared on his face.

   "Huh, alone?" Immediately formed a seal with both hands, "Spiritualism!"

  The white smoke dissipated, and five figures appeared, male and female, tall, short, fat and thin, each with their own characteristics, but the only thing they had in common was the same kind of eyes.

  Being watched by that weird and cold-blooded gaze, the ninjas on Konoha’s side seemed to have a basin of cold water poured on their heads.

  The third generation just tested the opponent's ability with a time interval. Now the opponent directly brings out another five ninjas with the same pupil technique. How are they going to attack the ninja who has the unbreakable shield?

   "Don't be fooled by the other party. The other party only has one body. After using the clone, the abilities will also be separated. On the contrary, it is when the other party is the weakest."

  The third generation continued to reveal information about Nagato, while boosting morale.

   On the battlefield, momentum is extremely important, especially for ninjas.

  However, the other party took the lead and turned Konoha upside down in an instant, and now the sense of oppression is even more overwhelming.

  If the ninjas in the village really regard each other as a 'god' with no dead ends, then this battle will be over.

   "The biggest ninja village, there really is something."

  Tiandao Payne no longer assumed that 'god-like' posture, his eyes were a little more solemn.

  It is his specialty to show his strength, spread fear, and break through the enemy's psychological defense.

  Yuyin Village was played by him in this way, the voice of resistance was silent in the drizzle, and it never occurred to him that there was no flawless god, only the disguise of a ninja.

   But Konoha is obviously not that easy to conquer.

   "Fear isn't enough, or..."

  Tiandao Payne glanced around the Konoha people. From his eyes, he can naturally see that these people have undergone strengthening operations, and they can be said to be the most elite Konoha.

  The number far exceeds what was thought before, more than twice the estimate. This matter will be used to blame the masked man later, so let's not mention it now.

  What Tiandao Payne is thinking now is, if these Konoha elites are broken, can he easily spread his fear in Konoha?

   "It's worth a try."

   With a thought, the animal Dao Payne has already made a seal with both hands.

   'bang bang bang'

   Several loud bangs exploded, and in the open space in front of San Dai and the others, four giant psychic beasts appeared almost instantly.

  Yatara Bird, Split Dog, Pit Bull, Hell Crab... Each one is only slightly inferior to the Holy Land psychic beast.

"This guy…"

  Third Hokage's eyes were fixed, and he immediately ordered, "Everyone spread out in small groups and defeat the enemies one by one."

   Konoha has a set of proper countermeasures against giant psychic beasts, especially now that everyone has strengthened their bodies, making things a little easier.

   Having said that, the best way is to deal with giant psychic beasts against psychic beasts, or monsters such as Susanoo and tailed beasts.

  However, Jiraiya is still guarding the waterway on the border, and Zhishui is the 'Wu' he sent to stop the Bliss Box, but now he lacks the combat power to stop the giant psychic beast.

   is thinking about the appropriate countermeasures, the third generation can only hear shouts, "The technique of super doubling!"

   In an instant, Konoha had three more giant mountains, confronting the enemy's giant psychic beast far away.

   "Now, it's time to prove the strength of my Qiudao clan."

  Akimichi Dingzuo roared, "Meatball Chariot!" and the two Akimichi Jōnin beside him turned into three big meat balls.

   They spun wildly, heading straight for the enemy.

  When the body is huge, it also means a live target, but after the body is transformed into a wooden structure, the defense power is greatly increased, and a few hits are nothing.

   What's more, stronger defense means that they can rotate at a faster speed, and it is impossible to touch them with ordinary attacks.

   Bang bang bang!

  After three collisions, except for the eight-tag bird flying in the air, which escaped unharmed, the other three psychic beasts were all knocked out.

   "Troublesome guy."

  Heavenly Dao Payne glanced at the giants of the Qiudao Clan, raised a hand slightly, but before he could launch an attack, his face suddenly changed. I only heard the sound of rumbling and rumbling coming from the ground.

   Along with the tremors of the earth, a huge chakra reaction was also approaching rapidly, and it broke through the ground in a short time.

  A giant purple python swayed through the heavy soil, revealing a huge figure, standing between Payne Liudao and Konoha Ninja.

   But above his head, a chuckle sounded.

   "Sorry, I made some preparations, old man, am I not late?"

  (end of this chapter)