MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 299 cloudy day

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  Chapter 299 Sunny day and gray clouds

   Another three days in a blink of an eye.

   On this day, the sky was clear and clear, and there were no clouds in the sky. It was a rare good weather.

  The spring sun is warm and warm. Even at noon, when the sun rises high in the sky, it still doesn’t look blazing.

  However, Kai felt depressed for no reason, as if something bad was about to happen.

   "Today, why do you feel that something is wrong in the village?"

  Standing on the street of the village, Kai scratched his head depressingly, looked at the white-haired young man beside him who was applying medicine,

   "Kakashi, what do you think?"

   "The one who is really wrong is you." Kakashi pointed to the wound on his face and asked, "It's just practice, you are too hard this time."

  That's the case, but Kakashi was very surprised by Kai's recent growth. He also underwent physical strengthening surgery, and Kai was obviously more suitable and benefited a lot.

   It's only been a while since the fifth door was opened, and it looks like it's about to reach the next stage.

   "Hahaha, I have to worry about such a trivial matter. At worst, I will treat you to ramen as a reward."

Hearing Kakashi talk about this matter, Kai immediately swept away the emotion just now, and raised a finger, showing a mouthful of shining big white teeth, with a sense of complacency in his honesty, "It's thirty-six to thirty Five, I won one more game than you."

   "Next time, I will review this record."

  Kakashi opened his mouth and replied, after a slight hesitation on his face, he said slowly,

   "We'll talk about the outcome later. Something might happen recently. Don't exercise too hard and keep in good shape."

  Being in Anbu, even if you don’t take the initiative to probe, certain things will jump in front of you by yourself. The vigilance and uneasiness emanating from the village from top to bottom, Kakashi has a deeper understanding than Kai.

  The purpose of using the competition as an excuse this time is also to remind Kai.

  Kay worked too hard after undergoing physical strengthening surgery. Although as a taijutsu ninja, it is not incomprehensible to desire to master his body as soon as possible, but that state is obviously unable to deal with sudden danger.

   "Is something really going to happen?" Kai looked at Kakashi with a pair of thick eyebrows curled upside down.

  Kakashi shook his head, "Don't look at me like that, this is just a guess."

  He really didn't know what was going to happen, but he just felt the atmosphere with his intuition as a ninja.

   "Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, just listen to you."

  Kai patted Kakashi on the shoulder, "It's useless to think so much, let's go eat ramen together."

   "You treat me this time."

  Kakashi patted Kai's hand away, and strode towards the direction of 'Ichiraku Ramen'.


  At the same time, in the woodland to the west of Muye Village, a gust of wind suddenly sounded.

  More than a dozen figures appeared in the clearing in the forest. The ninja headed by him was wearing an Anbe costume. He was Shisui Uchiha, the strongest Uchiha, and beside him was Hyuga Nizashi, the leader of the Hyuga branch.

   "Oshemaru-sama, Kazekage-dono, please follow me into the village."

   Zhishui saluted forward, "The house that can conceal perception is ready."

  Kazekage nodded slightly, and sighed a little, "I didn't expect that I would come to Konoha again, in my current capacity."

  The last time they were so close to Konoha was the Battle of Kikyo Mountain. Taking advantage of the lack of power in Muye Village, the battlefield was approached to the gate of Konoha.

  Enemies and allies, the change of identity and position is so complete, it is really impermanent.

   "There is no need to have such emotion, the connection between Konoha and Sand Yin will become closer and closer in the future."

  Oshemaru's avatar twitched the corner of his mouth, "Get into the safe area as soon as possible, Baijue's avatar may look over at any time."

   "I see." Fengying Luosha nodded slightly, and a group of people drove from day to day to the center of the village.

  In all fairness, it is the first time since the Warring States Period that the shadow of a village has to go to another country's Ninja Village under the **** of a dozen subordinates.

  Three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi also came to Konoha to participate in the alliance, but at that time he was only a teenager, and Konoha, who was the host, didn't bother to target him, which is not the same as today.

  But Luo Sha is not worried that this time is a self-inflicted trap. The generosity of Orochimaru these days alone is worthy of his trust.

   What Kazekage is worried about now is another thing, how powerful is the Akatsuki organization that can make Orochimaru pay so much?

  You must know that although Orochimaru has indeed restrained his magnetic escape, the power displayed that night is also real.

   "Tsk, the benefits given by Orochimaru are not easy to take."

  Luo Sha glanced at the dozen or so jounin who came to Konoha with him this time from the corner of his eye, "I don't know how many can be left this time."

   At any rate, I have undergone the physical enhancement surgery.


  In the Hokage room, the captain of the Shadow Guard bowed and saluted, "Master Hokage, Your Excellency Kazekage has settled down."

   "Apologize for me later, I can't find time to see him now."

   Hiruzaru Sarutobi held his pipe, without raising his head, his eyes were old but focused, and he never moved away from the documents on the table for a moment.

   "In addition, let the sealing class be optimistic about the enchantment. If the Akatsuki organization invades Konoha, they will be the first warning line..."

  Before the words fell, sharp buzzing sounds followed one after another, spreading in the sky above Konoha in an instant.

  The face of the captain of the Shadow Guard changed drastically. This is the highest level of siren. Apart from Naruto, the only ones who have the right to use it are the ninjas of the sealed class just mentioned.

  Three Hokage's face darkened, and his eyes turned to the crystal ball at the corner of the table, which was the medium through which he performed the 'telescope technique'.

  But before it could be activated, it saw the enemy approaching from that direction, and the crystal ball seemed to be affected by an invisible force, and countless fine cracks appeared in an instant.

   click click click...

  A crisp sound came from inside the house and also from outside Hokage.

  Third Hokage Hiruzawa Sarutobi made a decisive decision, broke open the window and jumped out, and in the blink of an eye came to the rooftop of Hokage Oguchi, looking up.

   I saw an invisible barrier shattered above Konoha Village.

  That was the large enchantment formation established by the Uzumaki clan when the village was built. Without it, Konoha would be a chicken that lost its eggshell, and would no longer have the ability to detect the entire village at any time and deal with enemies in a targeted manner.

   "The Xiao organization came so quickly."

  The third generation’s face sank, and he ordered to Zhang, the shadow guard beside him, “Follow the original plan, and make sure the reconnaissance team finds the enemy as soon as possible.”


  The captain of the shadow guard didn't dare to hesitate, and disappeared in place.


  Boom boom boom...One after another barrier nodes were blasted regularly, and it didn't take long for the large sealing formation that the Uzumaki clan worked so hard to build to be a mess.

  No matter how strong the defense is, it will not be aimed at the inside, because generally speaking, if the enemy can enter the barrier, it can be declared over.

  But some people are unusual, and they can freely invade inside without breaking the defense of the enchantment.

  Obito let the aftermath of the explosion penetrate through his body, and said slowly, "I have fought several times, and I think Konoha already has my information, so I didn't do any defense, not just negligence or stupidity."

   "You can't say that."

   Jue waited for most of the power of the air wave to dissipate, then leaned out from the ground and said with a smile,

   "After all, this enchantment was established by the Uzumaki Clan, and Uzumaki Village has been destroyed for a long time. Even if you want to change it, I'm afraid there is no way."

   "There is no need to gossip." Obito took a look, "There are still a few places that need to be destroyed."

"Actually, after destroying this place, the barrier above has already been paralyzed." Jue Jiang's clone described what he saw on the ground, and continued, "But if you want to completely destroy the barrier formation, you need to go to more than a dozen places .”

   Obito pondered for a while, then smiled, "It's just a little effort to go left and right, so let's run."

   Anyway, today's protagonist is not him, and there is no danger in continuing to act.

  The air twisted into a vortex, and Obito's figure was involved in it, and disappeared instantly, and Jue also sank into the ground. The space returned to silence again, leaving only a mess.


  In the forest northeast of Konoha Village.

The Lord of Ghost Lamp City, the current Kusanagi leader Wuwei stood in the forest clearing, and in front of him, several ninjas were unloading a huge square box from the car. It was carved with distorted ghost faces on all sides. It is the box of bliss.

  Nowadays in the ninja world, the only one who can control the Box of Ultimate Bliss is Kusanagi, and besides Wuwei, only his son Wugou.

  At ordinary times, Wugou is naturally in control, but this time going deep into the Land of Fire and controlling 'Enlightenment' to attack Konoha is really too dangerous.

   Not only because of Konoha's ninjas, but also because the Akatsuki organization will not die to save Wugou's life.

  As for myself... Frankly speaking, Wuwei still has some confidence in his own value.

  Currently Kusanagi and Kirigakure Rebels are almost all supported by him. If he is missing, the Akatsuki organization will not say that the power will be greatly reduced, and it will not be so easy to make them so obedient.

  So in order to ensure his safety, the Akatsuki organization also made great efforts. In addition to the ninja who was responsible for transporting the box of bliss, there were also two big bodyguards, Scorpion and Kadotsu.

   "Hmph, I thought I could personally participate in the destruction of Konoha, but I didn't expect to ask me to protect this guy."

   Scorpion's tone was the same as before, but his dissatisfaction could be heard in his words.

   "There's nothing to be angry about this kind of thing." Kakudu's face remained unchanged, "Kono is the most powerful ninja village, even if the leader makes a move, it may not be able to win anything."

  The horns all like bounties, but after being beaten by the society, he has clearly realized who can be messed with and who can't be messed with.

   "You are not a person who likes to kill, why are you so interested in attacking Konoha?"

  The corners are all a bit strange. This person has no other interests except puppetry.

   "The quality of Konoha ninja corpses is rare." Scorpion glanced at Kakutsu, "I'm very interested in the ninjas transformed by Orochimaru, whether it's those samurai or other transformed ones."

  The secret research of the Xiao organization naturally cannot be hidden from the two of them. Xie is very clear that the organization is now gradually investing in transformation.

   But those people, after all, are labeled as companions. Unless they are allowed to die reasonably, it is really hard to make a fuss about their bodies. As for Konoha Ninja, it’s like saying too much.

"This matter is quite simple." Kakuzu glanced at the Kusanagi leader in front of the Bliss Box, "Wuwei City Lord is here, let that monster catch one or two for you when it attacks Konoha later." .”

  Xie hadn’t answered yet, Wuwei refused, “I’ve disappointed you, my control over ‘Enlightenment’ isn’t that fine yet.”

  It's like raising a vicious dog, and you can only order it to bite people. There is even a risk of backlash after seeing blood, let alone let it hold meat buns in its mouth and refuse to swallow them.

   "That's really a pity." Jiao Du glanced at the Box of Elysium, then looked away, and Scorpion didn't say a word, as if the conversation just now didn't exist.

  Wuwei didn't care about the other party's temptation, walked slowly to the box of bliss that had been set up, and shouted, "Come out, 'Enlightenment'!"

In an instant, purplish-black cyclones appeared around the Bliss Box. Amidst the shrill screams like ghost cries, the strange face facing Wuwei slowly peeled off, revealing the deep and dark vortex inside. .

  The next moment, a headless black-winged monster jumped out of it, and its sharp claws grabbed the defenseless Wuwei with the sound of howling wind.

  The change was only in an instant, and even the scorpion and the horn had no time to react, and Wu Wei stood there motionless as if he was petrified.

  The air exploded, and the claws landed firmly in front of Wuwei.

  Looking at Wuwei who was confident and his face remained unchanged, 'Wu' let out a roar that was almost mournful,

   "Wuwei child, don't be complacent, it won't take long before you can no longer control me."

   "When the time comes, let me taste the pain of sinking into this hell."

  The hostility and malice contained in this roar crazily impacted everyone's minds, and all the ninjas present did not change their colors, and even the scorpion and the horn were greatly vigilant.

  Wuwei took a deep breath, and said slowly, "If there is such a moment, I will thank the elders, but before that, please listen to my orders and wipe out the enemies for me."

   "The former convenience is Konoha Village, the biggest enemy of the rise of Kusanagi."


  Satoru has no eyes, and there are only four holes in the big mouth on his chest, but everyone present can clearly feel the hateful gaze.

  The earth trembled, and the wind blew in all directions. I saw the black-winged monster flapping its wings and soaring towards the direction of Konoha.

  The so-called grass ninja revival has long been forgotten. The former grass ninja elders have long been mixed in the many consciousnesses of the box of bliss, and now they just want to vent the pain they suffered in it.

  After Wu disappeared from sight, Wuwei felt relieved and went limp, with cold sweat covering his back.

   "Wuwei City Lord, what's wrong with you?" Kakuzu wasn't surprised by this Jonin's performance.

  Enlightenment's oppressive force is not only from the body shape, but more from the mental pressure acting on the soul, not to mention that Wuwei, as the opener of the box of bliss this time, will undoubtedly be under greater pressure.

   "It's okay, I already knew the consequences of making a deal with the devil."

   Wuwei said something meaningful, and turned his gaze to the direction of Konoha,

   "But no matter what, Konoha can't easily suppress it this time."

  (end of this chapter)

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