MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 30 Disappearing mutation

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Meanwhile, Hans State, Berlin, Federal Chancellery.

A small meeting about the video "High Swan Castle Mutation: The Challenge of the Brave" is also being held urgently.

From an objective point of view, the charm of the brave is amazing, but after watching the video several times, you can barely resist this attraction, so you can pay attention to other details.

As for how many times does it take to get rid of this charm?

That varies from person to person. Some people in the late stage of Yan control may have watched it a hundred times, and they are still addicted to the charm of the brave adults - such as Shang Yinhe's cousin, who looks like her sanity is at risk.

However, the rainbow fart is really fragrant [smile.jpg].

Closer to home, as a senior government official and top-level army commander of the Hans Kingdom, the willpower of the participants is definitely much better than that of their underage cousins. At least, they can all sit in the conference room with a serious face and sanity, instead of taking another look at the video uncontrollably.

"Latest news," Angela Dorothea Merkel, the Federal Chancellor of the Hans State, spoke first. She looked around the conference room for a week and said, "The white fog near the Hans State Koschwanstein has completely disappeared, At the same time, there are those monsters who seem to be extremely powerful."

There was a little commotion in the conference room.

"This news was originally still being blocked," Dorothea knocked on the table in the conference room to signal everyone to be quiet, "but the video released by Jiuqu made all the actions of blocking news in vain."

She manipulated the projection screen and fixed the latest video released by Jiuqu in the scene of the brave man defeating the devil chicken and leaving the castle, saying: "The video of Jiuqu will bring the world's attention back to Hohenschwangau Castle, they are very It will soon be found that Hohenschwangau Castle has returned to calm - white fog, monsters, nothing."

"Therefore, after this meeting, we will announce this fact to the world." Dorothea forcibly looked away from the projection screen and said.

"When did this happen?" someone asked.

"The time point was just an hour before Jiuqu released the video," Dorothea released a video. "This is the record left by the surveillance equipment at that time."

In the surveillance video from multiple angles, the white fog seems to disappear in an instant, and the monsters are also missing at the same time, as if the surveillance camera suddenly broke; or, the two videos are forcibly spliced ​​together , omitting a large part of the process in the middle.

Of course, I also know that the authenticity and integrity of the video that can be put on this conference must have been repeatedly tested.

But this moment of disappearance is too strange, as if all the hideous, dangerous, and battles before were just a dream. When I woke up, the anomalies disappeared.

However, if those are hallucinations, how can the army of the Hans Kingdom be defeated? How to explain the lives that died in the white fog?

"Everyone, this isn't an illusion, it's not a dream, and it's not a legendary scene of super-large hypnosis. More than 500 people witnessed this scene with their own eyes," Dorothea said loudly, "Now, we have to face such a scene. Complete reality: all the materials that made up monsters, white fog, and mutations disappeared in that instant."

A rustling conversation began to be heard in the conference room again:

"This...this is incredible..."

"This is... space teleportation?"

"Unscientific, really unscientific!"

"Who killed all the monsters suddenly?"

"If the monster was instantly destroyed, where did the corpse go? Where did the supplies go? What about the law of conservation of mass and energy? No scientific principles..."

Dorothea knocked on the table again. The international codenames "Iron Lady", "European Aunt", and "Queen of Power" have always been quite majestic. Soon, the rustling voice in the conference room disappeared.

"Our scientific instruments have not picked up any clues about the disappearance of the monster and the white fog, and scientists have followed up on this part of the research," Dorothea said, "However, until Jiuqu released this new video, we Only then did I understand why the monster and the white mist disappeared at the same time—"

"The hero defeated the Demon King, so the monsters disappeared and the world returned to peace," Dorothea said in a sarcastic tone, "It's really, a very beautiful story that feels like a fairy tale."

"By the way, has the expert's analysis come out?" Dorothea turned to the Minister of Defense beside her and asked, "Who might this person in the video be?"

Beside her was Ursula von der Leyen, the Minister of Defense of the Hans State, a blond woman. As the first female defense minister in the history of the Hans State, she is tough and full of personality. She has always liked adventures and challenges, and she is also the most trusted confidant of the Prime Minister of the Hans State. But for now, she is as troubled as Chancellor Hans:

"Experts have used all available identification schemes such as bone analysis, body analysis, face recognition, etc., and even called the database of our allies. Unfortunately, the candidates with a slightly higher degree of matching have already confirmed that this cannot be the case. 'Mr. Brave' in this video."

"That is to say," Dorothea, the Prime Minister of Hans, frowned, "now you are telling me that there is no such person on earth?"

She accused in a cold tone: "What about the technology that you boast of with a face recognition rate of 98%?"

"I personally think," Úrsula responded, "that this is beyond the reach of current technology."

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean," Úrsula said restrainedly, pointing to the unbelievably handsome brave man on the projection screen, "in fact, this kind of undifferentiated attraction, which is both male and female, already belongs to the category of transcendence. ."

Dorothea frowned: "Do you agree with those so-called 'extraordinary' claims?"

Úrsula replied: "I agree with the fact that it exists."

She explained: "Whether we admit it or not, the current facts about the cause of monster mutation, the analysis of the composition of the white mist, the analysis of the hero's video, etc. point to one point: we are facing a field that we don't know much about. We can use this The realm is called miracle, extraordinary, mutation, whatever you want to call it. Its essence belongs to a brand new category that we don’t know yet.”

"We have analyzed this brave man in detail. There is no trace of plastic surgery on his face, and we cannot find a person who can match this appearance in any corner of the earth."

"What's more exaggerated is that we have used all the cameras we can call in the area around Hohenschwangau to identify all the portraits that have appeared in the past week, but we still haven't found a person who can match him, and as of now, Even if the search continues, it is basically impossible to find this brave man again - he seems to have popped out of a stone and suddenly appeared in front of Hohenschwangau Castle."

"I agree with this point of view: this Mr. Brave, the video of Jiuqu, and the Hohenschwanstein Castle mutation itself are all part of a supernatural phenomenon," Úrsula pulled out a document and spread it out on the table , "Before, we conducted a very detailed analysis of the composition of white fog and mutant monsters. Fifteen universities including the University of Munich, the Technical University of Munich, the Free University of Berlin, and the University of Heidelberg, as well as the Leibniz Society, Helmholm Seven institutes, including the National Research Center and the Max Planck Institute, have provided strong scientific support."

"By the way, I think it was the right thing that Major General Ludwig, who made a big mistake, to organize such a research collaboration," said the blond Defense Minister Ursula. Looking up at the Prime Minister of Hans, he added, "In fact, as far as I am concerned, Major General Ludwig is a very talented guy, and he has done his best in the face of the abnormal situation. The fiasco should not be entirely attributed to him, at least, he should not be court-martialed."

Dorothea replied indifferently: "We always need someone to take the blame. If he doesn't take the blame, are you going to take the blame, my Minister of Defense?"

Ursula shrugged: "Then let's skip this topic first. In a word, the group of scientists are very interested in the research related to the mutation of Hohenschwangau Castle, and they are trying to generalize the rules related to this mutation. into the realm of existing science.”

"Oh?" Dorothea leaned forward with interest, "Did they succeed?"

"They failed completely," Úrsula handed Dorothea the document in her hand, "and some scientists even declared that the study of the Hohenschwangau mutation would greatly undermine the foundations of existing science. ."

"It sounds like," Dorothea took the document, "it looks like it is very destroying the three views?"

"More than destroying the three views, they have become crazy," Úrsula said, "Some scientists have proposed that the rules followed by the Hohenschwanstein Castle mutation are likely to be completely different from the existing scientific laws. A new set of rules The rules can be called 'mutation rules'."

"Researchers believe that the study of such 'mutation rules' will unveil the curtain of a new era."

"By the way, they believe that research on this new mutation rule is not something that Hans can fully afford. The publication is published publicly to leverage the power of the world to study this mutation together."

"However, this doesn't seem to be in line with the current national interests of Hans, do you think it should be agreed?" Ursula looked at the stern-faced lady prime minister inquiringly.

"This is not something that the Minister of Defense should be concerned about, and you are digressing again," the Prime Minister replied. "However, since it is your opinion, I will make a decision after reading their application report in detail."

"I will wait for your decision," Úrsula said.

Dorothea roughly flipped through the research report on the 'mutation rule'. In theory, scientific reports should be restrained and calm, mostly using periods and commas, but this research report is filled with all kinds of exciting remarks, and it is full of exclamation points.

Dorothea closed the report document ponderingly, and said as if to herself: "So, we are about to enter the extraordinary era?"

Ursula responded calmly: "It should be said that we are already in the extraordinary age."
