MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 29 magic charm

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In fact, no one cares about the whereabouts of Shang Ruyi at present.

Everyone is addicted to the video.

The whole challenge of the brave is as beautiful as a long painting handed down from generation to generation. Jiuqu's camera control ability, rhythm control ability, and just the right soundtrack add a beautiful embellishment to this long-lived painting. Of course, as the protagonist of the video, the hero wearing the cloak has always been the focus of the picture, and is the most beautiful visual center in the entire long painting.

He alone adds a beautiful halo to all the pictures. Every scene he is in is so attractive that almost all of his attention is focused on him, and even the slightest thinking ability is not left to the audience.

That magical, wanton, burning charm!

When you first saw this video, you didn't pay attention to anything other than the brave.

Yes, maybe the hero's journey is very exciting, maybe the fighting power of monsters is very powerful, maybe the scenes in the castle are beyond people's imagination, maybe those arrangements and those fights are comparable to the most wonderful special effects blockbusters, but—

But you can only focus on the hero himself.

He looks like he is wearing a cloak, he looks like he jumps vertically and horizontally, he looks like he holds a sword and shield, he looks like he runs fast, he is unreasonable and naturally becomes the only protagonist in everyone's vision, making the audience ignore it. Any other minutiae.

His every move, every change in his expression, ah, he's jumping, he's blocking, he's swinging his sword - how can he be so attractive!

You can only look at him and cannot think about anything else. All thoughts are distracted, except for thoughts about the hero himself. The charm of turning all beings upside down can almost completely dispel all other thoughts.

This is a charm that even Shang Yinhe, the creator, who has enjoyed this charm countless times, is a bit irresistible. How can we expect those who see him for the first time to get rid of it in a short period of time?

This kind of charm has broken away from the boundaries of the mundane and entered the realm of extraordinary power.

As expected of the bonus from the Demon King's Cloak "Charm +31".

Shang Yinhe took a deep breath and shook his head slightly, trying to get rid of the influence of the video.

He tried to evaluate this video as objectively and calmly as possible, hoping to match the pictures in the video with the pictures in the clip, and look at the sentence that the system prompted at the beginning, "The content of the video will be based on the actual situation. degree of adaptation".

This video is taken from his last successful challenge to [Death Labyrinth], the one after Iida disappeared. In this experience, at the beginning of the game, he already held a sword in the right hand, a shield in the left, and a golden AWM hidden on his body, with a bunch of skills and talents.

From the first level, the challenges along the way have been very smooth, all kinds of chic to avoid traps, quickly kill monsters, how to appreciate how handsome.

Looking at it, Shang Yinhe was once again addicted to the beauty of the cloaked hero.


Did you say you want to keep an objective and calm mind? Want to study the correspondence between video content and clip content?


Let him finish the video first.

This video is not too long. The challenge of a total of ten levels was edited by Jiuqu into a 15-minute video.

I agreed to watch the video while eating, but the food was cold, and no one was eating at all. One by one, they stared blankly at the screen of the mobile phone.

After 15 minutes, the video ended, and a group of people stared at the end interface of the video in a daze, looking in a trance, not knowing where they were.

Shang Yinhe, who was the first to recover, looked left and right, and finally pushed his cousin Shang Jixiang next to him, trying to wake him up.

Push it, no response;

Pushed twice, still no response.

With three pushes, Shang Jixiang finally stopped staring at the screen.

He opened his mouth with a leisurely, slightly vicissitudes of life, dreamlike gesture: "Brother Yinhe..."

Shang Yinhe: "Huh?"

Shang Jixiang didn't even notice that the elder was sitting in front of him, and said dumbly: "After living for 16 years, this is the first time I know that I am actually crooked."

He speaks with sincerity and sincerity, a taste of the impermanence of life.

Shang Yinhe: "…"

It was probably when Shang Jixiang said this that he was bent, everyone was still in a state of distraction, but no one commented on his seemingly rebellious declaration.

And the movement of the conversation between the two finally woke up the merchants who seemed to be playing wooden people and not allowed to move small games.

As if they were alive now, some people put down their phones slowly, some people are still in a daze, and some people just reach out and click the replay button.

The old merchant coughed heavily and said with a straight face: "I'm back to my senses! Watching a video and seeing it like this, you're not ashamed!"

Shang Yinhe slandered: It's as if you didn't look like you were demented just now.

After all, the old man of the business is the head of the family, with great prestige, and he is old, and no one dares to talk nonsense in front of him. Everyone put down their mobile phones honestly, and the hands that clicked the replay button also retracted.

At this time, someone saw that Shang Ruyi's seat was empty.

"Where did Ruyi go?"

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent. Even Shang Jixiang, who had just sent Shang Ruyi to take away his mobile phone and went upstairs, is now confused and can't remember where her sister went.

Shang Yinhe pushed Shang Jixiang, and Shang Jixiang gave him a question mark face in return.

Shang Yinhe looked at it for a while, and finally decided: Shang Jixiang really wasn't pretending to be stupid, he probably didn't pay attention at the time, where did his sister go...

Moreover, the foolish person who didn't pay attention to Shang Ruyi's whereabouts was not only Shang Jixiang, but also everyone at the dinner table...

Shang Yinhe was quite speechless, so he had no choice but to say, "Ruyi seems to have gone to the guest room upstairs just now."

The old merchant frowned: "What is she doing in the guest room upstairs! When did she go up! Tell her to come down!"

Cousin Shang Ruyi was finally taken down from the upstairs guest room, her face flushed and she looked stupid.

Shang Yinhe poked her and was a little worried: "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay," my cousin laughed silly, "I was watching the video by myself just now."

After a pause, she said to Shang Yinhe in a resolute tone: "From today onwards, I am a big fan of Lord Brave!"

Shang Yinhe: "…"

After that, everyone continued to eat. Eating absent-mindedly, hastily.

After the dinner, the planned long talk about the preparations for the end of the world was also cancelled, and everyone found a place to sit down and start watching the video.

The old businessman glanced at everyone with a stern face. He didn't say anything. He took his mobile phone and left. Before leaving, he left a sentence: "Everyone, study hard, and we will discuss this video later."

Shang Yinhe played with his mobile phone and began to think with his cheeks on his back: It's weird, why not start the discussion directly?

In the end, he came to a seemingly absurd, but possibly true, conclusion:

Maybe, everyone is watching the hero, but they didn't pay attention to the content of the video...

Shang Yinhe walked to the closest cousin's uncle's family, found a place to sit down, and started watching the video.

When I watched it for the second time, a guy like him who already had antibodies was barely able to get rid of the interference of that magical charm and paid attention to those details. It's a pity that it seems that the uncle's family's antibody production rate is relatively slow, and they are still in a stupid and dumb attitude, and they are so addicted to it that they can't recover for a long time.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the video discussion that had been promised never started. Shang Yinhe was a little bored, and he had already started to check the small details in those videos frame by frame to compare them with the game.

In fact, the change this time is not as big as the change in the world of [Demon Lord Landlord]. In the [Demon Lord Landlord], he just kept a group of monsters, and as a result, the whole world changed and people panicked. If it is possible, Shang Yinhe really wants to shout: I don't know, it's not my fault!

In the corresponding video of [Death Maze], in the game, he challenged the maze in the High Swan Castle and defeated the chickens in the High Swan Castle. The video is exactly the same.

Come to think of it, this video will only affect the mutation of High Swan Castle, and it shouldn't have too many other effects on the real world...?

and many more?

Intuition seems to be beating faintly again, as if to remind him of something.

Shang Yinhe was instantly alert.

His intuition has been quite accurate since he was a child. When he was a child, even if he missed all the multiple-choice questions in the exam, he could get a 60% correct rate.

In the experience of the game world, he had felt reminders from intuition several times before, but each time he did not know what intuition was reminding him; and later facts thoroughly proved that all the places that intuition reminded him, then It's all big holes!

This time the intuition jumped again, it should be something he missed again? Absolutely!

But, what did he miss?

Shang Yinhe's mind is still a lot of fragments of the heroic beauty in the prosperous world, and during the low fever, even if he tried hard and thought hard, he still felt dizzy.

...Reality talisman? Wind power?

...or might the identity of the hero be revealed?

Uncle Tang's muttering interrupted his thinking: "This is a special effect, this is definitely a special effect, how can a normal person escape so many traps and send out such an attack..."

After watching the video five or six times, someone finally started talking, and Shang Yinhe wanted to laugh for a while.

Sister-in-law replied, "It's normal for such a handsome hero to do anything."

Shang Yinhe couldn't help but look sideways, but he couldn't see that the sister-in-law, who was usually such a strong woman, also had a girlish heart.

The cousin then said: "Master Brave is so handsome! He is so handsome that it is earth-shattering and earth-shattering!"

She clutched her chest, looked breathless, and said affectionately, "This is my future husband!"

Shang Yinhe: "…"

Tsk tsk tsk, he, he actually heard some Tao Tao Ran intoxicated.

Perhaps it was because the self-control was too weak during the low-grade fever, Shang Yinhe was thinking now:

Oops, some more rainbow farts.
