MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 45 Brain-to-brain data transfer

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   Chapter 45 Brain-to-Brain Data Transmission

  The headquarters of the Yakuzatangkou of the Hongda Association is an old multi-storey high-rise building that stands on the side of the street.

  The door is guarded by gatekeepers in black formal suits. The lobby on the first floor seems to be a training ground. A group of young Yakuza members wielded katana swords and fought against the holographic projections on the ground, constantly shouting.

  Gu He followed closely behind Ayane Kumiko, for fear that if he accidentally went the wrong way, he would be hacked.

   But Ayane Kumiko obviously has a respected position here, and both the gatekeeper and the front desk staff will bow slightly when they see her. Before she became a middleman, she was definitely a senior Yakuza.

   "Ms. Caiyin, the president and the others are waiting up there." A man in a black suit led the two of them into the elevator.

  These Yakuzas are not as prominent as the game gang muscle men, but their cold and stern temperament is the same as the muscles and tattoos of the strong brothers.

   First take the old elevator of Hulonglong to the top 23rd floor, and then go to the president's office.

   There are awe-inspiring guards along the way, as well as rows and rows of indoor bamboos.

   After a while, Gu He followed into the president's office, which was very spacious, with marble floors and TV screen walls.

At the front is an arc-shaped desk, with potted plants, Santo computers, etc., and a 1:1 large and exquisite metal mold of the shogun placed on the side of the table, in the antler helmet there are two divergent electronic devices. Red light, like a pair of eyes.

   There were quite a few people in the office. A woman in a kimono with a geisha's white face was sitting on a small sofa.

   Her hair is full of silver needles, her face is expressionless, her eyeshadow is bright red, and her face is painted white, like wearing a weird mask.

   A middle-aged man in black formal attire and a long beard was sitting behind a desk, but got up when he saw them coming.

   "Kumiko." This man is the president of the Hongda Association, and he usually has a majestic scar on his face. At this time, he was a little embarrassed. "The headquarters sent a special commissioner, I didn't know beforehand."

  Gu He was puzzled, but noticed that Kumiko Ayane's psychedelic pupils froze as soon as she walked in.

   She was not looking at the white-faced geisha, but at the three men in black trench coats standing by the TV screen over there.

   Their clothes are different. They are not ordinary formal suits or windbreakers. The windbreaker style is a half-cloak like a bat spreading its wings.

   The three of them did not sit, but stood there with strange expressions on their faces.

  Especially the middle-aged man standing in the middle. He is not tall, with thick eyebrows, a pair of eyes full of anger, and there is some silver fabric on his windbreaker. From time to time, his left hand touches a large silver ring on his right thumb.

   They didn't seem to have weapons, no katana or guns, but they exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

   "Kumiko, long time no see." The middle-aged man said flatly.

   "Shinji." Ayane Kumiko muffled, even if she didn't ask, she knew that this was the data the headquarters wanted, and it was very important.

  Only in this case, the headquarters will send a special agent over. The special commissioners are all extraordinary, meat slicers professional.

   She glanced at the white-faced geisha sitting on the sofa, making it clear that it was a doll container and someone sent by the headquarters.

   In addition, it is obvious that Chairman Hongda is not very clear about the situation today.

   But she's not Yakuza now, she's a middleman, no matter what happens, it's none of her business, and she shouldn't ask.

   "Let's hand over the data now." Ayane Kumiko said, "President Hongda, where's the money."

   "It's all ready." President Hongda asked his assistant to open a black suitcase on the table, three million streamers.

  Ayane Kumiko pondered for a while, the data that can attract the attention of the headquarters, 3 million is not much, and it is not much.

  Pandora, this person, this matter, is not simple.

   These thoughts flashed by, and she motioned to Gu He, "Xiao He, sit there and prepare for delivery."

  Gu He noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and he also heard the surprise of Miss Caiyin's words, and also saw that Shinji's eyes were not good.

   He couldn't help but feel uneasy, isn't it so unlucky, the first time he worked, he encountered an unexpected situation...

  Mom, no wonder that Pandora didn't come by himself, he also wants to run now, and wants to outsource this work to another doll.

   In the chaos of his thoughts, Gu He sat down on the small sofa next to the white-faced geisha.

   He already knew that in the final delivery link, it must be brain-to-brain between dolls and dolls. Only in this way can the integrity and uniqueness of the data be ensured. Do not go to the mind network because there are too many unknown risks.

   However, Miss Ayane also said that brain-to-brain contact is also a dangerous activity at any time.

   Even if everything is calm, you have to deal with it with all your heart.

This is one of the great values ​​of the "data postman" intermediary. Sellers are usually reluctant to connect their brains with buyers' people, especially if they have to do transactions on the buyer's site, which is too dangerous and leads to people commit crimes.

   There are those who are willing to complete the transaction on the site of the middleman; there are also those who do not show their faces as they are now.

  Ordinary street people, no one likes to have interests in a big organization like Yakuza.

   But Ms. Caiyin is different, she is a middleman, she has connections, she is familiar with President Hongda, to ensure that she will not be hacked...

   On the way to the car, she said so confidently, instead of being so serious and vigilant as she is now.

   "Xiaohe, it's okay." Kumiko Caiyin noticed Gu He's hesitation, "You are my person."

  Okay, Gu He took a deep breath to relax, he's all here, let's make a quick decision, hand over the data, withdraw the money and leave.

   At the same time, the assistant to the president put two brand new Santo connecting helmets on the heads of Gu He and the white-faced geisha respectively, and connected all the wires. Soon, the brain-to-brain connection was activated.

  Gu He's eyes widened, his brain nerves expanded rapidly, leaping into a bizarre neural network.

   The connection between the doll and the doll really feels different, like the neural network superimposed and expanded, and it seems to overlap.

The personality data of the    geisha doll didn't come, neither did his, the two seemed to be looking at each other across a twisted street.

   Once the connection was stabilized, Gu He immediately moved his thoughts and dragged and threw the "unknown encrypted file" in the console database to the other party without a teacher, and a stream of encrypted data immediately rushed across the street.

  【It is detected that the transfer of foreign files is about to start. Are you sure to transfer? 】

   Gu He hurriedly clicked OK, and suddenly, it was like opening the sluice of a reservoir, as if a blank data stream was rushing away, but he knew that it was the box that trapped the changing graphics and words.

  【Data transfer and local copy: 1%】

   He was startled suddenly, what, what...what the hell!

   Local copy? Cancel, cancel, how to cancel? Can't cancel, why can't cancel, big deal, big deal...

   That Pandora said that if you touch it, the file will be destroyed, and a powerful virus may be released; and now the connection is a doll, she will know that she can perceive the change of neural data!

  Simple transmission is definitely different from copying while transmitting.

   This kind of operation violates the rules of the middleman, violates the professional ethics of the container, cuts the cow, opens the skull...

  Damn, this is my first job as a container...

  【Data transfer and local copy: 15%】

  Gu He was so startled that he broke out in a cold sweat, all kinds of nerve synapses were in a hurry, but soon he had other doubts.

   is wrong, how can it still be spread to 15%? It stands to reason that once a copy is attempted, the file's self-destructing routine will be triggered.

   He took a look, and the geisha doll standing across the street didn't seem to notice, just continued to look at him.

  【Data transfer and local copy: 35%】

  Is it…

  Gu He thought of an answer, which left him at a loss, not knowing whether it was good or bad, and whether there would be a problem.

   This console! It can complete the copy and transfer without destroying or triggering the file and without being discovered by the recipient.

  This extra-dimensional thing can establish that mysterious connection, and it can also steal data so unknowingly...

"What are you thinking?"

  Gu He suddenly heard the words sent by the geisha, and she said, "Why are your emotions so fluctuating?"

  Holy shit, you can't make the other party suspect...

He quickly said: "This is the first time I do this kind of work, the first time I connect with a doll, and you are so... unique, you look like a girl named Sadako I knew before. I'm a little nervous... "

   After all, he is not empathizing, and the other party cannot fully perceive his emotions.

   And probably no matter what she thought, he never thought he would have such a console.

   The white-faced geisha said, and then stopped talking.

  Gu He didn't dare to say anything, he just hung his heart and pretended that nothing happened.

   He looked at the transmission progress bar, and it rose little by little to 90%, then to 99%, and stopped. After a while, the stagnation made him even more frightened, and when he almost revealed...

   just suddenly again, rose to 100%.

  【Transfer and copy completed】

   As expected, he noticed that the previous file in the database was missing, but there was an "unknown encrypted file - copy".

   And the geisha doll standing across the street in the neural network seemed to smile slightly and said, "Goodbye."

  Suddenly, the other party actively disconnected. Gu He only felt that he fell out of this strange space, his scalp was sore, his eyes blinked, and the office scene was restored in front of him.

   "Xiaohe?" Ayane Kumiko asked immediately.

   At the same time, the thick-browed man named Shinji looked at the geisha, and the geisha nodded and said, "No problem."

   Now, it's not just Chairman Hiroda and Kumiko Ayane who breathed a sigh of relief.

  Gu He even let go of the boulder in his heart, he was not found, he passed the border, it's okay, okay...

   He really didn't steal it. He didn't want it to happen at all. It was the console that stole it. Blame it, it was unethical.

   "Kumiko, this container of yours, I'm going to chop it up."

  Suddenly, Shinji said calmly and indifferently, "There must be no risk of leakage of this data."

With his left hand, he pressed and pulled the silver ring on his right thumb, and swish, a yellow filament of light was pulled out. Others didn't even see it clearly, so Xinzhi quickly waved his hand towards Gu He, who was sitting on the small sofa. yellow light.

   Almost at the same time, Kumiko Ayane took a step earlier and kicked the small sofa away with a forceful kick.

   Before Gu He could react, he rolled out.

  Swish, swish, the small sofa was lingered by the yellow silk thread thrown by Xinzhi, and it was cut into a pile of pieces.

  Gu He crawled on the ground completely dumbfounded. If he was a second and a half late, he would have been cut into several pieces...

"Shinji!" Ayane Kumiko screamed, her face full of anger, "There is no such rule, the data is passed. Yakuza never uses a middleman, you are breaking the rules, take your monomolecular line and roll !"

  Monomolecule line, meat slicer profession, one of the symbols of the Yakuza gang.

   President Hongda has silently stood aside. Although he is also a meat cutter, he does not dare to confront the special commissioner.

   Special agent, representing the will of the headquarters.

  The white-faced geisha also stepped aside, and the men in black trench coats on the left and right of Shinji also pulled out monomolecular filaments from their hands.

   Shinji had a cold face and a strange smile, "Kumiko, don't get in the way, you know that you can't be my opponent now."

   But Ayane Kumiko protected in front of Gu He who was crawling on the floor, the steel claws of both hands and ten fingers popped out suddenly, not letting go half a step.

   Ask for a ticket! Recommend the movie of the same name adapted from William Gibson's short story "Johnny's Memory", which is generally translated as "Defending Confidentiality" in China. It is an old film in 1995 and one of the few Gibson-style cyberpunk movies. Although I personally feel that the aesthetics of the city is biased towards "Blade Runner", it does not quite achieve the meaning of Tokyo Night City, but it still has some foundational content for cyberpunk aesthetics and settings, which will affect later "The Matrix", etc., also have a profound impact on the well-known "Cyberpunk 2077" in recent years, including "Johnny" Keanu-Reeves, human brain U disk, the predicament of being killed by foreign data in the brain, Yakuza , Monomolecular Line, Information Ghost Ultra, Cyber ​​Psychosis, etc. Well, there is a battle scene where Yakuza uses monomolecular line, and by the way, there is Kitano Takeshi in this film. It's just that Molly's adaptation is not very good. In order to maintain the copyright of "Neuromancer", the name has been changed to Jane, but some angles of the actors are still quite beautiful. IMDB stated that Gibson was very dissatisfied with the adaptation, even though he was considered the only screenwriter, the badly edited English version was not the script he wanted, and the Japanese version was closer to what he had in mind. If you can watch the Japanese version, just watch the Japanese version.



   (end of this chapter)