MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 46 Qingyan

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   Chapter 46 Qingyan

   More than ten years ago, among the commissioners of Yakuza, there was a doll nicknamed "Qingyan".

   She is always dressed in leather and jeans, the metal flakes on her clothes are sparkling, her face is cold and she doesn't smile much.

When she was a child, as a stray dog, she used to linger in a bar "Diva's Den" in Yakuza for three months, just to get a chance to show her ruthless talent, to pick up a samurai sword, to kill people, as long as she had a bite to eat. .

   Later, she became not only the best container, but also the best fighting dog, completing tasks better than meat cutters and assassins.

   Now, she is wearing a pale yellow printed kimono and a pair of clogs, and her name is Kumiko Ayane.

   "Shinji, I will protect Xiaohe." She narrowed her eyes and said, "President Nagano, Miss Nagano, they will protect me."

   "You take yourself too seriously. It doesn't make any difference whether you live or die."

   Shinji raised his right hand, the yellow filaments on his thumb sizzled, and said to the two men next to him, "I'll do it."

   The two men in black trench coats put away their monomolecular lines and stepped back, making room for a battle.

   "Xinzhi..." President Hongda whispered, but he didn't dare to say too much, "She is Qingyan after all..."

   On the other side, Gu He got up from the floor, trying to help but really couldn't help, so he could only try his best not to get in the way.

   He didn't hide, and Kumiko Ayon didn't say anything else. As soon as Shinji twitched his thick eyebrows, the monomolecular line of his right thumb popped out, and his unesthetic movement was like the roughest butcher in a slaughterhouse.

   The silk thread, which is much thinner than a hair, refracted and mixed with the indoor light, swept across it with a swish.

   It seems to be able to find the tiniest gaps in anything and cut things into pieces along those gaps!

  ! When the filament passed by, a floor-standing fish tank placed beside the small sofa suddenly exploded, blasting glass fragments all over the floor, pouring water all over the floor, and the tank full of ornamental fish jumping around on the marble floor.

  Ayane Kumiko was already bent over and rolled, and the clogs made a rattling sound on the floor, avoiding the passing thin lines.

   Meat Cutter Occupational Department, Class J Program: Monomolecular Line

  This procedure can make the meat slicer's finger nerves grow into extremely high strength and elastic single-molecule nanofibers, which are hundreds of times stronger than steel wires of the same volume, which is difficult for even industrial technology to achieve.

   The monomolecular wire has a symbiotic relationship with the meat cutter. Once it is removed from the meat cutter, the strength will be greatly reduced to a level similar to that of steel wire, so the meat cutter cannot act as a material producer and can only use it for himself.

  The meat cutter supplies heat energy with his own flesh and blood, making the already sharp monomolecular lines even sharper.

  This program is actually very tyrannical, especially for low-level, non-physical combat superhumans, almost cutting each other out.

  The meat cutter is a side door, but he has always had a terrifying image.

   In addition, the meat slicer profession is one of the few secondary professions with two-programmers and three-programmers.

The    special commissioner cannot be just a programmer.

   Shinji made a few stern shouts, and his right hand frantically waved the thin thread, sweeping it to the ground. Several ornamental fish were cut open, and the yellow light of the thread flashed a sharp shadow with blood.

   Even the marble floor was cut to reveal wires buried deep inside.

Ayane Kumiko turned, jumped, fluttered, and tumbled, avoiding the thin line of death every time, but where she passed, not only the fish tank, but also the wine cabinet and TV screen on the wall were cut. burst.

  Gu He had already hid over the desk and was watching this life-and-death struggle nervously, but he couldn't help but sigh:

   Miss Ayane's movements are so beautiful.

   A dancer who dances on the top of the waves, a runner who runs between the tops of high-rise buildings in the city.

   She was as light as a swallow, leaping like a shadow, and she was not restrained by the kimono and clogs at all.

   And when that thin thread bounced back into Shinji's hand, it almost cut off Chairman Hongda who was standing behind him.

   "Be careful!" President Hongda hurriedly scolded, "Don't break my things!"

   Shinji pursed his mouth tightly, and only made a thick muffled sound. Suddenly, he stopped chasing and slashing the phantom of Qingyan. With a wave of his right hand, the filaments of yellow light moved towards Gu He behind the desk, bang bang!

  The thin wire swept past, and the one-to-one mold of the shogun suddenly became several pieces and fell forward, and the wires inside exploded magnetically.

  嘭嘭, a pot of pine trees on the desk, the Santo computer, and the landline phone were all cut in half and fell down.

  Gu He was in a cold sweat, if he hadn't been so scared that he couldn't stand on his feet, he bent down and just avoided it, he would have died.

   "Xiaohe, pay attention to yourself!"

  Ayane Kumiko said, and suddenly jumped up on the ground, the steel claws that popped out of both hands and ten fingers were exposed.

   At this moment, her figure seemed to be transformed into various colors and sounds, as if she was no longer a biological form, but with her as the center point, a rainbow-like changing color and a wave of sound burst out.

  The broken glass all over the floor reflects a different Kumiko Ayon.

  Each she acts as a container, containing a color or sound, so it can be switched at will and ever-changing.

  Doll Occupational Department, Ace Route Q-level program: color audio and video

   Shinji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he completely entered a color sound field, and his visual perception and physical perception were unknown.

   He seems to have seen a thousand Ayane Kumiko, as if he can't see a single one, she's here, she's there...

   She is a container, one second she is red, the next she is blue, one second she is a laser, the next she is a bomb.

   She was a shogun one second before, and a geisha the next second.

   Shinji was overwhelmed by this colorful sound, he twitched his eyebrows again, not trying to distinguish which was which, he pulled his left hand again, and pulled out more monomolecular lines from the silver ring of his right thumb, all of which were flicked and thrown out.

   Meat Cutter Occupational Department, Q-level program: Rain of Minced Meat

  Each monomolecular wire is stronger, faster, and has more thermal energy.

   They are woven into a dense web, and even if they are superhumans, they will be cut into a rain of minced meat.

  Suddenly, a woman screamed violently, but it was the white-faced geisha who said angrily, "This is me!"

Shinji shifted his gaze slightly, and saw that the left half of the geisha's shoulder and the entire left hand had been chopped off. The blood was gushing out like a spring, and the geisha's voice was strangely cold: "If I die, the data will be gone." She First aid needed, immediate first aid.

   "It didn't die so fast." Shinji said in a deep voice, but no longer insisted, and went to look at the phantom of Caiyin who was constantly wandering, "Kumiko, how long can you last with your nerves? One minute? Two minutes?"

   President Hongda also said anxiously: "Kumiko, you will die like this!"

   Her nerves can no longer fight like this, she will be completely broken and then brain dead.

   "My nerves are dead, but it's just right to clean up your trash."

Ayane Kumiko's words came from the sound. She was here and there. Suddenly, the cold light drawn by the steel claws flashed. Shinji turned his right hand subconsciously, flicking the filament, swoosh, click !

  Several steel claws were cut flat, and the wires inside were sizzling with sparks…

   But there are still a few steel claws left, and the hands crossed, and a blood-splattered × was drawn.

   Shinji screamed and took a step back, his chest and both arms were scratched with large pieces of flesh.

   He didn't fall down, his body didn't even shake, as if the pain had been removed, the filaments quickly popped out in one direction.

   She was there, and that purple light was her.

  Whoosh! The single-molecule filaments brushed something, and a few strands of pink and green hair were broken and fell to the ground.

  Blood splattered at the same time, and a right palm with steel claw fingers flew out and fell on the messy floor.

   Those apparitions of color and sound suddenly disappeared.

Ayane Kumiko tossed and landed by the desk, kneeling on her knees, her left hand on the ground, like a runner who was ready to sprint at any time, but her palmless right wrist was bleeding like a stream, ticking on the ground. On the clammy marble.

   At that moment, almost her entire head was cut off.

   "Miss Caiyin..." Gu He called blankly, not sure if she was still alive or dead.

   "It's okay." Kumiko Ayane said softly, raising her eyes, still staring at Shinji over there.

   Shinji stood there not in a hurry to harvest, but said: "Kumiko, you have stepped back too much, you are no longer that Qingyan."

   Anyone can see that she really can't hold it anymore, her face is full of cold sweat, and the eyes in her colored pupils are gradually scattered.

   Even she herself knew that Shinji was right.

   At that time, Qingyan didn't need a large group, she could easily defeat ten or eight guys like Shinji by herself.

   As soon as her steel claws swiped, the opponent would break into pieces; but now, she doesn't have that kind of speed and strength.

   She is no longer a six-speed gear, she can play out, not even a three-speed gear.

   Just because at that time she didn't want to be Qingyan again? Now, she did it.

  Qingyan is a street legend, the legend belongs to the past, and now she is Kumiko Caiyin, the boss of Li Cai.

   "Go away." Shinji said, raising his steps and walking towards the desk, "Or, you and your container die together."

   "Do you think I'd be afraid?" Kumiko Ayane smiled, a smile that Qingyan would never have.

  Gu He's heart raised in his throat, watching the thick eyebrows getting closer and closer, do you really want to confess to Miss Caiyin...

   said he couldn't fight, so he had to call Lorna or Sakai...

   At this time, suddenly there were some chaotic voices from far and near in the corridor outside:

   "Mr. Kitano, the president and the others are talking about things!" "Mr. Kitano, please wait, we have informed you!"

  Swish squeak, the metal door of the office was cut open several times from the outside by a thin line of yellow light.

   Everyone in here couldn't help but look at the door.

   is the old man Kitano! Gu He was astonished to see a short old man walking in outside, with inch hair, a paralyzed old face, and small, fierce eyes, dressed in a chef's casual clothes, and holding a black-handled samurai sword in his hand.

  The old man was a little surprised when he saw the chaos in the office, and asked in a sandy voice, "What's going on?"

   "Mr. Kitano!" Ayane Kumiko suddenly called out, a little aggrieved, "This commissioner, Nobuji, wants to kill the middleman..."

   Shinji stopped and looked at the old man who approached with cold eyes, "Mr. Kitano, don't worry about what's going on here... This is a very important piece of data. In order to be safe, Kumiko's container must die..."

   "Mr. Kitano..." Chairman Hongda slowly stopped talking.

   "You bastard!" The old man Kitano suddenly scolded, his face was paralyzed and he didn't show any angry expression. He just pulled his muscles, but it made people shudder, "Young people are getting more and more outrageous."

   The strange look on Shinji's face was even worse, but the arrogance just now was gone, "This data..."

Suddenly, the old man Kitano held the samurai sword in both hands, dashed forward, slashed the sword sharply, cut off the whole right hand of Shinji with a single click, the blade turned again, stabbed into Shinji's chest, directly pierced through it. through.

   There was more blood dripping on the floor, and Shinji's right hand, which released the monomolecular wire, was still shaking mechanically.

   Behind the desk, Gu He was stunned, but Kumiko Ayane and President Hongda were not surprised.

   "I'm on a mission..." Shinji squeezed the samurai sword stabbed in his body with his left hand, his face tightened.

   "Fart, no matter what the data, can't do that."

  The old man Kitano looked at Shinji sullenly, then looked at the two men in black trench coats and the geisha doll over there.

   "Kill the middleman? You don't deserve to be Yakuza, Xinzhi, right? Get out!

   "Go back and tell Nagano that my son has been messed up, he has become a brain slave, he has become a complete waste, and Santo has violated the boundaries set with us, what does it mean to bring him in, you bastard."

  Ayane Kumiko heard the words and widened her pupils nervously, "Kazuya...?"

   At the same time, Shinji's face was full of uncontrollable anger, and the rapid blood loss and damage to his internal organs made him a little short of breath. As the old man Kitano pulled out his samurai sword, blood spurted out again.

   Shinji pursed his lips tightly, looked around, said nothing, picked up his right hand on the ground, and walked outside.

   At that moment, the white-faced geisha and two other men in black trench coats who also picked up their hands quickly followed.

   President Hongda, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, his scarred face tightened again, that kid from Kitano's family became a brain slave? This thing is more troublesome.

  The old man Kitano was carrying a **** samurai sword, and he couldn't find a sofa to sit on, even more stuffy:

   "Sookie called me this morning and said that something was wrong with that guy. He would only say that he was moving towards his goal. He didn't even care about his son, trash, trash. No college student dares to cut beef, just such a trash."

   The old man glanced at Kumiko Ayane and blamed:

"Kumiko, you are also responsible. I never liked Shuko, a woman who only adds a burden to her husband. You were too low self-esteem at that time, what happened to Yakuza? If the trash was with you, such a thing would be It can't happen."

   Ayane Kumiko's face was a bit more complicated and ugly, "Mr. Kitano, have you checked?"

   "I don't want to go." The old man Kitano said in a muffled voice, "I don't come back once a year. If something goes wrong, I have to wipe his ass, college student."

  Gu He looked at the blood on the ground, the debris and the shredded flesh left by the stump, and at Miss Caiyin's still bleeding broken wrist. Shouldn't he just ignore it and go to Lao Cai...

   He didn't dare to rejoice that he had survived the disaster. He could understand that when something went wrong, Miss Caiyin would definitely take care of it.

  Then he must participate even if the container cannot escape.

   He suddenly understood, Li Cai! Or Li Cai, where the task is easy.

  I'm going to Li Cai to greet the ladies and ladies, I don't want to stay in the fish pond anymore!

   The second is to ask for tickets, invest, and support ducks! Thank you book friend 20180705215329861 for 2,000 coins, and the big guy in the dark night and forget me each hit 500 coins!



   (end of this chapter)