MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 44 Unknown encrypted file

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  Chapter 44 Unknown encrypted files

  Gu He has a red coat with two big characters of Dongtu printed on his body, and the thermos cup in his hand is out of tune with the surroundings.

  The lobby on the first floor of Licai Club is divided into different areas with circular sofas. In the middle is a lively dance floor. A dazzling crystal ball lamp hangs above the hollow.

  The female guests sat on the sofas, laughing and laughing with different types of cowherds, staggering.

   Both men and women, their clothes are very avant-garde, mixing and matching various elements, some are kimonos, others are wearing ancient Egyptian cloaks, ancient Roman toga robes, fabrics, plastics, shiny metal sheets, etc.

  The sound in the hall plays the melodious songs of the popular female singer Oshima Yamako full of classical charm.

  Sometimes when guests come across a song they like, they will take the Cowherd to the dance floor for a few laps.

   In front of the dance floor, there is a big screen of three rattans, which was bought with a lot of money, standing on the ground, playing the soft and graceful natural scenery.

   There is also a Seth videophone for guests to use for a fee.

  The male waiter in black formal suit came and went with a wine tray, presenting the newly-brewed drinks to the guests.

   In addition to the guests, the cowherd and the staff, if you look closely, there is a group of street children waiting in the dark.

  It is obviously not the first time for the little guys to come here. They all know the rules. They don’t disturb the guests or go to the dance floor.

  Whenever a customer leaves the table, the waiter walks to the kitchen with the rest of the food and drinks, and they rush out to follow.

At this time, a middle-aged female guest just opened a bottle of tens of thousands of dollars of expensive wine, and the muscular cowherd who served her shouted the news, and the whole waiter suddenly burst into applause, "Mrs. , Mrs. Zhenzhi!"

   "Jiaojiao is awesome!" Ayane Kumiko, who passed by, also clapped her hands with laughter, "Thank you Mrs. Maori!"

   The middle-aged female guest squinted her eyes with a smile, enjoying the happiness of being surrounded by everyone.

   There were several other female customers who didn’t want to be robbed of the limelight, so they also had to open drinks at the moment.

  Gu He couldn't help but take a few more glances, it turns out that the muscular man is Jiaojiao...

   In contrast, his business ability to sell wine seems to be really a little worse.

   However, after all, others are dual-engine, and he is a single-engine, almost almost.

The waiters who passed by would call Ayin Kumiko "Mother", and some female guests had noticed Gu He, who was unique, and asked with interest: "Kumiko, who is this?" "The new earthy flavor. Cowherd?"

   "Ladies, he's Xiao He, he's still at the fish pond for the time being, and he hasn't officially debuted yet."

   Ayane Kumiko explained with a smile, "He has something to do today. If you are interested in him, you can call the fish pond to make an appointment."

  The female guests nodded one after another, knowing that Dian fish pond has a complex grayness, not as simple as Li Cai’s.

   Even so, there were still many people who looked at Gu He, a small piece of fresh meat, thinking about how to taste the soup.

  Gu He felt the hungry eyes of the wives around him, and became more and more uneasy...

   "We've got some other work to do, you guys keep having fun."

After Ayin Kumiko thanked the wives, she took Gu He through this noisy hall, stepping on the wooden convoluted stairs with red carpets to the second floor. Also all laughter.

  Gu He followed her through a long corridor, and could vaguely hear the karaoke singing and other sounds in the boxes on both sides.

  Perhaps, or, life on the other side of the fish pond is relatively simple and fresh.

   "Come." Kumiko Ayane called, pushed open the door of the room at the end of the corridor, and walked in.

Gu He also walked into this spacious room that should be her personal office and bedroom. The floor is covered with tatami mats, there is a row of bamboos on the wall, there are elegant curtains, lanterns, wind chimes and ukiyo-e paintings, and the log sliding door covers the interior. bedroom.

   There are also electronic devices such as TVs, computers, and video phones.

   Right next to the TV, there was a slightly curved purple-handled samurai sword, the blade shone with a cold light.

   But the knife didn't seem to have been used for a long time, or even taken down, and the strip of cloth wrapped around the handle was a little dusty.

   There is a cloth sofa next to the bamboo, and a person is sitting on the sofa at this time.

   On the opposite wall of the sofa, there is a painting and calligraphy hanging on it, and there is only one ink character written on the paper: [Quiet]

  While Gu He looked at the man, the man was also looking at him.

For a while, he couldn't tell whether the man was a man or a woman. He was not short, with a slender figure, and short hair with bangs mixed with golden yellow and rose red. Wearing a hollow metal mask.

   This person's clothes are also peculiar, a set of loose clothes with black and white stripes, and simple circles of white stripes are fascinating to look at.

  Perhaps this is the body and face of an actor who is an extraordinary person in disguise.

   "Uh..." Gu He didn't know if he wanted to say hello, say hello, etc., or don't say anything.

   "This is Xiaohe." Kumiko Caiyin introduced, "This guest's code name is Pandora."

   "Hello." Gu He said, Pandora's Box.

   "Let's start." The man named Pandora was reluctant to say anything, and his voice was also hermaphrodite.

  Ayane Kumiko took out two brain-to-brain connection helmets from the drawer of the desk where the computer was placed. They were newer and cleaner than the helmets at the fishpond.

   She asked Gu He to sit next to Pandora on the sofa, then put on helmets for both of them, and connected the various lines.

  Gu He already knew what was going to happen next, but the data transmission was the first time, so he couldn't help being nervous.

   And Pandora's mysterious face is still expressionless.

   "Xiaohe, you don't have to do anything, just receive the data. Let's get started."

   Ayane Kumiko said, and pressed the start button of the helmets on both sides.

  Gu He was facing the calligraphy and painting. Suddenly, all the strokes of the static character expanded endlessly, and the nerves accelerated and accelerated, and a pixelated neural network world reappeared in front of him.

   He leaped and roamed in this endless sea of ​​0s and 1s, with countless graphics, words and brilliance pulling and changing.

   Suddenly, without a teacher, he felt a surge of data from outside, just like hearing a sound and seeing a scene, he could clearly feel the existence of that data.

  【It is detected that there is external data requesting to be sent, do you allow it to be received? 】

  Unsurprisingly, a prompt box popped up on the console, and this thing seemed to be a firewall.

   Gu He's mind moved a little and allowed it, and the data was poured in immediately.

   But unlike the last time Lorna, Sakai and the others' personality data, this time he didn't have the slightest memory afterimage or emotional empathy, just data, like blank data.

   There is an absolute high wall and dome blocking the front, wrapping the true content of these data.

   It was a box, a Pandora's box, and he had no way of knowing what was inside.

   But it must not be the data written in ordinary computer language, otherwise it is enough to use a memory such as a floppy disk.

Miss Caiyin said on the road just now that this is a kind of data written in an extraordinary language relying on the human brain. It must be transmitted and interpreted by an extraordinary person. It is encrypted and not copied. If you try to crack it illegally, it will self-destruct and leave no physical trace. .

   When it is doll-to-doll transmission, it can also ensure the complete transfer of data and no longer exist in the mind of the middleman.

  【Data transfer: 25%】

  Gu He didn't know if the other party was a doll or not, but only felt that his nerves were expanding, bulging and protruding like blood vessels.

   This mysterious data box just passed into his brain little by little until the percentage showed 100%.

  【Transfer completed】

  Gu He exhaled a long breath, saying that the discomfort is not uncomfortable, but it is not easy, and it is a little dizzy, like a sense of imbalance after playing 3D games for a long time.

   He noticed that this data box had been put into the database by the console, next to the three little movies.

   Its file name is displayed as "Unknown Encrypted File", and the capacity size is not displayed.

   Suddenly again, Gu He felt that he was withdrawn from the neural network, the connection was disconnected, and the helmet was then removed.

   "Xiaohe, are you alright?" Kumiko Ayane asked, and Pandora also turned to look.

   "Well, the reception is done, it went smoothly." Gu He nodded, "It's in my mind."

  Ayane Kumiko smiled when she heard the words, "Then it's alright, Pandora, do you have anything else to ask for?"

  Pandora looked at Gu He, "He's a newcomer, I just hope you can follow the rules."

   "Don't worry." Ayane Kumiko said solemnly, "Nothing like that happens in our fish pond."

   "It's better like that." Pandora stood up, "Don't try to open it, it may be a piece of looping code, it may be a box program with some function, or it may be a virulent virus.

   "Everything is fine, don't touch it. If you touch it, the file will be broken, and your brain will be broken."

  Gu He was helpless, do you understand psychology, do you understand the psychology of rebellion...

   "Unknown encrypted file"

   He didn't want to touch it at first, but after being told by them, he became a little curious... No, I'm not curious.

   After Pandora finished speaking, he strode outside, his clothes and trousers making it look like many spinning circles.

   "Miss Caiyin, do you know this guest?" Gu He just asked, still a little worried for his own safety.

"I don't know." Ayane Kumiko said calmly, "It's Yakuza's lead. They both agreed, but they just need a middleman." She also emphasized: "We don't care who it is, just pass on good data. "

  Gu He complied, took a mouthful of wolfberry water, and rolled his eyes to look at his head.

   Now a piece of data is in his mind, like a time bomb.

   "Let's go." Ayane Kumiko also walked outside, "Let's go to the Hongda Hall in Yakuza to deliver the goods."

  Gu He followed her out of the room, went down to the first floor, walked through the noisy first floor lobby, and exited the main street from the main entrance of Li Cai Club. At this time, the figure of Pandora was no longer there.

   But there was a purple car parked there long ago, and one of Li Cai’s gatekeepers drove the car.

  Ayane Kumiko got into the driver's seat, Gu He got into the passenger seat, and she drove away.

   "Yakuza is the largest gang in Kabukicho. Basically, it has been around for as long as Kabukicho has existed."

As she drove her car through the bustling streets, she smiled and said: "Actually, Yakuza entered Liuguang City earlier than Santo Company. In Liuguang City, there are many different worlds, and the districts are different worlds. boundaries.

   "And here, in Kabukicho, Yakuza is the underground powerhouse, and neither the Game Gang, Hirata Group, nor our Li Cai fish pond can compare.

   "Yakuza is divided into headquarters and twelve halls, each with its own sphere of influence.

   "We went to Hongda Club not far from Shouhui Street this time."

   The second update, please support duck! Thank you AW_ZX for playing 11500 coins to become the helm master, touch it! In the past few days, Z lost friends and Rotten ghosts each played 5000 gold coins, Wudaoyou, WM2019, book friends 20190107201920667, and Heyan specimens played 500 gold coins, thank you!



   (end of this chapter)