MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 9 Gujing Retirement Point

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Wei was busy with his career when he was young. He had a daughter until he was very old. The couple cherished this jewel in the palm of their hand, but the baby girl was so weak and sick, and it was not good to see famous doctors. To say that it is just physical weakness, as the daughter grows up and has a sense of autonomy, he gradually discovers that her daughter will have symptoms of dizziness from time to time. Sometimes she stays for a few days and sees the doctor. The reason.

Wei Pin is a typical engineering student. He didn’t think in the direction of unscientific at first. Later, the grandmother of the child had more eyes and looked for the expert to let Wei Pin and his wife realize that the daughter’s problem. I am afraid it is not ordinary frailty.

According to the expert, Wei Mo's problem is congenital deficiency and eight-character light. It is easy to collide with some femininity, and it is still light. It is afraid that one day will attract some really difficult shackles, and there will be life. Danger.

Wei Pin didn't believe much at the beginning, or the child's grandmother insisted on asking for some evil spirits and safe things from the high man. After that, Wei Mo's symptoms were much better, and the ecstasy did not commit any crime. He had to believe it. This is the statement of Gao. But at the same time, he is even more worried, because the high man clearly said that Wei Mo is a congenital eight-character problem. He can help to eliminate disasters, but he can't solve the problem fundamentally. The seniors themselves are too old to think about it. May protect Wei Mo for a lifetime.

What happened today made Wei Pin’s cold sweat. Although he had some understanding of his daughter’s condition, the worst case of Wei Mo was just a few days of continuous “missing”, this kind of lively ghost attack. He was the first time he encountered it. Of course, the unrestrained ghost-picking posture of Shang Hao also left an indelible impression on him.

He more politely led Yu to cross and negotiated back to the reception room. The bright light in the reception room made his fear and suppression in his heart slightly reduced.

Wei Pin sighed. He didn't even think about it. He took out the checkbook, signed a string of zeros directly, and handed it to Shanghao: "Mr. Shang, this is today's thank you fee."

Shangyu’s legs overlap, and only Yu Guang’s eyes were used to look at Yu’s eyes. In particular, the boss lifted his chin and sent his chin: “Receive money.”

Sure enough, I value temperament...

Yu Zhengdu used his eyes to smash the boss. He didn’t have so many bosses. He took the check and saw the five zeros behind the numbers. The heart suddenly felt excited. At the very least, during the contract period. The salary should be no more embarrassing, but after a while, he was hesitant in his posture.

When Shang Xiao looked at him, he thought of what he said in the stairwell, his eyes hang down a little, and he rushed to Wei. "We don't charge for children's things, not so much."

Yu Zhengdu looked at the boss with amazement and did not expect that Yinjiao Capital Home was so enlightened.

"Yes, this is a must." Wei Pin’s attitude is very persistent. He hesitated a moment and said his true purpose. “Actually, I still have something to ask for...”


When Hou Guangzong and Zhou Wei and his entourage left the Twin Towers, they finally spit out the chest that suffocated the morning suffocating. He couldn’t hide his heart and smug, and took out his mobile phone and sent a circle of friends.

[Hou Guangzong: The first time I talked about cooperation, I was sent to the old factory of the Niuchang. The docking was still their projectmrg, super nervous, but fortunately there was a directorcho pointing, and finally fulfilled the task with great expectations. 】

He was so embarrassed that he was trapped in the elevator for more than an hour and did not spread out. This circle of friends was immediately rewarded with a lot of praises. The message was also a beautiful voice. I admire him for having such practical opportunities during his internship. In particular, it is directly accessible to the management of large companies, which is simply unreachable for many students who are still running errands.

The glory of Hou Guangzong’s heart was even worse. The irritability caused by the appearance of the metaphor was dissipated. He followed Zhou Wei and responded to the message while preparing to get on the bus. He saw the group suddenly started to rush.

Zhang Qingqing: [I am going to go, you guess what I just saw! 】

Zhu Yan: [Do not sell off, hurry to say]

Zhang Qingqing: [Competing with our company for a cooperation, our big boss personally received]

Classmate A: [Real? 】

Classmate B: [surprised.jpg]

Classmate C: [No picture, no truth, there is a picture, you are the best]

Zhang Qingqing: [If you really want to see me, I don’t believe it, but it’s so smart, I just happened to be (intentionally) passing by the boss’s office door and seeing this scene...]

Zhang Qingqing: [Photo.jpg]

In Zhang Qingqing's photo, it was a photo of Yu Zhengdu and a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had the breath of a successful person, and he gestured respectfully and Yu.

Zhang Qingqing: [The key point, this is our big boss, I just saw him sent to go out and say, "He is not a problem, and I will visit your company again. If you can, hope for a long time." Cooperation and the like]

Classmate A: [Real and false, have you not said that your boss is difficult to see? 】

Zhang Qingqing: [The company's predecessors said this to me, they all said that the big boss is fascinated with technology, and now they don’t personally receive customers, unless they come to the top technology big cow...]

Zhu Yan: [Wait! Top technology big cow! 】

Zhu Yan: [Hua Sheng, I found a blind spot]

Classmate B: [Blind, I have also happened! 】

Classmate C: [_How are the classmates in our class more than one, is this really your big boss? 】

Zhang Qingqing: [Really, Guangzong came to our company today, Hou Guangzong, you said yes?]

Classmate A: [Yes, just Guangzong is still in the circle of friends and your seniors photo]

Zhang Qingqing: [More than that, Guangzong was trapped in the elevator, or he was forced to help him out, hehe]

Hou Guangzong: ...

Hou Guangzong looked at the classmates who kept him out to testify, and Zhang Qingqing’s meaningful "hehe", almost mad at the circle of friends.

Of course, there are still many people in the group who are eager to get out and claim photos. However, Yu Zhandu does not look at the mobile phone at all, and naturally it is impossible to reply to the information.

Zhang Qingqing said in the group that he and Wei Pin talked about the cooperation between the pen and the real thing. Of course, the content of the cooperation is far from the brains of everyone.

Wei Pin, because of his daughter Wei Mo’s case, asked for help and renegade, and Yu’s squadron sold his “healthy magnet” produced by a company. Like the one he gave to Li Tiantian, the essence was nothing but an ordinary cobblestone, but above It is stamped with Luofeng's company official seal. According to Shang Yang's statement, this official seal belongs to the certification mark of the local government. With this stone that has been certified by the local government, the general disenchantment naturally does not dare to approach Wei Mo.

Wei Pin knows nothing about the truth about this health management company that looks pheasant from any angle, but he has seen the skills of Yu and Shang, not only hesitating to buy a "healthy magnet", but also Trying to establish a long-term cooperation with this company, obviously, just a stone can not dispel his concerns about his daughter's condition.

After Yu Chengdu’s departure from the double-angle technology, he was not idle. He and Shang Hao’s business affairs have not yet been resolved. When the group is talking about him, he is carrying a group of escaped ghosts with the boss. Fucheng Gujing retired to go.

During this time, he learned about the operation mode of some companies. As a new era, Luofeng does not have a whole vast underground world like the former Yin, and can only work in the Yang Dynasty. Even Luofeng, as the headquarters, can only be wronged. In a small office in the Science Park, the reincarnation process is naturally as simple as possible. At present, Luofeng has opened a reincarnation channel in major cities across the country, and is committed to localization and simplicity of ghosts.

The Fucheng Gujing reincarnation point is the main reincarnation passage in Fucheng and surrounding cities.

As a city with a long history, Fucheng has always been a major economic city, but there are also some places of interest in the old city. The site of the Sanshang Chamber of Commerce in Gujing District in the central area is one of them.

The three chambers of commerce were first established in the city by businessmen from three different provinces. The three groups of people jointly funded and built a large-scale clubhouse. Later, when the world moved, the alliance was dissolved. Because the special building has been preserved, it has become a local attraction until today.

In addition to the architectural features of the value of the three commercial halls, the most special one is the well in the museum.

It is said that the museum began to build eighty-eight rooms at the beginning, but there was a little omission in the design. When it was finished, it was found that only a total of eighty-seven rooms were found. The three provinces were very angry. Fortunately, there was a craftsman. The stranger gave an idea. It turned out that the original hall had a well, but because of the geographical location, there was no water, and it was ready to be filled. The man suggested that the well be slightly modified to become the 80th. Eight rooms.

Because of this whimsy, this ancient well became a local legend, and even the later division was named after the Gujing District.

The current Fucheng Gujing reincarnation point is located in the 88th room of the Three Chambers of Commerce - Gujingli.

Whoever is also awkward, although Yu Zhengdu has read four years in Fucheng, he has never visited the Three Chambers of Commerce before. He did not expect to come to the first time because of this kind of thing.

Yu disputed to the door of the Three Chambers of Commerce, only to find that the club actually had to buy tickets to enter.

He stood with the Shangyu at the door, and looked at each other. Yu said that he was a bit embarrassed: "The boss, our company is so poor, how to choose the office where you need to buy tickets."

Shang Yang also silenced a bit, and said: "We go in, generally do not have to buy tickets."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." almost forgot, this company is his own.

He calmly took out the student ID and handed it to the conductor: "Student ticket, thank you."

The ticket seller looked at the two handsome guys and smiled and asked the enthusiasm: "What about this student ID card?"

Yu Zhengdu said with a heartache because of the company's poverty: "He is full price."

Not long after the two had just entered the hall, a man in a small vest floated out of a room and hurried to meet.

The little vest is called the cockroach. It is the person in charge of the ancient well-injection point. It is only after the dispute that the company has been stationed at various birth points. It seems that the company is slightly larger than expected.

As soon as they saw the two escaped ghosts behind them, they were very determined and quickly led the merchants and Yu to cross the direction of the ancient well.

Yu Zhengdu thought that he was about to see the legendary reincarnation, and his heart was inevitably excited. He did not restrain himself and asked: "What is the birth point? Is it the same as written in the book, what is the reincarnation?"

I thought about it and said: "In terms of function, it is really similar to the reincarnation."

Yu said that the whole person has been stirred up. During this time, he has read a lot of science about the Hades. There are many descriptions of the six reincarnations in various books, but the specifics are different.

Unexpectedly, he had the opportunity to become a living human being who saw the true face of the reincarnation.

According to the imagination of Yu Zhengdu, which determines the reincarnation of the world in this world, it must be a magnificent atmosphere, full of light, with a vision that cannot be seen in the world. If you don’t want to be good, you have to open a huge entrance in the void like the TV drama, as if you can devour all the ghosts and ghosts.

Yu is arguing with a brain that is about to overflow, and then stepping into a small door, and then the whole person is shocked on the spot.

Outside the small door is an open space, and the famous old well is on the corner of the open space.

But what shocked him was the scene on the open space.

The Three Chambers of Commerce is not a popular attraction. At this time, it is not a holiday. The entire hall is full of tourists. Only the area where the ancient well is located, in the eyes of Yu, has a completely different and amazing scene.

I saw the whole piece of open space like the hall of the certificate hall. There are rows of chairs displayed. If you look closely, you can see that the chairs are slightly different from the sun. It seems to be a paper-styled style.

The chair was full of ghosts, and there was no place, standing around the chair, the whole scene was bustling and crowded.

The direction of the chair is Gujing. There is a huge electronic display suspended above the old well. There are several teams in front of the display. There are different numbers on the screen. Each group of numbers is constantly beating. When a number jumps, there is a ghost who bids farewell to the surroundings and then steps into the ancient well.

Around the old well, there are ghosts in uniforms that maintain order.

When Yu Yu was there, the number of one of the display screens stayed on "1198" and it was not moving. After a while, there was a radio sound. It was a sweet and sweet voice: "Please ask customer No. 1198 to the fourth." Channel reincarnation."

"Please customer 1198 to reincarnate to the fourth channel."

"Please customer 1198 to reincarnate to the fourth channel."

After three times of broadcasting, there seems to be no one in the channel, so the number jumps down and the female voice continues to broadcast: "Please ask customer No. 1199 to reincarnate to the fourth channel."

Yu Zhengdu:==

Just then, there was an urgent scream from behind him: "Let, let, let me rush to reincarnate!"

Then, his body suddenly became cold, and he saw a ghost wearing it directly from him. He rushed to the ancient well and shouted in his mouth: "Wait a minute, I am No. 1198. I just went to collect some sacrifices from the family. I didn't mean to be late -"

As soon as he reached out and grabbed the ghost's collar, he said, "You have passed the number, and you have to reincarnate the three."

The ghost held a large bag of ingot candles in his hand and heard a "wow" sound. He sat down on the ground and cried: "I don't want to, my time is very good..."

Yu Zhengdu turned his eyes to the eye.

God **** is similar to the reincarnation. 2k novel reading network