MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 8 Puppet

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"Two please." Wei Pin led the Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu into the company's reception room.

After sitting down, Wei Pin once again expressed his gratitude for their courage, and Yu Chengdu’s performance was very real: “It’s not so polite, it’s not a good idea to accept the thank-you fee.”

Shang Yang is still a pair of people who don't eat the fireworks. The posture is elegantly leaning against the back of the chair. The speech on Yu Chengduo only has a head: "Yes."

Wei Pin paused and looked at Yu Zhengdu. He said in a word: "Can I ask, how did you open the elevator?"

Yu Zhengdu originally wanted to take the rhetoric of the fire fighting and fooled it. He took the thank-you fee and left. But after hearing this question, he felt a move and realized that Wei Pin might have noticed something.

The company's secrets can't be easily leaked, but if Wei Pin really doubts, I'm afraid it's not easy to fool.

Yu Xingduo was hesitant. He looked at Shangyu, but saw Shangyi holding a hand on his side face. His face was indifferent and his tone was not salty: "If you want to say anything, just say, don't bend around."

Yu Zhengdu suddenly awe-inspiring, don't look at their company is small, but the boss's momentum is great!

I don’t know if the big boss of the old-fashioned brand of Double Angle Technology can’t eat this set.

Yu Zhengdu is a bit worried about the thank-you fee that has not yet arrived.

In the end, Wei Pin was rolled over in the mall. Seeing this is still not humble, and said with a gentle attitude: "I just noticed that not only the elevator door was opened by this classmate, but the elevator can be closed. It is also your credit. ”

Yu Zhengdu did not expect that Wei Pin was so keen, and he was a little surprised, but he maintained a high degree of consistency with his boss, quietly loading and not accepting.

Fortunately, Wei Pin did not make him embarrassed, and did not ask questions. Instead, he turned his head and said: "I don’t care. I have a daughter, ink and ink. I was just five years old this year. She was not very good at a young age. I was sick when I was young. I It was useless to show her many famous doctors with her mother. Later, her grandmother looked for a high-ranking person and said that the physical problems of ink and ink may not be caused by congenital deficiency..."

"Ink and ink sometimes talk to the air like this classmate..."

Wei Pin said that he dialed a number: "Xiao Ni, bring ink to ink."

When he had just commanded, he saw an assistant-like person knocking on the door and said with a flustered voice: "Wei, Wei Zong, ink, ink... ink and ink disappeared-"

Wei sells "嚯-" and stands up. The original Wenerya is completely gone. Instead, he is angry. He screams: "What do you say?"

The makeup on the assistant’s face was turned away by sweat, and the voice was not shaken: “Just ink has been clamoring to find you, I can’t pass it, I took her to the elevator, there is a document. When I sent it, I took it, and ink and ink disappeared..."

Wei Pin’s face was so dark that he stared at the assistant and said, “That’s not going to find someone.”

The assistant voice brought a cry: "I am already looking for it, I believe I can find it soon."

Wei Pin’s voice was as cold as the hail, and he patted the table: “How fast, give me time.”

Where the assistant said the time, the whole company knows that the big boss cherishes this baby daughter, otherwise he will not bring his daughter to the company from time to time. The more this is, the more the assistant is panicked, the eyes are full of tears, and they dare not cry. Can only bite the scalp: "very, very fast..."

Wei Pin has completely lost the calmness of his talents and has turned around in the same place.

Yu Zhengdu had a general understanding of the ins and outs from their conversations, and could not help but worry about Wei Pin, but unfortunately he could not help this kind of thing.

At this moment, the merchants who had been cold and not hot on the wall suddenly opened their mouths and asked in a fluttering manner: "If you find someone for you, will there be a thank-you fee?"

Wei Pin suddenly turned his head to look at him.

Yu Zhengdu also looked at him with a shocked look. He never imagined that the boss learned to earn money so quickly. He said quite a bit: "Boss, can you make money with a little temperament..."

Wei Pin has almost come up: "How much, if you open your mouth, as long as you can help me find ink."

Yu Zhengdu quickly and comfortably said: "General Wei, you don't have to do this. Finding lost children is something that every citizen should do. This is really no need to talk about money."

Wei sales firm: "I will definitely give money."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Shang Yang changed his hand and looked at him. He looked at him and asked shamelessly: "How do you make money with temperament?"

Yu Zhengdu: == The boss's concern can still be better.

Fortunately, he still remembers that the boss is not a person. He can't measure him by people's standards. He whispers: "Boss, it is not a trivial matter to lose a child. If you know how to find it, you can tell Wei."

Shang Xiao looked at him and smiled: "Isn't it seen in the elevator? Look for the group of things over there and ask if you don't know."

Yu Zhengdu suddenly realized.

He led the eagerly-stricken Wei Pin back to the elevator, and the ghosts stood still in the queue on the ground, and did not dare to influence the pedestrians passing by.

The matter was urgent, and Yu Zhandu couldn’t care about Wei’s eyes. He asked directly: “Have you seen a five-year-old girl?”

A ghost on the side extended a hand and pointed to the direction of the stairwell. "She went there."

Yu Zheng nodded and said to Wei: "General Wei, go here."

Wei sales stunned as he looked at the air, then confidently pointed the direction, and then thought that he had spoken to the empty elevator before, and then the elevator door was closed.

In the end, Wei Pin has seen the big world. Although his heart is wrong, he is not in a hurry to ask questions. Instead, he follows the Yu and the merchants and rushes to the stairwell. He is still unbelievable while walking. "Is it really here?" Ink and ink had not been found in the stairwell before, but I was afraid of the stairwell. She would not come to this place..."

When he said half of the words, he slammed his mouth.

Just listening to the empty stairwell, the faint laughter of the little girl: "Hey-"

"Raise your hand - lift your foot -"

"Move forward--"


"It's fun -"



The voice is cute and soft with the little girl, and it should be lovely, but perhaps because of the elongated tail, perhaps because of the effect of the echo, a wonderful inspiration in the empty stairwell. With a bit of unpredictable erratic.

There is a faint surprise in the faint.

Yu Xingdu’s heart was inexplicably awkward, but Wei Pin was overjoyed. He followed the source of the sound and ran wildly. He ran and shouted: “Ink, where are you? Don’t move, wait for Dad to come over— —"

Yu said that he was helpless and had to run along with the Shangyu.

Running down five or six floors, suddenly the figure shook, and they stopped.

I saw a little girl standing on the corner of the stairs to the lower half of the building.

The little girl was wearing two small braids, wearing a red halter skirt and lace on the socks, while her hand was holding a doll-shaped puppet.

The little girl was lowering her head and concentrating on the puppet's hanging line. She kept saying: "Hands up - lift the foot -"

"It's fun - oh -"

With her voice, her hands and feet swayed together.

She raised her hand and lifted her foot.

The puppet also raised his hand and lifted his foot.

The lights in the stairwell were a little dim, and the little girl's figure was vaguely cast on the wall behind him, connected to the little puppet, and the projections of the big and small ones were uniform.

"Raise your hand - lift your foot -"

"It's fun -"

Wei Pin is not easy to find a daughter, immediately shouted: "Ink--"

It was said that he would run over, but he was stopped by the merchant.

Wei Wei did not know why he looked at Shangyu and his tone was anxious: "Mr. Shang, she is my daughter."

Shang Hao did not speak, only looked at the direction of the little girl indifferently.

At this time, the little girl finally looked up, and the corners of her mouth were up, and a curved arc was formed. There was a hollow hole in the sound: "Dad--"

Her hand was lifted: "Look, raise your hand -"

The puppet's hand was lifted up.

She lifted her foot again: "Look, lift your feet -"

The puppet's feet were lifted up.

Wei sales eagerly said: "Ink, Dad saw it."

At the same time, the head of Yu Zhengdu’s head was “嗡—”, and the indescribable chilling was turned into substance.

He clearly saw that as the little girl's mouth curled up, the face of the doll that should not have an expression also showed a grim smile.

He subconsciously stopped Wei Pin and said: "General Wei, don't go over, now is not your daughter playing puppets..."

Wei Pin’s face changed and he finally noticed something wrong. He asked, “What do you mean by this?”

Just listen to the business and say: "Well, the puppet is playing with your daughter."

Wei sold a glimpse, and saw Wei Mo put his head around his head. The two little scorpions also shook. She said, "Dad, come over, play with me."

She raised her hand and lifted her foot.

The puppet followed up and raised his foot.

"Look, it's fun."

However, Wei Pin stared at the wall behind her. From the shadow point of view, it was clear that the puppet first raised his hand and directed his daughter with a hanging line.

Raise your hand and lift your foot.

Wei Pin's face is like a gold paper, and he is a big boss. He can't say a word in half a sentence. He just turned around and looked at Shangyu and Yu.

Yu Zhengdu also saw this scene for the first time. He was all goose bumps and hid behind the boss: "Rely, what a ghost, such a person."

Shang Yang: "The revilized servant ghost."

Yu Xingdu’s classification of ghosts is still not very clear. He is also confused. He asks: “Is it fierce?”

Shang Yan thought for a moment and said: "It is fierce in the ghost."

The so-called sinister ghost refers to the ghost who has been refining or accommodating by some people who have learned the apostasy, and is detained under his door for driving. This kind of tactic is also known as the sacred ghost technique. The ghosts who can be detained are usually more fierce than the ordinary ghosts. After refining, the ability will rise sharply, and the fierceness will be fierce. If you don’t have any real skills, you can’t really live.

After the interpretation of the explanation, Yu suddenly became very nervous. He felt that his breathing was getting too fast. He insisted on hiding behind the boss and at the top of his hand, he put his hand on the boss and pinched his shoulder: "Come on, it depends on you!"

Wei Pin finally recovered a little voice and looked at Shang Yang with help: "Mr. Shang, as long as you can save my daughter, I can give you how much."

Yu Zheng is righteous and stunned, said: "General Wei, you can rest assured that we will not send children's wealth."

Wei Pin also solemnly said: "I don't mind if you send..."

In a bargaining price that they are determined not to collect money, one must give money, Shang Yang has already gone. He is tall and straight, and he walks calmly to Wei Mo.

Yu Zhengdu is anxious for him, saying: "Boss, when the key time, the image should be released, and the ghosts must be tight."

When the voice fell, I saw a puppet who had caught Wei Mo’s hand, and threw it directly on the ground. When I stepped on it, I heard the puppet screaming and screaming, especially in the empty stairwell. people.

Shanghao turned back: "Okay."

Yu Zhengdu and Wei Pin are both silent.

Yu Zhengdu asked with a blank expression: "Boss, isn't that a ghost very fierce?"

Shang Xiao looked at him with a smile: "It is fierce in the classification of human beings."

As for the classification in the underworld, especially in front of the ghost king, this is obviously not the case.

Yu Zhengdu: "...oh."

I only blame the boss for being too handsome, and often people forget his identity.

Although Wei Pin was still somewhat afraid of the puppet, but at the moment he also refused to fear, and quickly rushed to pick up his daughter and screamed at her.

Yu Zhengdu was kneeling on the ground to see the puppet, condemning: "I don't even let the children go, it's not something!"

Shang Hao asked him: "Do you want to play puppets?"

Yu Zhandu looked at him, and his eyes leaped and tried: "Is it dangerous?"

"Not dangerous." Shang Shudao, by the way, remove the foot.

Yu Zhandu then grabbed the puppet and hurried to the wall, like a ramen: " Raise your hand and lift your feet!"

I’m not addicted to it, but I’m pulling the puppet’s head and arrogant: “It’s not fun!”

After a while, the puppet could not stand, and choked out: "I don't dare, don't dare, please don't screw my head."

The sound was like sandpaper, rough and hoarse, and it became more and more horrible in the empty stairwell.

However, Yu’s mood is very stable, and he blames the puppet’s neck: “Bold evil spirits! Even the day is coming out to harm people!”

The sound of the puppet leaking is full of sadness: "I, I don't, I am just a fun, no harm!"

Yu argues that he is furious and points to the daughter of Wei Xin’s arms: "I still dare to lie, and the witness is still here!"

The puppet is not good all the time. In Yu Cheng’s hand, he shakes like a sieve: “Oh, I was a servant who was driven by people. I managed to escape. I was afraid of being caught and I had to hide. In these corners, I just saw this little girl suddenly ran in. Her body was unstable, I was driven more, and I couldn’t help but feel the feeling of driving people, only to play with her puppet, I am Empty and lonely, really unintentional..."

The puppet said that while swinging wildly, if it wasn’t being swayed by the Yu, it would be estimated that he could perform on the spot.

Yu Zhengdu met this ghost and said it sincerely, and he will look at the business with a doubt.

Shang Yang was still the same. When he saw him, he slowly said: "The child is fine. It should be in the elevator and rushed to the group of ghosts. It will be a little unstable and will come here."

The puppet sank into the snow, only did not call the big man, and shouted: "This is the case, I am really a good devil, I am innocent."

Yu Zhengdu learned the tone of Kang Jin in the weekdays and said very professionally: "No ghost can wander outside, especially if you make mistakes, although it is not enough crime, but administrative detention for a few days is a must. of."

Yu Zhengdu said that he saw Wei Pin and said: "General Wei, you don't want this puppet, give us."

I have seen the whole process of Wei Pin has no expression, and squatted on the chest: "You hold, you hold, you are welcome."

All used honorific words. 2k novel reading network