MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 549 Avenue truth

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Chapter 549: The Truth of the Avenue

"You ... how do you ..." She still didn't seem to react, looking at the person in front of her, she was obviously trapped in her, why is it so easy ...

Shen Ying had already slapped her on the ground with a slap, and she sat next to her cross-legged. She also swapped out a few dishes of pastry, a kind of stand intended to promote long talk.

Stuck, as if thinking of something again, suddenly looked up and shouted at the two people who were fighting hotly, "Cook, Dad Cow, don't fight! Come and talk together."

After speaking, she directly reached out to the source of white light under her body, patted it hard, and only heard a crackling sound, there was faint energy, and it spread out instantly. Swipe across the entire white light. The beasts that are fighting the two are like broken glass, turned into thousands of white light spots, and returned to the origin.

Fang Fang, who was forced to sit down, also felt that some familiar power returned to the body instantly, and the horrible sword injuries on her body immediately recovered.

Gongyue and Wu Qing, who had no opponents, looked at each other, and then took the sword and walked back, sitting directly opposite the two. Gu Yue also gave Shen Ying a glance, saying that she wanted to take a shot early, causing them to fight for a long time.

Shen Ying held her head in one hand, and then she looked at Fang Fang again. "Well, come, tell your story!"

Fang Fang: "..."

Solitary Moon: "..."

Qi Qing: "..."

Fang Fang froze for a while, and then came back. Still looking at the three with resentment, they never shot again. Just now Shen Ying's seemingly random palm was too amazing. She also understood that, with her strength, she did not even compete with them. Before that, she just never shot. No, even if she didn't take the shot, she might not be able to beat the other two managers.

"That's right!" Shen Ying glanced at her, thinking of something, and turned to look at Tong Qingdao, "Cook, what kind of washing machine spell for her?"

Gu Yue's mouth twitched, and he inserted a sentence, "That's called Dust Jue!" Go to your washing machine!

"Oh, that's how to get rid of dust." Shen Ying nodded. "Otherwise, she's bloody, making it like telling a ghost story."

"Yes, Master!"

"What is it? No spells can be used here! Use it before ... rely on!" He hadn't finished speaking, but saw that the cook had passed a trick, and the blood on the other's body disappeared instantly, except for a few broken His mouth was as clean as his new clothes. "How can he suddenly ..." Wait, he sensed subconsciously, and found that the divine power was back, not to mention the immortal and aura that could be changed casually.

What happened?

"Oh. I just opened a back door." They were on their faces.

Solitary Moon: "..."

Faintly feeling something in his head, he broke down.

"You can open the back door and have a meeting earlier, SHI!" It hurt them for a long time.

"You didn't say you want me to drive!" Shen Ying was innocent.

"..." A bite of old blood.

Fang Fang watching: "..."

Are these three really managers? Why does it look so unreliable? Inexplicably just wanted to ask, are their planes alive?


The everlasting story of Fang Fang's plane is a story of successful invasion. It's just that it wasn't an intruder who invaded this plane, but a dozen managers shot at the same time. Eventually it caused her plane to collapse, leaving only a place as big as this small world today.

And that avenue, as Shen Ying said, is an alliance of managers from various planes. According to Fang Fang, there are now more than a dozen managers. And most of them come from the fairy planes similar to those of Qi Qing and Gu Yue.

But they are fundamentally different from the management committee that Shen Ying had contacted. The management committee was established to resolve internal exchanges, and they were allied to external parties. Although he did not proactively provoke war, if he encountered an invasion, he would swarm up and counter-invade the other side.

Although in the name of self-protection, the means did not leave any feelings arbitrary and ruthless, and did not listen to any explanation. They have also been recruiting new members. Fang Fang was also one of the invited members at that time, but she saw through their authoritarian nature, so she directly rejected it.

But even so, they were retaliated by. Seeing her as a threat, the men launched an attack directly. Fang Fang exhausted all the methods before keeping the last bit of the original plane. He thought he could start again, but was still discovered by those people.

"They trapped me in this small world, locked the last trace of origin, so that I couldn't escape and couldn't save myself." Fang Fang's eyes were blank, and the whole person seemed to be lost and full They were all desperate, "I can only watch my plane go to death. The funny thing is that they also use this broken place as a trial place for their selection of alliances, which can be regarded as a complete use!"

Suddenly she looked up with an ironic smile. "You are the object of this selection."

Shen Ying was silent, and Gu Yue and Qing Qing's faces were not very good-looking. They did not expect that what avenue would be, such a group of people.

Only half a month later, she said, "What is the selection criteria for them?"

She laughed even colder and took a deep breath. "Discover the truth of this world and find the right way to the Avenue."

"It's that simple?"

"Simple?" Fang Fang turned to look at him for a moment, and the bitter hatred began to rise again. "Naturally simple for you, but it is a devastating disaster for me!"

"What do you mean?" Gu Yue frowned.

"Do you think that you are the first managers to be selected?" She sneered. "Neither of them are like you, and they don't know what the avenue will be. Most of them listen to it long ago. It will exist across the avenue, and I ca n’t wait to join. Of course, I know there will be such a test, but when they ca n’t find a way at all, what do you think they will do? ”

"..." Gu Yue froze, his eyes suddenly sinking.

Fang Fang still sneered, "They can think of the best way, of course, to find me out and ask the right way. But they can't find me easily, so they can only force me out. Some are okay. I will threaten a few words first, and some will simply slaughter the city and force me to commit the crime! The people in this city are already the last creatures of my plane. They are not afraid of me disobeying, and they are effective every time. "


"So, instead of sitting still, it's better to start first!" She glanced at a few people. "Even if I'm going to die, why don't I add a little block to those **** in Dadaohui."

(End of this chapter)