MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 154

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Thousands of thunder arcs are like dragons with fangs and claws, unabashedly arrogant and raging.

The gear group was bombarded by such a strong thunder, and stopped in an instant, and some of the wooden structures inside were even more flaming!

Wu An glanced gently behind him, and the corner of his mouth raised an imperceptible smile.

"The anger really will be amazingly irrational! The self-proclaimed god, but now his heart is swallowed by obsession, and so is Anilu!"

Compared to Wu An's sobriety, Enilu's sanity has long been swallowed up by the monstrous anger!

"Why! Why would I be so despised by a Qinghai native!"

Missing one hit, Anilu continued to focus the thunder on his right fist, completely ignoring the group of gears that he had destroyed.

Wu An looked at Anilu's anger swallowed up, and said again: "Haha! Do you only have this ability? Like this, even if you are reborn a thousand times or a hundred times, the result will not change!"


A high-pitched cry came from Anilu's mouth, and Anilu had fallen into a state of complete madness.

Thunder bullets were continuously swept out from Anilu's right hand, seeing that Wu An was still at ease, which not only increased the efficiency of Thunder's cohesion, but even made a two-pronged approach to open the bow from left to right!

The dense thunderbolts roared towards Wu An as if they didn't need money!

When Wu An saw this, the smile on his face was even better. It seemed that he was still impressed by Anilu's endurance.

His feet were constantly rising and falling in the narrow cabin, and Wu An's figure was as unpredictable as a ghost.

A large number of thunder bullets seemed to hit Wu An's body, but in fact they only touched the afterimage behind Wu An.

Although Ainilu has a plug-in like this, you can advance to Wu'an for a step-by-step action, but the speed of Wu'an is astonishingly fast!

Rao is that Anilu has already increased his speed to the extreme, and his body can't keep up with the reaction.

After a battle, Wu An's body was unscathed, but the gear group inside the spacecraft was severely damaged!

Perhaps it was the long-term consumption that made Eneluru a little weak, and Eneluru, who had stopped, finally regained some sense of reason.

When Anilu's eyes swept over the severely damaged gears around him, a mouthful of old blood almost burst out!

Rao is Anilu resisting the urge to vomit blood, but he was still so angry that he almost suffered internal injuries!

All the blue veins on Anilu's forehead burst out, staring at Wu An who had nothing to do with it, and shouted forcefully, "Young man! How dare you use such a villain's trick! Ahh!

!what! "

Wu An saw Anilu who was not far away screaming in exasperation, and responded directly with a wild laugh.

"His Royal Highness, you have said that I am a junior. Of course it makes sense to use some strategies, but you are finally sober?"

Anilu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and a fresh arrow shot out "Puchi!" He looked at the distance, and the length was more than seven meters!

In order to prevent the remaining gear group from being damaged again, Anilu instantly supported his body, turned into a thunderbolt, and instantly left the spaceship.

Seeing this, Wu An stomped heavily on the ground with his legs, followed Anilu's footsteps and jumped to the deck of the spaceship.

Looking out of the spaceship, Wu An suddenly found a sturdy green vine man standing straight a hundred meters away.

Wu An roughly calculated the distance between the spaceship and the ground at this moment. Even if there is not one thousand, I am afraid there are eight hundred. What is this vine man in front of me, and it can grow to such an extent!

Continuing to look up at the sky, the jet-black gas has covered most of the sky. If it wasn't for Wu'an's destruction of some gear groups before, I am afraid that the current sky island would not see the sun!

Feeling the surrounding scene, Wu An frowned, not knowing how to prevent the disaster for a while.

After an hour-long trek, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin finally left the island of God on the pirate ship.

Everyone originally planned to rely on the wind to drive towards the town, but when the jet-black gas in the sky spread rapidly, Nami and her group all smelled a dangerous breath.

In order to speed up the speed of the pirate ship, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas and Nico Robin found the hand-cranked oars that had been dusty for a long time.

With the concerted efforts of the four, they finally managed to enter Angel Beach in the shortest time, and successfully found the father and daughter of Conis and Paige.

Nami briefly described the crisis predicted by Wu An to both Conis and Pagoya, and called on Conis and Pagoya to help together.

Hearing Nami's invitation, Conis started to prepare props such as sound shells and trumpet 3.6 without saying a word, but Paigea, the father, was suddenly silent.

Fan Oka, who was helping to search for things, noticed Paigeya's strangeness, and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Paigeya, won't you help?"

Hearing Fan Oka's tentative question, Paigeya sighed and said slowly, "Although your words just now are likely to happen, the citizens of the town may not believe it, I'm just afraid that my good intentions will be misunderstood. ."

As the father of Cornice, Paigea naturally has a lot more thoughtful things to consider. Under the rule of the new god, the hearts of the citizens have already become numb.

In addition to these, I am afraid that this trip will be hindered by the white beret troops.

Hearing Paige's concerns, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin suddenly showed a solemn look on their faces.

133 Evacuate citizens

The living room suddenly fell into silence. Although Nami's group's original intentions were good, Paige Ya's words undoubtedly gave everyone a slap in the face!

After a long time, Conis suddenly broke the silence.

"As of now, there is no other way. If you really say what you said, the citizens of the town will never sit still in the face of the threat of death. We just need to stop the white berets from making trouble!"

After listening to Konice's words, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin all expressed their approval.

Originally, the lives of those people had nothing to do with them, if they still had some reason, they wouldn't have done that kind of stupid behavior.

Seeing that his daughter was preparing with quick hands and feet, Paige Ya sighed slightly, and followed the crowd to get busy.

After cleaning up for a while, Nami and her group finally got ready with the help of Conis and Paige, and the group of six quickly walked towards the commercial street behind Angel Beach.

"The Sky Island is about to usher in a devastating catastrophe 10!"

"Citizens please go to the port to escape as soon as possible!"

Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, Nico Robin, along with Conis and Paige's father and daughter, were divided into six groups. Relying on the Yinbei collected from Conis's house, the news spread quickly.

At the sound of parking on the street, many people opened their normally closed windows one after another, and some passersby even asked directly.

Because of the sudden appearance of a large number of dark clouds in the sky, the residents living in the town felt a little uneasy. At this moment, hearing such shocking news, they could not sit still!

According to the plan discussed by everyone, the six people pulled all the residents who responded in the town to the square, and the originally empty square was quickly filled with the bustling crowd.

Fan Oka stood on the abruptly raised platform, with two half-person-high amplifiers beside him.

Through the spread of the megaphone, Van Oka's voice finally reached everyone's ears.

"The large number of dark clouds in the sky must have caused everyone to be alert. Today, there will be a huge thunder calamity falling on the empty island. The initiator is the Anilu who is regarded as a god!"

As soon as Fan Oka said this, the whole square suddenly fell into a state of boiling!

"His Royal Highness! How is it possible!"

"Since the current **** came to power, he has not appeared in front of people, and it is not impossible!"

"Liar! That person is a liar! How could the gods attack us! Everyone must not be deceived by treacherous people!"

As long as there are people with an opinion in their minds, most of them have noticed the abnormality in the sky of the empty island. If you contact Fan Oka, I am afraid that there will really be a disaster!

At this moment, a group of guards in white uniforms and white berets suddenly rushed out from the street and surrounded the entire square!

When Nami, Van Oka, Sabas and Nico Robin saw this, their brows could not be knitted together.

Having suffered so much loss before, why are the members of this group of white berets so unforgettable?

Although the white berets are just a group of bullying scum, but this juncture emerges, it will indeed cause a lot of obstacles to the actions of Nami's group!

Just when Nami and her group were unsure, a gentle-looking man walked out of the white beret army.

Fan Oka focused his gaze forward, but found that the man looked somewhat similar to McKinley, but the temperament of the two was very different!

Under the gaze of Nami's group, the people in the distance slowly said, "My name is McGill, don't panic, I'm here to help you evacuate the townspeople!"

After hearing McGill's words, Nami and the others were shocked! I don't know what medicine is sold in McGeely's gourd.

Seeing that Nami's group was full of doubts about his kindness, McGillie didn't panic at the moment.

After ten minutes of communication, everyone finally figured out the situation.

McGeely was Gunfur's man before joining the White Berets.

Six years ago, Anilu suddenly landed on the empty island, and McGillie did not participate in the battle due to physical injuries.

Later, Ganfort stepped down from the throne, and his whereabouts were unknown. McGeely was forced to join the white beret force in order to protect himself.

Over the past few years, McGill has been dormant in the dark looking for news about Ganfur, but Ganfur seems to have evaporated from the world.

McGeely felt the abnormality in the sky, and he was on guard for a long time. At this time, Nami's group came out to explain the reason, and McGeely also came out.

While helping to evacuate the citizens of the sky island, he asked Nami and her group about Anilu.

Although Nami's group can't trust McGill for the time being, but now is the time when there is a shortage of manpower. With the help of the white beret team, the current work progress will be much improved!

Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin discussed it, and finally decided to accept it. If the white berets have any strange behavior, they will immediately shoot and kill!

With the joint efforts of Nami's group and the white berets, those who had no opinion also agreed with the plan to temporarily evacuate.

At the other end of the island of God, Weber finally led more than 30 warriors to find 580 to Ai Nilu's palace. Just when he was about to go in and kill Ai Nilu by surprise, he found that Ai Nilu had already left.

Noticing the vision in the sky, Weber led the thirty warriors to quickly turn around and head towards the Island of God again.

Below the gate of the sky, the old patriarch of the Shandia clan clung to the crutches tightly in one hand, staring blankly at the spreading dark clouds in the sky, and felt a strong sense of unease in his heart.

Thinking of last night's nightmare, the old patriarch of Shandia immediately called his cronies, and immediately issued an order for Shandia to migrate!

It had been about an hour since Anilu operated the spacecraft to lift off, and the huge chimney was still spewing thick fog.

Nearly two-thirds of the sky was shrouded in jet-black gas, Anilu quietly paid attention to the form in the sky, and arrogantly said to Wu An: "Everything is ready, the sky island will soon usher in thousands of thunder disasters. !Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Anilu's wild laughter, Wu An frowned slightly.

Although he can escape thousands of thunder disasters, the citizens of the sky island are just ordinary people. How can they avoid this disaster?

So far, Wu An can only pin his hopes on Nami and her party, hoping that they can effectively organize citizens to evacuate! .

1.34 million thunder robbery

"After spending six years, is your purpose to destroy the entire empty island? In this way, you are just like that."

Hearing Wu An's ridicule, Anilu was surprisingly calm this time, and he didn't mean to be angry before.

"The existence of a group of ants is not worth the six years of killing me. Pulling the entire sky island to death is just a sacrifice for me on the road to becoming a god!"

Hearing Ainilu's words, Wu An's body suddenly filled with a strong murderous aura!

Treating human life like a mustard like this, Enilu is also worthy of being a god? He doesn't even deserve to do it.

Although I don't know how Anilu will cause thousands of thunder tribulations, but to obliterate it before that, maybe it can stifle the disaster in its cradle.

Thinking of this, the dark ink covered Wu An's arms again, all the muscles on Wu An's body bulged, and the aura of the whole person rose rapidly.

Ainilu, who was not far away, saw that Wu An was moving. He flatly raised his right hand to his side, and the blue-purple thunder continued to wander around, quickly converging towards his right hand.

Gently inserting the right hand into the gold outside the cabin, due to the high temperature, a large number of gold nuggets melted quickly, and soon became a pool of golden liquid!

Wu An stepped heavily on the ground with his feet, and with the help of the rebound, his body was like a bullet that had escaped from the chamber of a gun, and instantly arrived in front of Anilu!

Wu An's right hand was clenched into a fist, and he saw that Anilu's head suddenly attacked!

Enilu poked his hands out of the gold nugget, and even cast a golden halberd out!

At the extremely critical moment, Anilu clenched the halberd with both hands and held it high above his head, holding Wu An's fist down!

"Bang!" There was a sound, and the planks at the foot of Anilu were broken layer by layer!

Although Anilu blocked Wu'an's attack, the huge force from the halberd still overwhelmed Ainilu!

In desperation, Anilu hurriedly transferred the power of thunder in his body to the halberd clenched in both hands!

Because the golden halberd could not withstand such a powerful energy, there was a loud noise of "bang 々 1", and the halberd burst from between Ainilu and Wu'an!

With the impact of this explosion, Anilu finally repelled Wu An above his head to twenty meters away!

Wu An's feet returned to the ground. Since the explosion just now came from his hands, all the clothes on Wu An's body were burned, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing that his attack had an effect, Enilu's body turned into a bolt of lightning and instantly came to the vicinity of the original cabin.

The blue-purple thunder was attached to Enilu's hands again, and slowly penetrated into the gold nugget. Two golden **** surrounded by thunder appeared in Enilu's hands.

"Haha! It seems that you are not invincible! Come on, let me see how capable you are!"

"Bang! Bang!"

Ai Nilu's arms slid heavily, and the two golden **** surrounded by thunder arrived at Wu An's side almost instantaneously.

In a hurry, Wu An hurriedly put up his dark arms and blocked the two golden **** surrounded by thunder in front of him.

First, I felt a strong high temperature, and then the two golden **** burst open again!