MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 150

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Seeing that the sky knight Gan Fuer had a look of spirit in his eyes, Wu An nodded lightly, and the group of six quickened their pace and quickly rushed towards the address provided by Auram!

"His Royal Highness! The spaceship has been built. Now, it's time for you to preside over the ceremony!"

Hearing what the servant said, Anilu on the futon slowly opened his eyes, and there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth. If you observe carefully, you can see a touch of enthusiasm in Anilu's eyes!

"Well done! This time, you will go with me!"

Hearing Enilu's words, the servant's heart flashed with ecstasy. When I followed Enilu, I knew that this person was extraordinary and spent six years working so hard to start such a huge project, just to go to that place!

Now that the construction of the spaceship has been completed, and when the fruit is officially picked, Anilu said that he will bring himself, how can the mentality of serving be calm!

Anilu, who answered softly, suddenly frowned, and said solemnly, "Your Highness! It's near noon today, and the magic soldier guarding the prisoners said that one of the prisoners was missing!"

Hearing the words of the servant, Anilu's brows were tightly knit together! gone? Isn't that running away?

Although there is no value in keeping those prisoners now, but in case they run out and reveal their secrets!

Thinking of this, Anilu couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and said angrily: "Humph! Even a prisoner can't even see that group of garbage that can't be supported! Hurry up and pack up, I'll get up immediately!"

The servant responded, hurriedly left the temple, and went down to clean up.

In the pitch-black cave, about 30 or so white-robed divine soldiers waved their whips lazily. Although they were not powerful, they were indeed quite deadly to hit those skinny prisoners!

Wu An and his party of six quietly hid in the darkness, watching the changes around them with vigilance on their faces.

After some investigation, it seems that Anilu is not here.

Seeing that the personal guards who had been loyal to him before were tortured, the sky knight Gan Fuer resisted the anger in his heart and said in a low voice: "Captain Wu'an! Why don't you do it now!

After listening to the words of the sky knight Gan Fuer, Wu An thought about it carefully.

The project that wants to come to the cave has just been completed, and Anilu has not arrived yet. At this time, he can catch them by surprise, greatly improving the survival rate of the remaining guards!


Hearing Wu An's cry, six figures rushed out of the darkness in an instant, leaving a few faint phantoms behind them because of the speed!

Noticing the sound here, the divine soldier standing guard suddenly cast his gaze, seeing the person suddenly appearing in front of him, he spoke subconsciously.

"Enemy! Enemy..."

The enemy attack was half stuck, and the sentinel's neck was instantly pierced by a sharp spear!

Hearing that something fell, the rest of the soldiers and prisoners were all attracted.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need for Wu An's group to cover up.

Van Oka pulled out his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger continuously with his fingers! \"Bang Bang Bang Bang!" Four gunshots rang out, and the four soldiers closest to the crowd fell one after another!

Seeing that Fan Oka was stealing the limelight, Sabas stomped heavily on the ground, and his huge body instantly rose from the ground, glanced at the situation of the full release, and immediately fell to the densely populated place!

"Mouth collapse!" There was a loud noise, and under the huge impact, the gravel at the top of the entire cave fell one after another. When I looked at the magic weapon under Sabas, it had already been crushed into meat pie!

Nico Robin put her arms on her chest, chanting a spell in her mouth, and two white and tender arms suddenly grew from the back of the magic weapon in front of her! Nico Robin's gesture changed slightly, and those seemingly weak hands instantly broke the neck of the magic soldier!

Nami also pulled out her telescopic rod early, and her petite body shuttled through the magic weapon with ease. When she saw a little flaw, she immediately hit the head.

Although Nami's strength is not great, the telescopic rod held tightly in her hand is also of considerable weight. Not to mention that the magic soldier who is attacked will die immediately, I am afraid that it will be impossible to get up and fight again!

Just as everyone fought bravely to kill the enemy, Wu An, headed by 570, had already crossed the 100-meter battlefield and came to the cage where the prisoners were held in a leisurely manner!

Ten divine soldiers in white robes raised their weapons and waited in an array. I don't know where this group of people came from, but they killed them as soon as they came up!

The magic soldiers stationed here have been staying underground all year round, and they have already developed a habit of pampering themselves.

With so much salaried salary every month, I have nothing to do except drink and enjoy myself.

With such a fat and bloated figure, just picking up the weapon in his hand is already very difficult, where is there any action to take the initiative to attack!

Wu An glanced at the gods with disdain, and gently kicked the stones on the ground with his right foot. Nearly a hundred kilograms of stones shot out in an instant. The trajectory of the advance was officially where the ten gods were!

Because the light in the cave was relatively dim, the ten divine soldiers only saw the figure in front of them lift their legs.

With full inertia, the 100-pound boulder carried the body of a magical soldier, and continued to fly forward without any reduction in the offensive!

The four weaker divine soldiers hurriedly avoided, while the other six, without exception, were all smashed to death by a hundred-pound boulder!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the bodies of the six divine soldiers who were carrying the hundred-pound boulder smashed heavily on the cave wall, swaying thick dust! .

124 Find the spaceship

Seeing that the six companions were smashed into meat sauce when they met face to face, the remaining four divine soldiers froze stiffly in place. Due to their excessive fright, the ground was full of stinky liquid.

Seeing the trembling expressions of the four divine soldiers, Wu An couldn't help showing a hint of disgust on his face, and he was actually scared to pee!

He gently picked up four stones from the ground and waved his right hand lightly. In such an understatement, he learned about the lives of the four divine soldiers.

The scale of the war in the cave was not large, but blood and flesh were unavoidable. Wu An glanced at the prisoners in the cage, and all of them had empty eyes, and did not care about the changes in the surrounding environment.

With a light sigh, Wu An walked straight to the iron gate below the cage, and slashed straight down with his right palm!

"Jump block!" With a sound, the chain with the thickness of the arm shattered instantly!

After the events of Wu'an last night, all the magical soldiers in the cave have been slaughtered by the sky knight Ganfor, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas and Nico Robin.

Sky Knight Gan Fuer hurried to Wu'an's side, saw the guards in the cage that he hadn't seen for many years, and burst into tears in an instant!

A group of people from the Wu'an Pirates stood on the side, and no one said anything to comfort them.

Perhaps because the light was too dim, the more than 40 skinny middle-aged men in the cage did not recognize the appearance of the sky knight Ganfur.

Wu An ordered Sabas to fetch a lot of torches, and when the light gradually spread, the crowd in the cage slowly cast their gazes.

The sky knight Ganfur is still the same as before, but the tortured guards in the cage are no longer like him!

Because the sky knight Gan Fuer was more excited, someone in the cage was attracted, opened his eyes and looked at it carefully several times, and his numb heart suddenly burst into a trace of excitement.

"His Royal Highness! It's you! It's really you!"

Hearing the man's cry, the people in the cage kept casting their gazes towards the sky knight Ganfur.

"These years! I've suffered for you 々7"

Sky Knight Gan Fuer's Wen Rui voice came into everyone's ears, as if a ray of sunlight had broken the incomparably silent darkness.

The eyes of more than 40 guards gradually recovered, and then they were excited! incredible!

After a lapse of six years, everyone thought that their fate was about to come to an end. Who would have thought that the sky knight Ganfur would be seen again today!

Wu An's group pushed aside, and all the people in the cage swarmed towards the sky knight Gan Fuer!

"Your Highness! You are here to save us!"

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

It didn't take long for the sky knight Ganfur to be surrounded by a group of personal guards whom he hadn't seen in six years, and there was no trace of complaining at all.

Wu An watched blankly from the side, wanting to come to the sky island under the control of the sky knight Gan Fuer, it must be peaceful and peaceful!

After the sky knight Gan Fuer continued with his subordinates for a long time, he hurriedly walked to Wu An's side, clasped his fists with both hands, and bent his upper body directly at a 90-degree angle.

"Captain Wu'an! This old man can reunite with these guards. Thanks to your help, this kindness cannot be repaid. Today, even if it is killed in battle! This old man will not take a step back!"

Hearing the words of the sky knight Ganfur, Wu An hurriedly stretched out his hand to help the sky knight Ganfur up.

For Wu An, saving these captives is just a matter of convenience. Knowing the wishes of the sky knight Gan Fuer, he can do his best without reservation.

Although these people were rescued, it was not a safe place. For the sake of safety, Wu An ordered Sky Knight Gan Fuer to send these people out first.

After making a plan, Wu An plans to select one person from the personal guards of the sky knight Gan Fuer.

Although it was the place where the spaceship was built, Wu An looked around and found no trace of the ship. It must have been hidden somewhere.

It happened that there were people who participated in the construction of the spaceship, and Wu An took advantage of it rationally, and easily found the location of the spaceship.

According to the instructions of the personal guard, Wu An led Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin to the place where the spacecraft was built.

The behemoth came into view, Rao had already prepared enough psychologically, and the group of Wu'an Pirates were still shocked by the spaceship in front of them!

I don't know where Enilu found such a large amount of wood, but the length of the spaceship's hull has reached nearly 100 meters!

Because the spaceship is too large, everyone can't see the appearance of the spaceship at all!

Seeing that all his subordinates were stunned, Wu An coughed and said, "Let's go up and have a look first!"

Hearing Wu An's words, everyone came back to their senses from the daze, and the purpose of searching for the spacecraft was to destroy it.

Boarding the ship, everyone in the Wu'an Pirates was once again shocked by the luxury on the ship!

The entire cabin is about 50 square meters in size, and the exterior is all covered with dazzling gold. Against the backdrop of the blazing fire, the entire cave is dazzling!

Nami looked at the gold like a hill in front of her, and her body went limp. If Wu An had not noticed Nami's changes in advance, she would have been lying on the ground.

\'Wu'an! Am I dreaming? "

Although Nami's question is a bit idiotic, but the heart of everyone present is not this idea!

Wu An slowly put Nami next to him, and said softly: "What you see is not fake, if it is correct, these gold should have been plundered from the destination of our trip, the Golden Land. of!"

Hearing the words "Golden Township" again, the members of the Wu'an Pirates slowly recovered from the shock, woke up a little, and finally had a dignified expression on their faces!

Nico Robin frowned. If the gold was really moved from there, I don't know what would happen to the Golden Township, or whether the historical sites of the Golden Township would still exist!

(Li Zhao's)

Wu An saw the melancholy on Nico Robin's face and continued to say, "Don't worry about Robin, while Anilu hasn't come over, let's do some damage and collect these ill-gotten gains first!"

Hearing Wu An's words, everyone present had golden eyes, wishing they could just move this spaceship away!

It's a pity that the spaceship is too large, and I don't know how Anilu built it here and how to transport it out.

Wu An led the crowd to the power center of the spaceship, and the five around them were all covered by gears of all sizes!

Seeing such a complex structure, everyone's minds were all chaotic.

For things like shipbuilding, all the people present are laymen, let alone understand, they don't even know what these gears are used for!

All the members of the Wu'an Pirates looked at the gears in front of them at a loss, and didn't know where to start! .

125 Destruction

Sabas looked at the scattered gears in front, one by one, inseparable from each other, slowly turning.

"Master Captain, I see that these complex parts are interlinked. If one of them is destroyed, I am afraid that the whole will be implicated, why not!"

Hearing Sabas' analysis, everyone's face showed a thoughtful expression.

Although Sabas is huge, there is no shortage of details to see this person's delicacy. After thinking about it carefully, Sabas's analysis does make some sense.

After a long time, Wu An finally said, "Try it for now, destroy one of them and see how the whole reacts!"

Hearing that Wu An agreed to his opinion, Sabas took the lead, moved his muscles and bones, and his muscles suddenly burst!

Glancing at the nearest gear, Sabas clenched his right fist and swung it heavily!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the gear in front of him suddenly stopped!

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Sabas looked excitedly at Wu An and the others behind him, as if to say that it didn't happen!

However, the gears only paused for two or three seconds before turning again!

570 hadn't been praised by his partner yet, but his actions just now had no effect. The smile on Sabas' face was instantly taken away by a gloomy expression, turning it into an ink-like color.

Everyone looked at the gears that continued to rotate in front of them, and they all looked suspicious. Could it be that Sabah's strength is not enough?

Just as everyone was guessing, Wu An took two steps forward gently. With a thought, a dark ink color spread from his shoulders in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, both arms were covered.

Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas and Nico Robin on the side noticed Wu An's strangeness and couldn't help being curious.

"Captain Wu An! What is that?"

Hearing Nico Robin's question, Wu An said softly: "This thing is called armed domineering! It can increase defense and attack power, and even increase one's own strength. The specific increase depends on how much you understand. !"

Hearing Wu An's words of domineering and domineering, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin said that they had never heard of it.

When Wu An was fighting with the priest before, everyone had already noticed the abnormality (badg) in Wu An's arms. After such a close feeling, they finally raised their doubts in their hearts.

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Wu An smiled lightly.

"When I realize a certain state, I will definitely be open to you. The future route will be difficult and dangerous, and you must master more things to consolidate your own strength!"

Hearing Wu'an's words, everyone immediately understood the power of the domineering armed color, and it would be difficult to comprehend it!

While everyone was talking, Wu An had already raised the strength on his arms to the extreme, ordering Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin to push back five steps, clenching their hands into fists!

The fists were swung forward heavily, and the strength on the arms was unreservedly urged!