MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 151

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"Bang!" There was a huge noise, which was many times stronger than the punch Sabas just threw out!

A strong wind came from under Wu An, blowing the clothes of Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin.

Rao heard the domineering power of the armed color, but everyone was still taken aback by Wu An's performance.

Sabas has always admired strength, but seeing Wu An's explosive power at this moment, his back was covered in cold sweat, and he said subconsciously, "Too! Too strong!"

Facing such a violent force, Sabas believes that he is far from being able to bear it!

If this punch hits human flesh, wouldn't the enemy's body explode and die? After making up for the **** scene, Sabas couldn't help but feel a shudder in his heart!

"No way! With such a heaven-defying ability, even if it is difficult to comprehend the arrogance of armed color, you must learn it yourself. When you bring yourself to greatness, wouldn't you be able to walk sideways on the vast ocean?"

Wu An originally had no intention of teaching everyone how to practice armed **** domineering now, but unexpectedly, Sabas's heart had already been taken away!

After complaining a little about Wu Ande against the sky, the eyes of Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin couldn't help but shift to the huge gear!

Looking at it from a distance, the original smooth surface of the gear has two deep fist marks!

Looking at the inside of the fist mark, the gear nearly one meter thick was directly penetrated! The curiosity on Nami's face instantly turned into shock!

The four of them all looked at Wu An, who looked like the wind and the clouds, and their faces were full of incredible!

Feeling the startled eyes from his companions, Wu An also regained the appearance of standing with his hands behind his back, and his two piercing eyes looked straight at the gear in front of him.

Seeing the hole pierced through the gear, Wu An didn't show any unexpected expression. Such a result was within his expectations.

Scattered outward from the two openings, there were dense fine lines along the way, and the gears seemed to be stuck, making a "kakakaka!" sound.

The five members of the Wu'an Pirates quietly observed the gears in front of them.

Five seconds later, the previously scarred gear did not dare to bear the burden, and finally shattered with a crisp cracking sound, leaving a pile of unknown metal shards scattered all over the floor!

Although the gear group on the left is still in a state of rotation, without the connection of the intermediate gears, the gear group on the right cannot rotate at all.

As a result, the group of gears in front of them was finally destroyed, and the five members of the Wu'an Pirates looked at each other with a treacherous smile on their faces.

After a while, Wu An led the crowd to another gear group. The ink was pitch-black and dyed his arms. Wu An pinpointed a gear again and waved his fists heavily.

The scene just now was staged, and another gear group was destroyed.

Because the spaceship built by Anilu is too large, there are countless gear groups like this, and it is impossible to completely destroy it by relying on Wu An alone.

Looking at the slowly rotating gear group in front of me, if I guessed correctly, it should be the power mechanism of this spaceship.

Wu An specially selected some huge gear groups to destroy, thinking that Anilu would be furious when he saw that the spaceship he had worked so hard to build for six years was destroyed like this!

Everyone made up for the scene of Anilu's anger when he came here, and couldn't help laughing.

The spaceship has been built, and I am afraid that Anilu is already on his way here. In order to ensure the safety of Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin, Wu An immediately led everyone back to the deck of the spaceship.

126 Provocative God

Originally, Wu An came to the spaceship with the intention of destroying it. Now that the mission has been completed, looking at the huge amount of gold in front of them, everyone can't help but feel a sense of reluctance.

This kind of reluctance was most evident on Nami's face. If it weren't for the fear of Anilu's sudden arrival, I'd have already taken the tools to dismantle the gold.

Wu An looked at Nami's unrequited expression, and suddenly showed a little helpless expression. After thinking about it carefully, Wu An agreed to let everyone take a small part.

After receiving Wu'an's order, Nami was the first and second. I don't know when she got gunpowder in Fan Oka's hands, and she ran all the way to the top of the cabin with a bang.

After arranging all the gunpowder in his hand, he gently pressed the green button in his hand, "Bang!" The six firelights exploded at almost the same time, dismantling the largest piece of gold at the top of the cabin.

Looking at the huge gold nugget that fell on the deck, Nami shamelessly ran to Sabas, and very skillfully made Sabas work as a coolie.

Anilu didn't know when he came, and in order to get out of here as soon as possible, Sabas did not refuse the child, saying: "Send EUR from! Group, stay!" Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 must.

Wu An finally showed a smile on Nami's face, and immediately ordered everyone to leave the spaceship first.

Right here, the entire cave trembled suddenly, a large amount of dust scattered from the top of the head, and everyone in the Wu'an Pirates frowned, and immediately put on a serious formation.

A ray of light shot down from the top of the head, and everyone looked up. The top of the cave on the spaceship moved slowly to the left and right, and in a short time, it was completely opened.

The tremors in the cave became more and more obvious. Except for Wu An who kept his inner sobriety, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin all looked sloppy.

Slowly, the spaceship at the foot of Wu An actually showed an upward trend!

Wu An suddenly had a hint of enlightenment in his heart. No wonder Anilu dared to build the spaceship underground. It turned out that the follow-up work had already been arranged!

The group of Wu'an Pirates rose to the surface with the spaceship under their feet, and the strong light re-illuminated the eyes of everyone.

Ai Nilu stood on a high ground with the two servants, and the expression on his face became more and more excited when he saw the six-year-old spacecraft slowly rising to the surface!

When Anilu's eyes swept across the deck, the figures of the five members of the Wu'an Pirates were also revealed.

Seeing the sudden situation in front of him, Anilu immediately thought of three words - stowaways!

Looking at the gold nugget in Sabah's arms, looking at the damaged luxury cabin, blue veins protruded from Ainilu's forehead in an instant!

"These humble stowaways! How dare they hit their head!"

Thinking that the spaceship that he had spent six years building had not yet started, and that the stowaways had chiseled gold, Anilu finally couldn't hold back his inner anger, and the sky above his head instantly flashed and thundered!

On the deck, the five members of the Wu'an Pirates group stared nervously at Anilu above.

The milky white Taoist robe hangs halfway around his waist, his bare upper body is full of angular muscles, and four big drums engraved with three-hooked jade hang on his back. gas.

Without waiting for Wu'an's group to continue to observe, Enilu from the high ground came out loudly: "You humble stowaways, you dare to appear in front of me, and you also dye my spaceship! Your journey has come to an end! "

Although Anilu's tone was a little dull, when the voice reached the ears of Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin, it felt very cold!

In addition to their own captains, Nami, Van Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin were the first to see such a powerful enemy. The momentum alone made everyone almost breathless!

He paid attention to the state of Nami and the others, but Wu An was unaffected. He looked directly at Anilu on the high ground, and replied in a flat tone: "It's just a swashbuckling magic stick, what qualifications do you have to control others? life!"

Hearing that someone could speak so calmly under his own pressure, Anilu's attention couldn't help but focus on Wu An's body.

Wu An's body stood at the front of the crowd, and his face was light and calm.

"Rao is his own strength, but he can't see the depth of this person. What is the origin of that person?"

Hearing Ai Nilu's subconscious muttering, the servant standing by the side immediately explained: "Report to Your Majesty, that person should be the leader of the group of stowaways, most of the priests who died tragically fell into his hands!"

?0 asking for flowers.....

Hearing that all the servants were serving, Anilu's eyes on Wu An suddenly became more interesting, and even his own unpredictable strength, it seemed that those priests were not wronged.

Although Wu'an's strength could not be clearly seen, the positions of the two sides had reached a state of relentless determination. If Wu'an's group killed the four priests and left, maybe Anilu would not hold too much grudge against him.

After all, those priests were just a few dispensable chess pieces to Enilu. Whether they were dead or alive, they didn't have much impact on Enilu.

It's a pity that Wu An's group not only killed the chess piece they adopted, but also put their hand on their own head. It is absolutely impossible for Ai Nilu to let Wu An's group leave alive!

Before Anilu could continue to speak, Wu An below let go of his mental power and amplified his voice several times.

"The priests of the island of gods are nothing more than a few rotten salted fish. Today, I want to taste the taste of killing gods!"

Without waiting for Ainilu to speak, the servant standing beside Ainilu opened his mouth and shouted: "With such a lowly status, he dares to speak madly! Stowaway! Your Highness will not let you go today!"

Anilu's heart was full of anger, but his face was still calm.

Such stimulation failed to make it appear its original form, Anilu is really not simple!

The original calm atmosphere was instantly broken, and Anilu pointed his right hand at the sky, attracting a thunder that was nearly the thickness of the mouth of the bowl, almost teleporting to Wu An.

Feeling a hint of danger, Wu An lightly tapped his right foot and shook his body dexterously, easily dodging the rapidly falling thunder!

Seeing Wu An's reaction so quick, the servant beside Anilu was shocked!

"I didn't expect it! The **** stowa below has such a fast speed!"

The servant saw that Wu An easily escaped the thunder of Enilu, and thought in his mind, since following Enilu for the past six years, no one has been able to get this fast! It seems that the stowaways is not easy!

Compared with the performance of serving, Enel's expression is much more normal. If he doesn't have this ability, how can he make himself look up to him! Ten thousand.

127 Fighting the Cattle

Wu An saw that Enilu took the lead, and did not fight back immediately. He was not afraid of Enilu's thunder, and it did not mean that the other members of the Wuan Pirates were not afraid either.

If they were to fight Enel, the scope of the battle would definitely be huge.

If one accidentally hurts his own family, Wu An has a hundred reluctance in his heart!

Without stopping, Wu An decisively issued an order.

"Put down the gold in your hand and escape to a safe place first!"

Hearing Wu An's words, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin were all stunned!

According to the character of his own captain, how could he be beaten and not fight back? Now that we have retreated without opening the fight, could it be that the sun has risen from the west?

Everyone was stunned for two seconds, and Fan Oka and Nico Robin were the first to understand Wu An's intentions.

The reason why Wu An had to make a "May 73" decision was that he was afraid that his life would be threatened!

Referring to the divine soldiers and officials he encountered before, Wu An never frowned. Often, before everyone could react, the corpse of the enemy was already separated.

Thinking about the ten-meter thunderbolt that I had seen before, I felt the coercion spread out from Anilu. The commander of the soldiers, the priests, etc. I met before were basically shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

At this moment, Nami and Sabas also realized what Wu An meant.

Nami reluctantly looked at the huge gold nugget that had fallen to the ground, gritted her teeth fiercely, and finally calmed down, and fled away with everyone.

Anilu looked coldly at the fleeing stowaways, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"I want to get away after the trouble, how can I be such a thing that can be kneaded at will?"

As Anilu thought about it, the lightning and thunder above his head became more frequent!

Spotting Nami at the back of the Wuan Pirates, she pointed her right hand lightly, and Thunder with a thick bowl was divided into three, instantly blocking the escape space around Nami!

Feeling the coldness on her back, Nami hurriedly turned her head to look, the light in her eyes became more and more dazzling, it seemed that in the next second, she would have a close contact with the three thunders with thick bowls!

Under the threat of death, Nami's rapidly alternating legs brought a gust of wind, and the speed of thunder can be matched by the weak Nami!

At an extremely critical juncture, Wu An's body came from nowhere, with his dark arms propped on his chest, he untied all the three thunderbolts that Anilu had drawn, and finally rescued Nami behind him!

Feeling the familiar aura, Nami's pitiful eyes met Wu An's, and she confided in a crying voice of grievance: "Wu An! Scared me to death! I thought just now..."

Nami's appearance is naturally superb, and after an instant escape from death, even anyone who sees it will give birth to a heart of deep pity.

Wu An had a good impression of Nami the first time he saw her. At this moment, he was so wronged, and Wu An's killing intent suddenly increased!

If it is not for the comfort of the scruples partner, there is a great urge to do it directly!

However, in the midst of anger, Wu An still chose to be rational, and an invisible murderous aura was transmitted to the direction of Ai Nilu through his eyes, and Ai Nilu's scalp was numb!

After going through the trials and tribulations of the red dust, Anilu has already looked down on everything, and only pursues the path of becoming a god!

It's just a stowaway from Qinghai, how can he burst out with such a strong murderous aura!

Rao is that Ainilu has always been conceited, and when he catches Wu An's eyes, he also has a strong sense of ominousness in his heart!

Anilu's eyes when he lifted Wu An ended up like this, and the servant standing by the side was so frightened that his whole body trembled and his legs trembled!

If it wasn't for a sturdy and powerful thigh around him, he might have collapsed to the ground at this moment.

Trying his best to restrain his unruly muscles, the servant beside Anilu tried his best to squeeze a word out of his mouth!

"A stowaway from such a lowly position, you dare to escape! Why don't you hurry up and reflect on yourself, and obediently give up your head?"

Hearing the servants beside Anilu say a humble mouth and a stowaways! Rao is that everyone in the Wu'an Pirates can't pay attention to him, and they are a little angry at this moment! Sabas has a straightforward temperament, and he couldn't help but swear in the face of the words of the gods he served.

"You're just a lowly person who delivers **** and urine to others. How dare you say such a thing? Could it be that someone is covering you around you! Do you think you can live for a second?" Hearing Sabas' provocation , Not only did the servants around Ai Nilu not get angry, but compared to the gloomy before, they were actually a little more happy!

"Being able to do things for His Highness is the merit accumulated by the eighteenth generation of our young ancestors! If you want to take over, I am afraid that you will not be able to catch the eyes of His Highness!"

Hearing the words of the service, Sabas couldn't help but inwardly asked the eighteen generations of his ancestors who he served! These days, those who deliver **** and urine have a sense of superiority!

Aside from Sabas' performance, the other members of the Wu'an Pirates couldn't help but glance at Anilu.0

"The magic stick in front of you is not easy! The technique of brainwashing is proficient to such a degree!"

Just when Sabas was arguing with the servants, Wu An took advantage of everyone's inattention and left the place. With a flash, he moved in the direction of Anilu like a ghost.


Seeing the servants beside him fighting so heartily with the stowaways, Anilu's mood suddenly became much clearer!

Although the servants around him don't have any extraordinary talent, but the skill of slapping horses is getting better day by day!

With such a jar of honey around, it's hard to feel bad!

Taking advantage of the time when the two sides were arguing, Wu An's arms were completely covered with ink! When the figure was less than five meters away from Anilu, all the killing intent in his entire body was contained within his body!

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and smashed it straight at Anilu in front of him!

Anilu was enjoying the desire to speak, but unexpectedly, there was a cold light behind him! If it wasn't for the cultivation of one's own heart network, it would be impossible to have 3.6 perception!