MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 149

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The priest, the **** soldier, the deputy **** soldier! Which of these characters is not the existence of the explosive power table?

The one who spoke was just a young man in his twenties. Does he really have such a powerful strength?

Compared with the shock of Sky Knight Ganfur, the shock in Nami, Van Oka, and Sabas was even stronger!

How long have you been separated from Wu An? In such a short period of time, the five generals under the **** Anilu were wiped out with lightning speed!

Except for the witness Nico Robin, the rest of the people were unable to calm down for a long time! own captain! Don't be too forceful!

Now that these people have been eliminated, Wu An couldn't help but ask: "Apart from these, what other difficult people are there under the **** Anilu?"

Due to the shock just now, the sky knight Gan Fuer's brain was still in a blank state. After his brain reacted, he looked at Wu An with a dull gaze, and stammered and replied, "No, no!"

Knowing that Wu An had killed the five generals under the **** Anilu with one hand, the sky knight Gan Fuer couldn't help but concentrate and looked at Wu An again!

The appearance is unremarkable, except for the strong body and handsome appearance, there seems to be nothing to attract attention.

Sky Knight Gan Fuer stared at Wu An in front of him with a questioning face. Could it be that the young man in front of him was lying to himself? .

121 Ernie Road Plan

The sky knight Gan Fuer paid a little attention to the expressions of the remaining four people except Wu An, all of them were adoring eyes!

"Is it possible that the man in front of him really has such a powerful fighting power? If that's the case, I have some confidence in the crusade against the **** Anilu!"

Sky Knight Gan Fuer thought so, Wu An saw the doubts of the other party, and was not ready to explain more.

To tout himself, Wu An has never done that. Instead of trying his best to make him believe in himself, it is easier to really show his strength? Make people convincing!

It didn't take long for the sky knight Gan Fuer to dispel the idea of ​​continuing suspicion. After all, it is cooperation. If the two sides do not have enough trust, no matter how powerful it is, it will be in vain.

After a long time, Wu An asked again: "I don't know what plans you have? Compared to us, you know a lot about Anilu!"

Hearing Wu An's question, the sky knight Gan Fuer reached out and stroked his white beard, and fell into deep thought.

Although all the confidants that the gods placed on the island of gods have been resolved, everyone still cannot take it lightly!

Compared with the priests and military commanders who were cultivated in the later stage, Enilu's strength was much stronger!

"After I abdicated, all of my 500 personal guards were placed on the Island of God as corvée. I want to save them first, and then I won't have to worry about crusades Anilu!"

Hearing the words of Sky Knight Ganfur, both Nami and Nico Robin showed sympathy on their faces.

Corruption, in the final analysis, is the infinite squeeze of the labor force of the five hundred guards, and usually exists along with huge projects.

In the early days, there may be some food. If it is nearing completion, I am afraid that the people above will not even eat. As long as the use value is deprived, no one cares about the life and death of the five hundred guards!

Even if everyone can save people, I am afraid that less than one-twelfth of the original ones are still alive!

When Wu An heard the words of the sky knight Gan Fuer, his brows could not help but furrowed together!

"Five hundred guards have been corroded for six years, what is Enilu planning to do?"

Hearing Wu An's words, the sky knight Gan Fuer said slowly: "He plans to build a spaceship! A spaceship that can go to heaven!"

Sky Knight Ganfur's voice was very calm, but everyone present felt a sudden tremor in their hearts when they heard it!

this world! Is there really heaven?

Feeling the tense atmosphere, the sky knight Ganfor said again: "Anilu is a lunatic, a complete lunatic! If he finishes building the spaceship, he will pull down the entire sky island to bury him! Celebrate the spaceship's birthday! !"

After listening to the words of the sky knight Ganfur, Nami Shanshan said, "Destroy the world under her rule! What good is it for him?"

As soon as Nami finished speaking, she suddenly realized that she had asked an idiot's mistake. The sky knight Ganfur already described Anilu as a lunatic. What would he think about when he wanted to do something?

Nami was embarrassed for a moment, just to ease the atmosphere in the cabin, Nico Robin gently touched Nami's head and comforted quietly.

After a long time, Wu An made a decision in his heart.

"Then according to the thoughts of the sky knight Ganfur, we will first rescue the 500 prisoners who were captured, and then go directly to the lair of Anilu. What do you think?"

Hearing Wu An's decision, Nami, Fan Oka, Sabas, and Nico Robin all nodded slightly, indicating that they had no problem.

Sky Knight Gan Fuer listened to Wu An's words and clenched his fists slightly towards Wu An.

"Captain Wu'an can give priority to the old man, and the old man thanked the captain on behalf of the 500 personal guards!"

Wu An made a look at Nami and asked her to lift up the sky knight Ganfur, and then said to the sky knight Ganfur: "You don't have to do this, since we have reached an alliance, we are one! Your business is also ours. things!"

After hearing Wu An's words, the sky knight Gan Fuer couldn't help but be deeply moved, and his inner opinion of Wu An suddenly increased a lot.

Everyone discussed in the cabin for an afternoon, and the sun gradually went down. After a simple dinner, they decided to repair it for a day and launch a general attack on the Island of God tomorrow!

"Hurry up and work!"

"Crack! Crack!"

"Give me some profit!"

Vicious curses echoed in the pitch-black cave, and a magic soldier in white with a whip in his hand mercilessly beat a middle-aged man in ragged clothes on the back! Because of years of fatigue, the figure of the middle-aged man has appeared rickety, and the fine muscles on his body have been washed away by time, leaving a skinny appearance!? 0 Ask for flowers.....

This kind of similar scene can be found everywhere in the dark cave, and some people with a good foundation can barely stand up.

If those who are weak, just turn over and lie on the ground, fearing that they will never get up again!

This artificially excavated cave is the masterpiece of the contemporary **** Anilu, and now these laborers without any dignity are the 500 guards who were captured by Anilu!

Six years ago, Anilu dispatched a team of magical soldiers to place these prisoners in a place where the sun did not see the light. Apart from working, every day, the rest time was almost less than five hours.

After six years of beatings and scolding, the 500 guards were already less than fifty, and everyone's expressions were as numb as wood.


In the eyes of the gods, they are just a bunch of walking corpses who can only work.

On the empty island, the **** Ai Nilu sat lazily on the simple futon, watching the oil lamps go out one after another, his originally soothing eyebrows gradually twisted together.

"Come on!"

Hearing Ai Nilu's cry, a short stature hurried in from outside the hall, kneeling on the floor with his legs half-knelt, bowing his head deeply, and returning respectfully.

Said: "His Royal Highness, I don't know what to call the villain?"

After the servant finished speaking, Anilu asked, "How far has the plan that was implemented six years ago progressed?"

Hearing Enilu's words, the servant hurriedly replied: "Report to Your Highness, the construction of the spaceship is nearing completion, and it will be completed tomorrow without tonight!" Hearing this news, Enilu nodded with satisfaction, He waved his hand lightly, indicating that the servants can retire.

The servant glanced upwards slightly, and saw that Anilu didn't look angry, slowly stood up, and retreated respectfully.

After serving the two, Anilu released his murderous aura, and all the oil lamps in front of him went out, indicating that all the seedlings he had cultivated in the past six years had fallen! Knowing this situation, Anilu couldn't help but be very angry.

"What a bunch of trash!" Wan.

122 The guards who escaped desperately

The four priests and three superintendents and vice-captains who had wasted six years of sweat and training were not even able to clean up a group of Sandia savages and stowaways.

Not only did he fail to complete the mission he left behind, but he even lost his life in the hands of the enemy. Thinking of this, Anilu couldn't help but feel a burst of humiliation!

If it weren't for the past six years of self-cultivation and self-cultivation every day, I am afraid that the temple would have been crushed to pieces by Enelud's anger!

However, the construction of the spaceship is about to be completed. Thinking of this, Anilu's face has a hint of joy.

That was a project that took nearly six years. If the spaceship was really built, all this in the sky island would be meaningless.

In the final analysis, Enilu's capture of the Sky Island was just to gain a springboard. When his preparations were completed, he would definitely ignore the life and death of Sky Island citizens! "Five Seven Zero"

After a long time, Ainilu sat back on the simple futon again, closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation. In the early morning of tomorrow, the plan that he had worked so hard to work on for six years could officially set off!

It was just dawn, and all the members of the Wu'an Pirates got up early, gathered on the deck, and threw themselves into the island of God.

Although Ai Nilu's strength is strong, Wu An has no intention of letting his crew directly confront him. As long as he finds the 500 guards who followed the sky knight Gan Fuer, the rest will be left to Wu An. .

Nami and Wu An, Fan Oka and Sabas, Nico Robin and the Sky Knight Gan Fuer, in order to increase the efficiency of the collection, Wu An properly divided the crowd into three waves.

In this way, the efficiency of finding personal guards will be greatly increased, and it will also save some physical strength!

If one party finds the target, it immediately uses the phone bug to contact the remaining two groups. In this way, the success rate of the operation is increased by at least 30 to 40%.

In the morning, a group of people from the Wu'an Pirates walked almost all over the island of God, and that's it, they didn't find any trace of their personal guards.

In desperation, Wu An had to get everyone to gather together and make a new plan.

"The Island of God is such a big place! We have already searched it all over, and I haven't even seen a ghost. It's not that the five hundred guards have already!"

Because of estimating the feelings of the sky knight Ganfur, Sabas suddenly paused and stopped the following.

Sky Knight Ganfur had a gloomy face. If things developed to that point, he would have to accept this fact!

At this moment, Wu An suddenly said: "I can't guarantee that all five hundred guards are alive, but it is impossible to say that all of them are dead. You also said before that the purpose of Anilu's captive guards, Lost what spaceship to build!"

Hearing Wu An's words, everyone's eyes focused on Wu An. Shabas thought for a while, and asked inexplicably, "What does this have to do with the death of those five hundred guards?"

Hearing Sabas' question, Wu An shook his head, smiled lightly, and did not explain much.

The sky knight Gan Fuer analyzed it carefully, but suddenly there was a flash of inspiration, and suddenly he was stunned.

"Now Anilu is still on the empty island, which means that his spaceship has not been built yet. In this case, he will not let those guards die with a slight movement!"

The sky knight Gan Fuer suddenly expressed his own analysis in surprise, and everyone present understood at once, and immediately understood the meaning of Wu An's words.

From this point of view, those captured guards will not be lightly moved to death!

However, after searching for so long, I haven't found anything. What should I do next?

The five members of the Wu'an Pirates, together with the sky knight Gan Fuer, frowned and thought hard about the reason. Five minutes later, there was still no result.

Just when Sabas was about to speak again to interrupt the silence, there was a sudden "Boom!" in the jungle behind everyone.

The small sound instantly interrupted everyone's thoughts. Listening to the sound, it seemed that something had fallen to the ground.

The six people present looked at each other and cautiously touched in the direction of the sound source.

Gently prying open the grass, there was a man in ragged clothes lying on the ground! I don't know what the origin of the man is. Almost all the muscles all over his body atrophy, like a bone frame with layers of skin!

"Mom, this is a ghost!"

Hearing Sabas' exclamation, Wu An turned around and glared, and then ordered to go over and take a look.

Gently turning the man's body over, the sky knight Gan Fuer suddenly trembled, grabbed the man on Wu An's arm, and shouted excitedly: "Auram! Auram!"

A group of people from the Wu'an Pirates saw that the sky knight Gan Fuer was so excited, and immediately linked the sky knight Gan Fuer and the strange man together in their minds. Do these two people know each other?

Under the violent shaking of Sky Knight Ganfur, the man named Oram slowly opened his eyes. The first moment he saw Sky Knight Ganfur, two lines of hot tears could not help bursting out of his eyes!

"My lord! Is it really you! My lord!"

Hearing Oram's words, the sky knight Ganfor said excitedly: "It's me! What have you experienced, and where are the rest!"

After listening to the question of the sky knight Ganfor, the man named Oram stopped the tears and said with hatred: "Brothers! All were killed! The devil! The group

People are all devils! You must avenge your brothers! "

Under the questioning of the sky knight Gan Fuer, everyone finally figured out the situation. It turned out that this man named Oram was actually one of the five hundred guards that everyone was looking for!

After Oram briefly explained his six-year experience, Rao, the always amiable sky knight Ganfur, couldn't help but show a murderous look on his face!

Under the pressure of the sky knight Ganfur, Oram finally said that 3.6 had the address where 500 guards were corroded.

"My lord! That person's power is definitely not something you can resist! Now..."

Oram's voice was getting weaker and weaker. He took advantage of the time when the spaceship was completed and tried his best to sneak out. He was able to see the sky knight Ganfur with his own eyes, and he no longer had any regrets in his heart.

Before finishing what he said, Oram's voice stopped abruptly! When the sky knight Ganfur probed the opponent's nose and mouth, he had lost his breath!

"Anilu! This old man is alive! I will definitely take your dog's head! Use this to pay homage to your partner's spirit in the sky!"

Sky Knight Ganfur made a death oath, and his entire body was soaked in turbid killing intent!

Nami looked at the sky knight Ganfur from afar, and could not help but feel a little fear in her heart!

123 Rescue the prisoners

Seeing such a situation, everyone present couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for the sky knight Ganfur, that was nearly 500 guards!

Look at the dead Auram on the ground, there is hardly a single full muscle in his body!

After six years of torment, the man full of blood has turned into this kind of appearance, so you can imagine what happened to the five hundred guards of the sky knight Ganfur!

If the original sky knight Ganfor still had a trace of fear towards Anilu, now seeing the late Auram with his own eyes, the fear in his heart has long been covered by the anger in the sky!

Today, the sky knights Ganfor and Anilu have become immortal, how can they survive? It was even more uncomfortable for Anilu to treat the bodyguard of the sky knight Ganfur like this than to kill him directly!

After a long time, Wu An walked slowly to the side of the sky knight Gan Fuer, and said softly: "The dead can't be resurrected, rather than being sad here! It's better to think about the possibility of survival.

Live people! "Hearing Wu'an's words, Sky Rider 10 Sganfur seems to have caught a light in the dark!

"Yes! According to Oram, there are still people alive! It's not too late, let's rush over now!"