MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 40 Famous day

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Yu Yu nodded softly, and her heart was slightly safe. Even she didn't know why she was born here with such a strong sense of fear.

"If you are afraid, will I send you back?"

Chu Mo has a guide to jade and knows how to leave from here.

The rainy hand is very cold, and Chu Mo can clearly feel her nervousness and fear.

"Don't!" Rain didn't even think about it and refused: "I want to stay here! Nothing, there is you, I am not afraid..."

Not afraid to say, but his face is still not very good-looking.

Chu Mo looked at her and saw her insist, and she did not say anything. According to the guidelines of jade, she continued to move forward in this weird starry sky.

The two quickly walked out of the sky for dozens of miles. For this starry sky, this distance is similar to that of no.

But the strange thing is that every time they walk a few miles, there will be some changes in the surrounding stars.

They didn't notice at first, but in the end, when the two found ten moons in the sky above their heads, they were all shocked.

"This, what is going on?" Chu Mo mouth twitched, incredulously looking at the sky above the head, lined up in a line... Ten moons across the entire starry sky.

"Beautiful!" Yu Yu could not help but admire.

"Do you think this is very strange?" Chu Mo looked at her and thought that the things in the woman's head were simply too strange.

"Weird, but... still beautiful!" Looked at Chu Mo, it seems that he is not so scared, but the hand...has not loosened, it is not that she wants to hold the hand of Chu Mo, but one When she wants to let go, her heart will be lifted up and she will be nervous.

"Well... it's beautiful!" Chu Mo looked at the ten moons in the sky, and some said something inconsistency.

Just then, there was a gust of wind between the heavens and the earth!

Chu Mo a glimpse, how can there be wind here?

Moreover, this wind, in a short moment, directly swept the entire piece of void.

This wind has passed quickly.

Then, the two found that the ten moons in the sky turned out to be color!

It is no longer the golden color of the past, but it has become... blood red!

Ten **** months!

Look carefully, there is still blood flowing on it. The color is the same as the blood, giving people a very strange feeling!

The body of Yu Yu leaned toward Chu Mo, and even a little shivering, the voice trembled: "What is going on?"

Chu Mo shook his head and looked up at the **** moon in the sky, murmured: "I want to know too!"

The ten **** moons in the sky began to move gradually, like ten blood-colored discs, which flew together. Soon, the ten **** months, actually merged together to form a huge **** month!

This huge **** month exudes a demon red light, and suddenly, a voice!


This piece of emptiness, suddenly trembled.

"This is a living thing?" Chu Mo was shocked, the jade on his neck, but at this time... I don’t know how to make a living, the goal... Directly pointing to this **** month!

"You are crazy!" Chu Mo could not help but screamed: "I don't want you to die like this!"

"Who? Who is crazy?" Yu Yu looked at Chu Mo, because there are only two of them here. However, Chu Mo’s words are obviously not aimed at her, which makes Yu Yu’s heart more nervous.

"Nothing, just talk about it." Chu Mo's eyes, staring at the **** moon in the sky, the jade close to the chest, not only exudes a strong heat, but also passed to Chu Moyi Inciting emotions.

I didn’t tell Chu Mo directly - I have to eat it!

Chu Mo did not dare to move at all, his body shape, compared with that **** month, it is not even a dust!


At this moment, in the jade in the chest of Chu Mo, suddenly there was a burst of humming like a dragon!

A ray of light, even directly shot along the chest of Chu Mo, shot toward the huge **** moon in the sky!


The huge **** moon in the sky seemed to be frightened, and a strong humming sound was heard. The whole space was shivering, as if it might collapse at any time.

When the rain saw this light, the whole person was completely stunned, and there was a ray of light in the shackles. However, the light, quickly converge, but in the eyes, there are many complicated lights.

The light that hit the **** moon did not enter the huge **** moon.

The **** moon contracted instantly, but then... it began to swell insanely, almost in the blink of an eye, filling the whole piece of void.

Then, the **** moon in the void, gently shocked, and the endless starry sky in all directions began to tremble strongly.

This earthquake seems to collapse even the whole piece of void!


That **** month, once again shocked!

The radiance of the **** color is flourishing, and this vast and boundless void finally begins to violently collapse!

The **** light, suddenly came to the eyes of Chu Mo, Chu Mo even has a feeling, when he reaches out, he can meet this **** month!


The **** moon that has become extremely incomparable has exploded.

Then there is no more then.

Because Chu Mo directly fainted...

When Chu Mo opened his eyes and woke up, he found that he was still in the place where he had entered the portal before, but the rain had disappeared.

"What happened?" Chu Mo said something uncomfortable.

Recalling what happened before, I feel that there is still some confusion in my mind. Everything I saw today is all incredible, completely beyond the scope of Chu Mo's knowledge.

It is also a magical sky, a **** moon, and the light that shines from his jade.

And... At the last moment, the **** moon filled the entire space, and suddenly there was a burst.

Until now, Chu Mo did not figure out what happened.

Could it be said that this jade... is to take him to see an incomprehensible wonder?

"Right... what about rain?"

Chu ink sat up, a piece of paper, gently falling from him.

Chu Mo picked up, and only wrote a very simple words: "I have to leave a little beforehand, come back to look for you - rain."

"It turned out to be, okay, it wasn't for me to be thrown into the mysterious space." Chu Mo sighed, and in my heart... there was a feeling of loss.

Originally, he thought that this time he could help the rain, but he did not expect to experience such a thing.

But knowing that there was no accident in the rain, Chu Mo was relieved, looked up at the sky, a golden moon, hanging high over it, exuding the cold radiance.

Chu Mo took a deep breath: "Or this moon is beautiful!"

As he said, he entered the space of jade. When such a big thing happened, Chu Mo felt that there should be some change in the space of jade.

He guessed the beginning and went to fail to guess the ending.

After entering the space of jade, the whole person of Chu Mo completely stayed away.

In the space, not a slight change has occurred... but a huge change has taken place!

Although the space of the original jade was large, it was chaotic. Except for the big bluestone and the gray small tree, there was nothing.

But now, the first thing is that the space inside is a lot bigger, and there is a radius of hundreds of feet!

Such a large space, not to mention the daily necessities, even a big house ... are fully accommodated.

That bluestone is still there, God wants me, and it is placed on the bluestone. But next to God's will, there is still something!

That is... a knife!

A **** knife!

There is no scabbard, the blade is narrow, and at first glance it is thought to be a sword. Once again, it is found that it is a **** horizontal knife.

The fascinating red color is like blood flowing on it.

The above lines are also very complicated, like there is endless ignorance.

The **** blade is cold and exudes a fascinating light, so that Chu Mo suddenly thinks of the **** moon that he has just seen.

It’s just that he feels ridiculous. How can this **** horizontal knife, which suddenly appears in the jade space, be related to the **** month?

This knife seems to carry a magical power, and people can't help but want to pick it up.

Chu Mo cold eyes look at this knife, he has some resistance!

This resistance is instinctive, as if from the voice of the soul, tell him, don't take it!

A good knife, for a man... even a boy, has a fatal attraction, and Chu Mo is naturally difficult to exception.

So he didn't understand, what is his resistance to this instinct?

But it’s just a knife. What can I do if I take it?

Thinking this way, Chu Mo Shen read a slight movement, this knife was directly held in his hands.


There is no feeling of discomfort.

But Chu Mo seems to hear the depths of his soul, as if a sigh came.

Then... nothing happened.

The feeling of resistance has completely disappeared.

The next moment, Chu Mo's spiritual strength, withdrew from the space of jade.

The **** cross knife is already in his hands.

What surprised Chu Mo was that after the knife left the space of jade, it actually condensed all the blood color and turned it into bright silver!

"It's weird!" Chu Mo squatted, and sent the knife into the space of jade.

Upon returning to the space of jade, the **** horizontal knife will be exposed, and the blood of the demon will bloom. It seems that there is blood flowing.

After repeatedly trying a few times, Chu Mo finally determined that if he took it out, it would become a seemingly ordinary horizontal knife; if it was put back into the space of jade, it would show bleeding.

"Interesting!" Chu Moru won the treasure, he has seen too many weapons from childhood, this knife is a blow, Chu Mo knows, this is a peerless weapon!

The patterns above are all naturally formed, complex and versatile, and I do not know how many times of quenching can achieve this level.

At least, Chu Mo has never seen a forged blade of this degree.

"This knife... What is the name?" Chu ink frowned, trying to find the name of the forgeer on the knife.

A famous knife, the forge will definitely leave his own mark on it.

However, this knife... Chu Mo turned over and looked for a long time, but could not find any mark on the founder.

But in the position above the hand guard, Chu Mo found a small... **** month imprint!

The imprint is not big, hidden in the moiré of the blade, if you don't pay attention, it is even hard to find.

"Is it really related to that **** month?" Chu Mo was a little surprised.

Then he stared carefully at the **** mark to look at it. Just glanced at it, his head suddenly fainted, and his body was cold and cold, like falling into the ice!

Chu Mo stunned and woke up. The mouth was pumping and I didn't dare to look at the mark again.

Looking for the name of the founder, but in the end, I could not find it.

"This is not normal! Such a good knife... How could it be without a name?" Although its origins are very strange, Chu Mo dare to conclude that this must be a famous knife.

Any casting master who treats his own forged weapons is like treating his own children, even more than treating his own children!

How could you not give it a name?

Chu Mo's eyes turned, and the heart secretly said: "Jade... Show me this knife!"


Chu Mo suddenly felt that the foreground of the eye changed instantly, as if in a boundless blood sea, there is no second color between heaven and earth.

Only a bloody!

"Where is this?" Chu Mo's eyes wide open, feeling that breathing is very difficult.

Because this space is not only bloody, but also full of blood!

It seems that this endless blood sea is all accumulated by human blood!

The kind of exhalation sent out, so that Chu Mo almost collapsed.

At this time, a huge blood wave, rushing in, directly shot to Chu Mo, instantly drowned him.

Two **** words are reflected in his mind.



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