MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 41 One heart and two

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After a long time, Chu Mo finally came back to God, breathing heavily, like a drowning person who struggled to climb the shore.

His body was soaked and drenched, just like the one that was fished out of the water.

After a long while, Chu Mo touched a wet hair. It seemed to look at the **** horizontal knife in his hand and muttered: "As for what...I just want to know your name? I am so guilty of making such a **** scene to scare Me?"

"Oh my God... a fierce name!"

A cool breeze blew, Chu Mo stunned a little, grabbed the knife and said: "It seems that you are also a knife that has experienced **** killing, even telling me the way you name... all so different, If you are a little courageous, I am afraid that you will be scared to death directly."

Said, Chu Mo is going to put the sky up, after all, this kind of swaying smashing a peerless weapon, making him a little unaccustomed.

Just then, there was a sudden roar of screaming in the distance. Then, many people rushed in the direction of Chu Mo.

Chu Mo was a little surprised. When the subconscious looked up, he suddenly found out that the head behind him was half empty and he was blooming with incredible beauty!

Colorful, on the grassland of this moonlight night, can be seen through hundreds of miles.

"Mom!" Chu Mo couldn't help but swear, and turned and ran!

He didn't want to wait here, surrounded by a group of people. At that time, even if he had a hundred mouths, he couldn't explain it clearly. He was not torn by this group of people.

What makes Chu Mo speechless is that this stream of light... seems to be sent from him.

Because of his running, the beautiful light in the sky actually followed him.

"Moving...the light is moving!"

"Not good, treasures have to escape! Quickly chase!"

"That treasure has been born spiritual, and must not let it escape!"

"This is the territory of my big Qi State. Any treasures that appear here are affiliated with Daqi!"

"Roll your big Qi, stinking! This is the site of the elders of the moon!"

"What happened to the elders of the lunar month? Isn't it the king of the prairie? Everything on the prairie is owned by the prairie king court! The prairie king court has an indisputable sovereignty over everything here!"

"Hey! A group of ordinary people, if you dare to fight, this son doesn't mind smashing you all!"

Chu Mo heard that the last voice was actually sent by Leng Qiu-Ming.

The messy voices in front of them also made Chu Mo feel speechless. What big Qiguo, Prairie Wangting, and Elder of the Moon... all participated in this matter.

"I can't let this group of people catch it. Otherwise, it will definitely affect my next plan!" Chu Mo thought, then took a look at the beautiful streamer in the sky.

Can't help but complain in your heart: What do you say you are following me? This is swaying... I am afraid that others will not catch me?

At this time, Chu Mo also refused to take care of the other, stepped on his legs and ran wildly.

This kind of footwork that the lord passed to him, there were still some oysters, and did not fully reach the realm of integration.

However, this time, no suspense was thoroughly understood by Chu Mo.

Chu Mo has taken Haotian back into the space of jade, but the streamer in the sky still hangs over his head, and the ghost is not scattered!

The group of people in the back, like crazy, screamed and chased.

In the end, Chu Mo directly held the Yuanshi in both hands, while rushing to the footwork, while still improving the gait in the footwork; while running the full meaning of God, I was crazy to absorb the power of the Yuanshi.

One heart and two!

This kind of situation can be encountered for any one of the warriors.

Under such tremendous pressure, Chu Mo did not know it!

It’s just that Chu Mo is completely unaware of this, and he has a thought in his mind: Run! Can't let this group of people see their true colors! Can't be caught by them!

"What kind of treasure is this? How to run so fast? I think I am getting farther and farther away from it!" said Leng Qiu-ming, who was next to the oriental white and Yu Zonghou.

Both Oriental Bai and Yu Zonghou are also puzzled. Yu Zonghou said: "I have never heard of such treasures..."

"Psychic treasures will fly away, I have heard of this, but the treasures are a glimpse of the moment, disappearing instantly."

"Can this... seems to be deliberately teasing us?"

Oriental White nodded: "I also have this feeling."

If these words are heard by Chu Mo, they will definitely look at them.

"The ghost wants to tease you to play!"

However, in the eyes of Leng Qiuming and others, this is indeed the feeling. Leng Qiu-ming frowned and said: "Is it... this treasure is testing us in this way? See if we can stick to the end?"

Yu Zonghou muttered: "There is this possibility!"

Oriental Bai said: "The stone in my body is enough!"

"Catch!" Leng Qiu-ming gnawed his teeth and chased it down the stream.

Behind the three of them, there are many people from Daqi, Wang Ting, and elders of the moon.

Although I dare not confront this group of disciples, I am not willing to give up. What if the treasure chooses them?

Especially the people on the side of Daqi, the most annoyed in my heart. Although this grassland is not a land of great Qi, it has long been regarded by them as a bag. This place was first discovered by the people of their big Qi.

As a result, I don’t know who has leaked the wind, but it has attracted so many people.

If there are not three disciples, the Daqi group has enough confidence to get this treasure.

But now... it’s not so optimistic.

"If I knew who was leaking the wind... I must kill him personally!" A handsome young man carrying a strangely shaped bow, sinking like a water, riding on a horse, staring at him With that dazzling light, muttered: "This treasure, I must get it, it must be mine! Hey, what about the disciples? I am Jiang Qiuyang...and the same disciple!"

Chu Mo ran wildly on the grassland, and he did not dare to run to the palace of Princess Po Lin, which is to tell everyone his identity.

You can only run in the direction away from the palace, and at the same time secretly in your heart: broken knife... is it enough? Still don't put the light of the group on me! If you show up again, I will throw you away in a while! Don't you still have to die?

Nowadays, Chu Mo also knows how much it is. The ray of light on the top of the head is in all likelihood.

Because before this, but nothing!

It is strange to say that Chu Mo’s heart is screaming in the heart, and he is going to throw the scorpion, and the light on the top of his head is slowly getting lighter.

Chu Mo was very happy, and said: "Hurry up, all of them are scattered, make such a big move, want to kill me?"

The speed at which the ray of light scatters...slightly faster.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Chu Mo urged, in his heart at the same time belly: a knife only ... who made such a big show to whom? Can you install it too?

Chu Mo is happy here, but Leng Qiu-Ming and others, all of them are like being poured cold water, and watching the sky only a few dozen miles away from them, the light gradually dissipated.

Cold Tyumen's face is green!

Yu Zonghou and Oriental White's face are not very good looking.

Since getting this news, this group of people has come to this grassland, looking for it, and offending people who may have a great background.

Until today, the treasure is finally born!

But it ran...

If you run faster, there is nothing.

For example, if you are shocked, you will go away. Everyone can only feel regret at the most, but also feel a little gratified: although I didn't get it, but others didn't get it... I think it will be a lot more comfortable, and in the future, I can talk about it as a talk and talk to the younger generation. .

But this is not the same now!

Not to mention that they are three, even the latter group of people, all have an idea, that is: they all feel that they have the opportunity to get this treasure!

Although the speed of escape is very fast, it has been in their sight and has not left.

Almost everyone is convinced that as long as they persist in themselves, they will be able to get this treasure, at least... surely can see its true content!

But now...the sky is like a lighthouse, giving them a brilliant light.

Actually... scattered!

"What a fuck!" The man of a prairie king court couldn't help but yell at him and gnawed his teeth: "This treasure has nothing to do with us... withdraw!"

Dozens of rides, a smoke from the moon directly left.

A group of elders over there, coldly glanced at the direction of the cavalry, and the one who was headed sneered: "It’s a good job to run, you are smart!"

This group of people on the big Qi side does not want to give up. They look for the longest time and pay the most.

So, even if the light is gone, they don't want to give up.

Jiang Qiuyang said coldly: "Continue to find! Even if you dig three feet... please find out for me!"

The foremost Leng Qiuming and Yu Zonghou and the Oriental White three are facing each other and looking at the sky that has completely disappeared. I don't know if I should continue to pursue it.

"At least... let's take a look at the place where the light is dim, maybe, what can be gained." Yu Zonghou said.

Oriental White nodded: "Maybe, it’s going down to the ground!"

Leng Qiu-ming’s eyes lit up: “It makes sense, go!”

Three figures, rushing toward it at high speed.

Chu Mo saw the light on his head finally disappeared, and his heart suddenly sighed, and then he thought about it, took a big circle on the grassland, headed for the way... and folded back!

Because, that horse... still there!

The **** horse is very smart, Chu Mo estimates that it should not be lost.

In the daytime, I rode it out of the palace of Princess Baolian. If the person goes back, the horse is gone, and it will definitely cause doubts from others.

Chu Mo did not know that after the light dissipated, the group of people behind did not give up, still looking for crazy.

However, even if you know, Chu Mo will laugh at the most, saying: "Live it!"

Chu Mo is also galloping all the way, both hands are always holding the two yuan stones. God wants me to stop working.

As the stone continues to be absorbed, the place where the heavens and the earth are drawn away will become ordinary stones.

When Chu Mo returned to the place where he was separated from the **** horse, the two pieces of stone that were enough for him to reply twenty times... Each piece was basically a little half, and it was turned into an ordinary stone!

Chu Mo mouth corner pumped, distressed shouted: "A little defeated..."

The **** horse did not go far, quietly waiting there, seeing Chu Mo, but also very intimately put his head in the Chu Mo Huai arched a few times.

Chu Mo took a **** horse's head and smiled and said: "True!"

Turn over the horse and run wild.

On the way back, I hunted a few rabbits and pheasants...


Today's second more! Is there a ticket for the recommendation?