MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 188

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Jogo's words sounded modest, but even Skadi, who mainly fights with cold weapons and doesn't know much about the principles of Agor's science and technology, knows that he can directly transition from the test machine to the official production volume in half a month. Production machine, what is your aunt's abnormal R&D speed? ?

To be honest, if Skadi gets rid of all her inner emotions and becomes an out-and-out deep-sea Agor racist, she probably wants to kill the doctor now to avoid future troubles.

Of course, the premise is that Titi can find out where the doctor himself is. She still thought that Shark Pepper was just a mecha vehicle controlled remotely by the doctor with his skills, and never thought that she was actually lying in the doctor's mouth. with.

Afterwards, Skadi pondered for a long time, how to guide the deep-sea Agor people not to misunderstand Rhodes Island, but this kind of strategic issue is obviously not something that she can figure out alone. Skadi is just a "deep-sea beauty team". Not "Nick Fury."

Just when Titi's mind was about to turn into a dead end, and she almost forgot the original purpose of her trip, the doctor's voice from above her head finally woke her up.

"I can already see the ruins of a harbor in the distance. According to the map, it should be Saltwind City. If the ghost shark is really in Saltwind City as you said, then prepare quickly, we are going to land. "

"Ah... oh, good doctor, I'm ready."

Skadi, who just broke free from the mess in her mind, seemed a little confused. As soon as she finished speaking, her hands began to undress herself as if she was sleepwalking, but she took off her clothes so calmly and skillfully, even The small space of the Shark Pepper manned mecha, which can only be driven on the stomach, did not hinder her hand speed.

When Qiao Ge realized it, she had even taken off her shirt, which reminded him involuntarily of a book he had read backwards in the list of "18 World Masterpieces that Middle School Students Must Read" recommended by the Chinese teacher in junior high school .

'The western part of the Great Swamp is connected to an endless body of water. In the waters, there is a kind of whale with delicate skin and a woman's head and body. They often use their huge **** to lure sailors and make them lose their way.

— "One Hundred Years of Solitude"'

"Hey, hello??? What are you doing, Skadi!"

Although Jogo has experienced many big scenes, he has never seen such a thing as a big Lailai killer whale **** in his mouth, so that his voice from the communicator began to be distorted and distorted. Shark Pepper's course was suddenly turned seventy or eighty degrees.

"Ah? Didn't you tell me to go ashore, Doctor?"

"It's going ashore, not 'going into the sea'! Why are you stripping naked!?"

"Because the identity of the Agors is very sensitive in Iberia, especially for the deep-sea Agors, so in order to avoid trouble, I have to take off this hunter outfit and pretend to be a land-based Agor who has no force. "

Skadi took out a red 'bard' suit from her carry-on bag as she spoke. Obviously, she had prepared it long ago, but this couldn't conceal the fact that she was lying naked in Jogo's mouth.

By the way, although the material carrying Skatiskati is some kind of metal, it is also the "flesh and blood" that makes up the silicon-based life of Cybertron. This shows that...Jogo has a sense of touch on it of.

He doesn't deny that the reason for this design is to steal a little chick, how can a man not have seductive thoughts? But he never expected that he would steal the magic chicken of Tianji Province by accident.

Originally, it was just a small advantage through the clothes, and there was no essential difference between driving a motorcycle with the chest on the back, but now it was tantamount to directly "licking" Titi naked.


"What happened, doctor?"

Skadi, who was wearing a red suit, suddenly heard the doctor's voice as if he was suppressing some kind of "anger" from above his head, and immediately raised his head to ask with concern, but the doctor didn't have time to answer her specially.

Because I'm doing geometry math problems.

"No, I can't bear it anymore, sorry Titi, get ready!"

"Huh? What are you going to prepare..."

Skadi hadn't finished speaking when he saw the shark chilli mecha suddenly raised its head and tilted the shark's big mouth towards the sky, and then... bang!

"Shark pepper, emergency ejection mode!"

? ? ?

Skadi, who was full of confusion, was sent to the sky by a surging wave of Coca-Cola, and smashed towards the outer wall of Yanfeng City not far away along a parabola.

"Sharknado destroys parking lot!"

Of course, Jogo would not just ignore her like this, but turned into a mechanical shark immediately after the ejection, and then jumped up from the water, and began to use the fins and top fins as propellers to spin horizontally at high speed like a tornado, He rushed towards the previously calculated Skadi drop point.

But if it was just like this, he would probably only collide violently with Skadi in mid-air, so after using this form to accumulate enough sprint speed, he decisively chose another plan.

"Shark Pepper, activate the super transformation form!"


When Skadi was about to fall to the ground, she was suddenly embraced by a pair of cold and steady arms, and then landed like a siege-level mortar shell.

However, all the impact force was miraculously absorbed by the owner of these arms, and then it was quickly introduced into the ground. A spider web crack with a radius of more than ten meters suddenly appeared, and the momentum was extremely amazing, but no one was hurt...

Except for the two innocent "onlookers" who ate ashes, the only one who did not eat ashes was the Grand Inquisitor because he wore a mask.

"Are you all right, Skadi, is there anything wrong?"

"I'm fine, doctor, you really are, why can't you play this kind of acrobatics in advance... ah!"

Skadi probably got used to the doctor enjoying the whole job if he had nothing to do, so he only complained as if he was being played by a friend as a harmless prank.

But when she turned her head to look at the person hugging her, her pupils constricted and shook violently, as if the fifteen or sixteen-year-old Huaichun girl saw the dream lover on the poster beside her bed for the first time.

In this regard, Dr. Shark Pepper returned her a smile with an emoticon that fully displayed the health of the teeth on the electronic screen on his chest.


Chapter 527 Orangutan Captain? It's Captain Shark Pepper now!

If the movement just now can be regarded as a prank game between two vigorous seafood for Skadi and Dr. Shark Pepper, then for the "crowd" who watched the whole process of the Dapudi missile and the battle sharknado That's not the case at all.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be a high-ranking public official of a violent Iberian institution and see "siege shells" beckoning to his head in his own country?

Although the work of defending against foreign enemies should theoretically belong to the punishment army, and the trial court is responsible for internal supervision and review, law enforcement and other work, but the only punishment army present is still a "traitor", obviously it can't be counted on.

What's more, the opponent is not just as simple as a cannonball, but an Agor who is so strong that he can use himself as a cannonball, and an Agor who catches the cannonball with his hand and is not injured...Let's treat him as a person first, shall we? Because even the experienced Grand Inquisitor has never seen such a thing.

The other party was wearing a knight technology armor that looked like Casimir, but the appearance was obviously in the style of the Deep Sea Argor, but as a great judge who knew part of the history of "Great Tranquility", he knew that the Deep Sea Argor was particularly annoying. wear armor.

It is the nature of the Agors to like to be in direct contact with seawater. Their biggest hobby is "naked swimming". Wearing clothes is mainly to slow down the rate of skin moisture loss.

If it wasn't for city defense and combat needs, the Agors in the sea would not even be willing to wear combat uniforms. This is why Skadi expressed extreme incomprehension about such things as swimsuits on land. The aesthetic reason convinced her.

Of course, just a verbal explanation will definitely not allow Titi to deliberately subvert the tradition and change into a swimsuit. There must be a pure orca transaction behind this, such as bribing her for a year to create it with the fusion of "giant hydra"... the red killer whale doll .

Just when the Grand Inquisitor was on full alert because he really couldn't figure out where the other party came from, Dr. Shark Pepper, who was holding Skadi with his arms at full output, was also scanning the three people in front of him with electronic eyes.

Fuck! Isn't this the white-skinned doom day, the master of the head and the black-skinned man, the sea urchin and chicken wing guy who looks like everyone else? Yes, he is a swordsman who uses the supreme Iberian technique, and of course he is also an Iberian.

Under Qiao Ge's eager gaze, Thorn suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if he had the illusion that his head and body were separated in an instant.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't see the electronic eye hidden behind the red lens of Dr. Shark Pepper, so that he couldn't judge the source of the chill, Thorn might have been unable to resist throwing his own neurotoxin at Jogo.

As for the other two except Thorn, Qiao Ge can recognize the identity of the judge from the clothing and weapons, because this image is often seen in games with Western fantasy backgrounds, and it is also true in the history of another world Existing profession, witch hunter.

It's just that those witch hunters hired by the Inquisition to hunt down witches are much lower than the Iberian judges. Full-time witch hunters are no different from bounty hunters. They have no official status at all, unless they are clerics. witch hunter.

But the judge is different, that is the ultimate form of Jinyiwei that integrates the police, national security, and judges.

Heavy codes are only used in troubled times. When such a monster centralized organization appears in a country, it can be seen that it must have a serious illness. On the day when the trial court cannot suppress it, other surrounding countries will definitely be affected.

Theoretically, what kind of **** Iberia will become has nothing to do with Jogo, but he already has "bo" love in his heart, and he will definitely not tolerate a thing that may explode at any time in the future to interfere with Rhodes Island's expansion plan.

It's just that the current enemy should be Hai Si who is ready to move, so before Jogo has time to correct the fanatical minds of these religious converts, he can use other methods to delay the outbreak of Iberia's chronic disease.

So when the atmosphere at the scene was about to freeze, Jogo first gently put down Skadi who had been staring at him blankly, and then walked over to say hello.

"Hi, carbon-based natives, I'm Boshi from the planet Cybertron...cough, the Autobot sent the Beastman Giant Vanguard, Captain Shark Pepper! I'm currently being ordered to support the front line of a planet named Terra , Does anyone of you know the interstellar route to Terra?"


Even the Grand Inquisitor, who has personally dealt with all kinds of difficult criminals in his career and has extremely rich experience in dealing with emergencies, was stunned by Dr. Shark Pepper's words at this time.

It's not that he can't understand, but because he can barely understand.

Even though almost all aspects of Iberia are controlled by religious forces, there is still one place that is considered enlightened, and that is the field of science and technology.

Perhaps it is the desire to regain the glory and power of the golden age. Even the most fanatical punishment army runs many scientific research institutes. This is the only way for the Argors on land to gain status in Iberia. is to become a researcher.

For example, Thorn, he is a neuropharmacist who also specializes in swordsmanship.

So even if the Grand Inquisitor is not a researcher himself, he and his subordinates are responsible for monitoring and reviewing a lot of cutting-edge scientific and technological information. If you have never eaten pork, you should have seen pigs running. He must understand most of the basic scientific concepts.

It’s just that what Qiao Ge said just now is too sci-fi. Even if it is replaced by the “omniscient lynx”, I’m afraid it will take several brains to figure it out. Of course, this great judge took more time.

It wasn't until Dr. Shark Pepper's domineering, muscular and streamlined body came up to him that the Grand Inquisitor suddenly woke up, because at such a close distance, even with his sharp eyesight, he couldn't find any traces or evidence from the other party. To prove that this is just a wearable armor.

Unless he directly welded this equipment to his body, the only remaining possibility was a real high-level intelligent mechanical life.

"Hello, Shark from Cybertron...Captain Pepper Shark, I am Bernadine Kiyana, Grand Inquisitor of Iberia. Although I cannot fully understand your specific question, there is one thing I can do To answer you clearly, the planet you are stepping on now is called Terra in our mouth."

Because he was worried about annoying this seemingly extremely high-tech alien robot in front of him, Bernadine almost gritted his teeth and said Captain Shark Pepper, which is a strange name no matter how you think about it, in case this is a unique custom on this planet. Woolen cloth?

As for Jogo, he almost laughed out loud when he heard the Grand Inquisitor's surname.

Pfft...what's the matter, you are also full of milk?

But when the inner complaints return to the complaints, Qiao Ge's superb acting skills will not be so slack.

"What! This is Terra? Wait... Could it be that this pile of **** is Terra Saltwind City?!"

The tone of Dr. Shark Pepper was full of shock at the sudden change, and he even discarded the mighty demeanor just now, and pointed to the wall of Yanfeng City to ask questions eagerly, which made Bernard confused. There was an ominous premonition.

"That's right, this is Saltwind City. May I ask Captain Shark Pepper, do you have any questions?"

"What a **** problem! It must be the cockroach bully that idiot blew up my locator settings! Otherwise, how could I have traveled to the timeline a few years ago!?"


Chapter 528 In short, put a setting here first, and then start my performance

Except for Skadi, who was quietly behind Dr. Shark Pepper, who was quietly in front of her beautiful whale background board, everyone else looked at Jogo performing stand-up comedy alone with a bewildered face.

I saw him swearing sweetly from croaking frog to scorpion Lailai for a while, then took out some unknown instrument from the small refrigerator on his abdominal muscle and fiddled with it, and then threw it on the ground and stomped it on the ground angrily. A few feet were trampled, and it seemed that it could not be repaired.

Don't ask why Shark Pepper also has a small refrigerator for abdominal muscles, it is actually the "oil tank" of the Coke engine, so all Rhode Island machines powered by Coke have their own beverage cooling and storage functions, because of the energy conversion rate of iced Coke higher.

Although Bernardin tried to analyze the nonsense of Dr. Shark Pepper's self-venting by running his brain computing power at full speed, it was still because of the IQ gap between the two of them in terms of ideological realm and number of brain pits. The huge gap, ultimately in vain.

The only accurate information he can obtain immediately is...

Sure enough, the names of the Cybertronians are all weird. In comparison, Shark Pepper is already very powerful and domineering. At least one can imagine that he is a violent and strong man with a bad temper.

Before Bernard could figure out how to deal with this alien visitor, Dr. Shark Pepper, who was jumping like a leopard just now, suddenly stopped moving, hugging the sides of his head with his hands and howling in anger.


Immediately afterwards, Dr. Shark Chili came back to Bernardin in a flash, but this time he grabbed his collar and lifted him up with one hand.

"You, stupid and weak carbon-based native, tell me which year is this year in the Cybertron calendar!"

At this time, Dr. Shark Pepper's aura is completely different from the superficially polite attitude just now, just like a biochemically modified shark that breaks free from the laboratory in a horror movie, and turns around to reveal his **** mouth, ready to kill those who once imprisoned him. The people are all torn.

In the face of the oppressive feeling of this ancient shark's ferocious selection of people, even Bernardin would feel as if he was drowning and suffocating, not to mention that he wanted to rescue the mentor in his mind, but his hands were trembling so much that he could not even pull out his gun The trainee judge Eleni is not coming out.

"Long, sir!"

Of course, this must be because Jogo has used the domineering look, but the actual purpose is not to fight Bernard, but to enrich the personality of Shark Pepper.

After all, you have to do a full set of performances. Only artists who pay attention to details can perfect the performance, so that the audience can't refuse it.

"…I do not understand what you are saying."

At this time, Bernadine was completely convinced that Dr. Shark Pepper was not disguised by a Terran. As a senior member of the Iberian Tribunal, he was probably one of the people who knew the most secrets of Terra today, but he had never Nothing similar to "Captain Pepper Shark" has been heard of.

Just because there is no trace of source stones or innate spells, the ability to make oneself feel like being in the high pressure of the deep sea and even make it extremely difficult to act purely by momentum is no longer feasible for the Terrans he knows, it can only be Repression from the species class.

"How dare you... Oh, by the way, you stupid carbon-based native probably doesn't understand the cybertan calendar, what about the solar calendar? What about the solar calendar? What about the sidereal calendar? What about the earth calendar? Fuck! I don't understand, what do you know!"

Bernadine consciously couldn't laugh or cry, who the **** would understand what you said! ? I'm not a Cybertronian, and I haven't even been out of the planet Terra!

In the entire Terra, perhaps only one person who has witnessed passing through the planet's atmosphere can answer the question. No one knows where the man who is as powerful as the ruler of the planet is now.

Actually... the man in front of you is the hot guy himself.

However, Bernadine calmed down at this time, because he was very experienced in dealing with vicious criminals. Even though his own life might be in danger, he also used this to analyze the character and behavior characteristics of "Captain Shark Pepper".

That is extremely irritable and unreasonable, with a strong desire to control, but a simple mind and no city power. He only needs to find what he cares about, and he may be able to easily guide his actions. Therefore, before finding a "weakness" that he can take advantage of, it is best to be Xu Yu pretended to be obedient.

"If you must answer, I only know that it is June 28, 1097 in the Terran calendar. I wonder if this will satisfy Captain Shark Pepper?"

"Satisfied ass! I don't know what the **** is the Terra calendar... Forget it, MD, how about it, do you know what's going on in this big mess called Saltwind City, I need to know the exact information!"

"...I just received a report that a cult organization suspected of distorting our country's teachings used the ruins of Yanfeng City as a cover to recruit refugees for brainwashing. The specific situation has not yet been investigated in detail. Why don't you give me half a day, Captain Shark Pepper, and I will pay you back A complete answer."

Since Shark Pepper's personality is irritable, he definitely can't wait for this long time. Fortunately, when Jogo was considering whether to give Bernard an old punch first to let him see what is black and white, the thorns not far away He took the initiative to stand up and saved the ribs of the Grand Inquisitor.

"I know who is hiding in Yanfeng City. They are the Church of the Deep Sea. Although the believers who have appeared before are obviously from the land, they are full of twisted malice originating from Haisi. Maybe they want to take advantage of it. What plots are the Iberian vagrants plotting over land."

Although Thorn was born on land and has never been to the deep sea, he is born with a talent for insight that is sharper than the average deep-sea Agor... To put it bluntly, he is the receiver of the "Voice of the Deep Sea" riddle channel and Strong cracking ability.

He had vaguely noticed who those Hai Si were really calling, so while telling the information he knew, he glanced at Skadi intentionally or unintentionally from the corner of his eye.

Titi, who was just busy sucking dried squid to replenish her strength for the possible subsequent battle, didn't want to talk to him at all.

Grand Judge Bernadine's face was extremely livid under the mask at this time, because he knew who the culprit of the Great Tranquility disaster was. He knew very well what it meant to be targeted by Hai Si.