MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 189

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Although Iberia has developed an "emergency treatment facility" that can heal Haizi's nerve damage to a certain extent, they can only passively defend against Haizi, and cannot launch any effective counterattack against Haizi who is basically stationed on the seabed.

And relying on the cultivation and evolution speed of low-level cannon fodder-level sea descendants, this war is equivalent to using the resources of Iberia alone to fight against the resources of most of the ocean.

There is no doubt that this has no chance of winning, just like a terminal lung cancer patient who has not received any training trying to consume the physical strength of a top professional boxer in the boxing ring to win.

But just when Bernardin was worried, Shark Pepper's wild laughter suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Hahaha, ahahahahaha! It turns out that this is the time when Haisi has not yet evolved into an interstellar swarm. Post it, post it, my uncle has developed!

As long as I annihilate them all here in advance, I will be a well-deserved hero of the universe. All giant primitive beasts will submit to me. Megatron is only worthy of licking my fins, and Qingtian Sheng can only be my mount. ! "

Here, Qingtian Sheng and Megatron both come from the work "Super Warrior" with the same source as Transformers, or "Beast Man". Qingtian Sheng is the title of the giant general orangutan captain in Cybertron, and Megatron is the original beast leader Tyrannosaurus rex who stole the title of the original Megatron.

Apparently, in Dr. Shark Pepper's crazy performance, Bernadine has already sketched out the prototype of an interstellar war in his mind, and he doesn't care who these people are, he only needs to know "Captain Shark Pepper" "'s long-cherished wish is to make great achievements in battle, and then use it to climb to the top of Cybertron's power.

And it seems that under the arrangement of wonderful fate, the enemies of Iberia and Cybertron are also surprisingly the same, that is, Hai Si, who was inexplicably covered by Jogo as a cosmic scapegoat.

Chapter 529 Tu Longbo will not become a dragon, he will only become a dragon knight

(In the previous chapter, a few paragraphs were added after "Megatron is only worthy of being my mount". Pong friends who missed it too early can go back and refresh the chapter.)

Whether Haizi will evolve into an interstellar zerg that harms the universe in the future, Bernard can't control it, and he doesn't care, anyway, the current Haizi's landing is enough to directly collapse their Iberia, it's just time to resist Long and short.

But the situation is different now, as long as they can get the strong support in front of them to wipe out the sea descendants for them, Iberia will be peaceful, and the blue sky on land will be there!

As for why he deliberately strives for what "Captain Shark Pepper" is going to do, it is of course because he is greedy for the interstellar technology of the Cybertronians. A few random parts may help Iberia return to the top.

If you can take this opportunity to help the other party achieve the power ambitions of Cybertron, even if Iberia's role in it is very smiling, as long as you make them happy and comfortable, a straightforward and rough character like Shark Pepper, Maybe he would take them with him and ascend to heaven together.

Thinking of this, Bernadine looked at Dr. Shark Pepper with more eager eyes, as if standing in front of him was not a highly dangerous alien alien at all, but returned to his hometown after being separated for many years and becoming the richest man in the world dear father.

However, Eleni, who is only a trainee judge, doesn't understand the twists and turns behind it. The reason why she became a judge is to maintain the "righteousness and justice" of Iberia, and she doesn't realize that she is just become a tool in the hands of the powerful.

Bernard must be very clear about Eleni's thoughts, so he brought her out alone as a deputy to help deal with the incident of the cult organization in Yanfeng City, in order to let her see the reality in front of her and make a choice between ideals and reality. In the end, he became the same person as himself, the great judge.

It's just that before even entering the city gate, Bernard's gaze has been misunderstood by Eleni. It turns out that the mentor and officer I yearn for... have this kind of habit! ?

The anaconda Zumama is an expert!

But the young girl doesn't understand Dr. Shark Pepper's good, it's no wonder she, after all, apart from the special XP, it needs to be a woman of a certain age with rich life experience to know a thing or two.

Of course, girls swimming in the sea are not suitable for this one, they only need to take a look at it and they are probably already wet...

I mean that the skin of the Agor people will become more moist when they are excited, which is convenient for the full play of body functions. This is the same as the secretion of adrenaline to speed up metabolism in a crisis situation. It belongs to the instinct of survival.

Anyway, you just really listen.

"Captain Shark Pepper Your Excellency, I was deeply moved when I heard about your ambition. Hai Si is also our Iberia's life and death enemy. Please allow me to serve you with my meager strength."

Dr. Shark Pepper knew he was hooked as soon as he heard Bernard's words, but experienced fishermen would never rush to pull the rod, but continued to pretend to be pulled until it was estimated that the Decepticon battleship Retribution would be directly fired into the main gun. Hang Yang, who set fire, said in a disdainful tone.

"It's up to you? Hehe, what can you do? In the future, if you weak and stupid carbon-based creatures don't allow sea descendants to grow and let them eat away the life genes of the entire planet Terra and get upgraded and evolved, where would there be a need for cyberspace?" Tanzan army to deal with the mess here?"

Facts have proved that the more Dr. Shark Pepper refuses and the more contemptuous his attitude towards him, the more Bernadine is sure of his previous inference, and of course, the more shameless he wants to stick to other people's cold ass, and he doesn't care about it at all. He will personally destroy his image in the eyes of apprentice Ai Lini.

Because in his opinion, this is saving the country of Iberia, and sacrificing personal dignity for this is even an honor. He cannot say what he thinks of the governments of the countries around the Pacific Ocean in Jogo’s original world. Similar, can only be said to be exactly the same.

"It is true that as you said, we will bear unshirkable responsibility for the disasters caused by Haisi in the future, and that is precisely because we are too weak, but it is different now, the mighty Captain Shark Pepper Your Excellency will bring us courage, and we will repay your life-saving grace with loyalty."

As soon as Bernadine said this, except for Skadi who didn't care about him, the other three people including Jogo were all shocked.

Regardless of whether the future sea descendants really exterminated the life of Terra to evolve, the Iberians are obviously also victims, why should you alone admit that we are guilty on behalf of all the Iberians?

This is almost the same argument that the main responsibility of the QJ case lies in the fact that the women wore too little clothes, and that the guilt of Da Jing Mi was blamed on Lu Agoer who provoked the hatred of Haisi and other victims. The only difference is that this time the The blamed victims even included himself.

How shameless to criticize the face, it is completely a textbook-like Iberian traitorous speech, but Bernadine firmly believes that the only way to save Iberia is that he hypnotized himself.

"Hey, what you said makes sense. Although Hai Si have not evolved yet, there are a large number of them, and the only person here who accidentally travels through time and space is me, Shark Pepper. It is definitely not a day's work to completely eliminate them. I really need you The allegiance of these natives.

How about this, you will serve as the liaison officer under my command. In short, I will warn you, the leader of Ishaya, that you must fully strengthen the defense against Haisi. Human head supplies and evolutionary genes, I will simply kill you to avoid future troubles!

Oh, and, I am no longer the captain, call me General! "

"Understood, my lord general, I will do it right away! This is a special trial pass signed by the Iberia Grand Judge. With this pass, you can pass freely in most parts of Iberia. There is nowhere to go to the reader, but at least it can be used to avoid the troublesome harassment of some ignorant people, please accept it!"

When Bernard offered the pass to Dr. Shark Pepper with both hands, the image of him and the trial court had already collapsed in the heart of the trainee judge Alini. The need for power.

As for the thorns, although he can understand Bernadine's choice to a certain extent, the victim's guilt theory just now really poked an unhealed wound in his heart, and the lingering nostalgia for Iberia before has also disappeared. At the moment nothing remains.


In the end, Bernard must have left Saltwind City with Eleni and returned to the trial court. After all, reporting such an important and bizarre matter to the higher authorities must be done by him, the chief judge, in order to win people's trust.

He really wanted Eleni to stay instead of him and continue to increase the favor of Dr. Shark Pepper, but Bernadine could easily see the changes in Eleni's heart. In order to prevent her from accidentally offending her with inner conflicts, So he had to take her with him.

Of course, Bernadine understands that unless he uses extreme means to brainwash Alini, his trainee judge training plan will be considered a complete failure. Potential young Inquisitor, insignificant.

Now there is only Thorn left here to face Dr. Shark Pepper and Skadi alone. He could have slipped away as if nothing happened, but after thinking for a while, knowing that his life might be in danger, he took the initiative to lean over.

"Master Shark Pepper General, I used to belong to the Iberia Punishment Army, but now I am a traitor. May I ask you whether it is true to say that you want to completely eliminate Hai Si?"

Thorn originally thought that the other party would jump like a leopard and yell, "You stupid carbon-based native dare to question Lao Tzu", but he never expected that Dr. Shark Pepper suddenly reached out and hooked him very familiarly Standing up, even the tone of voice is different from Hoshiguma and Myrtle just now.

It's like... the two buddies who "frankly" met in the bathhouse in the northeast of Yanguo.

"Hey, little brother, I see that you have amazing bones and talents. Are you interested in coming to me to find a new body... cough, looking for new development opportunities? Young team, good treatment, free food and housing, flexible working system, flat There is a lot of room for improvement.”

Chapter 530 Under the tide, konoSharkChilida!

The embarrassed Thorn never expected to get such an answer, especially because the overpowering arm of the vicious shark Dr. Pepper was hooking his arm, which made him feel like a beast being held in the palm of his hand and ready to go. Positive little chick.

You have to know, that is the super high output power gripper arm that can hold Skadi! Strong and powerful, strong and powerful, the mere thorns are just sea urchins on the feet!

It's just a little **** the soles of the feet.

"You, are you kidding me? Does Cybertron need carbon-based people like me?"

"What Cybertron? Who told you about Cybertron? Cybertron is such an inconvenience!"

The whole sea urchin with thorns was stunned by Dr. Shark Pepper's series of rhetorical questions, but this seemed reasonable, after all, he had just told Bernardin that he needed some indigenous people.

"If Lord Shark Pepper needs an Agor like me to go into the sea to help wipe out Hai Si, although I agree with my wishes, I am afraid that my ability will disappoint you.

Because I don’t know how many generations of land-based Argors I am. The scorching sun and dry air made me what I am now, and I have long since lost the qualification to go to the deep sea. Can swim more. "

Thorn is not looking for a reason to retreat, but just explaining the facts. Few people on the land can understand the harm to Haisi better than him, who listens to "Deep Sea Radio" at the beach all day long. Maybe this is also the reason. One of the reasons why he decided to leave Iberia.

However, Thorn understands that escaping cannot solve the problem, so his next plan is to look for organizations and forces that can give him the opportunity to solve the problem thoroughly, such as going to a pharmaceutical company with abundant martial arts to try his luck. Physicians and neuropharmacists fit very well.

As for Captain Shark Pepper, even though he seems to be very powerful, Thorn doesn't think he can deal with Haisi by himself, not to mention that he put almost all the myrtle treasures of "Pride and Defeat" in place just now Plugged it in again.

"Can you stop talking to yourself, little brother, what do I want you to do in the sea!? But if you really want to go to the sea, I can introduce you to Dosores to benefit those hungry rich women. It's just about the body The demand is a bit high, because kidney deficiency will always happen after you get rich overnight."


something is wrong with you!

Thorns finally realized some kind of problem. Even the "sea urchin carapace" had degenerated, and a bunch of thorn-like hair protruded abruptly from the top of his head, and then bent into a huge question mark.

How can a combat madman who just came from an alien planet be able to say this kind of witty words that are extremely proficient in Terra's "customs and customs"?

And you're a robot, hey! How on earth did you know so much about the reproduction process of us carbon-based natives? ? Is it possible...

Thorn then involuntarily moved his gaze down to the little shark head on the waist of Dr. Shark Pepper. Combined with the raised straddle device below, he very much suspected that this was not just a decoration like a belt buckle, but had a certain kind of practical.

It can't be like a toy that pops out with the voice "I have a snake in my pants!" after pressing the switch! ?


When some kind of "super robot war" scene of sparks flying and engine oil flying flashed in Thorn's mind, he couldn't help but gasped. Sure enough, such "advanced life forms" were still too much for the natives of Terra. early.

Even when Dr. Shark Pepper noticed Thorn's subtle eyes, instead of making any excuses, he proudly raised his hips with his hands on his hips.


Ah ah ah! Replace me with a brain that has never imagined such a strange picture!

Just when the thorn was about to disintegrate itself, fortunately, although Skadi didn't care about the Iberian judge, he still had some sympathy for a land-based Agor fellow, especially the other party was very likely to become Rhodes in the future. island staff.

How could she not know that this was Dr. Joe's routine molestation before recruiting the talents he valued. Even Skadi herself is the "big sister" who has undergone this special ceremony, and Thorn will shout loudly when she sees her The talking kind.

"Doctor, since the two judges have left, you should stop teasing him, didn't you agree to accompany me to pick up the ghost shark?"

"Ah! Look at me, a fool, I almost forgot about business as soon as I entered the state of acting. You, little brother, stand up obediently."

Jogo slapped himself on the back of the head as if suddenly enlightened, and then two red lights shot out from his eyes and scanned Thorn's upper body. Just as Thorn was thinking wildly, Dr. Shark Pepper reached out again and opened the hole on his abdominal muscles. Small refrigerator, and…


With the sound of a rolling roller, a recruitment form for the Rhode Island Personnel Department was printed out on the spot. Unlike the blank forms prepared in advance, the top right corner of this form had a headshot of thorns on it, and Doctor's exclusive stamp.

"What I said before was for some strategic purpose, not against you, so you can completely forget about it and pretend nothing happened, but if you want to know the truth, take it and go A place to be, I promise you won't be disappointed, little man."

Thorn took the warm paper from Jogo's stomach with a dull expression. It took him a long time to wake up from the complicated thoughts just now, and he tried to adjust the focus of his pupils to see clearly the big characters at the beginning and the end of the form. The stencil on his photo head.

"Luo, Rhodes Island's personnel... Commander of the Operations Department!?"

Thorn is a smart man, he understood a lot of things almost instantly, but when he raised his head and looked forward again, Dr. Shark Pepper and Skadi had disappeared.

All that's left is a big cobweb-shaped pit and a sprinkling of paprika seasoning that fell from the dried squid.

That's right, it's also from Laoganmao brand, but the spicer mixed other tree fruit powders to greatly reduce the spiciness, but still retains its strong spicy aroma "Liuwei grade" chili powder, which is deeply loved by normal operator tongues. Love and the disdain of the tongue of the year.


"So where should we look for ghost sharks now, and ask the refugees in Saltwind City directly?"

Dr. Shark Pepper followed Skadi to a cliff overlooking the coast of Saltwind City, where he could fully observe that the side of the main body of Saltwind City near the coast was cut off by some huge force, Over time, such a strange and magnificent wasteland-style landscape has been formed.

It even made Jogo feel hot and dry, and couldn't help but want to take Ceobe and a dog to go in and search the garbage all over the city.

"I thought so too, but thanks to the doctor's information from those few people, the refugees here should be just low-level sea-child breeding experiments that were raised, twisting their spirits with the prayers of the Deep Sea Church, and then Flesh is also transformed into monsters.

Even if they are still sane now, I guess they won't be able to find any useful information, so let's follow your train of thought, Doctor. "

"My idea? Didn't I just ask you how to find someone? How can I have an idea?"

Jogo also had times when the shark couldn't touch the shark's fin. After all, his tactics needed intelligence support, and Skadi was an expert in the face of Hai Si, who was completely unknown to the land people.

"Didn't the doctor announce to Iberia just now that he wants to exterminate Haisi? If that's the case, I'll cooperate with the doctor to make some big news, so that Iberia will be more alert to Haisi's movements, and the ghost shark will definitely know it is I'm coming."

"...What a great idea! Let's get started!"

Although he didn't know what the big news that Skadi was talking about was, Jogo always liked to make big scenes.

In fact, Skadi made this decision after considering it for a long time. If she was still the original deep-sea hunter who was alone, Skadi would never want to disturb Haisi again, because it would only evoke a nightmare.

But now... different.

Skadi raised her big sword in the violin case, and the water-blue energy originating from the mysterious power of the deep sea began to arouse the waves on the sea surface. The sound of churning and beating was like a huge symphony orchestra Their sea goddess opened the accompaniment.

An ethereal sound that seemed to be stirring between the deep sea and the void came from Skadi's mouth. It was a sad song of tides, a wild fantasy of surging waves, which made people mesmerized and unable to extricate themselves.

And as the sea monster's beautiful song began to sing, more and more blue eyes appeared on the surface of the sea. Even the turbulent waves could not cover up those permeating lights, obviously attracted by Skadi's singing voice. It's not just the XP of the Ph.D.

Chapter 531 I want to tell my mother, I want to tell my mother!

Salt Wind City Cathedral, this may be the only place that does not leak rain among all the remaining buildings in Salt Wind City. It also fits the dark and dilapidated atmosphere around it very well.

However, for the Deep Sea Church with other plans, the church above the ground is just a facade, and the real core should be in the cellar below.

They dug a tunnel in the cellar that was originally used to store the corpses of the teaching staff for a long time. The tunnel leads to a huge natural cave below sea level, but it has now been transformed into their hidden stronghold by the Church of the Deep Sea.

The reason why the hidden stronghold is built in such a troublesome place is, on the one hand, to satisfy the desire of most non-Agol believers who cannot survive in the sea to get closer to the deep sea and the sea descendants they worship.

On the other hand, nature is also the most important. As the biochemical experiment site of the Church of the Deep Sea, it is used to breed low-level sea-child monsters that are more suitable for the dry climate on land and can move away from seawater for a long time-the dino fish.

At this time, the latest project being researched by this strange laboratory that combines the two styles of evil sacrifice and life science is the origin stone infection. Once the fear fish with the nerve damage ability also obtains the power of the origin stone, it will be a threat to the people on the land. It is completely a mobile disaster.

However, it is worth mentioning that the high-level sea descendants were opposed to the deep-sea church’s experiment of origin stone infection at the beginning, because the original intention of this project was to create origin stone-infected fish to deal with deep-sea Agor, and the high-level sea descendants felt that this was the same It will also pollute their own living environment.

But later, under the strong suggestion of Quintus, one of the three great bishops of the Deep Sea Church, the senior Haizi finally agreed to this project, but it was only used to strengthen the power of the Deep Sea Church on land, and then let more land people "" "Going to the sea" became a sea heir to expand the size of the ethnic group.

This is why only Ghost Shark, a deep-sea Agor, was given the Originium infection experiment by the Deep Sea Church, because the experiment was stopped urgently by the high-ranking Haisi at the beginning, so Skadi seized the opportunity to rescue Ghost Shark.

However, the ghost shark is still a very important experimental subject, because so far only she has successfully evolved the origin stone skill under the influence of the origin stone, instead of just becoming an infected creature covered with crystals.

"Dear Messenger, I have to inform you of good news. We have successfully recovered the infected evil creature. The progress of the experiment is about to make a breakthrough. The day when the land territory becomes a hotbed of deep-sea species will not be far away."

The person who spoke in the cave was Bishop Quintus who presided over the land invasion activities. He was wearing a gray-green robe, revealing a pair of chilling, godless fish eyes that seemed to have no eyelids. He was once a land-based Agor As a human, he has obviously undergone some kind of mutation under Haisi's mental distortion.

But he didn't notice any difference. Instead, he regarded it as Hai Si's gift to him. When the transformation was truly completed, it was like obtaining the qualification to ascend to "heaven" for Quintus, and he would also Become a member of the gods you believe in.

And the "messenger" he was talking about at the moment was the "Heaven's Messenger" from Hai Si.

"You've done a good job, Quintus, you've always done a good job, but you should understand that I didn't care about that before I came here to see you."

Standing in front of Quintus is an anthropomorphic high-ranking sea descendant. It is the first individual among sea descendants who can speak the language of other races, so his title is called "First Speaker", which is why he is called The Haizi ethnic group sent them to the Deep Sea Church as "angels".