MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 72 arrival

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  Chapter 72 arrives

   A few days later.

The agency agreement with Wang Wei was finally settled before Christmas Eve. This was actually thanks to John's hard work overtime. An Feng is not good at talking about these things. His best thing is to sign his name on the contract. To put it bluntly, he likes Pass your troubles on to others.

  But John didn't waste his efforts. After the deal was concluded, he got a check for $10,000 as a Christmas present. An Feng is very interesting. As long as you really put in the effort and work hard, the rewards will be very impressive.

John really felt that he had found the right boss. For American companies generally do not like to give out year-end bonuses, or the year-end bonuses are only at the level of two or three thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars is equivalent to an ordinary employee who does not eat or drink for three months. Let a family spend a long vacation in comfort.

About how to celebrate Christmas, An Feng consulted the people around him. Native Americans like Old John still prefer Christmas. They usually roast a turkey like Thanksgiving. If there are many people, they will roast a suckling pig. There is an apple in the pig's mouth... When An Feng heard this, he gave the money and asked Old John to take care of it.

Of course, there are some people who are not interested in American Christmas. For example, Gu Li, when An Feng asked him how he planned to pass the time, he replied blankly: "I believe in the Orthodox Church, but Christmas on the 25th is something Catholics do. Every year on January 7th is Christmas in Russia.”

An Feng also learned afterwards that because the United States is a huge immigrant country with great cultural differences, Christmas is only a concept of some people. There are examples of avoiding Catholic Christmas because of religious issues: Jews in the United States do not want to celebrate I went to an Asian country for vacation to stay away from that atmosphere.

Because people with different religions and cultures avoid festivals and maintain their own characteristics, there are not many Americans. On the contrary, there are some over-enthusiasms in the country. It’s okay to celebrate Christmas, because there are Christians in the country, but the most puzzling thing is American Thanksgiving. Some people Blindly follow the trend, give thanks to parents and friends on Thanksgiving for this and that...

An Feng and his compatriots in China had a traditional American Christmas. The whole process was organized by Old John, and all his employees who were still staying behind participated. Because they were far away from home, single or for other reasons, they all got together on Christmas Eve and had a meal. Christmas dinner, everyone gathered together to taste wine and chat.

  The traditional taste is very strong, it feels like the Chinese New Year, but there are no crackling firecrackers. Joanna had a wonderful life. She sent An Feng a bunch of photos of skiing in Switzerland, which made him very envious. Unfortunately, it was quite troublesome for him to travel to Europe and needed a visa.

This is one of the differences between an American green card and an American passport. An Feng holds a green card, but is still a Chinese citizen. There are only about 40 countries that grant visa-free visa-on-arrival, only in Asia, and I may not have heard of it. Don’t even think about tourist destinations in developed countries in Europe and the United States. The American passport is much more powerful. It has visa-free and visa-on-arrival visas for more than 150 countries. Basically, European and American tourists only need to bring their passports and buy air tickets.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of international influence and strength. In this regard, the country still needs to work hard. It is useless to boast. When will there be 150 or 60 visa-free visas on arrival for Chinese passports, and visas will no longer be considered when traveling abroad. But when it comes to air ticket prices, that is probably the real return of strength.


After Christmas, Wang Le and the others returned to the country. The contract to authorize the domestic agency has been signed with Tailan. They will send technicians and samples of agricultural fertilizers that have been authorized for export. It will take about half a year for the specific market to respond—at least give the crops a period of time to grow. Bar?

   Saying goodbye to them at the airport, Wang Le warned: "Remember that when your GP company invests more next time, you must notify me in advance!"

   "Got it!" An Feng said with a smile, Wang Le was having a good time these days, the only thing he was upset about was that he failed to get a share in GP company.

   "Definitely!" Wang Le said solemnly. For some reason, he just had a premonition that his low-key best friend might soar into the sky because of these technologies.

   "It's really annoying!" An Feng pushed him, "Get lost, brother has to go back to catch up on sleep!"

  Wang Le and the others left, and An Feng's life became peaceful for a while. There are many, many things, but he just doesn't want to do them. He always wants to find a group of people to run errands for him, but he doesn't feel at ease to let go... The only result of entanglement is to lie in bed, sleep late, and waste his brain in his dreams.

  A few days later, my sister called and said they were going to come for vacation. Looking at the calendar, this year's Spring Festival is at the end of January, and the school holiday is naturally on New Year's Eve.

  One morning, An Feng rode Philip for a lap, and had a "horse race" with another neighbor, Harvey, a child of the Landau family.

Harvey and Xiaoyu are about the same age, six or seven years old. They wear shirts, jeans, and cowboy hats. They also have their own small horse—a miniature horse with a height of 60 to 70 centimeters. It is black with some white hair. It looks very cute cute. It is said that it is a miniature horse produced in Australia. It has a docile temperament and is very smart.

  Seeing An Feng was very curious. Harvey’s father Andrew said: “The miniature horse is easy to raise, not picky eaters and docile. It can also be ridden. It is easier to raise than a dog.”

  An Feng touched the cute little pony that had just reached his own thigh: "It feels like a hobbit's mount, so cute! How much did it cost?"

  Andrew said with a smile: "Miniature horses range from three thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars, and this horse cost three thousand five hundred dollars."

   Changed to .RMB, it’s only more than 10,000 points, which is quite affordable, but it’s also a pet that only rich people can afford. Thinking that Xiaoyu is coming over soon, should I buy one for her to play with? He asked Andrew where it was sold. There are many places, and because of its small size, delivery is very convenient.

Since the last visa had not been more than half a year old, it was easy to renew the visa. My parents and my sister’s family flew over again. This time, I was familiar with the road and flew directly to SLO Airport, and there was no need to take a car. An Feng led them directly to the VIP Passage into the airport, came to the front of the helicopter.

Needless to say, the family members were surprised, and the parents also said not to spend money recklessly. An Feng patiently explained: "I don't want to show off, this is for the convenience of business negotiations. I often fly to San Francisco and Los Angeles. I can't Drive for hours, or wait for a long flight?"

   This explanation finally blocked their mouths. An Feng invited them to the cabin, Xiaoyu was very happy, and asked her uncle to carry her up, and asked her to sit in the best seat. The cabin can accommodate up to five people, An Feng reminded them to fasten their seat belts, and then went into the cockpit by himself.

   This actually has some elements of violation, but the plane is not like a car, the police can stop it at any time for inspection, how do you stop it in the air?

In addition, An Feng's ability to comprehend is good. Except that he has not obtained a private pilot's license, Fred is very relieved that he is sitting in the driver's seat, not to mention that Fred is the chief pilot of the plane, and An Feng is just a deputy. unimportant. The plane took off, returned to the vineyard, and landed on the lawn in Anfeng's front yard 20 minutes later. The world was in place in one step, and there was no need to wait tediously. Anfeng was very satisfied in this regard.

  Everyone looked at the helicopter flying far above their heads, and didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

  Mom said to Dad: "Did we really come here by helicopter just now?"

  An Feng was speechless: "Could it still be by bullock cart?"

   "You're just poor!" My sister scolded with a smile, "It's our first time to take a helicopter. It feels a little different from civil aviation. It's normal to be slow."

  An Feng smiled. He was just as excited as them when he was riding a helicopter for the first time, and his hands were shaking a little when he was sitting in the driver's seat for the first time.

  Xiaoyu took his hand and looked up cutely: "Uncle, I still want to take a plane and see so many places!"

  An Feng touched her head: "If I have time in the future, I will take you to the forest to see small animals, how about flying to the sea to see dolphins?"

   I don’t know if there is any, anyway, An Feng will make it up if he can, but the incentive effect is very good, and the little girl is very obedient because of this wish.

  (end of this chapter)