MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 73 The little pony [the third update]

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  Chapter 73 Little Pony 【Third update】

  As soon as my parents arrived, An Feng’s good days came again. After thinking about it, I still felt that Chinese food was suitable for me. As a result, I walked around empty-handed like a ghost every day, and I remembered to go home for dinner at that time. My sister said that he has lost all other memories, and the only thing he remembers is the life of three meals on time and constant snacks.

  Choose a sunny and mild afternoon, put a few cloths on the lawn, have a picnic with a basket and a plate, and listen to the chatting and laughing of the big guys...

   "It's good for Americans to have a holiday, so I can relax too." An Feng lay on the grass, biting the grass root in his mouth, and looked at the two squirrels wandering on the lawn in front of him.

   "You said that you seem to have a lot of things." My sister rolled her eyes at him, and they understood in the past few days, and they could only believe half of An Feng's words. He said he was busy, maybe he was really busy, because occasionally there would be a bunch of things suddenly, I heard that he was still in Los Angeles in the morning, and went to Texas in the afternoon; The question of getting up and taking a shower first...hesitating for an hour.

   "Look, Mom!" The little girl pointed forward, and two little gray and yellow squirrels came towards them, perhaps smelling the food.

  An Feng glanced at it, and commented: "I don't store food well in winter, and I only thought of looking for food when I was about to starve to death. Xiaoyu, don't learn from them."

  The little girl came over and shook his leg: "Uncle, can I feed them?"

  My sister glanced at Xiaoyu, and just about to say something, An Feng nodded: "Go, tear some bread crumbs for them, it doesn't take much."

   "Is this okay?" My sister was a little worried.

An Feng said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, small animals in the United States are not afraid of people at all. It's okay to touch it, unless you deliberately scare it. I heard that whenever there is a food shortage, this squirrel will ask humans for help, and people are willing to help They. Some of the pines are too clever to come and steal from your kitchen."

   "Look, the little guy is here!" The brother-in-law who was lying on his stomach looked up, Xiaoyu used a little bread crumbs to successfully lure the two small pine trees over.

   These two little guys are really not afraid of people at all. Their big tails are raised, and they look up to sniff. The little black eyes are staring at them expectantly, as if they are asking Xiaoyu to give them something to eat. This cuteness is not only for children, even adults can't resist. Xiaoyu grabbed the biscuits in her hand and handed them over.

The little squirrel stood up, caught the biscuit with its two front paws, shrunk in front of its mouth, and took small bites, accompanied by crisp chewing sounds, which pleased Xiaoyu for a while, so he gave a few more biscuits. The goal of being cute was achieved, and he ran away with the biscuit, and sat under the tree in the distance to enjoy it.

   "Mom." Xiaoyu looked back at her mother pitifully, "They're gone."

   But mother doesn’t have the skills to bring back little squirrels, so the most powerful uncle has become her target: “Uncle, little squirrels like you so much, can you let them come here?”

  An Feng was speechless, the little squirrel likes me? Do you know what happened to Little Squirrel's good friend, Little Bunny? He said helplessly: "Okay, I will teach you a way."

  Xiaoyu listened carefully.

   "Look at its little belly, it doesn't look full, you can just give them a little next time you come here, they don't have to run back and forth to worry about grabbing food, understand?"

  The little girl understood a little, and sat down to watch the two ungrateful squirrels finish eating the biscuits. As expected, they were not full, and ran over calmly, continuing the cute trick just now. Xiaoyu was smart this time, and only gave some of the cracked biscuits, and then the little squirrels kept begging for food around her.

  My sister quietly picked up the camera and took pictures of two gluttonous squirrels. You don’t understand the world of foodies. They thought the camera was delicious, so they leaned forward, as if they wanted to take a bite. An Feng took an apple from the basket, wiped it on his clothes, took a bite, and spat out the peel to one of the squirrels.

  It picked up the peel, didn't eat all of it, but smacked its lips to eat the juice, and then threw the peel in front of An Feng. My sister took this scene and shared it with others with a smile: "Look at his hurt look!"

  Everyone burst into laughter, An Feng curled his lips and ignored them, his phone vibrated a few times, he picked it up to answer: "Hi, I'm Bruce."

   After talking a few words, An Feng got up and said to the others: "Go ahead, I'll go get something. It's Xiaoyu's New Year's gift!"

  An Feng got on his motorcycle and went down the mountain. Ten minutes later, he called his sister. An Feng said on the other side: "You guys take Xiaoyu down, it's over here at the stables."

  They packed up their things and went down with doubts. When they arrived, there was a pickup truck dragging the cargo box and leaving. Looking at An Feng again, there is a miniature horse in front of him, squatting on the ground to play with it. Xiaoyu saw it, and immediately broke away from her mother's hand, and ran over excitedly: "So cute!"

  Sister and brother-in-law are also surprised, Xiaoyu here has touched the pony, and they also gathered around to watch, brother-in-law said: "Is this a pony?"

  "Australian miniature horse." An Feng smiled and combed the miniature horse's mane. This guy has a fluffy body and short legs. He is so simple and cute.

The father who was riding a horse in the distance also came over and saw this miniature horse with a little stage fright. He was surprised and said: "I have heard it many times at home, but I didn't expect that there is such a small horse in reality. It is better than a puppy." It’s not much higher. Hey, are you using a newborn pony to deceive people?”

  An Feng smiled and said, "Dad, your imagination is really rich."

They all looked around the miniature horse, chattering a lot, and two black dogs wandering in the distance also ran over. Pipi and Dandan were considered large dogs, sixty centimeters tall, and stood next to the miniature horse. They all look about the same size, except the pony is a little fatter.

The adults are just curious about having such a small horse, but Xiaoyu likes it very much. She pets the pony here and there, but the pony doesn't have any fear of her. Maybe it's because she thinks that the size is not very threatening. , One person and one horse quickly became familiar.

   "Uncle, can I ride it?" Xiaoyu raised her head and asked while stroking the pony.

  An Feng nodded: "Yes, here is a set of saddles for miniature horses. After I teach you how to use them, you can ride them on its back soon."

   "Uncle, can I feed it carrots?" Xiaoyu asked again.

   "Okay, let's feed it tomorrow, it is full today." An Feng said.

   But my sister has some opinions: "Such a pampering child will make her develop bad habits."

My sister's educational philosophy is good, An Feng smiled and scratched his head: "I bought it anyway, and I will treat it as a New Year's gift. There is nothing wrong with making the child happy. At worst, this horse will be taken care of by the little girl. While being happy, I also know how to be responsible.”

   "Well, let's deal with it like this." My sister agreed.

After teaching Xiaoyu how to saddle the little pony, she quickly rode on the little guy's back. Although the miniature horse is small in size, it has a lot of stamina and can reach a top speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour. For the sake of caution, An Feng She was required to wear a helmet when riding a horse, or she would fall off suddenly, and some would cry.

Xiaoyu couldn't get enough of her fun, the next day her sister woke her up early, the little girl was quite unhappy at first, An Feng said to her personally: "From now on, it will be your mount, if you don't take care of it, If you don’t bathe it and eat it, it will stink and starve to death, don’t think about uncle buying it for you next time.”

  When the little girl heard how it would work, she quickly got up, put on a small denim outfit, and followed An Feng to the stable with a small bucket and a small shovel. The two guys, one big and one small, got busy. An Feng took care of Philip, while the little girl took care of her pony. It took a whole hour, clumsy and sweaty, but it was worth it, at least Let Xiaoyu understand that there is no such thing as enjoying and giving.

   "You have to do this every other day from now on, understand?" An Feng knelt down and said to her, "Look, wash it clean, how much it likes you."

   "Yes. I will definitely." The little girl assured the pony's fur.

  An Feng looked back at the guys who were watching outside, and smiled complacently. Educating children requires a flexible approach, not just tough indoctrination.


   At least the second time of the two times, the integrity is full. . .

  (end of this chapter)