MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 61 Thanksgiving

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  Chapter 61 Thanksgiving

   Around 5:30 in the afternoon, Joanna arrived.

  The white Land Rover she drove stopped on the side of the road, got out of the car and looked around, and walked up to the two of them: "Hi! How did you choose this place?"

   "Because it's very empty here." An Feng stood up with a smile, "Where's your luggage? I'll take it for you. Find a place to park your car. This time, take my vehicle."

   "Empty? Transportation?" Joanna was surprised by what he said, but she still drove the car to a nearby teaching building and parked it, and took a while to walk back. Seeing that An Feng was on the phone, he chatted with Gu Li. After An Feng put away the phone, she said frankly: "I'm at a loss now."

   "You will find out in a few minutes." An Feng looked mysterious.

  Joanna didn't know what the **** he was doing, so she chatted with the two of them while waiting. A few minutes later, there was the roar of an airplane overhead, followed by a black helicopter that landed neatly on the lawn in front of them. The strong wind blew up the leaves, and she couldn't help holding down her hair.

  Joanna looked at the smug An Feng and asked in surprise, "Is this the means of transportation you mentioned?"

   "Of course, is it cool enough?" An Feng stood up, helped her pick up the bag on the ground, and made a gesture of invitation: "Please, Miss Stanwell!"

   "My pleasure!" Joanna cooperated with the serious An Feng.

  At this time, the number of pedestrians increased significantly. After the plane landed, the eyes of the passers-by were all on their side. The curiosity of the Americans made them want to see who was so high-profile. Gu Li walked ahead expressionlessly, his suit rattled in the wind, and Joanna cleverly hid behind his broad back. The skirt she was wearing had to be careful to walk away. An Feng followed behind her, blocking her with a bag.

Gu Li pushed the cabin door hard, supported Joanna with one hand, and asked her to step on the landing gear in small steps. An Feng handed the bag to Gu Li, and followed him. Gu Li finished in style, closed the hatch, Then he patted Fred on the shoulder in the cockpit and gave him a thumbs up to signal him to take off.

  The plane took off, and the crowds of people looked down from the porthole, and they were surrounded by crowds. This way of travel is really low-key. After the plane rose to a certain altitude, it began to speed up and level off, and the noise gradually became more regular. Joanna looked at the interior and asked, "When did you start playing with airplanes?"

  An Feng smiled: "I just thought of it recently. Going to the airport every day to catch a plane is too troublesome. You know I'm lazy, and I can't stand these things."

   At this time, the phone rang, and he took out the phone and said to Joanna: "Look, there is another advantage, I can call anytime!"

  Joanna really convinced him, as if no matter what happened, his mentality was positive.

   is an unfamiliar number, An Feng answered: "Hello?"

   "Oh, Bruce?" The voice on the phone was Spanish.

   "Catilina? Did you change your number?" An Feng asked strangely. He also used Spanish. The advantage of the machine brain is that it never forgets.

   "My phone is out of battery, it belongs to my friend." Katilina said, "Why are you so noisy over there?"

   "I'm on a plane."

   "I want to tell you, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I have a best friend who is out of love. Recently, my mentality is very unstable. I need to take care of her."

   "Your friend?" An Feng asked, Katilina spoke Spanish too fast, and he was still not good at it.

   "Yes, so Thanksgiving won't be with you. By the way, you shouldn't be celebrating Thanksgiving, right?" Katilina changed into her western English.

   "Greetings to your friend for me." An Feng still spoke in Spanish, "Other matters are up to you. We agreed at the beginning, so you can rest assured."

   "Wow, Ubesso!" Katerina kissed on the other end.

  An Feng hung up the phone, Joanna asked: "When did you learn Spanish, it sounds pretty standard?"

   "Just learned, you know I'm very smart. I can also speak Russian, right Guli?" An Feng said with a smile, and Guli also nodded. He is indeed a first-class monster in terms of language.

  Since the last time she "copied" her accent, Joanna has also learned it.

  An Feng asked: "Joanna, how are you going to spend Thanksgiving?"

  Joanna said without her own opinion: "It should be how my family lives. Thanksgiving is only a holiday in the United States and Canada, and has nothing to do with Europe."

  An Feng nodded: "I know, it's the British Puritans who traveled across the ocean, and it's a festival to thank the Indians who have saved their lives!"

  Guri couldn't help adding: "Then the Indians were genocide by the whites."

  An Fengyun: "This Thanksgiving is going sour!"

  Joanna hesitated and said: "It may not be completely true, there are also elements of internal fighting, or the Indians are provoking whites."

   An Feng smiled meaningfully.

  Joanna looked at him seriously: "I didn't defend anyone!"

  An Feng put away his smile, obsessive-compulsive disorder is difficult to deal with: "I know. It's just that I think things are very interesting, and Thanksgiving looks so happy."

   Joanna was still staring at him.

"Okay, I was wrong!" An Feng raised his hands in surrender, "This has nothing to do with you in essence, why do you think so much? You see, the three of us, from China, Britain and Russia, have nothing to do with Thanksgiving Relationship, this is an American thing, we a bunch of outsiders, why should we be entangled in this matter?"

  Joanna let him go.

  But who can tell? Anyway, after the whites appeared on the American continent, it is a fact that the Indians gradually became extinct. Could it be said that their disappearance was collective suicide?


   This time, the helicopter landed on the lawn in Anfeng's front yard.

  An Feng drove Joanna back. She lives very close, just on the other side of the small town, it takes ten minutes by car normally, and less than ten minutes by express car. Along the way, the environment is elegant, the air is fresh, and the scenery is pleasant. On the way to the vineyard, the signboard of the winery can be seen everywhere.

   When she saw a wooden board with "Sassen Winery" written on the side of the road, Joanna arrived at her home. He slowed down, left the main road, and turned into a private lane. It seemed that everyone preferred to live in a high place, and the scenery was unobstructed all the way up. Finally stopped in front of a baroque building.

  In fact, Americans are also xenophobia, and many wealthy people are imitating Europe in their behavior and lifestyle. Just like architecture, those who have no money can’t play foreign fawning, and can only live in wooden houses, but rich people like to have a strong European masonry style, baroque, rococo and other jeweled houses.

  Sassen Winery, as the name suggests, except for Joanna, the family name is "Sassen". The winery Anfeng has been here several times, and it is very good. The underground wine cellar is full of oak barrels, wine racks and boxes of red wine that have been ordered. In contrast, the emptiness on his side is a bit pitiful.

  Joanna invited An Feng in for tea, sat for a while, and Kelly, who came back from shopping in the supermarket, invited him to stay for dinner. Unable to hold back her enthusiasm, An Feng stayed. In fact, I was a little happy in my heart, because there was nothing at home tonight, so if I wanted to go back, I could only do it myself stupidly, or eat Guli's Russian-style feast.

  Joanna didn’t know where to go, and the furry boy Andy couldn’t find anyone to play with, so he entangled An Feng. Reluctantly, he brought some baseballs and threw them like teasing Pippi and Eggy. Andy caught them and threw them to him again, and he threw them again... Frank served them some snacks.

Frank sat down opposite him, and Andy fell a somersault because he was forced to run to catch the ball, but Frank just looked at him, encouraging him to stand up, and Andy got up by himself as if nothing happened, laughing and laughing Continue to play with An Feng. Typical American education.

  Frank smiled and asked, "Bruce, what are you going to do for Thanksgiving tomorrow?"

  An Feng held the baseball in his hand and said, "I have no idea for now. This is my first Thanksgiving."

  Frank said: "Why don't you stay and live with us?"

   "Is this appropriate?" An Feng asked. For Americans, Thanksgiving is only second to Christmas. Just like the Mid-Autumn Festival we celebrate, it is a day for family reunion.

  Frank said with a smile: "You are very welcome to come. In fact, every Thanksgiving, enthusiastic Americans will invite friends who are far away from home to spend together."

   "Thank you for your invitation, I will come." An Feng said.

  (end of this chapter)