MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 60 nonstop to Berkeley

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  Chapter 60 Direct flight to Berkeley

  Two days later, An Feng's pilot came. They met at the airport. The other party was a white man in his forties named Fred, who was an experienced pilot. After a brief greeting, I tried the plane at the airport. Gu Li also volunteered to join the battle, not to mention, he looks good, he really didn't brag.

  An Feng looked up at the plane on the ground. It is said that Gu Li is controlling it, which is really good. But Fred is a serious person, especially when dealing with airplanes. After getting off the plane, he said to An Feng: "He is technically qualified and can operate the airplane by himself, but he is inexperienced and has no pilot license."

  An Feng treated Gu Li differently, and praised: "Okay, you, next time you get a license, you can be a pilot in the future."

   Now Gu Li can be considered elated. Several people spent some time studying the aircraft and listening to the old pilot Fred talk about his flying experience. He said that there are rules for flying a plane. Although there is no obstacle in the sky, when two planes meet, one needs to descend the altitude, and entering the airspace of the route will be controlled.

Fred took out a map and said: "About 85% of the airspace in the United States is civil airspace. As long as you have aviation radio stations, you can fly in non-restricted areas, and adding C-mode radio stations can increase the flight altitude accordingly. Because Airspace is a public resource and every citizen has the right to enjoy it."

  An Feng looked at some no-fly zones on the map. After being affected by 911, flying has been more regulated. For example, before 911, even foreign tourists could fly planes in the United States, but now it is very difficult. There are also some densely built areas where flying is prohibited, such as the top of the White House. There are also some military shooting areas. Unless this is for death, who would fly into the shooting area without any trouble? Dodging missiles?

"Look at these places. These are some military operation areas. If necessary, we can also walk through them, but this is not recommended, and the answer is too troublesome." Fred pointed to some marked areas on the way, and An Feng looked at them At first glance, it's really interesting that the military area can also pass through.

   "Assuming there is enough fuel, wouldn't it be possible to travel all the way to the east coast?" An Feng asked.

  Fred nodded: "Yes, but if you exceed a certain mileage, you need to submit a flight plan. You leave the planning area for an hour, and the flight control center will look for you."

  An Feng understands, he still has another question: "Can I learn to fly a plane?"

  Fred looked at him with a smile. Although he was serious, he liked to teach people about airplanes. He said: "Although this does not comply with the regulations, there is no problem flying around here. In addition to the written test and the oral test, the private pilot license test focuses on the operation. You can basically master it after studying with me for a while."

   Since then, An Feng has added another hobby—flying planes.

   It sounds like a tall one. I learned the theory from Fred for a few days and tried it myself, and it feels good. A few days later, there was another errand to go out, but this time it was much more convenient. The pickup drove directly into Paso Robles Airport, Fred got into position, climbed on the plane and flew directly to Berkeley.

  According to An Feng's request, Fred flew along Highway No. 1, taking a panoramic view of the mountains and the sea along the way. The car under his feet was smaller than a finger, and it crawled slowly behind him. An Feng leaned on the luxurious seat, enjoying the high-altitude massage comfortably.

   One hour later, we arrived in Berkeley. Since the airport was a bit far away, it would not be time-efficient to park at the airport and then take a car, so Fred decided to land at the school, wait for An Feng to get off the plane, and then drive to the airport to park by himself. An Feng agreed with both hands as soon as he heard it. I don’t know why I fell in love with pretense recently.

  But he still asked one more question: "The Aviation Administration won't interfere with us, will it?"

  Fred said with a smile: "As long as we don't stop in crowded areas and land according to the regulations, the FAA can't control us!"

  The helicopter flew over UCB, and after circling several times, the experienced Fred found a flat lawn with a large area, few people, and no teaching buildings around, so there was no need to worry about noise. After safely landing on the lawn, the leaves on the ground were rolled up, and passers-by looked up one after another.

   There are many private jets in the United States, but they are not seen everywhere like cars. There are still relatively few opportunities for close contact, just like when encountering a rare sports car on the street, many people will stop and watch. Airplanes are still a luxury for most people.

  It was previously reported on the Internet that a certain province in China sent students to school by helicopter, which caused shock. In fact, it's the same in the United States. In order to show off, a junior high school student in Orlando once took his father's helicopter to pretend to be imposing, envious of a group of people, and the school even called the police. Finally, because the program is legal, there is no trouble.

  After the plane came to a complete stop, An Feng opened the door and jumped down, bowed his head and quickly left the whirlwind area, followed by Gu Li in a black suit and sunglasses. He held a black handbag in his hand, and followed An Feng closely with a serious expression. This scene really looked like a Hollywood blockbuster.

An Feng left with his messed-up hair. In fact, he was not as chic as in the movie, but Guli kept a cropped cut, which was not affected at all. After walking a few steps, Guli turned around and waved his hand towards the plane. Fred After receiving the signal, it took off and left, and the whistling sound gradually faded away.


An Feng and Song Wenrui met at the school, and handed over the materials they had sorted out to him. This involved some problems with machines and materials. The content was too scattered and needed enough manpower to help sort it out. Even An Feng didn't have it. So much patience, so leave it to them.

"As for the location of the company, there are already several candidates, but since the machine has not been settled, I'm afraid it will have to be delayed." An Feng said to Song Wenrui, "Do you have any ideas? Maybe you can consider developing here in San Francisco, Being close to Silicon Valley has a personnel advantage.”

  Song Wenrui smiled bitterly: "Brother, you are here to smash the field. Silicon and carbon are incompatible. Your high-profile development of graphene in Silicon Valley is no less effective than Cuba's installation of anti-aircraft missiles at the door of the United States."

  An Feng smiled: "Well, stay away. Considering the local tax policy, it may not be in California. Are you mentally prepared?"

   "It's no problem." Song Wenrui said.

   "And you use your brains to provide a few company candidate names, try to be concise and beautiful." An Feng said, he just likes to push his own affairs to others.

   But interns have no human rights, Song Wenrui nodded: "I will go back and let everyone use their brains together."

   Thinking about nothing else, let Song Wenrui go to work. Now that he was in Berkeley, An Feng called Joanna by the way: "Hi, Joanna!"

   "Hey, why did you think of calling me?" Joanna said.

   "I just came to Berkeley on the way to say hello to you. It seems very lively around you!" An Feng heard some messy background sounds.

  Joanna walked a few steps, her voice weakened: "I'm doing volunteer work. Thanksgiving is coming tomorrow, and my friends from the sisterhood and I are providing 'Dinner on Wheels' to the elderly."

   "Thanksgiving?" An Feng thought about the date. Today is November, Wednesday. It seems that Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday, which is almost the same.

   "Forget that you don't have the habit of celebrating Thanksgiving." Joanna said with a smile.

   "You are so kind." An Feng smiled, "Then do you plan to go back? Thanksgiving seems to be a day of reunion."

   "If there is enough time, I will go back tonight. Do you want to wait for me?"

   "That's almost what it means. If you want to go back, I can send you back faster."

"How to say?"

   "You will know when you come back." An Feng said mysteriously.

After hanging up the phone, seeing that the time was still early, I walked around the campus bored, found a clean place to sit down, and took the black handbag that Gu Li handed over. In fact, it contained his computer. I just demonstrated it to Song Wenrui. For some content, the power is still enough, and it starts to surf the Internet when it finds a wireless signal.

  Guri said: "Do you still remember the arrogant Chinese last time?"

   "The one named Tony?" An Feng remembered, the arrogant little bastard, lost a million dollars in a bet with himself, and got shot in the car behind him.

  Guri nodded: "In addition to the one million settlement, that white hippie still owes you a sports car. Do you want to smash it next time you see it?"

   "Forget it, I don't need so many cars." An Feng shook his head, but he searched for news about related events on the Internet.

  According to follow-up reports, Tony was seriously injured in the hospital for a long time, and after he came out, his spirit was affected a little bit, but he became a frightened bird, and he didn't even dare to touch the car. After returning to China, his parents wanted to sue the local police, but the Internet was full of ridicule. In Chinese, it was asking for trouble.

  After reading the report, An Feng happily said to Gu Li: "I feel that I have done a good thing unintentionally, and the world has one less road killer."

  (end of this chapter)