MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 97 set sail

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Fan Sen is among those who monitor and guide Fei Wushu.

He won this position and walked beside Fei Wushu. On the surface, it was a routine warning and reprimand, but in fact he revealed a lot of information to Fei Wushu.

For example, the underground prison is divided into dozens of floors. The lower you go, the worse the prison environment, and the stricter and tighter the detention. And what Fei Wushu was going to was the uppermost level of prison, which was also the level with the best treatment and the loosest security among the underground prisons.

To enter it, you must first pass through five gates, and then pass through a layer of spiritual enchantment before you have reached the place. Conversely, if the people inside want to come out, they also need to pass through these barriers. If there is no entry and exit permission and you want to break through by force, you need an eighth-level physical skill to break through the door, and an eighth-level mental power level to break the spiritual barrier.

However, the detainees in the first tier of prisons are all political prisoners, economic prisoners, scientific lunatics and the like, and there is no threat of force. Nor are prison administrators worried about the men's ability to break out. But now...

Fan Sen carefully glanced at Fei Wushu's relaxed face, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead... Is it really okay to put such a man in the first prison?

Although Fei Wushu's apparent mental strength has not reached the eighth level, he has a hunch that the record of never being successfully escaped from an underground prison may be broken once in the not-too-distant future.

He squinted his slender and dark eyes, thinking about how to get some authority over the prison management, at least to be able to provide some help secretly when the young master of the Fei family escaped from prison. In this way, he will receive more support from the Mo family, and one day, the entire court will be under his control!

Naturally, Fei Wushu would not know that Fan Sen was already planning various matters for him when he escaped from prison. He walked through the six cold and open alloy doors, walked through the opened spiritual barrier, and then stood at the front of the straight and spacious corridor .

A tall, thin man wearing black leather gloves and a neat black uniform stood in front of him, and waved his hands indifferently to Fan Sen and other military police: "The prisoner Fei Wushu has confirmed his acceptance. Anyone who has nothing to do will leave as soon as possible."

Fan Senben still wanted to tell Fei Wushu something, but under the urgent gaze of this man, he swallowed his words back, and after glancing at Fei Wushu, he led a group of people back to the ground in silence.

"You can call me Yuri." After Fan Sen left, the ordinary-looking prison guard with an indifferent expression stood in front of Fei Wushu and said, "I'm in charge of all the big and small matters in this prison. Life If you feel unwell, you can directly bring it up to me. Please come with me now, and I will arrange a dormitory for you."

Fei Wushu blinked embarrassingly, are you sure you didn't use the wrong words? It's a dormitory... not a cell?

And ah! Fei Wuzhu took a weird look at Yuri's face that didn't look like he was joking, and thought in confusion, this must be the first floor of the underground prison...not a hotel? Are you sure it's a prison guard, not a waiter?

He raised his heels to follow Yuri's pace, but his eyes wandered around.

Compared with the corridor I passed when I came down before, the light on this straight passage is much softer. It is not the snow-white light that stings people's eyes, but the natural light adjusted by the computer, which makes people feel like the sunlight living on the surface. down, not underground.

After walking about a hundred meters, the two sides of the passage were no longer pure alloy walls, but several neatly arranged doors appeared.

Seeing that Fei Wushu was paying attention to these alloy doors, Yuri gave an intimate introduction—although still with a cold face: "This is the food storage room, cooking room and my bedroom."

The corner of Fei Wushu's mouth twitched... This is really a conscientious waiter, right? ! —This prison is so strange. Hey!

After walking this distance, the passage came to an end, and an electronic door blocked them.

Yuri took out the work card, unlocked the door, and pushed it open again: "I hope you can get along well with your future partners."

Future partner? Fei Wushu squinted his eyes, looked out through the slowly opened door, then slowly widened his eyes, and asked blankly: "Yuri, isn't this really a resort?"

What unfolded before his eyes was a paradise of plants.

In the huge room with temperature and humidity control by the main brain, plants from all the planets of the Federation are thriving here, and they are full of vitality. When people look at it, they will be filled with green, and they will suddenly feel comfortable.

If you look carefully, the layout of the room is quite reasonable. The plants, wooden tables and chairs for leisure, and various equipment for entertainment and fitness are all occupied by smiling people in twos and threes, chatting or playing games. .

This unscientific!

Fei Wushu stared at all this with his eyes staring at the godless dead fish, and heard a shattering sound clearly in his ear—it was the fantasy of the underground prison in his mind, and after he saw the peaceful and harmonious crowd, it finally shattered. up.

"This is the first floor of the underground prison." Yuri answered him without doubt, then clapped his hands, attracted the attention of everyone in the garden, and raised his voice, "This is the new prisoner today, named Fei Wushu, we must get along well in the future. Where is Lan Luo? Come here and arrange a vacant room for him."

"Hey, is there a newcomer?" The old man sitting under the tree squinting his eyes basking in the "sun" smiled and turned his head to look this way.

After being led by one person, the rest of the people gathered in twos and threes also turned their attention to the door.

"Little Yuri always has a straight face and is not cute at all."

"Youri will definitely be very handsome with a smile!"

"Hey! The newcomer looks really good!"

"Well, let me see...the face is handsome, and the figure suits my appetite...newcomer, take off your clothes and take a look around?"

These people... Fei Wushu's brows twitched, and he raised a bright smile: "I'm sorry, everyone, but I have a family. My family is jealous and grudges. If you are jealous, you will get revenge. We don't want to make him unhappy. .”

"What a good man..." Lying on the big leaf, the flirtatious young woman winked at him.

"Climbing the wall is very exciting, young man, do you want to have a shot?" This is a middle-aged wretched man who came out of the plant forest to watch the excitement.

these people! Fei Wushu's brows continued to dance happily...he kept repeating in his heart, these are masters! Master!

Yuri stopped the teasing of these people at the end, looked at the young woman who had already walked out, and said with a cold face: "Lan Luo, I leave the person to you."

The woman is probably in her twenties, and her appearance is not very stunning, but she has a beautiful and elegant taste. Looking at it, she feels that she is a noble lady raised by everyone, with a dignified and gentle temperament.

"En." Lan Luo responded, looking at Fei Wushu, "Is it Fei Wushu? Follow me to look at the rooms. There are many vacant rooms here. You can choose the one you like."

Fei Wushu nodded his thanks, but his eyes slipped unnoticed to Lan Luo's face... Why does this face look familiar? Where have you seen it before?

He scratched his hair out of trouble... There were too many things in this prison that exceeded his expectations. Is this really life? As long as time has not reached that moment, the future can change at any time.

The future does not follow people's expectations, but is full of surprises.

Fei Wushu raised the corners of his lips... It is such a future full of variables that is worth looking forward to.

He followed Lan Luo, and amidst many joking words, he went to the rooms around the garden.

a week later.

A deserted planet in the Heyue galaxy.

The people from the Qin family's equipment department stood at the edge of an open space in unison. In front of them, there was an incomparably huge starship parked. It was a thousand meters long, and the paint on the surface was so bad that it could no longer be seen. The original badge pattern.

"Master, do you really not need to re-coat the surface?" Qin Yi stood expressionless at the open door of the starship. A steward lowered his head and asked respectfully. In his opinion, the young master was driving Going out with such a shabby starship is really not in line with the noble status of the young master.

"No need." Qin Yi calmly rejected the steward's proposal again.

For this starship, as Nuwa said, the materials used for the shell forging have not corroded in the long river of time at all, and are as hard as ever. Although the starship is dilapidated from its heavily peeled paint appearance, in fact, the strength of the starship amazed everyone in the Qin family's equipment department.

The steward shut his mouth, no one has the ability to change what the young master decides.

For example, the young master does not need someone to accompany him on board, so no one in the Qin family dares to express his desire to follow the young master... Although everyone is wondering, how can the young and old manage this extremely complicated ship with only one person? starship.

In fact, they still have a lot of doubts. For example, how did the young master know that there is such a huge starship on this planet? Why didn't the young master let them enter the starship control room for maintenance? They have never understood the principle of the structure of this starship, and the restoration is only based on the information given to them by the young master. When did the young master study the principle of the starship so deeply?

In the end, they gave themselves the answer... Because the youngest is Qin Yi, all of this is taken for granted. It is enough for them to complete the orders of the young and old seriously.

Qin Yi walked into the starship, and the hatch closed.

After a while, the starship filled with energy slowly lifted into the sky, casting a huge shadow on the ground, covering the crowd who were eagerly watching, as if a dark veil had been cast over these people.

The steward has complicated eyes... The place where the young master is going is the endless sea of ​​stars, why do you want to go? When are you coming back?

These two questions, no one in the know can find the answer.

They just stood under the huge shadow, watching the huge starship disappear into the sky.

Young Master... safe journey, and... return soon.

Standing in the control room, Qin Yi calmly watched the dark universe outside the porthole, his dark eyes could not reveal the slightest emotion.

"Nuwa, the direction of travel, the endless sea of ​​stars. Calibrate the angle of the starship."