MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 98 set sail

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The kilometer-long huge starship is empty, and the newly replaced parts and equipment all have a brand new metallic smell, making the whole starship even more unpopular, like a huge lifeless piece of metal floating in the universe.

However, there are still people on this starship.

In the control room, Qin Yi sat on the operating position, closed his eyes and practiced the Zonghai Jue non-stop. The journey was too long, and it was perfect for him to spend it through cultivation.

"Qin Yi, the edge of the endless sea of ​​stars is coming soon." A straight voice sounded from the control room, it was Nu Wa.

On the calm face, the dark eyes slowly opened: "The choice of route is left to you, Nuwa."

"I know." Nuwa replied.

This control room is completely different from the control room of ordinary starships.

There is no large console inside, no complicated rows of buttons, only a huge transparent cylinder standing in the center of the control room. The cylinder is made of unknown material, but from the surface, it looks like crystal. It is crystal clear and reflects dazzling and dazzling light under bright light.

Inside the cylinder, there is a naked man sealed, like an insect sealed in amber. Even after thousands of years, this male body is still as vivid and lifelike as before, extremely thin and pale. , the extremely light-colored eyebrows and eyes give people a cold and paranoid feeling, but they also feel that this person is extremely smart and wise, as if after breaking this pillar, this person will open his eyes from lethargy, and his eyes will be full of light of wisdom.

Two thick cables protruded from the cylinder, one blue and one red, and then branched into countless small cables in the spacious control room, and the small cables continued to fork... the entire control room It is covered with complex blue and red cables, like the blood vessels of the human body, densely packed but well organized.

This column replaces the existence of the traditional console.

The man in the cylinder is Shi Liang, the chief scientist in charge of Nu Wa thousands of years ago. He is obsessed with the combination of technology and human strength, and finally replaced Nuwa's central processing unit with his own brain, and completed Federation and Heyue, the first biotechnology brain in history, relying on the human brain Mental power works.

However, after the Heyue people successfully crossed the endless sea of ​​stars, this crazy but amazing design was feared and kept away by the Heyue people...and abandoned.

Qin Huang, his disciple when he was the chief scientist, inherited his intelligence and knowledge, and designed a huge plan to steal the spiritual power secretly for Shi Liang, the teacher who was abandoned by the Heyue people. After hundreds of years of being abandoned, he woke up again.

After thousands of years of mental power accumulation, Shi Liang's energy savings have reached an astonishing amount.

According to what he promised Qin Yi, entering the endless star sea again and using spiritual power to explore the way until reaching the federation is just this process, and it will not deplete his accumulated spiritual power energy. What's more, he still kept the sailing route across the endless star sea, and he knows where there are convenient wormholes.

Compared with leaving the Federation in the past, returning to the Federation this time has a much clearer purpose and less groping process, so it will save a lot of time.

"Three months...if those wormholes didn't disappear back then." Nuwa said, "...21:33, I'm sure to enter the endless sea of ​​stars."

Qin Yi closed her eyes quietly, the corners of her lips were soft... Three months?

Commonwealth, Capital College.

Langlot, Wu Qi, Mo Sheng... and Mo Hua, who was finally released from the hospital, sat on a wooden bench among the flowers in the horticultural department, surrounded by a round wooden table, you stared at me, I stared at you, looking at each other, With a strange expression, there was a long silence.

In the end, Huahua, who had been alone for too long, couldn't help but said, "Brother Langlot, that... the young master really wants to come to the Federation? The kind that travels through the chaotic star field?"

Langlot raised his hand and squeezed the golden hair, nodded silently... Could it be that he was too worried about incompetence, so he came to the Federation without fear of difficulties and obstacles? Plunging headlong into the chaotic star field of life and death... When did the young master become so passionate?

"Is he going to die?" Mo Sheng looked at the sky with peach-blossom eyes.

"I'm going to die..." Langlot propped his chin helplessly.

"If Wushu knew, the young master died for him..." Mo Sheng's thoughts were floating in the sky, as if he had seen the tragic scene that made people cry.

"Brother Wushu is definitely dead!" Huahua burst into tears.

Langlot: "..."

Mo Sheng: "..."

The two older brothers looked at each other in horror, and found that Huahua's guess was somewhat possible. It is impossible for Wushu to seek death, but in the future, it will definitely not be the vibrant Wushu now.

Dad's mood suddenly became heavy: "This problem is serious..."

Mo Sheng deeply agreed: "It's serious..."

"But the young master has already left, right?" Langlot held his forehead, "Even if we can still get in touch, who can change his mind?"

Mo Sheng: "No skill?"

"This news must not be told to him." Langlot dismissed it flatly. God knows if Wushu will rush out of the trial office and plunge into the chaotic star field. Young Master Qin is not a passionate idiot, but he is incapable!

And Fei Wushu, who was on the first floor of the basement prison of the court, had no idea that his brother would underestimate his IQ so much.

——If he really told him this news, he would just wait for Xiao Yiyi to stand in front of him without any doubt, so that he wouldn't foolishly run into the chaotic star field by himself. When talking about this matter later, Fei Wushu sneered at Langlot and the others. His trust and understanding of Xiao Yiyi was beyond the comprehension of several of them "outsiders". Xiao Yiyi would never do things that she was not sure about.

But now Fei Wushu, of course, has no way of knowing this news, let alone refute his brothers.

He made his home in a small room around the underground garden. There is only one wardrobe and one bed in the room. Although it is small, Fei Wushu is very satisfied. He only practiced Sea Zong Jue lying on the bed when he was resting. He usually wandered in the garden and met quite a few people.

For example, now, at lunch time, he is cutting a steak and chatting with a smile on the opposite side, Lan Luo, who was the woman who "received" him in the first place.

Among the crowd with an average age in their thirties, he and Lan Luo were the few who lowered the average line, so it was easier to talk with each other after a few days. Moreover, Lan Luo's research on the structure of mechas is surprisingly deep, and the two of them also have common topics.

Fei Wushu already knew what many people here did before they went to prison, and why they went to prison.

For example, the wretched middle-aged man who told him "Let's have a shot" at the beginning, named Mao Yan, is actually a biochemical experiment enthusiast. It is said that the neurotoxin weapon he made was hidden on dozens of administrative stars of the Federation. As long as he moves his fingers, deadly neurotoxins can sweep the entire planet.

As for the controllers of these weapons, he hid them, and the people in the court couldn't pry them out of his mouth, and they didn't want to use too ruthless methods, for fear that if the persecution was severe, Mao Yan would die together.

That's why the court put the man on the first floor of the underground prison to take good care of him, negotiated and persuaded him, gradually increased the conditions such as commutation and preferential treatment, and waited for Mao Yan to take the initiative to explain.

Therefore, in a sense, the first floor of the underground prison is actually used to raise uncles, smart people who are extremely harmful to the Federation, but make the Federation open its sharp teeth and find no place to bite.

Fei Wushu saw that the environment here is so good, and the food is so delicious, in fact, this is the reason.

Another example is that after Fei Wushu came in, the old man Nasardi, who was the first to speak, has been engaged in financial fraud for more than 30 years. If the accumulated gray wealth is directly invested in the federal economic market, the turmoil caused will set the federal economy back for three or four years. . The court imprisoned him on the first floor, hoping that he would speak out about the whereabouts of his funds.

At that time, the mature young woman who was lying on the leaves admiring Fei Wushu's "good man" called herself Miss Qiao, and she was a female spy put into the political circle by the United Army. She easily walks among the top leaders of the Federation, and the federal secrets she holds are enough to disrupt the military and political deployment of the Federation and cause huge damage to the Federation. But fortunately, the information in her hands has not been handed over to the United Army, so it can be used as a bargaining chip to keep her safe and sound on the first floor of the underground prison.

It can be seen from the performance of these people that day that they are all "extroverted" who like to talk. That's why Fei Wushu learned of their glorious past in the communication with them... Well, Fei Wushu called it a show off.

But Lan Luo didn't take the initiative to mention it, and Fei Wushu couldn't imagine what such a girl with an elegant temperament could do to make the Federation detain her here.

Feeling that the other party would not be angry, Fei Wushu asked directly: "Lan Luo, why were you arrested?"

Lan Luo put down the knife and fork in his hand, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and then smiled, "I thought you would hold back and not ask."

Fei Wushu shrugged: "Unfortunately, my endurance has never been very good."

"It's okay for a man to have no patience." Lan Luo said with a pun, seeing Fei Wushu's embarrassing face, she laughed, "I was locked in because of a design drawing."

"design diagram?"

"Mecha design." Lan Luoqingli had a faint smile on her face, "Because it has broken through the existing technology, the Federation wants it very much, but I don't want to give it to you. As for the technology, it's too complicated. I'll tell you I don’t understand, so I won’t talk about it.”

"..." The corners of Fei Wushu's eyes twitched, this woman...don't be so blatant when she despises people's IQ, okay? !

But what kind of blueprint is it that makes the Federation imprison people here without asking for it? Fei Wushu blinked, becoming even more curious...

"By the way, how did you get in?" Lan Luo tilted his head and asked, "I'm curious too."

Fei Wushu scratched his hair, and said frankly: "I was framed for trying to assassinate a celebrity."



"Puff...cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough cough..."

All kinds of laughing and dry coughing sounds came from around the two of them, Fei Wushu looked around with an embarrassing face... How boring must this group of people be, that they just huddled here to listen to the corner?

"But it's because of this that I was imprisoned..." The person who spoke was a wretched middle-aged man, a biochemistry enthusiast, Mao Yan. He shook his head and walked aside, "It's too low for me to be imprisoned with such a person. I'm out of style..."

"Yeah, the worst thing is to assassinate a prime minister or something?"

"Still framing..."

The others shook their heads in disappointment and walked away bored.

Fei Wushu buried his face in his palms... He said earlier that if he came here with such a crime, he would never be able to hold his head up! The crime is too light! The harm to the Federation is too small! He has no face to stay in this place where he poisons dozens of planets at every turn, reverses the Federation's economy at every turn, and makes the Federation's military strategy go to waste at every turn!