MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 22 : World War I became famous 2, lies labyrinth

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"Come on, burn, cut."

"Big stupid, big fool."

"Please don't give up, move on, we still need a little fool who can tease."

I laughed at the sound of the forest, and kept ridiculous. Further, some tree demons climbed out of the ground and danced slowly. It seems that this is a fool's celebration.

Lei Shi glanced at the sky and asked: "My friend, I have a flying transformation, can I fly over the forest from the top of the tree?"

Charm shakes his head: "It's best not to. These tree demons are mad, they will see us fly over and will scream, attracting more powerful air Warcraft. Believe me, those air Warcraft is very powerful, we are difficult to cope. World of Warcraft is a group, and once we lose it, it is likely to be life-threatening. I once tried it with the team, lost the players, and forced the sky is the next strategy."

Blue-eyed fox asks: "Is the sky really dangerous?"

Charm nodded: "Yes. Some Sky Warcraft has challenged the bronze dragon and seriously injured it. You think about how strong they are. As long as we don't go into the sky, Sky Warcraft ignores the ground action. In their eyes, we follow There is no difference in the ground warcraft. There is no civilization in the copper spirit continent, and there is no high-intelligence race. Sky Warcraft relies on instinct to act. As long as we enter the sky, they must be regarded as enemies. The eagle does not compete with the snake for the cave, but the sparrow can not fly high. This is their instinct."

Upon hearing this, everyone is convinced that the sky is not a safe passage.

The mage is doing the task, and life safety is always in the first place. If the security is not guaranteed, the mages will rather give up the task and return the reward will not continue. Don't say that there may be a worry about life, even if Sky Warcraft is likely to pose a threat, everyone will not consider this route.

"Magic, you join me." Tang Shidao waved.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Burn it." Tang Shidao pointed to a big tree and said: "Just burn it, nothing else."

"Okay, in fact, this is really useless." Charm is a member of the team, only listen to the captain in the mission.

A trick.

A red-hot fire snake flew out like a rope wrapped around a big tree.

"It's so scared. Hahahaha, I am going to be burned to death." The tree demon was entangled by the fire snake, and the branches and leaves did not grow normally. As it grows, it makes a mocking smirk.

The rest of the tree demon also screamed.

Charm turned his head and asked if Tang Shidao should continue.

Tang Shidao nodded lightly and placed a 'plant growth' toward the lit tree demon.

"Are you crazy? This is nourishing power. It's great, I got more energy, I grew faster. Are you fools? I won't let you go, I won't give you directions. Hahahaha... stupid, I grow taller and stronger." The tree demon sneered.

"Stupid, stupid." Other tree demon also laughed at it.

Tang Shidao continued, and the ‘plant growth’ once and for all continued to be cast, and the fire of the charm was not stopped.

Lei Shi and Shishiwei are a bit dumbfounded.

The blue-eyed fox frowned.

What is this?


The two men burned and raised, and the entire forest rang out. Tang Shidao has been casting until the mana is running out. Charm is still burning, seeing Tang Shidao stop, indicating that you still have to continue. Tang Shidao nodded, and once he replied with a mana, he planted a plant.

Small half day time.

Sunset is sinking.

The tree demon has been several times taller, laughing and laughing.

Tang Shidao signaled everyone to climb to the top of the tree to rest and do nothing at night. At this time, the laughter in the forest is even louder. It sounds less noisy because of the higher position of the rest. Do not understand the charm of the heart, raise a tree only to be quiet?

Really like this, it is not as good as a screen sound spell.

the next morning.

The forest wakes up earlier than the Tangs, and the opening is ridicule.

"Continue to burn."

Tang Shidao waved a plant that grew and ironed to nourish the dead. The charm is slightly open, and it is also advised not to export, only to follow the instructions of the captain. The nourishment of the tree demon is getting higher and higher, but it is not a human feeling. On the contrary, it is the one that ridicules the most.

The next tree demon is also laughing, as if to see the most stupid fool in the world.

Two days.

Three days.

Four days.

Gradually, the nourishment of the tree demon grew taller and bigger, ten times more than other big trees.

At this time, the team members found something wrong.

As the tree demon grows up, the forest is slowly becoming quiet. The rest of the tree demon from the few words to the whispers, and then to silently watching, and finally only the tallest tree demon is constantly ridiculed.

On the fifth day, the first change occurred.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The sixth day.

"Are you whispering?"

The seventh day.

"Are you secretly guiding them?"

The eighth day.

“Why do they only nourish you?”

ninth day.

“Are you doing a transaction privately? Have you betrayed us?”

tenth day.

"Unforgivable! You must betray us, or why they only nourish you? You are a shameless traitor. You block our sunshine, you have taken away our magic rain, and you secretly help our enemies."

In just ten days, I laughed at the amazing changes in the woods.

A unique tree demon grows too big, and it becomes a super giant tree. The other tree demon at the foot is like a short grass. Although it has been ridiculing the people of Tang Shidao and there is no trace of betrayal, other tree demons are questioning more and more every day.

It is desperately explained, but it is useless.

It grows up every day and every day, and other tree demons don't have a trace of nourishment. In the end, even the ridicule can't be passed. Because the people of Tang Shidao stopped at a high place, the other tree demon looked up and could not see anyone.

"Cut it, turn it back into a sapling, I will show you the way!"

"Cut it!"

"Cut it!"

Laughing at the forest and screaming, this time it is not directed at the Tang Shidao people, but their own partners: a giant tree that is hundreds of times taller than them.

"Are you sure?" Tang Shidao smiled.

"We laugh at others, but never lie. Cut it, we guide you out." The whole piece of mocking the forest is roaring.

"I didn't betray you, I really didn't..." The tallest tree demon struggled to resolve.

But its companions ignored its opinions.


They know that it is not betrayed, but they don't need a giant tree that is hundreds of times taller than their partner: it's not fair!

"The stone blame, Lei Shi, trouble you, cut it down." Tang Shidao stopped nourishment.

Commanded teammates to do things.

The stone geek and Lei Shi reacted early, and picked up the giant axe and the giant sword to cut down the giant tree. The blue-eyed fox and the charmer stood quietly, and neither of them spoke. Before they did not understand the purpose of Tang Shidao, they saw the changes in the forest and they understood. Deliberately only nourish one, it turns out to mean this.

This is the conspiracy of Akasaka.

Even if the tree demon know that the giant trees are not betrayed, they do not allow such a special existence.

For a while.

The giant tree demon fell, and a small sapling emerged from the stump. This time it no longer makes a mocking voice, and the rest of the tree demon is silent, but the eyes replied that ‘this is a normal partner’.

"Captain Tang." The Green Eye Fox was first called by the captain: "The fruit of the forest is a kind of finished gold alloy. It is best to collect some when it is free."

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao knows the difference between alchemy materials and finished products.

The material represents what needs to be refined.

The finished product represents something that can be used directly.

There are ready-made products, it is not awkward.

The five people each collected a bunch of ‘smirking fruits’. At this time, ridiculing the forest also allowed a straight road to be stretched far into the distance. Tang Shidao has no doubts. Now it is ridiculous that the forest wants to go fast, and it is impossible to make small moves.

In the past few days, the spells were not parked, and the mana was increased by two mana at 1:00.

The succubus looks like a small gain.

There are not many words for five people.

Quickly through the woods avenue, and soon came to a stone wall.

at this time.

The road behind the ridicule of the forest once again closed, and laughed: "Stupid, fool. Be fooled, fooled."

Tang Shidao turned back.

Laughing at the forest and still, a look we didn't say anything.

Charm smile: "Don Captain, we have trouble, this is the entrance to the labyrinth of lies. Laughing at the forest did not lie to us, it let us come, but lead the road to a more troublesome place. The most troublesome around the forest is sorrow Weeping swamps and lie labyrinths, roaring plains and wilderness are much easier and broader."

Tang Shidao smiled: "This way. It doesn't matter, what to face in the mission."

There are not many words in the charm, and five people broke into the maze.

"Left to the left!"

"No, right!"

"No, go to the left!"

"It is to the right!"

At the entrance to the labyrinth, there are two black and white faces on each side. They say one left and one right, all of them are very sincere.

Tang Shidao did not pay attention and proceeded.

There are not a few corners.

No way.

"Stupid stupid, said to the left."

"Ha ha ha ha ha... turn left to left."

Tang Shidao stopped and thought about it. He went back to his original position and went to the left again. This time, a few turns have no way.

"Ha ha ha ha, right to the right."

"Haha, I got it wrong, it is to the right, it is to the right."

Two black and white two strange faces laughed, and the Stone Monster Master was once again annoyed. Take out the giant hammer and go to the maze wall. Two or three times, the stone geeks have a ‘gate.’ Everyone passed through, and the smashed place suddenly changed and became a crossing. At the same time, black and white two strange faces appeared on both sides of the crossing, and they screamed to the right and left.

"The stone-clad friends are useless. They are labyrinths themselves, they can repair themselves, and they can also self-close."

"Maybe I can help." The blue-eyed fox suddenly came forward.

As a player, everyone must have their own role.

Charm has a fire spell, the stone blame is powerful, the stone has a defense, the blue eye fox can not help a little. Mixing tasks and getting rewards is not the most important reward for multiplayer missions. In the multi-person mission, the most precious harvest is... make friends!

A teammate who is only lazy and effortless will never be a friend of others.

There are not many words about the blue eyed fox.

A large number of small mechanical spiders were released and quickly dispersed in all directions. These spiders are alchemy items that don't have much attack power and are best used for pathfinding.

Tang Shidao also released a few crows.

Did not wait to fly out.

Suddenly, a few large bats did not know where to fly out, quickly killed the summoned crow, and another face stared at the people of Tang Shidao, as if to say: the air is our territory! Don't open your wings indiscriminately!

Lei Shi asked, Tang Shidao shook his head and said not to start playing.

Waited for a little while.

Qingyan Fox frowned and said: "Captain Tang, the export is found. But these exports will change with time, and will automatically close every other time. I chose the nearest route and everyone speeded up. It is estimated that it may not be successful. Try to try it. Let's go."

Tang Shidao sighed.

Turning on the aura of quickness, the five quickly followed one of the mechanical spiders.

Three minutes later.

Five people rushed to the exit, just when it was closed.

"This side." Qingyan Fox calmly greeted.

Five people ran away again.

After a minute, I rushed to the exit and it was just closed.

"Go here again."

the third time.

The blue-eyed fox took three roads, and it was just the closing time before going to the exit. Looking at Tang Shidao, the blue-eyed fox is very embarrassed: "I am not right. I have calculated the time of closure, obviously it is too late. Sorry, Captain Tang, I can't help."

"Hey!" The stone-clad roared and waved the giant hammer to open.

The wall collapsed.

It’s awesome... obviously the opposite of the exit, still the wall!

"Stupid, go forward."

"Stupid, go back."

"Stupid, go up."

"Stupid, go down."