MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 23 : World War I became famous 3, bulimic river

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At the crossing of the labyrinth, two black and white faces are screaming.

One said to the left and the other to the right, one said the former and the other said that there was no unified opinion. Going by one of them said that it was only the wrong route. Finally, they agreed, and it was not right to follow the direction. The end point was still a dead end.

After a few turns, the charm is stopped.

Tang Shidao said: "I know it is not good to go here. But please believe me, there will be a way."

The other four nodded.

Multiplayer mission, trust is very important! As long as it is safe and worry-free, time is not a problem. The task of Master Network is the least afraid of taking time. The longer the small team meets, the deeper the friendship may be, so everyone is not afraid to waste time. What's more, Tang Shidao's very confident appearance is not like a cliché.

It took three or four days.

"Stupid, thought we didn't see it?"

"Stupid, we saw it early."

"You secretly cast a group of rats down and secretly made a mark."

"You secretly mark."

"We won't let you go, all the routes are under our control."

"We control the route."

Two black and white two strange faces speak loudly, mocking, a look of your actions as early as our grasp.

Everyone looked to Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao smiled: "I am asking for your help."

The stone blame pats the chest and stands by.

Tang Shidao pointed to the black face: "Trouble you, smash it! Just lick one, the other is not!"

"Hey!" The stone geek did not ask the reason, waving is a hammer.

The giant hammer is waving, and the black face is crushed.

Tang Shidao immediately asked the white face: "This mouth is facing the left, is it?"

The white face is stunned, but it should not be said.

"Thank you." Tang Shidao did not wait for the other party to answer, and turned back to ask the green eyed fox. The blue-eyed fox heart understands the right side of the finger, indicating that there is an exit road here.

Five people ran immediately.


Another crossing appeared, Tang Shidao sipped: "Don't let them speak, licking the white face."

The stone screams on the stone.

Melee Master.

It is so heroic.

A hammer smashed the white face, and Tang Shidao rushed to ask: "Your friend told me to go to the right, thank you. Excuse me, is this left?"

The black face was surprised and didn't talk.

"Thank you." Tang Shidao did not want to answer at all. The blue-eyed fox has already indicated a road that is likely to be exported.

Go to the next intersection.

"Black," Tang Shidao said.

The stone blame flies.

Tang Shidao also asked: "Your friend just said, you can not close all exports, at least must leave an exit pair?"

The white face was a little distorted, and the face was not talking.

Thanks again, Tang Shidao walked away.

next time.

"White." Tang Shidao just pointed out that the hammer of the stone-eating blame has been opened. Tang Shidao smiled and asked: "Your friend told me that you can't tell the truth, you must be fake. If you can't tell lies Is it true that the truth of the friend is denied?"

The black face is extremely distorted and bites his teeth.

At this moment.

Everyone has tasted it. I know that the lucky little Don is not asking for their intelligence. They only need to be present in a single one, and then push their guesses to another strange face. Go left to right, or at least one exit can't be closed, etc. These are the captains' own imagination, and he just said that the information provided by the other party.

"Do they quarrel?" Charm guessed what the consequences were.

"It will be. It may be played." Tang Shidao smiled that they could not tell the truth, so it is impossible to explain clearly.


After a few corners, I didn’t wait for the people of Tang Shidao to come. One black and one white face had already quarreled.

"You tell them how to take the right route?"

"It is obviously you."

“Why do they know that the maze must have an exit?”

"You told them."

"You have to tell me the truth, have you told them?"

"It's you, you are cheating on me."

The two strange faces that can't tell the truth are quarreling. They are all lies, or they can only decide each other. The two sides can't communicate well. The two strange faces are more and more fierce and fierce, and they are completely unable to attend the Tang Shidao and his party.

In the final analysis, they are only born under the influence of magic, with a little intelligence but not comparable to people.

Don't say that they are not very good.

Even the great god, as long as there are pig teammates around, it is still pitted.


The two strange faces of the labyrinth only quarreled, and the Tang Shidao group went out smoothly. At this time, they saw the prey escape, and they were not only quarreling but also fighting. The labyrinth wall is twisted and slowly turns into two oversized stone giants. You punch me with a punch.

“The broken crystal is ‘lie rock salt’, the finished product of alchemy, we collect some.” The blue-eyed fox is an expert in alchemical materials, and certainly not to be missed.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao is also interested in the finished product.

The crowd quickly collected, regardless of the results of the two stone giants. Anyway, they will become a maze when they are broken, as long as the magic spring of this planet is still in them, they will not really die.

I have passed two passes.

The four people have not really used force, and the other four have also risen in confidence.

Less than half a day.

The ground warcraft did not encounter, but a river blocked everyone's way.

"Ha ha ha, so boring, boring, finally someone came. Welcome, I am hungry, give me something to eat, give me food, I will let you go." Big river, a huge face in a big laugh Appear, ask for food at an opening.

The charm of the hand reached out and stopped the crowd, slowly took out a pair of blue gloves, the frost on the top of the frost.

It looks like it.

This seems to be the magic gear she prepared early.

“Is there trouble?” asked Tang Shidao.

"This is a gluttonous river. Its water is very deep, it can generate vortex itself, and it can also produce water monsters, water snakes, water tentacles, etc. Don't believe it, it is not fed enough. If we throw something to eat it It will only say that it is still hungry, and how many things are not filled with its appetite." The charm of the wave waved, a stream of ice blowing, a large piece of ice floes quickly formed on the river.

Turning around and signaling to Tang Shidao, you can only cross the river in this way.

At this time.

There are a lot of transparent monsters in the river, and some water snakes that have been condensed by the river have climbed out. There are also a lot of octopus tentacles that have to be stretched out, and they are rushing toward the ice floes.

"Captain Tang?"

Seeing that Tang Shidao did not move, the other four were also strange.

It’s time for ‘competition power’, and the Master’s mission can’t be solved with everything.

Tang Shidao calmly said: "Before the charm of the Moss also mentioned the information of this river, I am prepared, I want to give it a try. I suspect that there are eyes in the sky staring at us, the less our combat power is exposed, the better. Ray Stone, stone blame, green eye fox, charm, you be careful, let me deal with this river first."

"Good." The four birds looked up at the sky and knew that Tang Shidao would not be targeted.

"The ground moves to shake the mountain." Tang Shidao's shot is a 10 point mana.

The spell flashed.


The whole ground began to shake, and the mud on both sides of the river bank rolled and sank into the water.

"Well, it's delicious, it tastes so good." The river shouted a huge mouth and swallowed the collapsed soil.

Charm nodded, indicating that this guy eats everything.

Tang Shidao thought about it calmly.

After a few breaths, another place was shaken and released.

As before, the ground moving mountain once again collapsed part of the ground and fell into the river to become a food for the bulimia river. Because it was shaken once before, the second collapse was more serious.

Tang Shidao ignored the results.

Continue to cast.

It has 67 mana, and the ground can be cast 6 times, and it will be no problem to reply 7 times.

The wizard's spell power is full back in an hour.

Tang Shidao is not in a hurry. He shakes the mountain six times in an hour, and turns a large land surface into countless potholes in a small half day. This kind of 'earthquake' is not harmful in the wilderness. If it is a city, three or four earthquakes are enough for a city to be damaged.

"It's delicious. Still, still." The stomach of the bulimic river is a bottomless pit.

No matter how much the ground collapses, it doesn't care to swallow it.

Tang Shidao followed it.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

In a few days, even the mountain range that had been encountered collapsed and fell into the belly of a gluttonous river.

At this time, the bulimic river is no longer the appearance of a river. It has become a huge water area. Even the lake is not enough to describe it. There is a small ocean.

If it is seven days.

The bulimia river is finally ridiculed: "Are you a fool? My river will never be reduced, you will never feed me. No matter the wasteland or the mountain, I can all eat it into my stomach. Hahahaha, I have a vortex. There are sailors, and the bigger the river, the more you can't."

Fighting to this extent, the charm of the four people is also strange.

This is useless.

The bulimia river is absolutely not enough.

"I know that I can't fill it up." Tang Shidao laughed and listened. He took off his shoes, rolled his trousers, and stepped into the bulimia river... It was just the depth of the calf.

"You, you, you..." The gluttony river horrified.

"The first time I beat a soldier, I broke a few thousand and didn't have a weapon or an armor. Because there are no swords and armor on the soldiers. You are the same, you can't get out of the air by gluttony." Your river will not be less, but it will not be much. The soil will not be filled with too much water."

The bulimia river angers the vortex.


The whirl of the water in the calf: no eggs!

A group of water monsters and water snakes emerged, the number is quite a lot, facing the five mages... Hehehehe...

Stepping on the depth of the foot, the stone geek takes out a large iron bar and smashes a large piece, which can be crushed without any effort. The blue-eyed fox took out the bottle and the big pot, saying that the ‘cheese river water’ is also a kind of gold-finished product that can be used directly.

A magic ring shattered a large piece.

Only in this depth of water, she does not care how much the sailors emerged.

Not long after.

The people crossed the bulimic river safely and loaded a lot of bulimic rivers. At this time, Tang Shidao received an unexpected news: the Scarecrow sent 50 mana, requesting a public task process for the Master to watch.

Tang Shidao did not understand and told the situation to everyone.

Charm explained: "This is normal, the lucky little Tang captain. The bronze dragon's Warcraft Wasteland mission is the most difficult intermediate level, many people are paying attention. In addition, this is a multi-person mission, but also a time-limited mission. The bronze dragon is near death, the scarecrow We must safeguard its interests. If we are lazy and do nothing, waiting for the bronze dragon to die naturally, the Scarecrow will intervene. So, our process Scarecrow will definitely 'watch'."

Tang Shidao is even more strange: "The Scarecrow can see us?"

Charm shakes his head: "No. But once we have laughed at the forest, we will know that it knows how to use it. Killing one or one hundred World of Warcraft, it will know the type and quantity of Warcraft. We are too long. If you don't act, it will receive a message like 'Aider is lazy.' It's just a message, you can't see us directly."

Qingyan Fox added: "We have 50 mana to watch, and this ‘watch’ is also a message, we can't see how we act.”

Tang Shidao understood, accepted only a few words.

In a flash, four people separated by 20 points, and the remaining 30 points fell into Tang Shidao.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao does not know: far more than scarecrows, Master Network has countless mage to pay attention to the mission of the World of Warcraft.