MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1481 : The truth is the most deceiving

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"Did the method of division fail?"


"Yeah, at least I don't need to waste this time, and I can start to try other directions." The mage strongman who participated in the experiment has not died, so he can naturally listen to the words of friends and people. When they heard the news, they were also happy. It was normal for the experiment to fail, and it was strange to step into the sky to become the creation god.

In a way.

Failure is also a kind of success experience. With this experience, you can avoid some mistakes.

on the other hand.

This is an example of failure for an experimenter who wants to be a creation god. However, if you only want to enhance the little void and not want to become the creation god, this experiment is a successful example. It is a pity that the unknown messenger only explained this 'failure' and did not say what method was used to divide the little void into two. Therefore, the possibility of direct reference may be small.


Anyway, after hearing this ‘experience’, you can explore it yourself to find a successful way.

In general, knowing the result is easier to successfully imitate than not knowing at all.

At this moment.

Because of the participation of Shidao Xing, a celebrity, and the birth of an example of ‘failure’, the upgrade experiment of Little Void attracted more and more people. Until there is no result, people like to wait and see. Once you have results, people will gain even the failed ones. Once gains are made, it's not a matter of wasting time.


From this moment on, tens of thousands of mage powerhouses joined the ranks openly, seeming to fight with the determination of ‘unsuccessful and benevolent’. Like Shidao Xing, they did not hide themselves at all, so they conducted such experiments.

of course.

No one knows how many 'secret' secretly such experiments are.

Come to this step.

Downstone's 'promotion' has been initially successful. The experiment of split growth was not very reliable, and Tang Shidao did not want to succeed at all. Intentionally throwing an example of 'failure' is actually a kind of bait. The more people do it, the more attractive it is. If everyone has no clue, the result will only get worse.

The same is true of experimenters such as Shidao Xing.


That is a signal of ‘confidence +1’. Because failure means 'possible', there is no chance of 'possible' without failure. The mage's path of practice is not afraid of long distances, but he is most afraid of nowhere to go.

This head started, and Downtown began to quiet down, and slowly studied the experiment.

He believes that the 'enemy' will not watch silently.

Countless people like the creation experiment of Little Void, but it does not include the eclipse and allies of the eclipse. Similarly, if a man and a woman in the myth of the last century are malicious to the endless void, they don't want the experiment to go too smoothly. After all, Shi Dao Xing already stated that ... this experimental plan originated from endless void.

This sentence, the strong outside the world did not care.


The eclipse can't be ignored.

just in case.

This creation **** experiment was really successful. Another new void is bound to ‘retain’ an endless void race. At that time, the gods will be 'dead', and the powerful men in the endless void can also deal with the eclipse and solve this trouble once and for all. Similarly, the group of Starforgers supporting the eclipse will end in the same way, and the endless void strongmen will not indulge this group of people.

Are friends and have good wine.

Is the enemy, with a shotgun.

The Starforge is a worker who builds the living environment in the endless void, but the malicious one is not welcome.

When the experiment begins.

Undercurrents have been constant.

Still, this undercurrent was even more violent after a failed example was born. Soon, a group of people who usually never met met. There is also a familiar figure in this group: the night star. This group is, of course, allies of Eclipse.

"Mr. Tian Xixing ..."

When the last Starforge arrived, everyone motioned gently. Celestial Star, the 'spokesperson' of Celestial Eclipse, was also one of the earliest stars who cooperated with Celestial Eclipse. Tian Xixing belongs to a special group. The first word of each person is the word ‘Sky’. Other allies have suspected that these first stars are the same race, or the same family, as the 'Heaven' word. Eclipse is one of them, the most successful one.

"Is Tianhao Star here?" As soon as Tianxi Star arrived, he asked immediately.

"No." Most of the Starforge did not speak, only the closest people answered. This man is the father of the magic marsh star and the magic cloud star, called the magic dome star. His status is probably second only to a handful of people under the name ‘天’.


Everyone is a star caster, and no one really feels who is higher or lower. The Starforge group is more like a group of scholars, and if you don't have strong power, you have a high status.

"What is he doing?" Tian Xixing asked again.

"Heaven Star probably wants to find a fight with Zen Jiu." The magic sky star knows a lot of things, and has the feeling of a great housekeeper.

"Zen Jiu ... Is she so strong?"

"Probably not worse than Tianhao Star. According to limited information, Zen Jiu already has the power of great perfection. Although it has just been acquired for a long time, Zen Jiu's own combat power is not low. The first monk in the void, this name is not false. .If Tian Hao Xing is too big, he may not be able to take advantage. "Devil Star is the big steward and also the head of intelligence. He said these words a little strangely.

If Tang Shidao was present, he might say, "Where are you confident? Zen Jiu's combat power is" not low "?

None of the other Starforges spoke.

They don't know much.

However, I believe more than the extent that the magic dome said. From the perspective of a normal mage, Zen Jiu was silent after losing to Aoling. Many points are lost for failure, which is taken for granted to normal people. However, the Starforge is different from a normal mage. In order to structure the living environment, the Starforge always faces failure at all times, or in other words, has failed operations all the time.

The word failure is like breathing to the Starforge, everyone has countless experiences.

Even if the architecture is successful, in order to upgrade and update, countless failure experiences are needed to fill this set of ladders. Therefore, Starforge faces failure every day.

Will Starforge belittle others for these failures?

No, it won't.

Do you underestimate yourself because of these failures?

No, it won't.

The magic dome's speech is a bit problematic, but ... it doesn't matter what one's own thing is, everyone doesn't care about the intention of this big housekeeper.


Tian Haoxing's stubborn character, can others hold him?

No, it can't.

"Since he has an idea, then leave him alone. I'm calling everyone this time, I believe everyone knows the intention. The creation experiment of the little void ... Frankly speaking, I'm also trying. Eclipse promises everyone things Now we have the answer earlier. "Tian Xixing was not hesitant, and he directly stated the meaning.

What it means.

Tian Eclipse once "painted" a cake, and everyone believed it.

right now.

Sorry, there is no need to draw a cake, someone has already brought it out ... Although it is not clear whether this 'cake' is delicious or not. However, it is a cake, not a picture.

"So, what does Mr. Tian Xixing mean ..." Starforgers began.

As if to say.

With this cake, we don't care about the painting. By the same token, this 'alliance' is no longer necessary.

"I mean the opposite to everyone. Please come forward, Dark Night Star, tell me what you know." Tian Xi Xing signaled, Dark Night Star also stepped forward slowly.

Everyone was weird.

This article has been running strangely recently and can already be doubted.

"Bitter starfish betrayed us." Dark Night Star said a word gently, but the content was scary.

Come up is the big move.

The response was ...

No one responded.

"Unexpectedly." The magic dome star said, not surprising, as if he had already grasped the information. At the same time staring at the night star, it seems to indicate that you have anything else to say. If not, you are just as doubtful.

"Yunzhong is probably dead." Dark Night Star suddenly took out a weapon: the eternal lightsaber.


The news shocked everyone.

"Perhaps I haven't died, I'm not too sure. However, I have already picked up its troops. As far as I know, Yun Zhongjun has met with the Emperor, and it is likely that he will fight. You know They are all lunatics, and they will go to war for no reason. "

"Um." Devil Star nodded, and the other Starforges were not surprised.

Zenjiu had no reason to fight with Aoling.

There was no reason for the Scarecrow to fight the first Starforge.

"So, Yun Zhongjun may be dead, or he may be alive in an unknown way. The curse nine-color light has not changed, and it is estimated that Yun Zhongjun has not died. One thing happened after this: the bitter starfish suddenly betrayed us, and Suddenly, the Emperor started the creation experiment of Little Void. Then, in a certain way, he transmitted this method to Shidao Star. "

"..." The cast stars listened to silence.

at this time.

They ‘brain tonic’ a lot.

First, Yun Zhongjun had a fight with the Emperor. It is likely that both were 'dead'. Therefore, Yun Zhongjun lost the eternal lightsaber, and the emperor was dying. He had to think of a way to keep himself. Because the emperor was a genius among geniuses, he thought of the creation experiment of the little void.

He wanted to keep himself this way.

Shi Dao Xing is the ‘super mentor’ of Star Forge, ordinary characters ca n’t persuade him at all… but the emperor can.

With the creation **** body and the great creation technique, the person who casts the star is half a level higher than his peers. His speaking teacher Tao Xing will listen, and his experimental teacher Tao Xing will believe. More importantly, this recent "failure example" belongs to an unknown character.

So ...

"It is the result of the Emperor. Except for him, there is no second who can split a small void in one year." Dark Night Star groaned.

"How do you know?" Tian Xixing asked softly.

"It wasn't what I asked to know. It was told by‘ Light ’.” Dark Night Star raised an eternal lightsaber and said a very outrageous statement. However, no one doubted this moment. Because of the super-activation of the nine-color light, countless people have now practiced this power of 'spell veins'. The former owner of the eternal lightsaber is Yun Zhongjun, who has played against the emperor.

So it ’s not surprising that the eternal lightsaber ‘remembers’ something.

To this moment.

The Starforgers also understand the meaning of Tian Xixing: the alliance cannot be disbanded, because the Emperor's plan is not only to save lives, but also to ‘kill’… to annihilate. At the same time, his group of allies did not want to escape.

It is unclear why the bitter starfish took refuge in the Emperor.


Bitter starfish knows who these people are. If the bitter starfish is shameless and helps the Emperor deal with himself, it is difficult for him to stay out of the business.

"One more important thing," Night Star said again.

"You said." Tian Xixing motioned.

"Little Void's creation **** experiment does not have to be voluntary. If it succeeds, coercion is also feasible. And, it has a most suitable material."

"What materials?" The crowd asked.

