MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1480 : The first failed example of the experiment

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After practicing for so long in the endless void and elevating to such a high level, the only word that Tang Shidao did not understand: the last world.

In theory, the mage does not have the concept of 'time'.

Do not believe in the existence of time.

The time defined by ordinary people is the same as 'fireball' in the eyes of the mage, just a name. Because of the box of time, Tang Shidao understands that there is no real “yesterday” in endless void, only now. In other words, there is no yesterday or tomorrow, and it is always only now. Even if people say one day and one year, in fact, they will always only exist in the 'now'.

After entering the world of nothingness, one thing Tang Shidao could do but never did.

That's ... reorganize your parents.

Downstone has a way to do it.

Generally, a life that is dead in the void becomes energy, and enters the void world and transforms into another life. By the same token, the death of life in the void world will also become a material return to the void. Of course, humans do not necessarily become humans, and birds and beasts do not necessarily become birds and beasts, and may change differently. However, this existence will not disappear completely, it is always there.

If Tang Shidao finds it hard to find, as long as he spends a lot of time, he can find the lost father and mother.


That was not resurrection, but reorganization.

Strictly speaking, there is no difference between recombination of spells and gene cloning of science. Therefore, Tang Shidao feels that the parents have already survived in another way, and there is no need to kill again and change to become their own parents. From a certain point of view, it is already the parents' own life, and should not be deliberately changed back for the sake of having relatives.

Drawing on this, the 'previous generation' in the sense of time does not exist, but it is a simultaneous existence.

Even said.

In the ancient times before the present generation, there are sometimes Taisuo and others, earlier in the wild and ancient times, there is also the Great Nineth, and so on, and even earlier there is the big prince of the previous generation of God. Phoenix's father, these people ... they all live in 'now', at the same time and at the same time.

Regardless of the age, are they different from the mage of the current generation?


It's all the same.

The Great King IX has died and lived many times, entered the world of nothingness, and also ‘dead’ from the world of nothingness. Does it have a previous life and a next life?


Still the same as it.

and so.

Tang Shidao couldn't understand the word 'last life' because there was no real meaning of last life.

The naming of such important things as the last seven relics cannot be irrelevant. A spell is called flame, it is definitely not freezing, it must be burning. The last word of the Seven Remains of the Last World must have its meaning. It cannot be a random name. If you do not understand what the last world is, then it will be difficult to understand the true last relics of the last world.

It is now known that Aoling is only informed without knowing anything.

The characters most likely to know the Seven Remains of the Last World: Eclipse of Heaven, the man and the woman of the myth of the last world ... or the seven people of the last world who have not been determined to exist.

"What's your plan, boy?" The Scarecrow was experimenting with the method of ascension in the small void, and naturally he was very idle.

"Things need to be done one by one, and I just want to complete this experiment."

"Are you sure you will be able to live in the end?" The Scarecrow asked not to know whether he could live or not.

"Yes, there are many ways. Even the shadows of the last world and the shadows of the next world using the seven relics of the last world may replace myself as a 'God of Creation' being. But even with this ascension, they still You ca n’t be perfect. Presumably you are right, the power of the last seven relics has been taken away, they cannot be completed. To be successful, you may need to regain the lost power. "

"Maybe they also have their own ideas, and unqualified owners are not qualified to dominate them." The Scarecrow nodded gently.

"Yes. In short, they have not solved their problems, and no matter how they improve, they will not be completed."

"In the face of extraterrestrials, it can be solved not only by force." The Scarecrow lamented that it was never afraid of fighting, but now everything cannot be solved by fighting.

"Yes, but with force, we can be guaranteed."


At this point, the parties are no longer multiparty.

The Scarecrow understood this very well. If he had no power, the Master Network would have crashed 11 million times. Whether force can solve the problem, force is essential. Without the support of force, you have no way to use it. Outsiders may not tell you the rules.

Leave the mage network.

Tang Shidao returned to the small void of 'experiment'. Unlike all experimenters, Downs Road does not need to be guarded at all times.

The reason is simple ... because of the void primitive and the void primitive.

All other Starforgers need the protection of the Yuan embryo for the creation of the God of the Gods experiment. Only Tang Shidao does not. In contrast, Tang Shidao could use Yuan embryo to ‘replace’ the little void itself. This does not improve the success rate, but it can actually avoid the risk of death. Of course, if the limit is really exceeded, Tang Shidao will not sacrifice Yuan embryo, and definitely bear the damage himself.

Regardless of the power of reincarnation or the blood of the bridge of life and death, Tang Shidao is confident that he will not die.

Because of the upgrade of life weaving, the tenth skill was born, which is the forbidden curse dimension weaving. Even if it died outside the endless void or in an irregular place, as long as the projection of the zero realm is still there, Tang Shidao can re-weave himself . It is even possible that the projection is gone, the dimensional weaving of this curse is not extinguished, and you may use it ‘passively’.


Forbidden Nine-colored Light has been successfully pulsed and promoted for all mages to learn. In principle, as long as there is a mage who has trained nine-color light alive, nine-color light will not die. In the same way, if you die, Nine-colored Light will surely find a way to resurrect yourself.

and so.

Deaths that others worry about are the least feared thing of Downtown.

The eclipse is very strong, and the myth of the last world is also strong, but the force is not the main threat. Force is no threat to those who are 'no death'.

"Starting with energy gasification ..."

The upgrade experiments in the small void are simple and complex. Simplicity is eating, and complexity is integration and remodeling. Other experimenters are still in the process of swallowing, and Tang Shi Dao has begun to 'integrate' and 'reshape'. The conversion of energy and matter is very simple. The 'combination' of energy is matter, and the 'decomposition' of matter is energy.

Because of the relationship between creation and deities, Tang Shi Dao knows all things more than anyone else.

Start with pure energy.




Tiny solid matter is then formed. When these tiny substances are combined to form a framework, slowly 'grow' and slowly 'transform' into specific elements. After that, the elements are combined and built into a larger substance. In this way, step-by-step combination growth, step-by-step transformation and increase, eventually become appreciable material for ordinary people.

This degree is not the end.

Continue to combine.

Build on.

Slowly, material growth becomes larger, becoming life or inanimate objects ... In fact, life is also a definition, and everything may be alive to a mage. In the process, material continues to grow, slowly beyond the appreciable scope of ordinary people. It is worth noting that in the process, not all substances have become larger.

Inside the large matter, there are the medium ones. Inside medium-sized substances, there are also small substances. Inside the small matter, there are the micro matter.

When huge matter is generated.

The plain and the sea don't feel huge, and the planet is a unit.

At this time, if you look back, the body of ordinary people also looks like a 'planet'. There are also large, medium, small, and slightly different materials inside, and the number is endless. Not to mention small, growing up, the planet also has big and small. Even the big ones are countless times larger than the small ones. And then, galaxies, galaxies, super nebulae, and even the universe.


From a macro perspective, the inside of the ordinary person's body is also a 'universe' ... but the size of the matter is different.

When the plane universe takes shape, this is the only step to reach the Lord.

Compared to the small void, the plane universe is just a drop of water in the ocean. However, in front of the endless void, the small void of the general concept is also a drop of water in the ocean. Therefore, the plane universe, the small void, the endless void, they are different arrangements of small, medium, and large. If you don't mention proportions, they are no different from the small, medium and large arrangement of matter.

Because the small void is much larger than the plane universe, the mage needs more energy than this 'ocean' to control it.

Same thing.

Because the Endless Void is much larger than the Small Void, the mage needs more energy. However, that magnitude is just beyond the limit of self-explosion. Therefore, how to ensure that you do not explode, and at the same time control the ‘transformed’ void, this is the experimental problem. The creation **** is not so good, except for the elementary concept ‘God’.

About a year.

While the other Starforges were still devouring the Little Void, Tang Shi Dao had devoured it, and at the same time split and reshaped a new one: the Little Void.

Do not.

It should be said that it is not the new one, but two small voids the size of which are small.

This little void has twice the size of the original, but it still has this 'small' word. Regardless of whether the baby is a twin or not, he is a baby and will not become an adult. Does Downtown need a little void of twice the size? No, it is not needed. With dimensional weaving, continuously improving those spells may create new little voids.

Therefore, this 'growth' has no substantial meaning.

Just like the power improvement of the Seven Relics of the Last World, it is either completeness or completeness, and no further improvement will change its essence. By analogy, ordinary people, who make money from one million to 10 billion, are still ordinary people and will not live forever.

The creation **** of the void is not qualified by having two small voids.

Even if it succeeds in splitting a small void into two.

Done this.

Tang Shidao also did not conceal the star casters and secretly told the bitter starfish and others about this 'experimental example'. Then, someone reminded Shi Daxing again with the help of a friend, reminding him that this ‘growth’ path was wrong and he could not get out of the small void circle.

"Whose research results?"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter, anyway, now there are countless people watching and simulating."

"Well, it's a pity."

"It's a pity, at least we now know that the path of 'division and growth' is not going to work, and the Taoist star can take one less path of wrongdoing."


"And one more thing, the experimenter did not explode himself. It can be seen that as long as the experiment is well controlled, individuals will not easily fail. If we want to start the experiment, we need to pay attention to this first. The better the control, the lower the danger. "
