MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1482 : The beginning of the counterattack

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After the night star finished speaking, all the starmakers were lost in thought.


Just two words can explain many problems.

It is doubtful whether the bitter starfish really betrayed everyone at this moment. If the Emperor Tang Shidao can ‘force’ an outsider into material, the bitter starfish is likely to be a last resort. Of course, everyone does not care about the life and death of bitter starfish. Dark Night Star's reference to 'materials' has explained that as long as this experiment is successful, the emperor does not need others to agree to participate at all, and he can directly 'take people' to experiment.

As a matter of course, the consequences of being treated as material will never be too good.

this moment.

Everyone has nothing to talk about, and everyone knows that it is not appropriate to 'scatter' now. Because the opponent is not fighting now, but fighting back. The Emperor Tang Shidao can control the bitter starfish for experiments, and naturally, he can 'control' everyone. The strength of the bitter starfish is very clear to everyone. If the bitter starfish is defeated, it is probably enough for them.

In the past.

The endless void mage is very good to deal with. Now, it is not the same as it was then.

"Dark night star finished, what do you think?" Tian Xixing said softly, lowering his attitude a lot. Facing this situation, he was naturally upset. However, the Emperor's experiment changed the situation. He must adapt to the influence of the Emperor. You know, before, everyone needed something that Eclipse promised. Now, Eclipse's promise is ‘worthless’.

Times have changed.

The way you do things naturally changes. Although it is said that the alliance is not appropriate to dissolve, this group of people can completely leave the eclipse and form a new alliance alone.

"I have a question." Devil Star is the steward.

Without this alliance, he would be nothing. Therefore, the magic dome does not want the alliance to dissolve.


It is best to use Eclipse as the core alliance, so that you can confirm your status.

"Who do you want to ask?" Tian Xixing wanted someone to speak so that he could continue. After the Little Void Creation God experiment begins, the situation of the eclipse will become worse and worse, and this group of them must do something to change the situation.

"Night Star."

"Well, what's the matter?" Dark Night Star was indifferent, and only he was present to know what the 'truth' was.

"Does that eternal lightsaber belong to you now?"

"It can be used freely, but there are still some things that do not belong to me." Dark Night Star has thousands of answers in his heart, and has discussed with countless people such as Tang Shidao and Ku Haixing. It's not easy to fool a group of Starforgers, and using the truth is most likely to succeed.

"I guessed it. Well, you guys, Yun Zhongjun probably isn't dead." Devil Star likes to use the skills of analysis experts, although the guess may not be correct.

At this moment.

People don't have to guess and think about it.

Therefore, everyone's face is not good-looking. Yun Zhongjun is not an ordinary character, and the name of the strongest Warcraft is not false. In this world, some people ‘dead’ are weak once and even directly sink. However, there are very few aliens that are different. They are strong every time they ‘die’. Yun Zhongjun is likely to be such a person who fought against the Emperor. As a result, he has not been 'dead' completely.

In regards to star casters, Yun Zhongjun has the same attitude as Tang Shidao.

In the eyes of everyone.

The two of them died best together, and both were alive. Both were trouble.

"Dark night star, do you decide to always hold the eternal lightsaber?" Moqi Xing asked again.

"Do you want to 'go away'?" Dark Night Star asked.

"No, we are now an alliance and naturally won't stab you. But I want to remind you that if Yun Zhongjun is not dead, it is not safe for you to hold the eternal lightsaber. It is the strongest Warcraft, one to one you I'm afraid there is no chance of winning. "Devil Star said lightly.

"Magic dome, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing else, just a goodwill reminder. Before the situation is clear, you'd better be with the big team and don't run around alone. The bitter starfish has betrayed us, and he may provide us with information. By that time, no matter what It is still easier for Yun Zhongjun to find us. According to my estimation, Tang Shidao will not move until the experiment is fruitful. He fought with Yun Zhongjun and may not be 'safe'. " wave.

"Well." Dark Night Star naturally ‘listen to persuasion’.

The magic dome has a calculation meaning, in fact, it is tied to the night star not to leave the alliance.

At this moment.

The night star must be 'medical' because this is the original plan. The night star needs to be tied to the 'big team'. He thought of himself as a chess piece, and the deeper he buried the more useful it was. Tang Shidao handed him the eternal lightsaber, which meant he had brought a bomb. Yunzhong Jun is not dead. Dark Night Star has an eternal lightsaber. He naturally needs everyone's protection.

After persuading Night Star, others are more inclined to 'unity'.

Seeing the eyes of the star casters, Dark Night Star was grateful. Actually, I was sneering inside.


The eyes of this group of people not only mean 'we protect you', but also 'we want to steal your eternal lightsaber'. Night Star 'pretends stupid' is very reasonable, because now he needs to adopt a 'scared' attitude of Yun Zhongjun. The eternal lightsaber is not only an excuse, but also a bait. Even if the night star ‘lost’ the eternal lightsaber, it will fall into the hands of a suitable starforge.

At that time, it can still play its original role.

The alliance secures it later.

Once again, Celestial Star officially began to act. Under current circumstances, disrupting open experiments is impossible. It's just that the mage mighty teaming up against the endless void is definitely no problem in destroying their experiments.

"... The more important thing is to deal with the endless void mage strongman itself." The last issue of Tian Xixing is amazing.

"For example?" Devil Star couldn't keep up with this kind of brain hole.

"The most famous group of people." Tian Xixing's words were a little strange, not like the way the Starforge behaved.

The Starforge community prefers 'research' to 'combat'.


The endless void mage is not easy to deal with, and some of them cannot even figure out the actual strength. In addition, the strength of the Starforge is limited. If you are not in the area you are good at, or without the support of your own small void, the strength of the Starforge will be greatly reduced. Because he is a scholar who constructs the living environment, the Starforge is also like the race of life.

For example, someone like 'Eagle' must not be at full strength in 'Water'.

Similarly, people like 'fish' are half-powered on 'ground'.

A clearer example.

Night star.

In the environment with particularly strong light, or the high light plane, the power of the night star will be greatly reduced. On the contrary, if it is the ‘lightless plane’ or ‘eternal dark realm’, the power of the night star can be improved. Normally, the most suitable environment for the Starforge is his own small void. In his 'nest', the Starforger has at least dozens of times the power.

Therefore, Tian Xixing's words are very strange ... Starforges are not good at attacking, but better at building and defending.

Few are good at offense, nor are they good at it.

can only say.

They are more adaptable to the attack than the average Starforge. This is the type of star caster group in the harvest mode, but even if they dare not say 'good', they are at least more knowledgeable than other star casters. When it comes to offensive action, they are not in favor.

"How to do it? We will only take advantage of ourselves if we take the initiative." The magic dome will not directly oppose it, but it will pull everyone against it in the language.

"Of course only us are bad. However, we can find some new allies." Tian Xixing laughed.

"No one in the world likes to get in trouble." Devil Star shook his head gently.

"What if they knew that Starforge could be the experimental material?"


"We can tell them the information of the Night Star. Some people in the world do not want to" sacrifice "themselves for experiments, so they need such" materials ". As long as the materials are not themselves, it doesn't matter if they succeed or fail. , I'm not afraid that no one joins us. You know, there are many star casters in the endless void. "Tian Xixing's mind is fast, and what Dark Night Star just said, he has already thought about how to use it.


"How to use this material hasn't been defined yet?" Moqixing said again.

"Of course, this requires certain results before we can start. But it is better to prepare in advance than not to prepare. In case someone has recently developed some benefits, the preparation can start the simulation immediately. Besides, as long as we have enough people, everyone Naturally, there is no need to worry about troubles. Don't forget, we do n’t have the Great Genesis, but the Great Star. ”Tian Xixing suddenly mentioned the old thing again.

"..." The Starforgers were silent again.

The success of Emperor Tang Shidao may be related to his possession of Genesis.

Owned and not.

Two levels.

The eclipse's promise is related to the creation of the world, and it is a promise to let everyone divide the world of creation. The benefits of this 'commitment' are also good for experiments. At least, it is better to understand than not to understand.

"It's not a small price to go back and forth to the sky." Moqixing said that this sentence has actually ‘agreeed’.

Others have the same idea.


They were originally 'harvesters' ... they like to **** more than train.

After agreement, a group of people acted separately.

Things they don't know.

Night Star uses the eternal lightsaber to 'transmit' a light: a special message. It wasn't just Downstown who received this message, but others. They all have one thing in common: the participants in this plan, namely the mage who are ready to 'face up'. The only thing that surprised them: Originally, this required Dark Night Stars to guide everyone in the direction of 'combat war'. Unexpectedly, Tian Xixing did this.

"Tian Xixing has another plot, Tang."

"Sure it is, but it doesn't matter. The result is just like what we need. They will 'pull' some extraterrestrial forces against us. In order to collect materials, and to understand the extraterrestrial forces, everything is as planned. Go. Now instead of saying that Tian Xixing has an idea, it is better to say that Eclipse has an idea. "

"Related to that man and woman?"

"Yes. Eclipse probably wants to use us against them."

"Okay, it doesn't matter. It is unrealistic to ask the enemy to show mercy. We have the ability to do it ourselves. Don, let's go and prepare to face the matter. We don't guess more about other things, and we will be notified when there is new information."

"Okay." Tang Shidao opened thousands of portals and sent the guests away.

This group may not know each other.

However, they all have a common name: Mage of Endless Void ... the top group of people.

They have no responsibility against the Starforge.

It is everyone's responsibility to guard the endless void.

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